Forgiveness 宽恕

2016-02-14 18:03湖北武汉景一选译
中学生英语 2016年9期

湖北武汉 景一 选译

Forgiveness 宽恕

湖北武汉 景一 选译

anyone else.

The practice of forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger,depression and stress and leads to greater feelings of hope,peace and self confidence.Forgiveness is very important because when we carry around resentment and anger,guilt and shame,it hurts our health,happiness and our relationships. By releasing all of that,you can repair relationships with yourself and everyone in your life leads to physical health.

Forgiveness is not for the other person.It is a gift for yourself.People who are angry are more likely to get ill or die early.So this is something you’re doing for yourself.Make a promise to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better.When you’re in a state of resentment and anger,you can’t be a great partner or a successful person.




★Forgiveness is neither forgetting nor condoning.

Forgiveness is not forgetting.You’re not going to forget—It happened.Forgiveness is not condoning what happened neither.Forgiveness is not letting it happen again.You should get the right perspective on what is happening.

Forgiveness does not require anyone else.A lot of times people think,“I’ll only forgive if they apologize.”Forgiveness is an internal event where you give up the wish that something had not happened.You’ve been saying,“If only that hadn’t happened,then I would be happy.”But you can’t go back in time.Recognize that your pain is coming from the hurt feelings,thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now,not what offended you or hurt you two minutes or ten years ago.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean forgetting the person that hurt you,or condoning of their action.What you are after is to find peace.Many people say they can’t forgive because what happened was too big of an event.But you can’t forgive something that was a good thing.Of course it was something bad that happened.But you can say,“I’m going to let that be in the past.”Or,say“I can’t change what happened.I can’t change the past.I can change the present and the future,and I choose to do that.”

What forgiveness really is:Accept that it happened and asking yourself,“What can I do now?”






★Don’t wait to say I’m sorry.

A lot of times,people say,“I’ll wait for them to call me.”Don’t—they’re saying the same thing.Be the leader in this situation.

Even if you were not the person who did the wrongdoing,you probably had some role in this.Apologize sincerely,without the word“but”.So“I’m sorry I yelled at you,but you yelled at me first”doesn’t count.Rather say,“I’m sorry that I yelled at you.I care about you and I want us to move past this.”




★You can hope for health,love,peace and success and work hard to get them.

Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge.Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings,and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you. Learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you.Ask yourself:How can I be different?How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Give up expecting things from other people,or your life,that they do not choose to give you.Recognize the“imperfections”you have for your health or how you or other people must behave.Put your energy into looking for another way to get your positive goals met than through the experience that has hurt you.Remind yourself that you can hope for health,love,peace and success and work hard to get them.




★Forgiveness is for you and not for

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