(1.上海大学土木工程系,上海200072; 2.上海工程勘察设计有限公司,上海200050)
Abstract:Aiming at the stability problem of the LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm for reducing seismic responses of structures, a stability controlling algorithm was proposed to ensure good robustness of the LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm. The main idea of this algorithm is that the limition of control forces is imposed on the control algorithm. If the limition condition of control forces is fulfilled, the control procedure continues to run. However, if the limitation condition of control forces is not fulfilled, the control procedure automatically jumps out and then, instead, the stability controlling algorithm starts to be applied. The whole procedure was referred to as the stable/robust LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm, which ensures the stability of the system mainly through controlling actuator operation with resorting to adjusting feedback. The numerical results show that the developed stability controlling algorithm can effectively guarantee the stability/robustness of LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm. The time-delay LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm and the stability/robust time-delay LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm can complement each other in application.
Robust LSSVM-LQR based time-delay intelligent control algorithm for reducing seismic responses of structures
LIChun-xiang1,ZHAODe-qi2,LANSheng-ning1(1.Department of Civil Engineering,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China;2.Shanghai Architectural and Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200050, China)
Key words:intelligent control algorithms; time-delay; LSSVM-LQR; stability; earthquakes
图1 时滞为0.3 s的三种控制算法,在El Centro波作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.1 Employing three control algorithms with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under El Centro wave
图2 时滞为0.3 s的三种控制算法,在Loma prieta波作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.2 Employing three control algorithms with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Loma prieta wave
图1~4给出了对于时滞为0.3 s的三种控制算法,在四种地震波作用下结构位移、加速度以及控制力时程曲线。从图1~4可以看出,对于时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法,当时滞为0.3 s时,在El Centro波、Loma prieta波、Taft波三条波作用下,结构响应和控制力时程开始产生发散现象,在上海人工波1作用下,结构响应和控制力时程尚未产生发散现象,还具有一定的控制效果,然而,若时滞时间继续加长,上海人工波1终究也会导致结构响应和控制力时程的发散。因此,如何对时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法进行稳定性控制直接关系到时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法实现的成败。
图3 时滞为0.3 s的三种控制算法,在Taft波作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.3 Employing three control algorithms with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Taft wave
图4 时滞为0.3 s的三种控制算法,在上海人工波1作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.4 Employing three control algorithms with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Shanghai artificial wave1
图5 时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法的稳定性算法流程 Fig.5 Stable algorithm flowchart of the time-delay LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm
图6 时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制 算法的稳定性算法程序 Fig.6 Block flow diagram of stable algorithm in the LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm
表1 稳定/鲁棒的时滞LSSVM-LQR智能
Tab.1 Control forcerestrictions in the stable/robust
LSSVM-LQR intelligent control algorithm
图8 时滞为0.3 s稳定时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法,在Loma prieta波作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.8 Employing robust time delay LSSVM-LQR control algorithm with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Loma prieta wave
图9 时滞为0.3 s稳定时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法,在Taft波作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.9 Employing robust time delay LSSVM-LQR control algorithm with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Taft wave
图10 时滞为0.3 s稳定时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法,在上海人工波1作用下结构响应和控制力 Fig.10 Employing robust time delay LSSVM-LQR control algorithm with time delay 0.3 s, responses of the structure and control forces under Shanghai artificial wave1
表2 当时滞LSSVM-LQR智能控制算法跳出时的
本文修正算法仅仅是对文献[9]算法的一种修正,是基于作动器控制力大小给出的修正,目标是提高系统的鲁棒性。因此, 该修正算法的适用性不受时滞大小而限制。从结论的第二条可知,修正算法并不优于文献[9]算法。修正算法的核心思想: 对文献[9]算法施加一种约束,以最大程度地发挥其核心算法。也可以说,修正算法的优越性体现在文献[9]算法上,是其算法的一种补充。具体地,综合本文计算和文献[9]可知,在时滞0.2s内时即10个反馈步以内时,实际运用价值很高;在时滞大于0.2s时即大于10个反馈步时,修正算法可保证系统的稳定性。
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