WOHA Architects
WOHA 建筑设计事务所由来自新加坡的黄文森和来自澳洲的理查德哈斯尔于1994年共同创立,至今已发展成为了一个以不懈追求设计创新与演化而享誉国际的顶尖设计团体。WOHA将其对环境和传统的深度认知和对当代建筑造型及理念的持续探索相结合,形成了实用性与创意兼顾的设计特点。WOHA善于将建筑设计过程中所涉及的各个方面总结梳理成一系列先进的理念并不遗余力的在作品中去运用和推广绿色环保的设计策略,因此创造出了一个又一个永续且具有活力的建筑作品。
自创立以来,WOHA发展出了一套独特的热带建筑和城市设计方法,善于将景观与社区空间通过通透的建筑结构连接组织到一起。在2016年的威尼斯建筑双年展上,WOHA正式发布了名为Garden City Mega City即《花园城市巨型城市》的最新著作。WOHA在此书中总结分享了针对热带地区爆发式扩张的巨型城市应有的发展策略,同时展示了一体化的景观,建筑和城市设计如何能在高密度环境下提高人们的生活水平。WOHA还在著作内提出了五个衡量建筑项目成功与否的指标 – 绿色返还率,社区返还率,生态系统贡献值,对公慷慨程度,自给自足指数。这些指标能确保项目能在社会和环境方面达到可持续发展的目标。
WOHA自创立以来已经在东南亚、中国及澳大利亚等许多国家和地区完成了众多项目,种类涵盖高层住宅公寓、豪华度假村、交通枢纽设施,政府组屋、酒店、教育学府设施及其他各类建筑。许多项目获得了重要的当地及国际建筑奖项,为东南亚建筑事务所之最。例如:“摩绵坡1号”高层住宅获得了2007年的阿迦汗建筑大奖;曼谷“大都会” 高层公寓获得了2011的英国皇家建筑师协会《莱伯金奖》;巴厘岛“阿里拉乌鲁瓦图别墅酒店”,“新加坡艺术学校”和新加坡“百胜地铁站”则分别在《世界建筑节大奖》的度假,教育和交通设施类别里有所斩获。而2013年开业的新加坡皮克林宾乐雅酒店不仅拥有“铂金”级的绿色建筑评级,更是成为了新加坡最具地标性的建筑之一。出色的设计使酒店成为了世界建筑新闻网评选的2013年度最佳酒店,并获得了2014年《亚洲最具影响力设计大奖》以及由世界高层建筑与都市人居学会颁发的2015年《都市人居奖》。
目前WOHA在新加坡,印度,中国,澳大利亚和印度尼西亚等国家及地区均有在建项目。WOHA曾在2011年12月于德国的 Deutsches Architekturmuseum建筑博物馆开启过一系列世界巡回展出,所经之处皆反响强烈。2016年3月-9月期间,WOHA还受到纽约摩天大楼博物馆的邀请在那里进行了一场专展。至今为止,已有5本关于事务所理念和作品的专著出版发行,它们分别是:《WOHA: The Architecture of WOHA》,WOHA: Selected Projects Vol. 1》, 《WOHA: Selected Projects Vol. 2》,《WOHA: Breathing Architecture》以及《Garden City Mega City –rethinking cities for the age of global warming》.
WOHA已于2010年升级到了ISO:9001:2008的质量管理体系认证标准并且获得了BS EN ISO 14001:2004的环境管理体系认证。
题: 如何进行可持续的建设?如何创造多元且具有活力的环境?城市环境该怎样去创造并加强社区感?我们该怎样在满足高密度的同时还能确保提供足够的设施?我们该如何让建筑富有意义且被人喜爱?好的建筑意味着什么?WOHA在这些大的问题上不断的做着研究,并将这个过程融合进了各个具体的项目里面。WOHA的项目致力于最大程度的惠及社会,为业主的地块价值,建筑的使用者,建筑所在的邻里片区以及更广义上的城市和环境层面都带去更多利益。
《新加坡建屋局通用设计奖 》——铂金奖,由新加坡建屋局颁发: “杜生庄”,新加坡
《亚太房地产高峰会大奖》——获金奖;最佳酒店及旅游开发类,由主办方Reed MIDEM颁发:“皮克林宾乐雅酒店”,新加坡
《新加坡城市重建局建筑遗产奖》——获奖;B类 – 新老综合体开发类:
WOHA办公室,香港街29号,新加坡 WOHA office, 29 Hongkong Street, Singapore (Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall)
The architecture of WOHA, founded by Wong Mun Summ and Richard Hassell in 1994, is notable for its constant evolution and innovation. A profound awareness of local context and tradition is intertwined with an ongoing exploration of contemporary architectural form-making and ideas, thus creating a unique fusion of practicality and invention. WOHA conceptualize all aspects of the architectural process, and environmental principles have always been fundamental to the work of the practice, which is guided by a commitment to responsive place-making and to the creation of an invigorating and sustainable architecture.
WOHA have developed a unique approach to tropical architecture and urbanism, weaving landscape and community space through porous structures. WOHA have launched a new book at the 2016 Venice Biennale, called Garden City Mega City, which shares strategies for the exploding mega cities of the tropical belt. In the book, WOHA show how integrated landscape, architecture and urbanism can improve quality of life within high density environments. In the book WOHA propose 5 new ratios for evaluating the success of projects - Green Plot Ratio, Community Plot Ratio, Ecosystem Contribution Score, Civic Generosity Index, and Self Sufciency Index - to ensure projects achieve social and environmental sustainability.
WOHA’s built projects – throughout Southeast Asia, China, and Australia – range from apartment towers to luxury resorts, mass-transit stations, condominiums, hotels, educational institutions, and public buildings. WOHA have won an unprecedented amount of architectural awards for a Southeast Asian practice: from an Aga Khan Award in 2007 for 1 Moulmein Rise apartment building, to the RIBA Lubetkin award for The Met Bangkok in 2011, to their World Architecture Festival award winners in such diverse categories as education - School of the Arts, holiday - the Alila Villas Uluwatu resort, and transport - the Bras Basah MRT station. Their Platinum Green Mark-rated PARKROYAL on Pickering hotel, since opening in 2013, has become one of Singapore’s most iconic buildings, receiving the 2015 Urban Habitat Award from the
Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the 2014 Design for Asia Award Grand Award and the 2013 World Architecture News Hotel of the Year Award.
The practice currently has projects under construction in Singapore, India, China, Australia and Indonesia. WOHA exhibited at an invited, solo show at The Skyscraper Museum in New York in March - September 2016. A travelling exhibition devoted exclusively to their works opened at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Germany, in December 2011, and four substantial monographs – WOHA: The Architecture of WOHA, WOHA: Selected Projects Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, and WOHA: Breathing Architecture – have already been published.
WOHA are focused on integrated design for the built environment, encompassing a continuum through masterplanning, architectural, landscape, interior and lighting to furniture design. WOHA’s particular focus is in innovation towards better futures, rather than specifc building types. WOHA have won international awards in diverse categories, including education, institutional, transport, residential, interiors and hospitality.
WOHA have been involved in projects around the Asia Pacific region, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia and China.
The tropics is a unique climatic zone, where WOHA have particular expertise.
WOHA have upgraded to ISO: 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) and received certifcation for BS EN ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management Systems) in 2010.
Design Philosophy
WOHA办公室,香港街29号,新加坡 WOHA office, 29 Hongkong Street, Singapore (Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall)
WOHA are interested in creative solutions to the big issues that face all of us -how to build sustainably; how to create diverse and delightful environments; how the built environment can create and enhance a sense of community; how we can achieve density yet improve amenity; how do we make buildings meaningful and loved; what do we mean by a good building? WOHA continue research into these
broad issues, while delivering specifc crafted projects that incorporate the results of this speculative process into their fabric. WOHA’s projects aim to be generous, improving the lot of the owner, the end user, the precinct, the city at large as well as the broader environment.
WOHA’s architecture is not based on any house style or set of solutions, but allows the architectural expression to emerge from the answers to these big questions. WOHA’s architecture emerges from a profound awareness of local context and tradition, as well as an ongoing exploration of contemporary architectural forms and ideas, a unique fusion of deep connection and playful invention. Environmental principles have always been fundamental to WOHA’s designs, and are deeply embedded in the concept rather than a technological overlay.
WOHA believe good design must arise from this thoughtful process of study and research, which is combined with technical knowledge, social and political understanding, then synthesised through creative skill and artistic judgement. The unavoidable random and unforeseen events that occur in every project do not derail the process, rather they allow the possibility of adding richness and surprising solutions to the design. Robustness, attention to detail, proportions, and scale, together with common sense, stoicism, and a sense of humour ensure a completed project that is a step towards a better world.
"Designer of the Year (Asia)”; awarded by MaisonetObjet Asia: Wong Mun Summ and Richard Hassell (WOHA), Singapore
“16th SIA Architectural Design Awards” - Design Award; under the Residential Projects category, awarded by SIA: Skyville@Dawson, Singapore
“16th SIA Architectural Design Awards” - Design Award; under the Commercial Projects category, awarded by SIA: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“16th SIA Architectural Design Awards” - Design Award; under Special Categories, awarded by SIA: Enabling Village, Singapore
“The International Highrise Award” - Finalist; awarded by City of Frankfurt, Deutsches Architekturmuseum and DekaBank: Skyville@Dawson, Singapore
“World Architecture Festival” - Winner; under the Commercial Mixed-Use (Future Projects) category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: Kampung Admiralty, Singapore
“World Architecture Festival” - Shortlisted; under the Housing (Completed) category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: Skyville@Dawson, Singapore
“World Architecture Festival” - Shortlisted; under the Mixed-Use (Completed) category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: Oasia Hotel Downtown, Singapore
“World Architecture Festival” - Shortlisted; under the Education (Future Projects) category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh“World Architecture Festival” - Shortlisted; under the Ofce (Future Projects) category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: Vertical Stacked City, Shenzhen, China
“Green Good Design Award” - Winner; awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies: Goodwood Residence, Singapore
“BCA Universal Design Award” - Winner (Platinum); awarded by Building and Construction Authority, Singapore: Enabling Village, Singapore
“BCA Universal Design Award” - Winner (Platinum); awarded by Building and Construction Authority, Singapore: Skyville@Dawson, Singapore
“MIPIM Asia Awards” - Gold Winner; under the Best Hotel and Tourism Development category, awarded by Reed MIDEM: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“WAN Asia Award (Residential)” - Winner; awarded by World Architecture Goodwood Residence, Singapore
“Urban Habitat Award” - Winner; awarded by Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Chicago, Illinois: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“Universal Design Mark Award” - Gold Plus (Design); under Residential (New) category, awarded by Building and Construction Authority: Skyville@Dawson, Singapore
海军部村庄,新加坡 Kampung Admiralty, Singapore (Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall)
“Landscape Excellence Assessment Framework (LEAF)” - Outstanding Project;
awarded by National Parks Board: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“Landscape Excellence Assessment Framework (LEAF)” - Outstanding Project; awarded by National Parks Board: Kampung Admiralty, Singapore
“Design for Asia Awards” - Grand Award: awarded by Hong Kong Design Centre: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“Good Design Award” - Winner; awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies: Goodwood Residence, Singapore
“Iconic Awards” - Best of Best Winner; under the Architecture (Public) category, awarded by German Design Council: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“Building of the Year Award” - Winner; under the Ofces category, awarded by ArchDaily: 48 North Canal Road, Singapore
“President’s Design Award 2013” - Design of the Year; awarded by DesignSingapore Council and Urban Redevelopment Authority: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore“NParks Skyrise Greenery Award” - Winner, Outstanding Skyrise Greenery Project Award; awarded by National Parks Board, Singapore: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“INSIDE Festival” - Winner; under Hotels (Interior) category, awarded by INSIDE Festival: PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“WAN Hotel of the Year Award” - Winner; awarded by World Architecture PARKROYAL on Pickering, Singapore
“Green Good Design Award” - Winner; awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies: InterContinental Sanya Resort, Hainan Island, China
“Green Good Design Award” - Winner; awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies: The Hansar, Bangkok, Thailand
“URA Architectural Heritage Award” - Winner; under Category B - Integrated ‘Old and New’ Developments, awarded by URA: Space Asia Hub, Singapore
“The Jorn Utzon Award for International Architecture” - Winner; awarded by Australian Institute of Architects: School of the Arts, Singapore
“RIBA Lubetkin Prize” - Winner; awarded by Royal Institute of British Architects: The Met, Bangkok, Thailand
“RIBA International Awards” - Winner; awarded by Royal Institute of British Architects: School of the Arts, Singapore
“RIBA International Awards” - Winner; awarded by Royal Institute of British Architects: Alila Villas Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia
“President’s Design Award” - Design of the Year; awarded by DesignSingapore Council and Urban Redevelopment Authority: Stadium MRT Station, Singapore
“The International Highrise Award” – Winner; awarded by City of Frankfurt, Deutsches Architekturmuseum and DekaBank: The Met, Bangkok, Thailand
“World Architecture Festival” - World Learning Building of the Year; under the Learning category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: School of the Arts, Singapore
“World Architecture Festival” - World Holiday Building of the Year; under the Holiday category, awarded by World Architecture Festival: Alila Villas Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia“The Jorn Utzon Award for International Architecture” – Winner; awarded by Australian Institute of Architects: The Met, Bangkok, Thailand
“SIA-Getz Architecture Prize for Emergent Architecture” – Winner; awarded by Singapore Institute of Architects and Getz Brothers: WOHA, Singapore
“RIBA International Awards” – Winner; awarded by Royal Institute of British Architects: The Met, Bangkok, Thailand
“RIBA International Awards” – Winner; awarded by Royal Institute of British Architects: Bras Basah MRT Station, Singapore
杜生庄,新加坡 Skyville@Dawson, Singapore (Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall)
万科峯境,中国广州 The Grove, Guangzhou, China (Photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall)