解孟其, 柯熙政 (001)
谢 国, 田 冰, 刘 丁 (007)
魏文礼, 白朝伟, 刘玉玲 (012)
张铁钢, 李占斌, 刘晓君, 李 鹏, 徐国策, 成玉婷 (018)
黑新宏, 张阳阳, 钱富才, 谢 国, 何文娟 (023)
桑国臣, 韩 艳, 朱轶韵, 黄 鑫, 赵 钦 (030)
张九龙, 王夏妮, 张镇东, 郭璐铭 (035)
王振山, 王焕郎, 刘云贺, 王育路, 郭宏超, 马 辉 (039)
杨 敏, 李 宁, 刘新星, 刘乃飞, 苏立海 (046)
李开继, 宁利中, 宁碧波, 田伟利 (052)
王 砚, 聂子恒, 武吉梅, 陈 媛, 景 涛, 郭旭侠 (058)
明 波, 黄 强, 王义民, 刘登峰, 管 剑 (063)
李 洁, 莫淑红, 沈 冰, 司海松, 王义民 (070)
刘光飞, 胡辽林 (077)
曹 源, 杨明顺, 刘 永, 李 言 (083)
耿大新, 王迎迎, 李宇晗 (091)
徐 可, 游才印, 王 钦, 张卫华, 郭少华 (096)
高杏杏, 胡志兴, 廖福成 (100)
杨 勇, 张富琴, 张 凡 (106)
齐 昕, 宁利中, 余 荔, 刘嘉夫 (110)
徐 彬, 杨 静, 郭茫茫 (115)
田茂君, 薛惠锋 (120)
某330 kV全户内式变电站结构地震反应分析
李天天, 张俊发, 陶 磊, 李 睿 (127)
刘云贺, 郑晓东, 张小刚 (134)
弋英民, 张 潼 (142)
马 辉, 毛肇玮, 薛建阳, 陈宗平, 刘云贺 (149)
胡西民, 罗岚波, 姚李孝, 刘家军, 杨国清 (158)
赵太飞, 刘 园, 王 玉, 金 丹 (163)
赵雨辰, 刘江凡, 宋忠国, 席晓莉 (169)
郭爱军, 黄 强, 畅建霞, 王义民 (173)
胡克志, 李占斌, 李 鹏, 徐国策, 袁水龙, 王 添, 王 丹 (180)
李 涛, 关辰龙, 霍九坤, 刘显宽, 王 帅 (186)
范彩霞, 陈亚军 (191)
姚显春, 郭炳煊, 吕 高, 李 宁, 王小佳 (199)
朱 群, 尹忠刚, 张延庆, 钟彦儒 (207)
陈剑虹, 韩小珍 (213)
成刚虎, 李云香, 吴 娇 (218)
门闯社, 南海鹏 (226)
刘 莹, 李 鹏, 李占斌, 常恩浩, 柯浩成, 刘 琦 (232)
刘乃飞, 李 宁, 张 柱, 杨 敏, 刘小平 (240)
任 露, 黄颖为 (247)
吕 楠,余宁梅,张鹤玖 (253)
李 哲,李 滨,高 磊,张建山 (259)
高新勤,张艳平,杨明顺,李 言,王一珺 (265)
柴 立,解建仓,姜仁贵,刘建龙,于 翔 (271)
朱轶韵,韩 艳,桑国臣 (278)
杨秀芳,马江飞,高瑞鹏 (283)
刘 军,李建勋,解建仓,申静静 (290)
张 芳, 张建丰, 薛绪掌, 王利春,李银坤,申亚宾 (295)
王 倩,黄晶晶,朱大锐,李 宁 (302)
宋跃辉,鲁雷雷,王玉峰,李仕春,辛文辉,闫 庆,刘晶晶,华灯鑫 (309)
方瑾瑾,邵生俊,冯以鑫 (314)
刘 鹄,王 敏,孟 婷,施练东,程 文 (321)
高 亮,崔 欣,白 桦,刘健新 (328)
安 源,黄 强,丁 航,王 浩,王颂凯 (333)
吴飞洁,邵生俊,佘芳涛 (338)
王 天,谷雅秀,赵润青,屈长杰 (343)
谢 利,于 江,张 伟,裴 璐,任 露 (349)
何 靖,白 丹,郭 霖,王新端 (354)
程小莉,魏 红,李文英,李克斌 (364)
宋 丹,刘 君,晏克俊 (370)
陈 涛,党兴华,韩 瑾,贾窦洁 (374)
孔祥健,张敬冲,姚 远,朱金婷,李 言 (379)
宁利中,王永起,宁碧波,田伟利,胡 彪 (388)
刘 成,吕延军,张永芳,杨莎莎,刘万万 (392)
金海燕,夏 婷,王 彬 (399)考虑分时电价的风光储联合优化调度研究
杨晓萍,刘浩杰,黄 强 (403)
张浩博,任慧超,寇佳亮 (410)
郭凌华,任龙飞,刘国栋,王 崟,王 鑫 (416)
贾福萍,吕恒林,储宛珍,席新雅,李 勇,王 茜 (421)
沈晓芹,李昊明 (428)
王 怡,陈龙飞,王若卿,蒋 欣 (432)
马莉丽,钟 斌 (437)
冯 松,高 勇 (443)
候 玲,薛海斌,周泽华,刘海伟,潘 峰 (449)
胡辽林,刘光飞 (455)
马利娥,邵明月,武吉梅,刘善慧,刘定强 (462)
王文运,傅卫平,魏明明,王 雯,杨世强,韩改宁 (468)
王建金,石 朋,瞿思敏,肖紫薇,戴韵秋,陈颖冰,陈星宇 (475)
马 昭,刘玉玲,白 戈,宣武赟,巩书涵 (481)基于SLP和改进粒子群算法的产品布局优化方法研究
孙 昕,吉晓民,王 毅 (488)
王 萌,刘 昕 (494)
Research on light intensity attenuation and variance characteristics in rain of different regions in China
XIE Mengqi, KE Xizheng (001)
The optimal control of two-level closed quantum system based on numerical iteration
XIE Guo, TIAN Bing, LIU Ding (007)
3D simulation for the influence of a feed baffle on the density current behaviors caused by temperature in a radial
sedimentation tank
WEI Wenli, BAI Zhaowei, LIU Yuling (012)
The spatial distribution and loss of soil total phosphorus in Yingwugou Watershed of Danjiang River
ZHANG Tiegang, LI Zhanbin, LIU Xiaojun, LI Peng, XU Guoce, CHENG Yuting (018)
Variable ordering in fault tree analysis based on binary decision diagrams
HEI Xinhong, ZHANG Yangyang, QIAN Fucai, XIE Guo, HE Wenjuan (023)
Effect of thermal parameters of rural solar buildings on indoor air temperature under natural operating conditions
SANG Guochen, HAN Yan, ZHU Yiyun, HUANG Xin, ZHAO Qin (030)
An optimization algorithm for Chinese characters skeleton extraction
ZHANG Jiulong, WANG Xiani, ZHANG Zhendong, GUO Luming (035)
Research on the tensile and compressive resistance connection property of glass fiber composite material casing
WANG Zhenshan, WANG Huanlang, LIU Yunhe, WANG Yulu, GUO Hongchao, MA Hui (039)
Experimental research on interface frictional behaviors of the geotextile-reinforced soil
YANG Min, LI Ning, LIU Xinxing, LIU Naifei, SU Lihai (046)
Study of the convection in a differentially heated cavity
LI Kaiji, NING Lizhong, NING Bibo, TIAN Weili (052)
The study of stability of the moving membrane under non-uniform tension
WANG Yan, NIE Ziheng, WU Jimei, CHEN Yuan, JING Tao, GUO Xuxia (058)
Study on acceleration strategy for optimizing reservoir operation model of multi-reservoir systems
MING Bo, HUANG Qiang, WANG Yimin, LIU Dengfeng, GUAN Jian (063)
Analysis of drought characteristics of the Weihe River Basin based on SPEI
LI Jie, MO Shuhong, SHEN Bing, SI Haisong, WANG Yimin (070)
Improvement and FPGA implementation of dark channel priori dehazing algorithm
LIU Guangfei, HU Liaolin (077)
DFSS optimization research based on Artiles-len quality loss function
CAO Yuan, YANG Mingshun, LIU Yong, LI Yan (083)
Research on the algorithm of equivalent aperture of clay particles
GENG Daxin, WANG Yingying, LI Yuhan (091)
Fabrication and electrochemical properties of LiFePO4/C cathode materials
XU Ke, YOU Caiyin, WANG Qin, ZHANG Weihua, GUO Shaohua (096)
Hopf bifurcation in a predator-prey model with double time delays
GAO Xingxing, HU Zhixing, LIAO Fucheng (100)
A synchronizing algorithm for Ad Hoc Network based on data frame
YANG Yong, ZHANG Fuqin, ZHANG Fan (106)
The formation and spatio-temporal structure of doubly localized traveling wave pattern
QI Xin, NING Lizhong, YU Li, LIU Jiafu (110)
Design and analysis of flexible tool rest for CA6150
XU Bin, YANG Jing, GUO Mangmang (115)
Analysis of evaluation method for new energy development in power grid based on energy regulatory authority
TIAN Maojun, XUE Huifeng (120)
Seismic response analysis of a 330 kV whole indoor substation structure
LI Tiantian, ZHANG Junfa, TAO Lei, LI Rui (127)
Considering the analysis of high intake tower seismic dynamic response at the viscoelastic artificial boundary
LIU Yunhe, ZHENG Xiaodong, ZHANG Xiaogang (134)
Modeling based on resistive network and simulation of MPC method on Czochralski growth process
YI Yingmin, ZHANG Tong (142)
A review on mechanical performance of steel reinforced recycled concrete composite structures
MA Hui, MAO Zhaowei, XUE Jianyang, CHEN Zongping, LIU Yunhe (149)
Evaluation research on grid marketing based on survey data
HU Ximin, LUO Lanbo, YAO Lixiao, LIU Jiajun, YANG Guoqing (158)
Performance analysis of ultraviolet communication in helicopter assisted landing
ZHAO Taifei, LIU Yuan, WANG Yu, JIN Dan (163)
RCS calculation and optimization of limited size object coated with honeycomb absorbing structure
ZHAO Yuchen, LIU Jiangfan, SONG Zhongguo, XI Xiaoli (169)
Synchronous asynchronous encounter probability of rich-poor runoff change and its influencing factors under the condition
of changing environment in the Weihe River Basin
GUO Aijun, HUANG Qiang, CHANG Jianxia, WANG Yimin (173)
Research on the influence of land use on distribution of clay and silt in the Yujiehe Watershed of the Hanjiang River
HU Kezhi, LI Zhanbin, LI Peng, XU Guoce, YUAN Shuilong, WANG Tian, WANG Dan (180)
Field monitoring research on active earth pressure of deep foundation pit in Beijing subway station
LI Tao, GUAN Chenlong, HUO Jiukun, LIU Xiankuan, WANG Shuai (186)
Evaluation of perceptual uniform color spaces and application in image processing
FAN Caixia, CHEN Yajun (191)
Recursive inversion research on dielectric permittivity with data by ground penetrating rader
YAO Xianchun, GUO Bingxuan, LÜ Gao, LI Ning, WANG Xiaojia (199)
H∞speed observer of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on particle swarm optimization algorithm
ZHU Qun, YIN Zhonggang, ZHANG Yanqing, ZHONG Yanru (207)
Image matching algorithm combining FAST-SURF and improved k-d tree nearest neighbor search
CHEN Jianhong, HAN Xiaozhen (213)
Study on the correlation of separation and screening
CHENG Ganghu, LI Yunxiang, WU Jiao (218)
Research on the relationship between francis turbines external characteristics and their construction and dimension
MEN Chuangshe, NAN Haipeng (226)
Study of Bothriochloa ischaemum photosynthetic characteristics and water use efficiency responding to soil water
LIU Ying, LI Peng, LI Zhanbin, CHANG Enhao, KE Haocheng, LIU Qi (232)
Research on the deformation and stress behaviors of Dafosi coal mine
LIU Naifei, LI Ning, ZHANG Zhu, YANG Min, LIU Xiaoping (240)
Research on the fractal image of Newton-Raphson method
REN Lu, HUANG Yingwei (247)
Nonlinear CMOS image sensor for lensless cell imaging application
LÜ Nan, YU Ningmei, ZHANG Hejiu (253)
Research on model test of multiple underreamed anchors in sands
LI Zhe,LI Bin,GAO Lei,ZHANG Jianshan (259)
Modeling and reasoning method of fault diagnosis of CNC machine tools based on polychromatic sets
GAO Xinqin,ZHANG Yanping,YANG Mingshun,LI Yan,WANG Yijun (265)
Research on thethree dimension visualization simulation platform for regional water resources monitoring
CHAI Li, XIE Jiancang, JIANG Rengui, LIU Jianlong, YU Xiang (271)
Interfacial condensation of rural building external walls in Northwest Areas in winter
ZHU Yiyun,HAN Yan,SANG Guochen (278)
Detection and extraction technology of CW radar life signal
YANG Xiufang, MA Jiangfei, GAO Ruipeng (283)
Meta synthetic system frame for migrant management based on 3S
LIU Jun, LI Jianxun, XIE Jiancang, SHEN Jingjing (290)
Research on the decision method of supplying nutrient solution of tomatoes with substrate culture in greenhouse
ZHANG Fang, ZHANG Jianfeng, XUE Xuzhang, WANG Lichun, LI Yinkun, SHEN Yabin (295)
Research on MMC-HVDC system control strategy for large-scale wind farms
WANG Qian,HUANG Jingjing,ZHU Darui,LI Ning (302)
Optical properties of aerosols detected by Raman-Mie lidar at Xi’an in summer
SONG Yuehui,
LU Leilei,WANG Yufeng,LI Shichun,XIN Wenhui,YAN Qing,LIU Jingjing,HUA Dengxin (309)
Relationship between strength and water content of unsaturated intact loess based on true tri-axial tests
FANG Jinjin, SHAO Shengjun, FENG Yixin (314)
Temporal-spatial distribution of non-point source pollution and scenario simulation of Tangpu reservoir watershed
LIU Hu,WANG Min,MENG Ting,SHI Liandong,CHENG Wen (321)
Analogical researchon shape coefficient of the abnormal roofing structure with the standard
GAO Liang, CUI Xin, BAI Hua, LIU Jianxin (328)
Research on the joint operation of hydropower and wind power system
AN Yuan, HUANG Qiang, DING Hang, WANG Hao, WANG Songkai (333)
Study of the calculation method for surrounding rock pressure in loess tunnel based on the limit equilibrium theory
WU Feijie, SHAO Shengjun, SHE Fangtao (338)
Analysis of heat transfer properties in falling-film absorption process of different micro fin surfaces out horizontal tubes
WANG Tian, GU Yaxiu, ZHAO Runqing, QU Changjie (343)
Influence of printing process parameters on solvent residues in food paper packaging
XIE Li,YU Jiang,ZHANG Wei,PEI Lu,REN Lu (349)
Study on influence factors of vertical tube emitter’s infiltration characteristics
HE Jing,BAI Dan,GUO Lin,WANG Xinduan (354)
Estimation and comparison of ecological basic flow value
XU Meimei,LI Huaien,CHENG Bo (359)
Degradation of ciprofloxacin aqueous solution by combined Co2+and US/H2O2system
CHENG Xiaoli, WEI Hong, LI Wenying, LI Kebin (364)
Modeling and calculation of Archimedes worm gear tooth surface
SONG Dan,LIU Jun,YAN Kejun (370)
How to realize the optimal allocation of the control rights of the enterprise?——Based on evolutionary game theory
CHEN Tao, DANG Xinghua, HAN Jin, JIA Doujie (374)
Study of microstructure deformation of rack cold roll-beating
KONG Xiangjian,ZHANG Jingchong,YAO Yuan,ZHU Jinting,LI Yan (379)
Explicit solution to wave angle of shock wave in supercritical flow
NING Lizhong, WANG Yongqi, NING Bibo, TIAN Weili, HU Biao (388)
Parameter optimization of groove surface texture in micro aerodynamic thrust bearings
LIU Cheng,LÜ Yanjun,ZHANG Yongfang,YANG Shasha,LIU Wanwan (392)
Study of adaptive character segmentation and extraction algorithm
JIN Haiyan, XIA Ting, WANG Bin (399)
Research on wind-solar-battery hybrid optimization based on TOU electricity price
YANG Xiaoping, LIU Haojie, HUANG Qiang (403)
Experimental study of the effect of fly ash on compressive performance and durability of the recycled aggregate concrete
ZHANG Haobo,REN Huichao,KOU Jialiang (410)
Research on anti-counterfeiting of information hiding technology based on micro structure dot
GUO Linghua, REN Longfei, LIU Guodong, WANG Yin, WANG Xin (416)
Influence of GLP on microstructure and its action mechanism of carbonation resistance of concrete
JIA Fuping,LÜ Henglin,CHU Wanzhen,XI Xinya,LI Yong,WANG Qian (421)
Differential geometric relations on the three-dimensional elastic shell in the curvilinear ordinates systems
SHEN Xiaoqin, LI Haoming (428)
Effect of cellulase addition on scale inhibiting in the system of re-injection water
WANG Yi, CHEN Longfei, WANG Ruoqing, JIANG Xin (432)
Research on three-joint robot’s robust sliding mode control based on model’s partitional approximating
MA Lili, ZHONG Bin (437)
Analysis of the filtering property of SiGe-OI micro-ring resonator
FENG Song,GAO Yong (443)
Research on the strength reduction FEM of the slope by applying the secondary development platform of ABAQUS
HOU Ling,XUE Haibin,ZHOU Zehua,LIU Haiwei,PAN Feng (449)
Implementation of SDRAM controller based on FPGA in video image processing system
HU Liaolin, LIU Guangfei (455)
Research on traction characteristics of the guide roller in the web transfer system
MA Li’e, SHAO Mingyue, WU Jimei, LIU Shanhui, LIU Dingqiang (462)
Behavior dynamics method for the motion planning of the end-effector of autonomous manipulator
WANG Wenyun, FU Weiping, WEI Mingming, WANG Wen, YANG Shiqiang, HAN Gaining (468)
Application of improved BP neural network algorithm in flood forecasting in the middle and small watershed
WANG Jianjin, SHI Peng, QU Simin, XIAO Ziwei, DAI Yunqiu, CHEN Yingbing, CHEN Xingyu (475)
Simulation of four components based on BioWin software in the Orbal oxidation ditch
MA Zhao,LIU Yuling,BAI Ge,XUAN Wuyun,GONG Shuhan (481)
Research on product layout optimization method based on SLP and improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
SUN Xin, JI Xiaomin, WANG Yi (488)
Study of water-borne UV ink-jet ink
WANG Meng, LIU Xin (494)