建筑设计:H建筑事务所 + DATAAE建筑事务所
建筑设计:H建筑事务所 + DATAAE建筑事务所
1 局部立面/Partial elevation
这栋新建的学生公寓与巴塞罗那瓦莱斯高等建筑技术学院校区的基地一致,都位于圣库加特·德尔·瓦莱斯的一块低密度住宅区内。该项目由巴塞罗那瓦莱斯高等建筑技术学院和加泰罗尼亚理工大学共同组织竞标,他们提出了3个雄心勃勃的挑战:为建筑系学生建造一个住宅区域,符合瑞士迷你能源标准(38kWh/(m2·a)以下),采用一项新的工业施工系统(Compact Habit公司的工业化集成模数系统)。
这个项目并不试图表达一种工业模块系统,而是把模块逻辑优化并融合于技术性与适居性的一种混合式思维。□(辛梦瑶 译)
2 外景/Exterior view
3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: UTE d'Aro Compact-Habit Campus de Sant Cugat主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 大卫·洛伦特·伊瓦涅斯,何塞普·里卡特·乌利德莫林斯,泽维尔·罗斯·马霍,罗杰·图多·加利/H建筑事务所+克劳迪·阿吉洛,阿尔伯特·多明戈/DATAAE建筑事务所/David Lorente Ibáñez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó, Roger Tudó Galí/H ARQUITECTES+ Claudi Aguiló, Albert Domingo/DATAAE
合作者/Collaborators: Toni Jiménez, Montse Fornés, Anna Tamayo (H ARQUITECTES); Anne Hinz, Letizia Dipasquale, Catarina Marques (DATAAE)
设计团队/Project Team: Societat Orgànica (环境/ consultoria ambiental), DSM arquitectes (结构/estructura), ÀBAC enginyers (设备/instal·lacions)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 3101m²
设计时间/Design Period: 2009-2010
建造时间/Construction Period: 2010-2011
摄影/Photos: Adrià Goula
4-8 内景/Interior view
The new dwelling house for students is placed in the same plot as the University of Architecture (ETSAV), in a low density residential area in Sant Cugat del Vallès. The competition, organized by the ETSAV and the UPC, considered three ambitious challenges: to build a housing area for architecture students, to comply with the Swiss energetic certification Minergie (below 38 kwh/m2a) and to use a new system of industrialized construction (EMI System by Compact Habit).
The existing topography and its own double parallel block organization allows dwelling to be closer to the ground level and to favour a big central atrium, where, as a living room, the community life will take place.
The residency program for architecture students allows for imagination of deep relationships between users, both individual, due to the housing unit flexibility, and collective, thanks to the potential use of the central atrium as a social event space.
Our proposal tries to determine as little as possible the unit typology bordering the habitability limits and only offer those elements required by regulation. In this way we try not to completely finish the housing, opening new fields of opportunity: more freedom in the students' appropriation of the space, material cost saving in finishing reinvested in energy efficiency, and a more real and pedagogical expression of construction.
The use of an industrialized system has been decisive for the project development and it has positively conditioned many decisions related to optimization and rationalism of the industrial process. Industrialization helps to save time, to guarantee a better execution control, to implant new dry construction systems and to minimize the production of waste materials during the construction process. It was a great opportunity in design and sustainability terms.
The construction time was developed in the next stages: 2 months of on-site works (foundations, sewage, general installations…), 2 months of units manufacturing in workshop, 2 weeks of transporting and assembling the units on site, and 3 months of general finishing (roof top, façade details, urbanization…)
The idea of a 'none finished' building has a decisive influence on the material result of the building. The original concrete module appears mostly naked, taking positive profit of its materiality, texture and thermal inertia. The few interior finishings added are mainly formed by plywood panels often used for the concrete framework, which have the advantage of being a renewable and dry joint material and with no finishing need. Installations are exposed, when possible, as a way to implement teaching. The façade technology uses a dry construction logic, light and reversible, which are predominated by a ventilated facade system and an important thermal isolation combining thickness with a breathable and watertight membrane. The economic savings achieved by using this kind of material have been invested in energy efficiency improvements (more isolation, better glazing, wooden windows...).
Some of the industrialized systems have a greater environmental impact (energy consumption, generation of waste materials and CO2emissions) than conventional construction. But in this case, using a closed life-cycle materials criteria (less material used by service unit, recycled and recyclable materials, dry and reversible joints, more durability of the structure, etc.), a significantly lower environmental impact has been verified: this project saves up to 25% CO2emissions in manufacturing process, 50% waste materials in the assembly stage and 75% waste materials in the deconstruction stage.
Once the lifetime of the building is over it could be completely disassembled, concrete modules as well as almost all elements and systems could be reused, and the building will no longer be a product, but to become a resource once again. Possibly, recyclable and reuse processes are the strongest concept of the modular system. Its assembly system, without rigid or completely disassembled joints, allows us to imagine a future reuse of the concrete module in other buildings and situations.
The project does not try to show an industrial modular system, but to optimize and integrate a modular logic within a technology and habitability collage.□
10 水消耗/Water consumption
11 材料与废物/Materials and waste
12 生命周期/Life cycle
13 外景/Exterior view
DING Liyang: This project seems very simple at first, yet it actually displays an architectural modular philosophy with a significant level of complexity. Specifically, regarding the modular design strategy, each dorm unit is composed of double floor slabs and double partition walls, which implies that each individual dorm room is a self-complete structural unit. Modular components are also applied to various aspects of the whole project from construction to landscaping. Apart from modular design and prefabrication, the implementation of the architect's "incompleteness" concept also adds to the project's complexity. Moreover, students who literally inhabit this dorm building also contribute to its complexity through free adaptation of the interior functional layout. On the other hand, vertical landscape on the exterior façade helps to thicken the wall, an approach that renders more complex the seemingly ordinary relationship between architecture and nature. The only defect, in my opinion, consists in the treatment of the courtyard staircases, which seems a little rough as compared to the delicate treatment of other materials and elements, in particular the intentionally exposed wall pipes and galvanized steel plates.
JIANG Yong: on the first sight, it may easily be mistaken for a container or a building piled up with some sort of industrial wastes. Only on closer look can one realize that it is a student dorm built of precast concrete and deliberately left in an unfinished status. Simple yet firm shells and facilities, courtyard with soft greening, and luxurious spacial scale, all provide maximum living potential and minimum disturbance: the 4-meterwide room, the 3-meter kitchen counter and toilets are designed for the simplistic life of individual student. The only pity lies in the immobility of spaces and facilities, which failed to provide more possibilities for the inhabitants.
Student Housing, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
14 外景/Exterior view
18 细部/Detail
15 单元剖面/Unit section
16 单元平面/Unit plan
17 单元示意/Unit diagram