
2016-03-09 06:57张珍华
广州广播电视大学学报 2016年5期

彭 勃 张珍华

(西华大学马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610039)


彭 勃 张珍华

(西华大学马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610039)











在布局和规划上,郫县将农家书屋纳入到全县新农村建设和基层组织建设内容进行统一协调,在明确目标任务、建设标准、资金投入的同时,综合考虑各行政村分布状况以及经济、文化现状等多方因素,实现了全县农家书屋的科学规划、合理布局及建设时序。具体来说,即:一是在农家书屋工程建设的选址上,进行统一规划,要求各镇(街道)将农家书屋建设在群众活动频繁的地方及村便民服务中心等场所,以便于农民群众阅读和学习;二是指导各镇(街道)综合利用综合文化室等阵地进行合建,形成多功能学习活动场所,保证农家书屋有阵地,使其全面覆盖到全县各个行政村(涉农社区);三是大力整合各方优势资源,做到文化资源的优化配置、合理利用和共建共享。把农家书屋工程建设与新农村文化基础设施体系建设、便民服务体系建设、农村信息资源共享工程建设以及全民读书日等丰富多彩的活动有效结合、合力推进。在具体操作上,郫县首先召集14个镇(街道)主管领导就规划任务做了具体部署和安排,要求各级领导高度重视、狠抓落实,并将书屋规划建设成效纳入各级领导年终考评体系;其次,在书屋的统筹上,可以根据各个镇(街道)的不同情况,有针对性的开展。尤其是在资金投入上,可以多元化,除了政府投入外,各镇(街道)可根据自身实际,吸纳资金投入 ;此外,要求做到既统一但又不千篇一律,针对各镇的不同实际,有效整合和利用有效资源,把优势最大化、成果特色化。







在统筹使用上,郫县发挥了农家书屋的综合效用。具体来说,即:一是抓好载体建设,不断增强书屋的活力。郫县充分利用农家书屋积极开展各类读书学习活动,指导各镇(街道)以农家书屋为依托定期开展读书会、学习交流会和各类读书征文等比赛活动,引导农民群众爱书读书用书,从而养成爱读书、好读书、读好书的良好习惯,营造学习型社会的新风尚。与此同时,郫县积极拓展书屋的文化娱乐、信息窗口、培训基地、第二课堂等“附加”功能,通过创办“农民学校”、“技术职能培训班”、“致富课堂 ”等形式,以及邀请当地的致富能手、“土专家”等前来传授知识、经验与方法,挖掘农家书屋的“潜力”,使其更好地为农民群众服务。不断将农家书屋建设成为农民群众的理论学习站、信息交流站、技术推广站、文化娱乐站、知识加油站和文明传播站,以此加速提升农家书屋为农民生产生活服务的能力和效用,有效扩大农家书屋的文化影响力和文明传播力。二是创新服务模式、延伸服务功能,全力推进以农家书屋为重点的公共文化服务体系建设。截至目前,郫县14个镇(街道)均建起了综合文化站,以201个行政村(涉农社区)为载体,建设农家书屋201个,改变了农村文化设施不足、公共文化供给相对贫乏的状况,提升了公共文化传播能力,发挥了农家书屋的综合效用。

















农家书屋工程是一项政府主导的德政和民生工程,旨在服务于广大农民群众,丰富其精神文化生活,以此提高全民文化素质。因此,在运行中应不断开拓创新,建立和健全发展体制机制。郫县在这方面做得不错。首先,在发展思维上,从主管领导到各个管理员都能做到不囿于固有状态,积极发现、探索新的发展模式,并积极建言献策。比如,有的管理员就提出,农家书屋工程是一个公益性的服务工程,在其资金投入上,可以实行“公益性起步,经营化运营”的方法;在发展模式上,可以采取“政府投入、社会参与、市场推动 ”的方式进行等。对此,各级领导一致认为,方案可行,并积极付诸实践。其次,在运行机制上,郫县采取了既联合发展又区别对待的原则,即:对全县所有的农家书屋进行统一管理,各个书屋又有其自主权,促使其更好发展。比如,实行统一的“一卡通”办理服务,一张卡可以在全县任何一个农家书屋借书,打破了各个书屋之间的界限,有效的将各个书屋联系在一起,既分散又统一。此外,在全县实行读者信息统一登记制度、图书信息统一录入制度、借阅信息统一登记制度,实现全县联机并网,资源共享,互帮互助。这样的好做法,值得推广和借鉴。尤其是郫县敢为人先的创新思维,更是不断推进农家书屋工程建设和发展的榜样。






Abstract:Optimizing the utilityOf learning materials isOneOf the keys underlying the long-term developmentOf community education.This education is still in a preliminary phase in China, so is the practiceOf learning materials.This paper analyzes some effective approaches inOther countries in this respect, and discusses their insights to the community education in China.

Key Words: learning materials for community education, integrative utility, experiences; insights

Abstract: The fact that active aging is getting severe and the strategyOf internet + is deepening necessitates introducing this novel technology into the community-based and elderly-oriented education.In this respect, PinghuOf Zhejiang Province is advantageous in that it has already accumulated good experiences in constructing a solid infrastructure basis, and maintaining a well-performing platform, as well as boasting volunteersOf great quantity.This paper proposes such approaches to furthering this education with the assistanceOf internet + as redefining the education, exploring media literacy instruction, and developing specific learning materials.

Key words: Internet +; community-based and elderly-oriented education; media literacy

Abstract: Practitioners play an important role in community education development in China, and have recently become

OneOf the research hotspots.The present study reviews researchOn these workers from perspectivesOfOrientation and methodology, and summarizes major achievements in respectsOf conceptualization, literacy, training, and professionalization.

Key words: community education workers; researchOrientation; research method

Abstract: The present study polled academic periodicalsOf education studies published in China, and sampled ninety-four most frequently cited papers, and visualized their citation in the mapping knowledge domain.The findings revealed that those publications were so diversified and independent in their researchOrientations that they fell into twenty six distinct categories, although fourOf which, including thatOf constructivism-based learning, were comparatively congregated and had made great achievements.And resultsOf social network analysis indicated that among the twenty six categories, they were highly independent uponOne another, but they themselves were closely coherent, which was manifested by the low connectivity and aggregationOf their co-citation network.In addition, two publications by He Ke-kang were in the centerOf the co-citation, which implied that their most widespread and powerful influence in the academia.

Key words: education studies; educational research; mapping knowledge domain; social network analysis; co-citation

Abstract: Social Presence is advantageous in increasing the teaching effectOf a network-based course, improving learners’ satisfaction with the course, and facilitating the interaction between teachers and students.ExperiencesOf this paper’s author as a course forum tutor revealed that the learners’ social presence is yet to be strengthened.On lightOf action research theory, the author introduced a course-oriented QQ into herOnline instruction, in an endeavor to enhance students’ social presence in the forum and QQ.Findings indicated that theObjectives were fulfilled in addressing the following problems: fully exploiting advantagesOf mediaOf diversity, exploring real life topics for discussion, supplying learning materials, encouraging communicationOf instructionsOf various media, and maintaining sustainable attention to learners’ needs etc.

Key words: social presence; network course; course forum; course QQ

Abstract: It is imperative for teachers to promote their professional development to accommodate the progressOf learning-based society while science and technology are accelerating.In this respect, self-directed learning,OneOf the theories derived from the realmOf adult education shall play a part.This paper elaborates theories like self-directed learning, especially

phrasal self-directed learningOf Grow, and teachers’ phrasal professional development.Then the paper proposes some strategies to explore the advantagesOf self-directed learning in promoting teachers’ professional development.

Key words: self-directed learning; staged self-directed learning model; teacher’s professional development; teacher’s training

Abstract: The course Chinese Legislation History is introduced into the curriculumOf law studies to foster students, humanity literacy.But it has been almost a mission impossible for these students, whose inadequate knowledge base keeps them far from those classical literature, whetherOf Zhou Dynasty,Or Han,Or Song,Or else, which is even elusive to history majors.And it is gaining increasing unpopularity among students as well as teachers, thus it is urgent to reform the teaching.This paper proposes the following strategies to this end: upgrading the current learning materials, supplementing a courseOf general history, strengthening the teaching staff, readjusting the methodsOf the instruction and assessment etc.

Key Words: HistoryOf Chinese Legislation; teachingOf Chinese Legislation; history and Law; law studies

Abstract: The present study constructs a frameworkOn the basisOf multimodal model, which combines physiological instrument measuring method, 3D animation display method, and voice software analysis, and samples a school in Guangzhou to administrate an empirical researchOn learning L2 segmental phonemes and sugrasegmental phonemes.Results indicate a linguistic transfer effect in that there is no significant difference between the L1 group and experiment group, and significant difference between the experiment and control group, and L1 group and control group.

Key words: L2 phonetic acquisition; multimodality; linguistic transfer; physiological instrument; 3D animation; voice software

Abstract: Chinese economy is developing rapidly in recent years, and foreign students are increasingly flocking to.As a result, teaching Chinese as a foreign language is widely concerned.This paper samples some beginner Chinese learners, and analyzes their errors committed in using compoundsOf known characters, in an endeavor to digOut the underlying causes.The paper then proposes some measures to address the common problem plaguing learnersOf Chinese as a foreign language, in the hope to promote Chinese popularization.

Key words: beginner learners; compoundsOf known words; errors; Chinese as a foreign language

Abstract: MostOf Fitzgerald’s novels are characterized by cinematic exploration, which is realized by meansOf montage, special visual and aural effects, and soOn.This is best manifested by Tender is the Night, which took the writer’s nine yearsOf toil.The cinematic skill explored in the novel helps strengthen the story’s specific atmosphere, its characterization, in addition to more efficiently conveying the author’s thoughts and feelings, and the book’s underlying significance.

Key words: Fitzgerald, cinematic, novel, Tender Is the Night

Abstract: Nostalgia isOne the motifs dominating Chinese writers immigrating to North America, conveying their spiritual longing for their homeland and their identity recognition.But to accommodate an ever changing world, these writers have now set themselves free from the traditional confinement.While seeking for theirOwn existential liberty and personal value as an individual in interaction with theOther’s culture, they are acquiring a fresh cultural identity.

Key words: homesickness, North America , new immigrant literature

Abstract:Official calls used to be war declarations to condemn the enemies for their crimes, and they thus evidenced many historical events.When examined from perspectiveOf law studies, these announcements were analogous to special laws in the wartime.Ever since the late Qing Dynasty,Official calls played a big role in popularizing legislative thoughts like democracy, republic, liberty, and independence, and some laid solid foundation for later important legal documents.In addition, the historicalOfficial calls would contribute valuable thinking to today’s legislation construction in China.

Key words:Official calls; special law; legal history ; laws and decrees

Abstract: Within the frameworkOf risk regulation, the public’s role in examining construction projects is no longer the same as it used to be.People’s involvement, more than ensuring theOpenness and transparencyOf the government’s approval behaviors, helps transform the public’s intentions into common interests, and facilitates interactions between various interpretationsOf risks.In addition, the practice aims at communicating risk information, and dismissing experts’ distrusts

insteadOf eliciting concernsOf interests to be balanced by the government.This mechanism shall be erected in addressing the following problems: exploring the legislation to the fullest, guaranteeing communications throughout, sustaining the public trust in the government and experts, and making scientific policies in a democratic manner.

Key words: risk regulation; construction project; examination; public participation

Abstract: There have been two camps to account for the illegal conductOf peacefully acquiringOther’s properties in public,One being theoryOf peaceful acquisition, theOther secret acquisition.Although the former is well-constructed, and can address some problems, it fails to justify the criminal’s underlying intention.On theOther hand, the latter inherits the legal legacy, and is generally understood, as well as conforming to legislation model.Thus, this misbehavior shall be defined as a robbery, which criminal penalties are apt to cope with.

Key words: peaceful stealing; secret stealing; robbery

Abstract:On April 18, 2016, in responding to questionsOf corruption and bribery crimes widely concerned by judicial practitioners, scholars, and the public, the Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued InterpretationOf Laws Applicable to CrimesOf Corruption and Bribery (hereafter referred to Interpretation).Undoubtedly, the Interpretation is a timely reply to defining and penalizing these crimes.However, there are still some defects in it.To better understand its advantages and disadvantages is to help crack the crime, give guidance to later practice, and further the constructionOf legislation and governance in China.

Key words: crimeOf corruption and bribery; anti-corruption; judicial interpretation; standardized quantity

Abstract: As the internet is flourishing, traditional newspapers are suffering, and undergoing a great transformation.this paper proposes applying analytic hierarchy process to constructing a model to assess the assetsOf a newspaper’s brand.In the process, each factor is quantified and granted a weight, which is adopted to be an index for the evaluation.This process is advantageous in that as a quantitative analysis instrument, it helps minimize subjectivity and personal difference in appraising a newspaper’s brand’s assets.

Key words: applicationOf analytic hierarchy process, brandOf a newspaper, assets, assessment

Abstract: The present study polled 430 farmer households from seven townsOf Conghua and fourOf Panyu, in an endeavor to survey their scientific literacy.The result showed that the farmer team was relatively stable andOf lower cultural level in general because 81.9%Of the farmers were between 35 and 60 yearsOld, 14.4%Of those were under 35 yearsOld and 3.7%Of those were above 60 yearsOld.Moreover, 51.9%Of those graduated from junior middle school, 16.3%Of those from senior high school and 15.5%Of those were pupil.The proportionsOf the farmers who were engaged in planting and fishing breeding & poultry raising were 91.1% and 8.9%, respectively.Generally speaking, the production scaleOf the farmers was less, for 66.2%Of the farmers had no more than 10 acres and the proportionOf farmers whose production scaleOf 10 to 30 acres, 30 to 50 acres andOver 50 acres were 12.7%, 9.1% and 1.0%, respectively.Overall, the farmers had a better family annual income, 57.1%Of them hadOver ten thousand yuan, 23.1%Of them had five to ten thousand yuan, 19.9%Of them had less than five thousand yuan.There would be a long way for improving the scientific and cultural qualityOf farmers for 40.8%Of them believed in geomanticOmen, and 27.9%Of them believed in fetish.However, the farmers had good consciousnessOf agricultural products quality safety, mostOf whom knew the Agriculture LawOf the People’s RepublicOf China, with high attention coefficientOf 65.5%; who knew the LawOf the People’s RepublicOf ChinaOn Quality and SafetyOf Agricultural Products were less, with attention coefficientOf 36.9%.The farmers also had some knowledgeOf science & technology such as transgenic technology, space breeding technology and digital technology, with the attention coefficientOf 58.5%, 15.8% and 11.9%, respectively, transgenic technology generally concerned especially.

Key words: Farmer; Scientific Quality; PopularizationOf Science

Abstract: The library construction project plays a very important role in building up a new village.Such a project has been developing and produced satisfactory effect ever since it was introduced into Pi CountyOf Chengdu in 2007 in that many farmers have accustomed to reading in their spare time, and a book loving environment has been transformed.The practice in Pi County has accumulated many experiences in developing farmersOriented education, furthering the project, and promoting buildingOf socialist new villages.This paper endeavors to theorize these experiences and give insights to future development.

Key words: village library projects, practice, thinking

StudyOn Developing Life-Long Learning in Guangzhou: Needs and Approaches

YU Yan & GONG Hong-wu & SHI Jing-ke
(GuangzhouOpen University, Guangzhou 510091)

OneOf the keys to developing a life-long learning city lies in addressing its citizens’ specific learning needs.The present study samples Guangzhou and administrates questionnaire survey to the residents there, in an endeavor to elicit from them some informative message like their conceptOf life-long learning, learning costs and effects, learningObjectives and expectations, environments, and influential factors and difficulties.

life-long learning city; residents’ learning needs; learning alternatives; suggestive countermeasures

Others’ ExperiencesOfOptimizing UtilityOf Learning Materials for Community Education

ZHAO Jun-yi
(Foreign Language DepartmentOf ChangzhouOpen University, Changzhou 213001)

Strategies to Apply Internet + to Developing Community-Based and Elderly-Oriented Education——Case StudyOf Pinghu, Zhejiang Province

DING li-juan
(Pinghu CollegeOf Zhejiang Radio & Television University, Pinghu 314200)

Reviewing ResearchOn Community Education Practitioners in China

HU Jing & TANG Su-su
(CollegeOf Vocational and Adult Education in Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165)

StudyOf Highly Cited Papers in Educational Periodicals in China from PerspectiveOf Mapping Knowledge Domain

CHEN Yu-lin
(SchoolOf Education Science, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015)

ResearchOn StrategiesOf Improving Social PresenceOf Learners in Network Course

YAO Yong-na
(Guangzhou CollegeOf Technology and Business, Guangzhou 510850, China)

ResearchOn Applying Self-Directed Learning to Teachers’Professional Development

NI Jia-li & CAI Jian-zhong
(SchoolOf Educational Information Technology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, 510631, China )

ResearchOn Reforming TeachingOf Chinese Legislation History

YOU Jiao-jiao
(East China UniversityOf Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)

Empirical ResearchOn L2 Phonological Acquisition from Multimodal Perspective

TANG Chang-jiang
(Guangzhou Vocational CollegeOf Technology and Business, Guangzhou 511442)

StudyOf Errors Committed by Beginner Chinese Learners in Employing Novel CompoundsOf Known Characters

LUO Xiang-feng
(Liaoning CollegeOf Liberal Arts, Shenyang 110036)

On Fitzgerald’s ExplorationOf Cinematic Technique in Tender is the Night

ZHANG Jun-ping
(SchoolOf Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214000, China)

Beyond Homesickness——Motif StudyOf LiteratureOf Chinese Immigrants to North America

WU Jie
(Central South University, Hunan, Changsha ,410083)

SurveyOfOfficial Calls in History from PerspectiveOf Law Studies

SONG Wei-zhe
(East China UniversityOf Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)

MechanismOf Public Participation in ExaminationOf Construction Projects within FrameworkOf Risk Regulation

(East China UniversityOf Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)

DiscussionOn Defining BehaviorOf Peacefully Illegally AcquiringOther’s Properties in Public

(East China UniversityOf Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)

Advantages and DisadvantagesOf Latest Judicial InterpretationOf Corruption and Bribery Crimes

(East China UniversityOf Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)

Constructing a Model for Assessing a Newspaper’s Brand BasedOn Analytic Hierarchy Process

ZHANG Hong-mei
(Guangdong Peizheng College, Guangzhou 510830)

CHAE nNa Slhya so i-s ti nogf1&G HuEa nL ig-rzohngo2u&’ sD EFNaGr mHOen rg s -s’hSenc gi2e &n tL iIfAi cN L G iRtOenrgahcuy an3

&LI Ying-lan4
(1.DepartmentOf Finance, Zhongkai UniversityOf Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou 510225; 2.Guangzhou Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Guangzhou 510520; 3.PanyuOfficeOf Administration for Agricultural Technology Extension,Guangzhou 511400; 4.Conghua Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Guangzhou 510920 )

AssessmentOf Village Library Project from PerspectiveOf New Village Construction——Case studyOf Pi County, Chengdu

PENG Bo & ZHANG Zhen-hua
(CollegeOf MarxismOf Xihua university, Chengdu 610039, China)







小豆瓣 大产业川菜之魂完美升华