姚润枝,周在豹,闫国增,*,田作宝,王 朔,李 凯
1 北京林业大学自然保护区学院,北京 100083 2 北京市林业保护站, 北京 100029 3 北京市顺义区林业保护站,北京 101300 4 北京大东流苗圃,北京 102211
姚润枝1,周在豹2,闫国增2,*,田作宝3,王 朔4,李 凯1
1 北京林业大学自然保护区学院,北京 100083 2 北京市林业保护站, 北京 100029 3 北京市顺义区林业保护站,北京 101300 4 北京大东流苗圃,北京 102211
我国退耕还林工程(Grain for Green Project,GGP)于1999年开始试点,2002年1月全面启动。从1999年到2008年,全国累计实施退耕还林超过2万km2[1]。从2012年开始,北京市用3a左右的时间,在平原地区新增森林667km2[2],其中1/3的林地来自退耕还林。退耕还林带来的耕地性质的改变导致生态系统也随之变化,这种土地覆被类型的变化首先会引起生态系统生物多样性的变化,进而演化出具有新的生态功能的生物系统。
天然林因具有丰富的植物资源和复杂的生境格局,具有保护生物多样性的潜力。而生境改造后营建的人工林对生物多样性的保护潜力,至今为止仍存在许多争议:一种观点认为相较于生境复杂、植物种类繁多的天然林,人造纯林很难维持生物的多样性[3- 4];另一种观点认为,人工林已经是陆生森林生态系统的重要组成部分,是天然林的重要补充,在生物多样性的保护中也起到了重要的作用[5- 7]。在国内外对人工造林生态效应研究中,学者们更多的探讨了人工造林对植物多样性的影响[4,8- 9],而对鸟类多样性[5- 6,10]、昆虫群落[7]、真菌菌落[11]和土壤环境[12]的影响的研究仍然较少。
过去的研究表明,多年生的农田草地带可以提高农田中蜘蛛的数量[13],植被结构是影响蜘蛛种群的重要因素之一,植被的高度、密度、覆盖度和蜘蛛的多度有明显的相关性[14],同时,蜘蛛和其它无脊椎动物类群相比,能被有效的捕捉和鉴定[15- 19],因此蜘蛛可以作为研究生境调整对生态系统造成影响的生物指示物种[20- 21]。本研究旨在了解北京地区退耕还林对地面蜘蛛种群的影响,进而推测人工造林以后林带生态系统恢复情况,为生态系统修复提供更多的理论依据。
1.1 试验地概况
北京市顺义区位于北京市东北部,顺义城区距北京市中心30 km。全境属温带大陆性半湿润季风气候,四季分明。年平均气温11.5℃,年日照时数达2746 h,无霜期195 d左右,年相对湿度58%,年均降雨量610 mm。顺义所处平原为河流洪水携带沉积物质造成,表面堆积物主要是砂、亚砂土,面积占95.7%[22]。
1.2 试验设计
试验于2014、2015年3月下旬到9月中旬在北京市顺义区南彩镇(116°40′E,40°14′ N)进行,试验区域总面积约10 hm2(东西向宽200 m×南北向长500 m),其中退耕还林林带东西向宽200 m×南北向长450 m;非作物生境林带东西向长200 m×南北向宽50 m。
原非作物生境林带(林带a)南北行距5 m,东西株距2 m,林龄15a,由毛白杨、圆柏、旱柳组成,毛白杨平均高度12 m,平均胸径0.35 m;圆柏平均高度4 m;旱柳平均高度10 m,平均胸径0.25 m。陷阱设置9组,按3×3布局均匀排布在林带内,每组陷阱由4个单独的容器排在1 m×1 m样方内。
退耕还林林带(林带b),林龄为3a,种植山桃,山桃平均高度2.5 m,平均胸径0.13 m,东西株距3.5 m,南北株距2.5 m。陷阱排列及数量与林带a相同。
1.3 地面蜘蛛采集方法
每10天收集1次陷阱容器中的蜘蛛,并转移到75%的酒精中保存,根据相关资料[23- 24]进行鉴定,所有成年蜘蛛鉴定到种,幼蛛鉴定到属。统计其种类与数量。
1.4 数据统计与分析
将其划分为5个等级:D≥0.1时为优势种;0.05≤D<0.1时为丰盛种;0.01≤D<0.05时为常见种;当0.001 ≤D<0.01时为偶见种;当D<0.001时为稀少或罕见种。
使用Shannon-Wiener(1949)的多样性指数(H′)[26- 27]评估每个林带内地面蜘蛛群落的多样性程度,计算公式为:
以每平方米内4个陷阱采集到的地面蜘蛛总数进行数据分析,使用SPSS 20.0对分析数据进行正态检验,当数据满足正态分布时对数据进行独立样本T检验,当数据不符合正态分布时,使用非参数独立样本Mann-Whitney U检验;显著性标准为P<0.05。用GraphPad Prism 5进行图表绘制。
2.1 退耕还林后地面蜘蛛类群组成
2014年在调查样地内共采集蜘蛛标本1465头,经鉴定,分别隶属于8科18属32种。其中白纹舞蛛AlopecosaalbostriataGrube(40.41%)、星豹蛛PardosaastrigeraL.Koch(20.89%)、利氏平腹蛛GnaphosalicentiSchenkel(10.10%)是优势种,赫氏豹蛛P.hediniSchenkel(9.42%)为丰盛种,鞍形花蟹蛛XysticusephippiafusSimon(4.64%)、三斑花蟹蛛X.pseudobliteusSimon(2.32%)、奇异獾蛛TrochosaruricolaDegeer(1.77%)、中华平腹蛛G.sinensisSimon(1.64%)、亚洲狂蛛ZelotesasiaticusBoes.et Str(1.02%)、利氏舞蛛A.licentiSchenkel(1.02%)、赫氏花蟹蛛X.hediniSchenkel(1.02%)为常见种。
2015年调查样地内共采集蜘蛛标本2186头,经鉴定,分别隶属于10科25属45种。其中白纹舞蛛(33.76%)、利氏平腹蛛(15.23%)、赫氏豹蛛(10.84%)、星豹蛛(10.80%)是优势种,鞍形花蟹蛛(4.43%)、奇异獾蛛(3.84%)、利氏舞蛛(3.34%)、三斑花蟹蛛(2.83%)、阴沟瘤蛛OedothoraxfemineaBoes. et Str(2.10%)、亚洲狂蛛(1.69%)、中华平腹蛛(1.69%)、赫氏花蟹蛛(1.24%)、大卫狂蛛Z.davidiSchenkel(1.19%)为常见种。各样地内不同林带采集到的地面蜘蛛的种类及数量见表1。
表1 2014—2015年原非作物生境林带和退耕还林林带地面蜘蛛物种组成
1)林带a:原非作物生境林带;2)林带b:退耕还林林带;3) 每年林带a和林带b在调查期间所有样点捕获的每个蜘蛛物种的个体数量;4)括号内的数表示每个物种的数量在每年调查期间捕获蜘蛛总量中所占的百分比对退耕还林前[29]和退耕还林后在该样地采集到的地面蜘蛛种类数量进行比较,在退耕还林初期,采集到的地面蜘蛛的科、属数量先减少后增加,而地面蜘蛛的种类数量则逐年增加(表2)。
表2 退耕还林前后采集到的地面蜘蛛科、属、种数量统计表
2.2 退耕还林前后地面蜘蛛群落相似度
图1 退耕还林前后两种生境中采集到的地面蜘蛛丰富度、多样性指数和均匀性指数(Mean±SE)Fig.1 Average values of ground-dwelling spider species richness, diversity index and evenness index in the studied habitats before and after GGP(Mean±SE)
2.3 退耕还林后地面蜘蛛种群动态
图2 2014年两种林带中地面蜘蛛的活动密度变化(Mean±SE)Fig.2 Ground-dwelling spider density variation in two types of forests in 2014(Mean±SE)
图3 2015年两种林带中地面蜘蛛的活动密度变化(Mean±SE)Fig.3 Ground-dwelling spider density variation in two types of forests in 2015(Mean±SE)
退耕还林后第2年,两个林带中地面蜘蛛种群动态的峰值存在近1个月的时间差,但退耕还林后第3年两个林带中地面蜘蛛的活动密度变化趋势相近,大部分时间都呈现 “同增同减”,并且峰值相重合。在农田生态系统中,非作物生境对维持天敌种类和数量所发挥着重要的功能和作用[32- 34],对局部农田进行生境调整以后,单一作物生境的消失,农田害虫失去了适宜的生存环境,森林害虫逐渐通过迁移在新的林带中定殖,原非作物生境在不同生态系统中的生态功能也逐渐发生变化。退耕还林后第3年,成熟林带和新建林带相互作用,两个林带的异质性逐渐降低,地面蜘蛛活动密度时间动态逐渐趋于一致,新建林带的成熟度增加。
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Effects of returning farmland to forests on a ground-dwelling spider (Araneae)community
YAO Runzhi1, ZHOU Zaibao2, YAN Guozeng2,*, TIAN Zuobao3, WANG Shuo4, LI Kai1
The spatial extent of plantation forests continued to increase after the Grain for Green Project (GGP) started in January 2002 in China, with more than 20 thousand km2forests developed from 1999 to 2008 throughout the entire country. From 2012 to 2014, the purpose of Beijing′s plain reforestation project was to increase the spatial extent of the forest area in the administrative sub-units that make up the city of Beijing with a plains habitat. In the GGP, one third of the farmland in this region has been replanted with trees to increase the extent of the green area and improve the environment. However, considerable controversy remains related to whether afforestation can effectively result in the conservation of biological diversity. The objective of this study is to explore the effects of afforestation on the ground-dwelling spider community and evaluate the effects of the GGP on the ecosystem and biodiversity during afforestation. From March to September 2014 and 2015, pitfall traps were used to collect ground-dwelling spiders every 10 days in habitats that had been returned to forests from farmland for 2 and 3 years, respectively, in Shunyi District, Beijing. Ground-dwelling spider communities were compared between two adjacent habitats, a former non-crop habitat and an afforested habitat. A total of 18 pitfall traps were placed in the same randomly selected pattern in both habitats. During the investigations, we collected a total of 1465 individuals from eight families, 18 genera and 32 species in 2014, and a total of 2186 individuals from 10 families, 25 genera and 45 species in 2015. Afforestation within the study sites had a positive effect on ground-dwelling spider diversity over the first 3 years. The species of ground-dwelling spiders present changed with afforestation; total species richness increased and some of the farmland spiders were not found in afforested habitats. In 2014, species richness and a diversity index of ground-dwelling spiders in former non-crop habitats were significantly higher than in afforested habitats (P<0.01). In 2015, the diversity index in former non-crop habitats was still significantly higher than in afforested habitats (P<0.01), while species richness in former non-crop habitats was significantly higher than in afforested habitats (P<0.05). An evenness index in the two habitats was not significantly different in both 2014 and 2015. In the second year after afforestation, the peak of the ground-dwelling spider activity density in former non-crop habitats occurred in mid-June, which was 1 month earlier than that in the afforested habitat. In the third year after afforestation, the ground-dwelling spider activity density exhibited similar trends in both habitats; that is, in both habitats the peak of activity density occurred at the same time in early July. The results show that in the first years of habitat alteration, the ground-dwelling spider community in the afforested habitat was still in a stage of community reconstruction, and the community′s stability increased year by year. Returning farmland to forests influenced the original farmland ecosystem through changes in the vegetation type, structure and management practices. As the forests mature, additional effects on spider species at the site are expected because of changes in light conditions, microclimate, vegetation and so on. Therefore, the effects of returning farmland to forests on the ground-dwelling spider community will need further study over time. The aim of this study is to determine whether afforestation contributed to enhancing biodiversity and conservation. Studying the process of change in biological communities after habitat alteration is of great theoretical significance.
activity density; community stability; ground-dwelling spider; pitfall trap; returning farmland to forests
2016- 01- 06;
2016- 06- 12
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: linbaozhankjk@126.com
姚润枝,周在豹,闫国增,田作宝,王朔,李凯.退耕还林对地面蜘蛛种群的影响.生态学报,2016,36(22):7393- 7400.
Yao R Z, Zhou Z B, Yan G Z, Tian Z B, Wang S, Li K.Effects of returning farmland to forests on a ground-dwelling spider (Araneae) community .Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(22):7393- 7400.