
2016-03-10 12:28莫可维
科技视界 2016年25期


(广州大学机械与电气工程学院,中国 广州510006)



(广州大学机械与电气工程学院,中国 广州510006)



1 Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Research

In the era of information globalization,technological exchanges are quiet frequent worldwide.In 2015,China for the first time become the largest importer of the German electrical and electronics industry,with the import volume reaching 14.9 billion euros,an increase of 16.1%(the author’s translation,蒋钦云,2015:4).To a certain extent,China’s needs for electrical equipment are considerable.

Since China began its reform and opening up in the late 1970s, import and export now accounts for a large proportion of the national economy(Siyuan Zhou,2010:2).Chinese industrial productions win a place in the world market.According to The Economist,“In 1990 it produced less than 3%of global manufacturing output by value;its share now is nearly a quarter”(Anon,2015:16).China’sindustry hasgained the considerable development.

1.2 The Significance of the Research

As all we know,science and technology are the primary productive force.With the rapid development of China’s s economy and the frequent international technology exchanges,the application of electrical engineering become the crux of the economy and the industry development.In order to catch up with the progress of global industrialization,China should import advanced technology and equipmentfrom othercountries.Electrical equipment as the significant component of the industrial manufacturing is playing an important rode in increasing the industrial output and reducing the pollution.Now,more and more electrical workers have to read many manuals of electrical equipment manufactured abroad,hence the translation of electrical equipment manual becomes increasingly important.

China,as the second biggest industrial country,needs to not only strengthen its international cooperation in electricity industry but also improve the quality of its exports.Electrical equipment manual as one of the vital measurement of the quality,which is the bridge of communication and the guidance of proper application,Chinese-to-English translation of electrical equipment manual consequently become very significant in the exportation of electrical equipment.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies on the Translation of Electrical Equipment Manual

In 1963,Vacuum Electronics published a passage named The Words Terminate in Tron:“In recent years,more and more new words appear in electrical engineering which terminates in-tron.”Therefore,“we translated and complied those words related to electrical engineering”(the author’s translation,Anon,1963:58).This passage provided a series of new specialized vocabulary translations of electrical equipment manual,which benefited the application of foreign equipment and translation of electrical equipment manual at that time.It is common that a same English word of scientific terms represent different meaning in different subject.Therefore,when the word be translated into Chinese,it has totally different expression(the author’s translation,凌渭民,1982:42).It is significant for the understanding of source text,accuracy of the translation and the improvement of the quality to consciously apply logic thinking and rules in translation,especially in English translation of science and technology(the author’s translation,帅建林,1994:72).Since the feature of English translation of science and technology has been systematically summarized,and the difference between technical terminology of electrical engineering and other profession has been pointed out,the basic principles of translation of electrical engineering gradually develop.At present,more and more translation theories and technique are applied to translation of electrical equipment manual,such as Yan Fu’s Faithfulness,Expressiveness,Elegance,Fu Lei’s Parataxis Theory,Newmark’s semantic translation and communicative translation,Christiane Nord’s Functionalism as well as Nida’s Functional Equivalence.

2.2 The Features of Electrical Equipment Manual

2.2.1 The Structure of Electrical Equipment Manual

With quite a lot variety of standard and function,electrical equipment can be graded according to voltage class.Generator,transformer,breaker etc. in power system are high voltage equipment,and integrated devices like electric integrated control cabinet are belong to low voltage equipment.

The electrical equipment manual mainly contains the description and introduction of the security use,operating principle,technical parameter,structure,installation debugging,operation as well as preventivemaintenance of the equipment(the author’s translation,莫群俐,qtd.in王丽媛 2013).In brief,the main function of electrical equipment manual is to explain the characteristic of the equipment and show user the usage.

The content of electrical equipment manual should be well organized according to the national standards,which can be divided into the following parts:


2)Identification and specification of the product,general warnings

3)Identification of instruction documents

4)Modification of products

5)Safety notes

6)Intended environment

7)Declaration of conformity

8)How to use the instruction materials

9)Preparing the product for use

10)Operating instructions

11)Maintenance instructions

12)List of spare parts

13)Instructions for special tools,equipment and materials

14)Instructions for repair and replacement of parts

15)Taking the product out of operation(decommissioning)

16)Table of contents,index and other lists,definitions,and meta-syntax

(European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization,2001)

Generally speaking,the main functionsofelectricalequipment manual are introduction,explanation,regulation and suggestion.Abovementioned structure and sequence shall be adjusted according to actual products.Some advanced electrical equipment have distinctive characteristics.Take off Grid Portable Solar Power Generation Instruction as an example.The instruction of newly developed product is far more detailed:substantialgraphsalwaysattached to theoperating steps. Because the equipmentmanualisan operation guide instead of description of the theoretical specifications of the equipment,the emphasis may different from Science and technology writing.

2.2.2 The Linguistic Features of Electrical Equipment Manual

Electrical equipment manual is a sort of scientific and technical writing.There are many similarities among them.Lexically,electrical equipmentmanualcontains plenty terminology and abbreviation. Nominalization is also a prominent feature of electrical equipment manual.Syntactically,the style of all manuals belongs to the type of“The Dos-and-Don’ts Style”which emphasis clearness,directness and unambiguousness(Siyuan Zhou,2010:27).Electrical equipment manual uses imperative sentence.However,to express clarity and fluency,it uses simple sentences instead of subordinative compounds.

Discourse usually refers to the language units consist of a series of consecutive words or sentences,which should has a topic structure or logical structure,a certain logic relation between sentences,organization in syntax and independence in communication(the author’s translation,黄国文,qtd.in王俊华 1988).The feature of electrical equipment manual in discourse level is modularity:the logic of every chapter is close,and the connection between chapters is loose,which has no conjunction or transition sentence.

2.3 The Theory of Functional Equivalence

As a famous linguist and translator in America,Eugene Albert Nida was one of the founders of the modern discipline of Translation Studies. Nida’s theory has a great impact in the field of translation and the most distinguished achievement is functional equivalence,which was initially known as dynamic equivalence.

According to Nida,the focus in translation has shifted from the form of message to the response of the receptor(Nida,2003:1),which means it cannot judge the correctness of translation from the words and the grammar matching but from the response of the receptor.

Nida believes that the translation comprises four stages:


Lexically,Nida creatively divides all words in four categories:object, event,abstract and relations(Nida,2003:37),which is a reformation of traditional grammar.Translators are fettered easily by focus on the parts of speech from the source-language,so Nida reconsiders the relationship between words and divides them by their function.In other words,Nida has recast the expressions so that events are expressed as verbs,objects as nouns,abstracts(quantities and qualities)as adjectives or adverbs(Nida, 2003:38).

Syntactically,Nida puts forward a new analysis method about“Kernel Sentences”(Nida,2003:39).He believes that languages have the basic structural elements,and at the syntax level translations can get rid of the bound of common difficulty,which mean that one can deal with more simple structures and transfer languages more readily.The basic structures of kernel level can be constructed consist of the following illustrative types:John ran quickly;John hit Bill;John gave Bill a ball;John is in the house;John is sick;John is a boy;John is my father(Nida,2003:40).


After having thorough analysis,two points should be noted when one is transferring the message,one is the semantic adjustments,the other is the structural adjustments(Nida,2003:104).In Nida’s theory,the content is the most important,the form is secondary.Although the loss of semantic content is unavoidable when transferring,translator should make that minimum. When it comes to structural adjustments,four various levels structure are mentioned:discourse,sentence,word and sounds(Nida,2003:105).


As a matter of fact,in actual process of translating,the translator will constantly swing back and forth between the analytical and restructuring processes(Nida,2003:104).In this part,it is the style translator should consider.With the effect of the various factors of the receptor and the form in some special cases such as poetry,the product of an appropriate style is largely related to the processes of restructuring.


This is the last part of translation,and is very essential step,which should coverthe entire range ofpossible problems:accuracy of rendering,intelligibility,stylistic equivalence,etc.Nida talks about the length of the translations,and believes that a good translation should longer than the original text,because the receptor is from different culture after all,and it is necessary to add some relevant redundancy in the translation to make the message explicit(Nida,2003:163).What’s more,Nida also admits that the only linguistically reasonable test is Cloze Technique(Nida,2003:169).

However,the testing procedure is rather hard to accomplish,Gentzler thinks it is difficult to measure the psychological reaction of readers:not only people from different culture react different to same expression,but people from same culture do too.(the author’s translation,封霁芯,2008: 248)

The famous equivalence theory is based on above mentioned stages. Nida points out that there are two kinds of equivalence in the translation. One is formal equivalence,which lays stress on the strict translation between source language and target language.And the other one is FunctionalEquivalence.Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style(Nida, 2003:12).

According to Nida’s definition,dynamic equivalence can be explained in the following points:

1)Reproducing the meaning of the source language.

2)Equivalent translation,which means the message should arouse the same respondence rather than reproduce the form of the message.

3)Closest,which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation(Nida,qtd.in Yinhua Xiang 2011).

4)Natural equivalence requires that the translation should avoid literal translation.

As we can see,the other strategies Nida puts forward are service the application of dynamic equivalence.

In order to avoid confusion,Nida changed from dynamic equivalence to functional equivalence.The meaning between them is largely the samebut he places greater emphasis on the equivalence of the response of receptors,and points out the form is one kind of information.

3 Translations Strategies of Electrical Equipment Manual

In this chapter,the author will analyzes the translations of electrical equipment manual from the perspective of functional equivalence.The examples are from following manuals:Accu SinePower Correction System (PCS)Instruction Bulletin,AL-FNR Neutral Grounding Resistor Cabinet for Generator Installation Instruction Book,KincoN Series Stepper Motor Driver 2M880N User Manual.

3.1 At the Word Level

There are two categories of terms for electrical equipment manuals.

1)Technical Terms

Example 1:

English resistance capacitance inductance conductance inverter commutator Chinese Translation电阻 电容 电感 电导 变频器 整流器

This kind of vocabularies is terms specifically dedicated to electrical industry,and complete equivalence at the lexical level is achieved.

2)Semi-technical Terms

Example 2:

English:Turn off all power supplying this equipment before working on or inside(Anon,2013).

Chinese translation:在设备内部或外部进行操作前,要关闭设备的所有电源(Anon,2012)。

In example 2,the word “power”is a semi-technical term,which has different meanings in other discipline.For example,in Physics,it means“功率”,in Mathematics,it can be translated to“幂”,in Medicine,“power”specifically means the magnification of microscope.In Electrodynamics,“power”means“能源”when translates into Chinese,and the“power supplying”in example 2 means“电源”in Chinese.

Example 3:

English:IGBT Driver in IGBT module malfunction(Anon,2013).

Chinese translation:模块中IGBT驱动故障(Anon,2012)。

In example 3,the word“driver”is used as a synonym for“be run by”in Mathematics.However,in sports,it means“射门运动员”.In Laws,it means“驾驶员”.

In conclusion,semi-technical terms in example 2 and 3 can be found in other field.In order to translating these words equivalently,one should be familiar with relevant discipline.In an electrical equipment manual, the choice of words’meaning should relate to electrical engineering.

Example 4:

English:Wait 10 minutes after removing power before opening the door or removing covers to permit the DC bus capacitors to discharge (Anon,2013).

Chinese translation:断电后请耐心等待10分钟,待直流总线电容器完全放电完再打开柜门或卸下防护罩(Anon,2012)。

The word“bus”in example 4 refers to“总线”in electrical equipment manual.In non-technical settings,it mainly means“公共汽车”,a kind of vehicle.

Example 5:

English:If phase rotation is Incorrect de-energize unit wait 10 minutes for the DC buss to discharge(Anon,2012).

Chinese translation:如果相序不正确,则将机组断电10分钟,以便直流总线放电(Anon,2012)。

The word“units”means“单位”in general article but it means“机组”in electrical equipment manual.

In conclusion,some words in electrical equipment manual will have different meanings.In order to distinguish the actual meaning in other settings,translators should analyze the words in certain contexts.

3.2 At the Sentence Level

Electrical equipment manuals contain a great deal of imperative and passive sentences.

Example 6:

English:This is the safety alert symbol.It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.(Anon,2013).

Chinese Translation:安全警告标志。该标志用于指出潜在的人身伤害危险。遵守此标志指示的所有安全信息以避免可能的伤害或死亡。(Anon,2012)。

In this example,the word“alert”serves as an event,which designates an action of warning.In Chinese,“警示”is the closest equivalent word, however,as we can see,the word “hazards”has the overlapping meaning with “alert”.According to the functional equivalence theory,the natural and idiomatic translation of“alert”is“指出”.“follow”and“to”are translated to “指示”and “以”,which is more accord with the style of electrical equipment manual.

Example 7:

English:For optimum performance in harmonic mitigation mode, adhere to the following recommendations:·All harmonic generating loads must have a minimum 3%line reactor or 3%DC choke installed.·No capacitors downstream of the Main CTs.(Anon,2013).

Chinese Translation:为达到谐波抑制模式的最佳性能,必须采纳以下建议:1.所有生成谐波的负载必须安装至少3%进线电抗或3%直流电感。2.主电流互感器下游没有电容器。(Anon,2012)。

The word“建议”in Chinese is a euphemistic expression,in order to reproduce the meaning of the source language and have equivalent response,the translation “必须采纳以下建议”is reasonable.To replace the subject of some inanimate sentences can avoid literal translation.If the translation of“No capacitors downstream of the Main CTs”is“没有电容器位于主电流互感器下游”,the readers would not be able to understand what it means.What’s more,all the abbreviation in English should be translated completely in Chinese to avoid ambiguity.

Example 8:


English Translation:The highest capacitative current while standing power supplies are put to use or switching on and off by section shall be considered when caculating grounding capacitative current of the grid. (Anon,2015)

Because of the different culture,English expression always put the most significant element in the beginning of the sentence.The order of words should be alter when restructuring the sentence.

Example 9:


English Translation:The drivers are applicable to various medium and small automation equipment and instruments,including engraving machines,labeling machines,cutting machines,numerical control machine tools,and plotters.They are ideal choices for users in search of low vibration,low noise,high accuracy,and high speed.(Anon,2013)

The subject in English is indispensability,while it is not in Chinese. If the subject of the Chinese sentence is missing,translator should add it to the sentence according to the context.By analyzing elements and kernel of above two sentences:“The drivers are applicable to…”and“They are ideal choices for…”.The types of kernel are“John is sick”and“John is a boy”.On this basis,translators can add the modification to the kernel sentences and make it complete.

3.3 At the Discourse Level

Discourse equivalence is based on words and sentences equivalence, and the discourse level is the complete unit of meanings as well as logic.

Example 10:

English:The CT must be orientated properly during installation.The orientation is specified in the drawings with an arrow indicating the direction or polarity of the CT.Most CT manufacturers will indicate orientation with a label indicating H1 on one side of the CT or a dot. There can also be a label indicating H2 and/or an arrow on the CT.The H1 side of the CT should always be closest to the power source.If the CThas an orientation arrow,it should point from the source towards the load. See the installation instructions for the specific CTs being installed…CT location is defined in relationship to the active filter system…Two CTs are required to be installed,one on L1 phase and one on L2 phase of the conductors powering the loads to be compensated by the active filter system.If there are any line-to-neutral connected loads downstream of the active filter system’s main CTs,a third CT is required on L3 phase. (Anon,2013)

Chinese Translation:安装过程中,应确定CT方向。图纸中用指示CT极性方向的箭头规定方向。大部分CT制造商会在CT的一侧贴有指示H1的标签或点以指出方向。CT上也可能有指示H2的标签和/或箭头。CT的H1侧务必靠近电源侧。如果 CT标有方向箭头,该箭头应从电源侧指向负载侧。详细的CT安装请见安装说明…CT位置取决于与有源滤波器的位置关系…要求安装两套CT。建议一套安装于A(L1)相位,另一套安装于B(L2)相位,此相位是指为由有源滤波器补偿负载供电的电缆的相位。可连接任意三相电缆上的两套CT。如果有源滤波器主电流互感器下游存在任意火线对零线间的连接负载,则C (L3)相位需要第三套CT。(Anon,2012)

As we can see,there are plenty simple and short sentences in the English version.Most of them are not connect with others by connectives. If the translator just produces them sentences by sentences,the inner logic will be missing.Hence,the core of the discourse equivalence is the expression of the logic between lines.This discourse is organized in logical sequence.Firstly,the manual mention about the orientation of CTs, and the label of the correct direction in the drawings.Meanwhile,it introduces H1 and H2.Secondly,the manual puts forward the best installation method,which is an underlying description in the original text. Next,it comes to the meaning of CTs’location.Finally,the text suggests that different situation should install different number of CT.

In order to emphasize the logical order,the sequence of words should be adjusted.For example,the translation of“…of the CT”,“…on one side of the CT or a dot”and“…for the specific CTs being installed”are“CT上…”,“CT的 H1侧…”and“详细的 CT安装…”.To keep the readers’attention on the orientation of CT,the Chinese translations begin with the exact word “CT”.The latter part of the discourse introduces the two and three CTs’installation.The expression of“相位”is different between English and Chinese,so the translations of it add“A”,“B”and“C”in front of the word“相位”to make the reader understand easily.

Example 11:

Chinese:电机自适应功能…相位记忆功能…试运行功能:驱动器设置为此状态时,会自动以80RPM的速度驱动电机…单/双脉冲兼容输入…过压报警功能:2M880N驱动器会在内部母线电压超过85VDC的时候…欠压报警功能:2M880N驱动器在内部母线电压低于15VDC的时候…过热报警功能:驱动器会在其内部温度达到 80度时,进入过热报警状态。(Anon,2013)

English Translation:Motor auto adaptation…Phase memory…Test running:If the driver is set to this status,it will automatically drive the motor at a speed of 80RPM…PLS+DIR and CW/CCW compatible input…Over-voltage alarm:The driver will generate a high-voltage alarm if the internal bus voltage exceeds 85VDC…Under-voltage alarm:The driver will generate a low-voltage alarm if the internal bus voltage goes below 15 VDC…Overheat alarm:The driver will generate a overheat alarm if the internal temperature reaches 80°C.(Anon,2013)

In the translated English version ofthe example,the precise information and detailed specification of the equipment are listed,such as“80RPM”,“85VDC”,“80°C”and so on.In order to produce the closest impact on receptors,the relation between the object and the data must be accurate.In the original text,“80RPM”,“85VDC”,“15VDC”,“80”are firmly connect with“以...速度”,“超过”,“低于”,“达到...度”and“驱动器”,“内部母线电压”,“内部温度”.The discourse introduces the function of the 2M880N stepper motor drivers.In the order of“start,control,running, alarm”,the discourse is arranged chronologically.When translating,one has to preserve the inner logic of discourse.

4 Conclusion

In this thesi s,the author introduces the translation of electrical equipment manual in four aspects:the present situation of the theme,the features of electrical equipment manual,the functional equivalence theory and the translation analysis.

The strategy of electrical equipment manual translation can be divided into three levels:word,sentence and discourse.At word level,one should distinguish the category of the word.If the word is technical term, find the corresponding technical term in target language.If it is semitechnicalterm,one should avoid being confused by the complete homonyms of the word in other principle and setting,and pay attention to the certain context in the manual.At sentence level,firstly,translator should analyze the words in sentence and classify them into object,event, abstract and relation,then find the equivalent translation in target language and restructure the sentence on the basis of kernel sentence of the source text in the manual.What’s more,the translation must fit the expression of target language.At discourse level,the style of source text is important.The function of electrical equipment manual demands the expression ofitto be precise and simple.According to function equivalence,one should restructure the sentences or lay stress on the connection of the sentences to remain the inner logic.

Though some examples are listed,the case’s comprehensiveness is not accomplished.At the word level,given examples are all nouns.At the sentences level,imperative and passive sentences are analyzed but the subjunctive of the electrical equipment manual leaves out.

As the limitation mentioned above,one should pay more attention on the verb,adjective and subjunctive in further study.

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On the Translation of Electrical Equipment Manual from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence

With the rapid development of China’s economy,the trade of electrical equipment at home and abroad is increasing.In order to accelerate the pace of the development of China’s electric power technology,the translation of electrical equipment manual becomes more and more important.Based on Nida’s functional equivalence theory,the thesis illustrates the translation strategies of electrical equipment manual.Combining the structure and linguistic features,the purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the translation of electrical equipment manual achieves equivalent function by examples in word,sentence and discourse level.Firstly,the author introduces the features of electrical equipment manual,especially its linguistic features.At the word level,electrical equipment manual widely uses the terminology,abbreviation,and nominalization.At sentence the level,imperative sentence and passive sentence are usually used.At the discourse level,the order of sentences in a discourse is logic,while the connection between discourses is loose.Then the author illustrates Nida’s functional equivalence theory,including stages of translation and the content of the theory.Finally, the thesis concludes the major the translation strategies of the translation of electrical equipment manual,hoping to provide some suggestion on further studies.

Electrical Equipment Manual;Linguistic Feature;Translation;Functional Equivalence


《广州大学学报( 社会科学版) 》2016 年( 第15 卷) 总目次