
2016-02-08 09:24:24董永鹤赵中辛
中华灾害救援医学 2016年2期

董永鹤,赵中辛,刘 菲



作者单位: 200120上海,同济大学附属东方医院:1.消化内科,2.中华灾难医学分会

Emergency preparedness for mass gatherings: lessons of Dec 31 stampede on the Bund of Shanghai

DONG Yonghe1, ZHAO Zhongxin2, and LIU Fei1. 1. Department of Gastroenterology, 2. Chinese Society of Disaster Medicine, East Hospital Affilited to Tongji University,Shanghai 200120, China

Correspoding author: ZHAO Zhongxin, E-mail: zhongxinzhao1999@163.com

According to WHO, a gathering of persons was usually defined as more than a specified number of persons at a specific location for a specific purpose (a social function, large public event or sports competition) for a defined period of time[1]. A critical risk of these mass gatherings is stamped. Dec 31, 2014 Shanghai stampede was known mostly for its particular time period (New Year’s Eve), the large amount of casualties, and the various rumors after it.


1 What happened? |事件经过

Starting from 20:00 31st of December, 2014, around 120 000 citizens and tourists made their way towards the Bund. By 23:00, the number reached 310 000. Around 23:35, a stampede happened at stairs between Chenyi Square and the observation deck, where the best viewing place for New Year’s Eve light show. The stampede caused 36 killed and 49 injured, most of whom were young students and tourists from places outside Shanghai.

从2014年12月31日 20:00起,约有12万游客及市民陆续到达外滩。直至23:00,人数达到了31万。大约23:35,在跨年激光表演的最佳观景平台和陈毅广场之间的楼梯处发生了踩踏事故。此次踩踏事件造成了36人死亡,49人受伤,大部分都是年轻学生和外地游客。

Prior to the stampede, people were coming from different directions and converged at the Chenyi Square. At the stairs to observation deck, crowds at the top of the stairs pushed downward amidst the congestion, and caused individual people to tumble, immediately leading to the stampede. Just right after the stampede, policemen at the scene and surrounding bystanders made an effort to rescue the people who had fallen. However, after multiple attempts, they didn’t succeed due to the density of people. The Shanghai Medical Emergency Center was informed at 23:41 and 19 ambulances arrived on the scene at 23:49. The victims were sent to the nearest hospitals and escorted to operation rooms through the Green Channels (channel to assist ease of access).


Generally speaking, the public was eager to obtain information about the process after big event. The media responded more quickly to news stories than the press conference of government, amd this brought time to breed all sorts of rumors. The one with largest impact being that the stampede was caused by a distribution of cash coupons.


2 Why it happened? |事件原因

2.1Crowd factors |人群因素

2.1.1High density |人群密度Starting from 20:00, around 120 000 citizens and tourists made their way towards the Bund. By 23:00, the crowd number reached 310 000[2-5], a number at which people usually fail to respond rapidly enough if they stumble.


2.1.2Flow direction |人群方向At the stairs, a large amount of attendees were moving towards the platform,while another crowd of people were walking down the stairs, which formed the “arch phenomenon”[4,5], an unstable situation among the people that is more likely to result in a stampede.


2.1.3Lack of self protection knowledge |人群自我保护意识缺乏In planning a mass gathering, promotion of emergency actions and availability of public information should be provided to minimizing the public health risks. Not only there should be clear leadership and governance arrangements, but also appropriate funding[6]. There were hardly any promotions prior to or during the event that targeted on self-protection and emergency procedures in a high density crowd. In addition, an early warning system wasn’t put in place. Thus, the general public wasn’t aware of the risks and hazards in their environment.


2.2Environmental Factors |环境因素“Management of environmental threats for mass gatherings require clear, effective, and early inter-sectoral engagement and collaboration”[6]. Due to the convenience of the public transportation, and the attraction of the Bund, Chenyi Square was a public area with the highest crowd density, making the staircase in between the two attractions a very dangerous place. It had a total of 17 steps, parted by a 14 m2platform, where the members of the crowd could be easily tripped.

对公众集会环境中存在威胁的管理,需要明确、有效的和早期的部门间协商与合作[6]。由于公共交通的便利性,及外滩对游客的吸引力,陈毅广场成为人群密度最高的公共区域。这便导致两处景观之间的台阶成为了一个十分危险的区域。而由于这个17级阶梯台阶中间有个14 m2的平台,人群很容易在上面摔倒。

2.3Management Factors |管理因素

2.3.1Risk assessment |风险评估“Using risk assessment and risk management to guide preparedness planning can facilitate a successful mass gathering”[6]. While planning the New Year’s Eve light show, the organizer relocated the event from the Bund to Waitanyuan and had undertaken risk assessment for the new location. However, untial 30thof December, the location change was notified to the general public. Due to the lack of communication between the organizer and the attendees, most of the tourists and citizens failed to acknowledge this location change and many showed up at the Bund. The core of the risk assessment is to ask what could happen and how likely would it happen. When changing the location, the organizer should have considered the shortage of time and risk of incomplete communication.


3 Surveillance and Communications|监控和沟通

3.1Surveillance |监控During the event, surveillance can facilitate early warning of injuries. Enhanced surveillance is needed in order to rapidly identify public health concern that occur during the mass gathering, to communicate the information about them, and to respond to them[1]. During the event, there were approximately 350 policemen in which only 7 (later 13)were placed at Chenyi Square[2,3]. This was because of the change of event venue and miscalculation of the public’s actions. The lack of manpower and overwhelming amount of people meant it was difficult to even reach where the incident happened, not to mention offered assistance to those in need. There wasn’t enough surveillance to react appropriately. What’s more, Huangpu District Public Security Bureau didn’t enforce any traffic control even though they were instructed that it was essential.



3.2Communication |沟通Communication is the rapid and coordinated dissemination of information related to the awareness of and response to public health issues. Nearly all reports of actual events or exercises of events note shortcomings in communication, which further emphasizes its importance. After 8 pm on the 31st, the crowd was increasing rapidly. However, Huangpu District Public Security Bureau failed to measure the crowd-flow rate and didn’t manage to inform the duty office, which caused insufficient police presence during the event. In addition, Huangpu District Public Security Bureau failed to adopt effective measures in time, nor did they issue warnings to Huangpu District Government to react.


4 How is Hong Kong preventing a similar situation?|香港的做法

As a big city, Hong Kong also has plenty of public events, which can be defined as mass gatherings, including its own New Year’s Eve fireworks. However, a stampede has never happened since the Lan Kwai Fong incident in 1993. What are the reasons? Firstly, the event organizer releases the plan long before the actual event. For instance, this year the plan for the New Year’s Eve fireworks has already released by Hong Kong Tourism Board, including the time, venue, and even the ideal places to watch.


Furthermore, in terms of contingency plans, the Hong Kong Government is committed to providing an effective and efficient response to all emergency situations which threaten life, property and public security. Hong Kong Police Force will be informed before an event is hosted and will undertake comprehensive risk assessment to guide and advise the organizer according to the law. In addition, a preparedness plan will be made regarding the methods, strategies and equipment required in case of emergency. What’s more, Hong Kong policemen are trained to be very professional, with significant training on responding to mass gatherings[7].


Moreover, regarding information dissemination, Hong Kong has established the Information Services Department which is responsible for coordinating the Government’s information dissemination to the media. It will promptly issue advisory warnings, special announcements, regular situation reports and related information to the public through the media and also pass on such information to other Government Departments[8].

5 What can we do in the future? |事件的经验

5.1Legacy |宝贵经验After the stampede tragedy on Dec. 31st, many events, not only in Shanghai but in other major cities all over the country, were canceled. However, it is not beneficial to forbidden all the mass gatherings due to their spontaneity and uncontrollability. On the contrary, the government should evaluate the event, summarize the mistakes and learne lessons. The tragedy can be turned into a legacy that can guide the planning of future mass gatherings and improve the host community.


5.2Comprehensive risk assessment |全面的风险评估As mentioned before, risk assessment is essential to the planning of mass gatherings. During the 2010 Expo, a series of risk assessments were performed in order to identify and prioritize potential disaster hazards, and in order to assist with the prioritization of preparedness activities. The approach was based on the AS/NZ 4360:2004 Standard for Risk Assessment, and was modified according to amethodology provided by the US Centers for Disease Control[9]. It demonstrates that the government is capable of conducting a comprehensive risk assessment for an event as large-scale and international as the Expo, and should similarly undertake one for all other mass gatherings.


5.3Clear responsibility of stakeholders |利益相关者们之间明确责任One of the recognized complexities of mass gatherings is that there are often very different players involved. Those stakeholders may not understand the risks, roles and responsibilities associated with the mass gatherings or the need for preparedness and effective responses to any incidents. The importance of and principles in stakeholder engagement for mass gatherings has been identified and recognized for over 10 years and remains appropriate today[6]. Different stakeholders should establish a communication system which allows the information collected before, during and after the event to be evaluated and disseminated rapidly.


5.4Surveillance and early warning system |监控和早期预警系统Like Hong Kong, the Shanghai government should establish specific departments to have better surveillance during mass gatherings. Different departments, like stakeholders, should set up a communication system which allows the government to respond more rapidly during big events. Particularly an Information Services Department is needed to inform the general public of advisory warnings, special announcements, and regular situation reports through different channels of media. It is also essential to follow and implement the national 4-level early warning system, which would inform the public about the possible emergencies, their effects, and actions to take[10].


5.5Sustainability |可持续性Engaging the community and making a program sustainable is always a difficulty in mass gatherings and emergency preparedness. Regarding the Dec 31st stampede, first-aid knowledge and basic life support training would have been very helpful for reducing casualties. Therefore, firstaid financing and organizations should be funded. At the national level, legislation for on-site mutual aid is essential to encourage the general public to perform basic life support[11]. Meanwhile, Emergency Medical Services are responsible for maintaining equipment and providing easy access when required in order to perform rapid rescue.



[ 1 ]WTO. Communicable disease alert and response for mass gatherings: key considerations [EB/OL].( 2008-06)[2015-12-23]. http://www.who.int/csr/Mass_gatherings2.pdf

[ 2 ]闪淳昌.“12·31”上海外滩踩踏事件的调查与思考[J].江苏社会科学, 2015(4):1-6. “12·31”外滩陈毅广场拥挤踩踏事件联合调查组. 外滩拥挤

[ 3 ]踩踏事件调查报告全文[EB/OL].(2015-01-21)[2015-12-23]. http://cpc.people.com.cn/n/2015/0121/c64387-26424620.html

[ 4 ]袁千里. 人群拥挤踩踏事件原因与应急处置探究——上海外滩迎新踩踏事件的反思[J]. 中国应急救援, 2015(2): 13-16.

[ 5 ]赵中辛,刘中民. 敬畏生命,远离踩踏:踩踏事件的成因与救援[J].中华灾害救援医学, 2015, 3(2): 62-64.

[ 6 ]WHO. Public health for mass gathering: key considerations 2015[EB/OL].( 2015-05)[2015-12-23]. http://apps.who.int/iris/ bitstream/10665/162109/1/WHO_HSE_GCR_2015.5_eng.pdf.

[ 7 ]傅晓兰.香港群体性事件应对机制研——兼论对大陆的启示[D].上海: 复旦大学, 2009.

[ 8 ]Emergency Support Unit, Security Bureau, Government Secretariat. The government of the Hong Kong special administrative region:emergency response system [EB/OL].( 2000-05)[2015-12-23]. http://www.sb.gov.hk/eng/emergency/ers/ers.pdf.

[ 9 ]HE Y, TUAN Z A, WU F, et al. Public health preparedness for the world’s largest mass gathering: 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai, China [J]. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2012, 27(6): 589-594.

[10]中华人民共和国中央人民政府网. 上海市突发公共事件总体应急预案(全文)[EB/OL].( 2006-01-27)[2015-12-23]. http:// www.gov.cn/yjgl/2006-01/27/content_173385.htm.

[11]顾 璇,解 炯,张文超,等. 上海12·31踩踏事件应急救援的反思[J].中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志, 2015, 10(7): 671-672.



通讯作者:赵中辛,E-mail: zhongxinzhao1999@163.com

作者简介:董永鹤,硕士研究生在读,E-mail: danieldong92@qq.com


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