新目标英语九年级Unit 11单元要点检测题

2016-01-04 15:13
中学生英语·中考指导版 2015年12期



A)语法知识 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

( )1. This film was so ________ that it ________ me cry.

A. moved; made B. moving; made C. touched; let

( )2. —Peter looks ________ chalk. Whats the matter with him?

—He has a bad headache.

A. as soon as B. as good as C. as pale as

( )3. —If we continue to ________, we will win the football match again next time.

—I dont think so. Because Johnson will ________ them. He is a best player.

A. play together; leave

B. pull together; join

C. get on well with; take part in

( )4. The more you read, the ________ you are intelligent.

A. more B. most C. much

( )5. Neither Peter nor I ________.

A. are firemen B. am a fireman C. is a fireman

( )6. Simon would rather go skating than ________.

A. go shop B. going shopping C. go shopping

( )7. —Are you ________ friends with Mary?

—Yes, we are!

A. two B. make C. to

( )8. —Thanks for showing me your stamps. They are very beautiful!


A. Thats right B. Its my pleasure C. Thank you

( )9. —If you dont ________ or youll be left out!

—Ive tried a lot but its difficult for me to study math well.

A. give up B. get up C. catch up

( )10. —I dont know ________.

—Maybe Yew York City is a good place to visit.

A. where to go because of too many cities to choose

B. when to go because I am full on next weekends

C. whether I can go by air instead of going by sea

B)词语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

You must have this kind of experience: When you were a 11 , you had a quarrel with your little friend. You said you would not play with your friend any longer. 12 you forgot your words next morning. When you saw your friend playing 13 a lovely toy, you played happily together in the yard again.

Psychologists say, childrens life is easy and 14 , and they enjoy every day innocently. Why does a child forget an unhappy thing so quickly? Because he or she never thinks of his or her 15 in life. Adults are 16 . They have families and jobs. They are always thinking about the life and they always remember the pains and frustrations they have met. Adults keep their enemies and competitors (竞争对手) in mind. 17 , adults can not live as happily 18 children.

How can adults live like children? Learn to forget 19 . This is a problem worthy of thinking about. A person can not live in unpleasant setbacks. Learn to 20 and enjoy life.

( )11. A. boy B. child C. girl

( )12. A. But B. And C. Yet

( )13. A. for B. by C. with

( )14. A. clean B. simple C. naughty

( )15. A. trouble B. wrong C. terrible

( )16. A. hard-working B. clever C. different

( )17. A. Whenever B. So C. Wherever

( )18. A. as B. like C. to

( )19. A. unexpected B. unhappiness C. unpleasant

( )20. A. recall B. return C. relax



To make friends, you must be friendly. A cheerful person always smiles. A smile can make the others like you. Smile at someone and you are sure to get a smile back from him. A friendly person tries his best to make the others feel at home. Put yourself in their place and make them feel welcome.

Try to remember names. It makes your new friends feel happy when you call them by their names, because you dont forget them. If you do not agree with other people, you should still be friendly. Do not argue, but discuss. You always lose friends if you argue too much. And you should think more of others than of yourself.

It is important for teenagers to have one or a group of good friends. This is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family members. Dont believe those who leave their friends when they are in trouble. Remember: a friend in need is a friend indeed.

A good friend is a persons wealth (财富). When you have a lot of good friends around you, you wont be lonely. Whats more, you will become more and more successful with your friends help.

( )21. A friendly people always makes you ________.

A. feel at home B. unsuccessful C. lonely

( )22. If you call your new friends name in a short time, you will ________.

A. discuss something with your friend

B. be successful with your friends help

C. make your fresh friend feel happy

( )23. What is the same meaning as the underlined phrase “do not agree with”?

A. Are not against. B. Disagree with. C. Get on well with.

( )24. Why is it important for a teenager to have good friends?

A. Because they can discuss something with you.

B. Because your parents are too strict with you.

C. Because your friends never make you unhappy.

( )25. The short passage above tells us ________.

A. when and where to discuss with your friends

B. who are worthy of making friends in our life

C. how to make friends and why to make friends



( )26. What situation can make Lily love this movie?

A. It has Chinese words on screen.

B. It has English words on screen.

C. Characters speak English fast.

( )27. Choy loves this movie because ________.

A. he is an English beginner

B. the cartoon is very relaxing

C. its beautiful and attractive

( )28. Which one is CORRECT according to the chart above?

A. Its very difficult for Lily to speak English.

B. Its easy for the boy to understand the movie.

C. Lily didnt catch any words when she saw it.


( )29. Where was the book lost?

A. In the United Kingdom.

B. At the English Corner.

C. At the teachers office.

( )30. When the owner sees the notice, he (she) will ________.

A. call Charles Dickens

B. look for it at the English Corner

C. call Mr. Li to take it back


A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(每空2分,共5小题,小计10分)

Steve: How happy we are!I really enjoy skating. But I feel hungry now.

Tina: Me, too. Why dont we get something to eat?

Steve: 31. _____________________________________. Let us go to KFC for fast food, will you?

Tina: I know you like KFC. But its junk food, isnt it? Lets go to a restaurant for dinner.

Steve: 32. _____________________________________?

Tina: Mini-Dishes restaurant is a good place.

Steve: 33. _____________________________________?

Tina: We can take a bus.

Steve: 34. _____________________________________?

Tina: Itll take us only ten minutes. Its near here.

Steve: 35. _____________________________________?

Tina: Once a week.


When the ship Titanic was designed for the White Star Shipping Company, everyone was very excited. It was going to be the biggest, the heaviest, and the most luxurious (豪华的) passenger ship ever!Even its name makes you think of great size and strength. “Titanic” means very strong and powerful.

The Titanic set off on its first voyage across the Atlantic to America On April 10th, 1912. As the Titanic sailed west, warnings of icebergs were sent to the ship, but the ship didnt receive the message. So the Titanic was travelling at almost top speed when it hit an iceberg. It sank two hours and forty minutes later. There were 2,223 people on board and 1,517 people died. On May 6th, 2006, the last survivor (幸存者) who had memories of the Titanics sinking, Lillian Gertrud Asplundh, died at her home in Massachusetts, the United States.

The sinking of the Titanic has been the subject of many books, films and even songs. The 1997 movie Titanic brought the story back again and the song in the movie My Heart Will Go On is still very popular today.

“The movie was really sad. Today each time when I listen to the beautiful song of the film, it always makes me cry,” A girl named Tracy, working in a bank, said to her colleagues (同事).

36. What does the name “Titanic” mean?


37. When was its first voyage?


38. How many people died in the disaster (灾难)?


39. What is the theme song for the movie?


40. Why does the song always make Tracy cry?




1. 先从简单的电影开始;

2. 反复看,做笔记;

3. 学着写观后感 (comment)。


1. 80词左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名。


choose v. 选择;language n. 语言;again adv. 再一次;take notes 做笔记

I like English very much. _____________________________________________________







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