
2016-02-12 23:31
中华海洋法学评论 2016年2期



地球上大部分的海洋都位于特定国家和地区的海岸或边界之外,各国有必要也有法定义务来制定国家管辖范围以外海域的管理方式和方法。在此背景下,第一届联合国筹备委员会会议在纽约召开,讨论了旨在保护国家管辖范围以外海洋生物多样性的新国际条约的主要内容。尼日利亚学者Theodore Okonkwo在其文章中讨论了这一重要进展,并希望在提高公众对这些问题的意识的同时,填补海域管理中的一些空白。






编辑部 谨识


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Russia made the frst submission concerning its outer continental shelf to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) in 2001. As of 30 June 2016, the CLCS had received 81 submissions, and had reviewed and released recommendations on 24 of them. After systematically outlining the situation of the submissions that have been, are being, or will be fled by States, the modes that the CLCS adopts to treat submissions, the primary issues that the CLCS examines during its consideration of submissions, FANG Yinxia et al. explore, from both scientifc and legal perspectives, the features of current practice with respect to extended continental shelf delineation, as well as its development tendency. In this connection, the authors suggest that greater ef f orts should be invested in the study of relevant scientifc, technical and legal issues, and the latest developments regarding the theories and practice of the continental shelf regime should be learned and summarized in a timely manner, which could be used for reference by China in the delineation of its extended continental shelf, or when China’s maritime rights and interests are undermined by other States’ claims of continental shelf.

The greater number of the earth’s oceans are situated beyond the seashore or border of particular States and territories. In that case, there is a necessity and legal burden on States to fashion out ways and means of managing the oceans beyond national jurisdiction. Against this backdrop, world governments recently met in New York for the First Session of the United Nations Preparatory Committee to discuss the elements of a new international treaty to protect biodiversity in oceans beyond national jurisdiction. Discussing this momentous process, Theodore Okonkwo from Nigeria hopes to address some of the gaps in the management of the ocean commons and raise public awareness of some critical issues facing ocean commons governance.

In the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, Japan, on the one hand, strives to evade the relations of its acquisition of “sovereignty” over these islands with the Treaty of Shimonoseki; on the other hand, it assumes that the Diaoyu Islands is a part of Ryukyu under its administrative system, and Ryukyuconstitutes a part of Japanese territory, therefore, Japan has the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. LIU Dan attempts to eliminate the misstatements about the status of Ryukyu, by examining the status of pre-modern Ryukyu (1609-1879) in history and international law, and the marine boundaries between China and Ryukyu in history. In doing so, the author further demonstrates that the Diaoyu Islands is an inherent part of China, thereby providing compelling evidences to support China’s claim to the sovereignty of these islands.

Currently, the two concepts, “aircraft” and “aviation behaviors”, are confused and used interchangeably both in the academic and practitioner circles. In addition, studies on the notion of state aviation behavior are few. Therefore, there is no clear standard to identify state aviation behaviors or state aviation behaviors performed in foreign or international airspace. LI Yaning, by collating and examining the existing concepts and defnitions, clarifes the dif f erences between “aircraft” and “aviation behavior.” Further, he defnes the notion of state aviation behavior after reviewing the purpose and behavioral attributes of state aircraft. Lastly, he sorts out the standards which can be applied to decide the legality of state aviation behaviors performed in foreign or international airspace.

Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) is a useful tool for the study of history and our ancestors’ civilization. Because of such importance, UCH should be well protected. UCH protection has been provided in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (hereinafter“2001 Convention”), which is known as a specific law for protecting UCH. It is predicted that the South China Sea (SCS) may be rich in submerged archaeological objects. However, the protection of UCH in the SCS sometimes seems to be overlooked. Against this backdrop, Yodsapon Nitiruchirot points out three challenges facing UCH protection in the SCS. Considering these challenges, the author suggests that, in order to enhance UCH protection in the SCS, the States bordering the SCS should ratify the 2001 Convention, conclude regional agreements, and harmonize their national laws.

On 15 October 2016, the 4th Forum on Regional Cooperation in the South China Sea - the Symposium on Cross-Strait Cooperation in the South China Sea, was successfully co-hosted by South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University, Hainan International Culture Exchange Center, and Hainan Provincial Research Center for Policy and Law of the South China Sea inLingshui, Hainan. More than 30 people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait attended the symposium. With the purport of cross-Strait cooperation in the SCS in mind, the participants conducted in-depth discussions on the following aspects: historical records and data in respect of the SCS islands, legal status of the SCS waters and islands, fishery management in the SCS, marine environmental protection, the relationship between China, the U.S. and Japan in the SCS game and the role Taiwan plays in this game. Given the signifcance of this symposium, ZHANG Linping wrote a review for it.

Consistently adhering to the concept of “maritime and ocean law”, this Issue is rich in content as always, and the topics are varied with full and accurate data. Experts and practitioners from home and abroad are cordially invited to contribute their papers to our Journal.

COLR Editorial


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