哲 学
柏拉图:希腊的摩西?——教父对柏拉图哲学的反应………………………………………………………………………[美]席古拉,李 睿(译)(1)
苏格拉底在《申辩篇》中的智慧 …………………………………朱渝阳(7)
农业基础设施投入对农业产出的影响分析——基于Panel Data 模型…………………………………………………………………………罗超烈(11)
影响使用者对即时通讯软件使用意愿之实证研究 …杜 宇,王建国(20)
创业生态系统研究溯源及前沿探析 …………………孟 丽,唐晓婷(25)
制造集群网络协作关系治理框架研究 ………………左小明,员巧云(30)
基于文本挖掘的政府公共价值测度与比较 …………张 惠,王 冰(35)
城市群建设:欧盟区域一体化的经验与启示 …………邝光裕,戴 黍(40)
篇章、语境和批判维度的学术话语研究 ………………………董 艳(47)
汉语“前/后”时间隐喻模式的认知研究 ………………………唐美华(52)
汉字笔迹学初探 …………………………………………………方孝坤(58)
璇玑中的玄机:汉语及其语法的空间性 ………………………邓伟龙(62)
宋代名字说的文体渊源 …………………………………………邓锡斌(66)
文 学
文学形象论——兼论文学的隐秀、性命与物化 ………………何光顺(73)
论《秀拉》的道德倾向 …………………………………………王化菊(80)
音 乐
民族管弦乐《褐山揽胜》解析 …………………………………杨昌永(85)
青岛市音乐形象的设计与应用 …………………………………颜 咏(89)
当代传媒文化中“审丑”现象刍议 ……………………张 帆,李 辉(92)
论《淮南子》性命哲学的和观念 …………………………………王硕民(1)
皖北文化产业发展的路径选择 ……………孙语圣,张崇旺,朱正业,等(6)
论花鼓灯艺术在安徽新农村文化建设中的价值 ………………孙大军(12)
皖北坠子戏的源流与嬗变 ………………………………………李亚希(16)
基于PCA 算法的安徽省城市综合承载能力评价研究 ……………………………………………………………………何 刚,杨 黎,张 宏,等(19)
基于灰色系统(GRAY)的安徽省城市生态环境质量综合评价及对策研究……………………………………………………………雷思友,范 君(25)
安徽省科技创新能力比较研究 …………………………………王 俊(31)
熵值标准下数据信息量的FCM 改进 …………………徐 健,李春忠(36)
区域人力资本存量投入产出效率分析 ………吴传真,何 刚,乔国通(41)
文 学
从“柔肠”到“断肠”:一个词学主题的多维考索 ………………郭守运(44)
威克利夫《圣经》对中世纪英格兰文化影响研究 ……………王宗华(49)
艾略特的诗歌创作与批评理论的互动——论《J·阿尔弗雷德·普罗弗洛克的情歌》 …………………………………………………凌 越,许庆红(59)
国外当代话语分析:路径和主题 ………………………………董 艳(64)
《本草纲目》药名词汇隐喻命名的意象图式研究 ……………涂海强(71)
英语写作中篇章回指的使用探析 ………………………………郝景东(76)
基于原型理论的英语词典义项排列模式研究 …………………李增垠(80)
合作原则的语用实例研究 ……………………………汤红梅,李大勤(86)
近三十年来关于安徽经济史(1840 -1949)的研究… …………胡 锋(92)
论李自成起义失败的内因 ……………………………………汤汶旸(98)
圈子与话题的“聚变”效能——校园社交媒体融入学风建设的思考…………………………………………………………………钱 元,马庆玲(102)
新媒体环境下体育受众心理特征分析与引导策 ……张爱兵,吴月红(105)
执政心理错位:文化大革命时期党的执政文化建设解析 ………卢少求(1)
中国传统文化视阈下的社会主义核心价值观 …………李 楠,郑本凤(6)
大别山欠发达地区“美好型”乡村治理研究 …………………邢勤锋(10)
孳息权属认定——基于第三方支付虚拟账户沉淀资金的探析…………………………………………………………………………………李 磊(15)
借款人为公司借贷案件债权人权益的救济 ……………………周 平(20)
产学研合作提升中小企业自主创新能力机理模型研究 ………徐达奇(24)
合肥市现代服务业集群省域竞争力评析——基于偏离—份额Esteban 模型……………………………………………………………………刘 岚(37)
商圈与O2O 的联姻——一种商业模式 ……牟 勇,王兆朋,汪 雯(41)
两岸文化产业合作发展对策研究 ………………………………方沁怡(44)
《真诰校注》勘误札记 …………………………………刘祖国,范艳丽(48)
中古译经中以“满”为构词语素的几个词语 …………………曹 嫄(52)
文 学
本色批评的建构与践行——论张燕玲的文学批评 ……………罗小凤(57)
宋词“销魂”主题的美学考察 …………………………………郑 虹(64)
语篇衔接理论下的政治文本翻译——以《美国丘奇委员会报告》为例 ………………………………………………………………………陈京京(68)
中国文化输出的顺应策略——《红楼梦》两英译本中麻将等游戏情节的语言翻译对比研究 ………………………………………………………张静静(72)
梵呗入华 佛乐俗化——中国古代佛乐与俗乐融合研究述评 …………………………………………………………………………………王安潮(78)
“学琴”、“习琴”与“能琴”——颜元“琴”学理念在钢琴演奏中的借鉴意义……………………………………………………………王爱国,翟 毅(82)
芜湖堆漆画工艺的历史及其发展趋势分析 …………孟梅林,熊青杨(86)
学报服务地方应用型高水平大学建设的思考 …………………李应青(89)
《安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)》2009 -2013年网络传播情况分析………………………………………………………………吴晓红,何学华(93)
高校思想政治教育发展的问题与实效性的提升 ………………王 颖(99)
全球竞争的文化转向与大学文化的国家安全战略维度 ……杨文艺(103)
论《淮南子》之“奇”——兼议《淮南子》为“淮南黄老道家”说……………………………………………………………………………………高 旭(1)
淮河文化中的思想政治教育资源的理论价值 …………………赵仁青(9)
哲 学
论维特根斯坦对“奥古斯丁语言图像”的反驳 ………徐 强,桑 田(13)
罗尔斯公共理性思想的理论贡献与局限性 ……………………张伟伟(19)
“是”推不出“应该”吗——休谟的道德哲学研究 ……………刘 勇(23)
略论邓小平的群众利益观 ………………………………………吴卫红(29)
加强党的作风建设的务实举措 …………………………………张 晶(32)
R&D 投入对区域技术创新绩效的影响作用关系——基于东部地区面板数据的实证分析 ………………………………………………杜 丽,苗成林(36)
地方政府财政支出与居民消费——基于总量与结构效应双重视角的实证分析 …………………………………………………………童大龙,李 加(41)
法 律
父权文化视阈下影响农村妇女参政的原因及对策——以安徽省宁国市为分析蓝本 ……………………………………………………满先进,吴俊明(47)
多模态视角下美国征兵广告的互动意义研究 …………………席晓青(59)
英语中动句的论元结构及其句法实现 …………………………路 华(66)
文 学
现当代美国少年小说的主要特征 ……………………张 颖,祁晓杰(71)
《四个四重奏》中的道家思想 …………………………王 萍,应伟伟(78)
论“中国梦”的英译和American Dream 的汉译 ………………李田心(83)
汉语新词文化图式翻译探析 ……………………………………刘明东(86)
宗炳画论:山水画美学的先驱与典范 …………………………花仕旺(92)
文人园林“雅”范畴的审美品格 ………………………………任宏霞(96)
社会主义核心价值观融入高校学生资助工作的思考 ………钟 军(101)
新形势下矿山安全毕业生就业心理问题及对策 ……………蔡 峰(105)
法 律
论隐私权中的安宁权益 …………………………………………张 阳(1)
刑民交叉案件的语义分析和处理模式考察 ……………………洪锡雷(4)
基于SEM 的创新型人力资本对区域产业转型升级影响研究 ……………………………………………………………何 刚,朱艳娜,杨 军,等(9)
季羡林对胡适及其思想的认识与思考 …………………………周良发(22)
论《国语》的史学特色 …………………………………………祁庆永(27)
《诗经》及其注解文献中草字部假借字研究 …………张道升,张 捷(31)
以方言特征词探究皖西南二次葬的文化及根源 ………………吕 延(36)
英语连接性词语的评价功能 ……………………………………王惠萍(43)
基于文献计量法的大学英语转型发展研究 …………陈圣白,刘明东(52)
文 学
时世与英雄——《鲁宾孙漂流记》与《文明前哨》 ……………尚 睿(56)
不可靠叙述下的伦理危机——评约翰·契弗小说《茫茫大海》…………………………………………………………………………………周 宁(60)
毛猿的喜剧和现代人的悲剧——《毛猿》的生态马克思主义解读………………………………………………………………………………周 玲(66)
论鲁西南汉画像石中神明形象的宇宙论意义 …………………李群喜(70)
文化翻译中的创造性叛逆 ……………………………郭万红,李建军(86)
论高校学习型服务型创新型党组织长效机制建设 ……………谢振安(92)
高校家庭困难学生精细化甄别方法初探 ……………田中良,张 娜(95)
地方高校合同工党员发展工作困境及对策研究——以C 学院为例……………………………………………………………………………王 晖(101)
高校二级学院廉政文化建设研究 ……………………………童家飞(105)
魏晋南北朝淮颍流域文学家族研究的设想 ……………………方 胜(1)
铁路与近代淮南城市发展(1912—1952) ………………………李 强(5)
抗战烽火燃安徽——纪念抗战暨二战胜利70周年 …………程永生(13)
爱国书生对法国二战败亡的反省——以马克·布洛赫《奇怪的战败》为主要考察对象 ……………………………………………………………张 辉(17)
学习马克思 ………………………………………………………王 洪(22)
生态人格培育机制探微 ………………………………………王大贤(25)
在依法治国中坚持和体现人民主体地位 ………………………吴贵春(31)
皖江城市群经济发展能力优势比较研究——基于STATA 的面板数据分析…………………………………………………何叶荣,孟祥瑞,罗文科(34)
安徽省区域经济发展差距及对策研究 ……陈昌云,荀守奎,牟 勇(42)
区域经济发展中高校规模效益与路径分析 …………陈亚树,荣盼盼(50)
“语言癌”论争:危言警世甚于危言耸听? ……………………丁大琴(57)
中西文化观视域下广告语比较研究 ……………………………魏咪娜(61)
近十年国内独生子女研究热点路径分析 ………………………盛鹏飞(65)
哑铃现象”与“非线性”人口增长解读 ………………………廖海亚(70)
对深化高校后勤改革的思考 ……………………………………洪江如(78)
高校青年教师思想政治工作的创新实践与思考——以安徽理工大学青年教工联合会为例 ……………………………………………赵 宁,彭 晶(82)
加强和改进教育系统工会组织自身建设 ………………………訾媛媛(86)
舆论研究30年(1985 -2014):回顾与反思——基于24 780 篇期刊论文的分析 ……………………………………………………………………焦德武(91)
2005 -2015“关于年科技期刊研究”的文献计量分析 … ………张艳丽(98)
高校学报面临的困境与可持续发展研究 ……………………姜凤霞(105)
Plato:The Attic Moses?Some Patristic Reactions to Platonic Philosophy …Paul Ciholas,LI Rui(trans.)(1)
Socrates’wisdom in Apology ………………………………………………………………ZHU Yu-yang(7)
Analysis of the impact of infrastructure on agricultural output ——based on panel data model…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LUO Chao-lie(11)
Research on the influence of enterprise informatization adoption model on the enterprise’s value appreciation in the context of E-commerce …………………………………………………………………XU Chao-yi(16)
An empirical study on the use intentions of IM software ……………………DU Yu ,WANG Jian-guo(20)
Study on traceability and frontier of entrepreneurial ecosystem ……………MENG Li,TANG Xiao-ting(25)
Research on governance framework of collaborative relationship in manufacturing cluster network…………………………………………………………………………………ZUO Xiao-ming,YUN Qiao-yun(30)
The measurement and comparison of text-mining-based government public value…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hui,WANG Bing(35)
The construction of urban agglomeration:the experience and enlightenment of regional integration of EU………………………………………………………………………………KUANG Guang-yu,DAI Shu(40)
Textual,contextual,and critical perspectives on academic discourse analysis ………………DONG Yan(47)
A cognitive study on Chinese time metaphor Focusing on“front”and“back”… ………TANG Mei-hua(52)
Tentative research on Chinese graphology ………………………………………………FANG Xiao-kun(58)
Mystery of Xuanji Figure:Chinese language and its grammar space …………………DENG Wei-long(62)
Stylistic origin of name’s articles in Song Dynasty. ………………………………………DENG Xi-bin(66)
The theory of literary image——on the implicit beauty,life and materialization in literature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Guang-shun(73)
On the moral inclination of Sula …………………………………………………………WANG Hua-ju(80)
Analysis of the national orchestral music of He Mountain ……………………………YANG Chang-yong(85)
On design and application of Qingdao musical image …………………………………………YAN Yong(89)
On the phenomenon of“appreciation of ugliness”in contemporary media culture…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Fan,LI Hui (92)
Investigation of needs and influence of sports news on college students in Anhui Polytechnic University……………………………………………………………………………CHEN Ming-zhu,WU Yue-hong(96)
On the idea of harmony about Life philosophy in Huai Nan Zi …………………………WANG Shuo-min(1)
Path selection of the development of cultural industry in northern Anhui province……………………………………………………………………SUN Yu-sheng,ZHANG Chong-wang,ZHU Zheng-ye,et al.(6)
On the value of Flower Drum Lantern art in the cultural construction of the new countryside……………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Da-jun (12)
The origin and evolvement of Wanbei Zhuizi play ………………………………………………LI Ya-xi(16)
Evaluation of the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities of Anhui province based on PCA………………………………………………………………………………HE Gang,YANG Li,ZHANG Hong,et al.(19)
Study on ecological environment quality comprehensive evaluations and countermeasures based on GRAY of Anhui province ………………………………………………………………………LEI Si-you,FAN Jun(25)
A comparative study of innovation in science and technology in Anhui province ……………WANG Jun(31)
The improvement of quantity of data using FCM based on standard of entropy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Jian,LI Chun-zhong(36)
Analysis of the input-output efficiency of regional stock of human capital……………………………………………………………………………………………WU Chuan-zhen,HE Gang ,QIAO Guo-tong(41)
From“soft-heart”to“broken heart”:a multi-dimensional analysis of the subject of Ci theory…………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Shou-Yun(44)
On Wyclif Bible’s influences on the medieval England culture ………………………WANG Zong-hua(49)
In the name of mourning:from The Work of Mourning by Derrida to You Are the One II…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SU Ti-ping(54)
The interplay between T.S.Eliot’s poetry creation and literary theory:on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock……………………………………………………………………………LING Yue ,XU Qing-hong(59)
Contemporary discourse analysis abroad:approaches and themes ……………………………DONG Yan(64)
On the imagery schema of medicine words named by metaphor in Compendium of Matera Medica………………………………………………………………………………………………………TU Hai-qiang(71)
Analysis of using discourse anaphora in English writing …………………………………HAO Jing-dong(76)
A Study on Sense Ordering Model in English Dictionary Based on Prototype Theory ………LI Zeng-yin(80)
Research on a pragmatic example of cooperative principle ………………TANG Hong-mei,Li Da-qin(86)
Research on the recent three decades of modern Anhui’s economic history (1840 -1949)… …HU Feng(92)
Analysis of the internal causes of Li Zicheng’s failed uprising ……………………TANG WEN-YANG(98)
Efficacy of“aggregation”between circles and topic ——thoughts on the integration of learning ethos construction into campus social media …………………………………………………QIAN Yuan,MA Qing-ling(102)
Analysis of sports audience’s psychological features and guiding strategies under new media environment………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ai-bing,WU Yue-hong(105)
The ruling psychological dislocation:analysis of the construction of the Party’s governance culture during the Cultural Revolution ……………………………………………………………………………LU Shao-qiu(1)
Socialist core values from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture ………LI Nan,ZHENG Ben-feng(6)
Research on“fine”rural construction of underdeveloped areas in Dabie mountains ……XING Qin-feng(10)
Determination of interest’s ownership:analysis of the third party payment’s virtual account on deposited funds……………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Lei(15)
Remedies for creditors of private loan cases against company debtors …………………………ZHOU Ping(20)
Research on the mechanism model of independent innovation capability in SMEs with university-industry cooperation …………………………………………………………………………………………XU Da-qi(24)
Research on the sharing of innovative talents in the coordinated development in He-Wu-Ma region…………………………………………………………WANG Chun-sheng,SUN Yu-tao,FAN Yi-hua(29)
Research on the relationship between safety input and safety production capacity of Huainan Mining Group………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wen-qin,DONG Hong-guang(34)
Analysis of the provincial competitiveness of modern service industry cluster in Hefei——on the basis of the Esteban model of shift-share analysis ………………………………………………………………LIU Lan(37)
Marriage of shopping malls with O2O— a new business model…………………………………………………………………………………………………………MOU Yong ,WANG Zhao-peng,WANG Wen(41)
Research on measures for the cooperative development of cultural and creative industry between Taiwan and the mainland ……………………………………………………………………………………FANG Qin-yi(44)
Some tentative doubts on Punctuations and Annotations of ZhenGao ………LIU Zu-guo ,FAN Yan-li(48)
On some words with“full”as the morpheme of word formation in the medieval Chinese translation of sutra literature ………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Yuan(52)
The construction and practice of natural criticism——on Zhang Yan-ling’s literary critism……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LUO Xiao-feng(57)
Aesthetic study on the“ecstasy”theme in the poetry of the Song Dynasty ………………ZHENG Hong(64)
Application of cohesion theory in the translation of political literature——a case study of The Final Report of Church Committee ………………………………………………………………………CHEN Jing-jing(68)
On adaptation strategy for Chinese culture export——a comparison between language translation strategies in Mahjong and other traditional games in A Dream of Red Mansions …………………ZHANG Jing-jing(72)
Chanting of prayers into China FoLe vulgarization——the Chinese ancient FoLe and vulgar fusion research review……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG An-chao(78)
“Learning the lyre”,“Performing the lyre”and“Sensing the lyre”——the referential meaning of Yan Yuan’s concept of“the lyre”in piano performance ……………………………………WANG Ai-guo,ZHAI Yi(82)
Wuhu heap history of Lacquer painting process and its developmental trend analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………MENG Mei-lin ,XIONG Qing-yang(86)
Reflection on the function of journals in serving the construction of local high -level application -oriented universities ………………………………………………………………………………………LI Ying-qing(89)
Journal of Anhui university of science and technology (natural science edition)from 2009 to 2013——analysis of network transmission situation ……………………………………………WU Xiao-hong,HE Xue-hua(93)
Ideological and political education development and the promotion of effectiveness in colleges and universities……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Ying(99)
The cultural turn of global competition and the national security strategy dimension of university culture……………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Wen-yi(103)
On the peculiarity of Huainanzi ——the Huainan Huang Lao Tao theory in Huainanzi …………GAO Xu(1)
Analysis of the ideological and political resources of Huai River culture ………………ZHAO Ren-qing(9)
On Wittgenstein's refutation against“The Augustinian Picture of Language”… …XU Qiang,SANG Tian (13)
Tentative analysis about Rawls’s public reason ………………………………………ZHANG Wei-wei(19)
Won’t‘ought ’follow‘is’?—— research on Hume's moral philosophy ……………………LIU Yong(23)
Tentative research on Deng Xiaoping's view of the interests of the masses ………………WU Wei-hong(29)
Thoughts on the practical measures to strengthen the Party’s style construction …………………………………………………ZHANG Jing(32)
Research on the relations of R&D investment and technology innovation performance——an empirical analysis based on panel data in the eastern region ……………………………………DU Li,MIAO Cheng-lin(36)
Local government fiscal expenditure and resident consumption——analysis of the dual perspective based on the total and structure effect …………………………………………………………TONG Da-long,LI Jia(41)
Causes and countermeasures of rural women's participation in politics from the perspective of patriarchal culture………………………………………………………………………MAN Xian-jin,WU jun-ming(47)
The implementation model of the inverted accountability in Chinese misjudged cases——The case of Huge as an example …………………………………………………………………………………XIONG Chuan-li(53)
A Study of the Interactive Meaning in American Recruiting Posters from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse………………………………………………………………………………………………Xi Xiao-qing(59)
Argument structure and syntactic realization of English middle construction ……………………LU Hua(66)
Major features of modern American young adult fiction ……………………ZHANG Ying,QI Xiao-jie(71)
On Taoism in Four Quartets …………………………………………………Wang Ping,Ying Wei-wei(78)
On the English translation of the“Zhongguo Meng”and the Chinese Translation of“American Dream”…………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Tian-xin (83)
On English translation of cultural schemata of Chinese neologisms ………………………LIU Ming-dong(86)
Study on the painting theory of ZongBing:the pioneer and model of landscape painting aesthetics………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUA Shi-wang(92)
On aesthetic characters of scholar gardens’“refined”category ………………………RENG Hong-xia(96)
Thoughts on college students’financial aid in socialist core values ………………………ZHONG Jun(101)
Problems and countermeasures of the psychology of mining safety majors seeking employment under the new situation ……………………………………………………………………………………………CAI Feng(105)
On tranquility interest in privacy right ………………………………………………………ZHANG Yang(1)
Semantic analysis of interlocked criminal and civil cases and the study on the modes of handling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………HONG Xi-lei(4)
The impact study of innovative human capital on regional industrial structure transformation and upgrading based on SEM ………………………………………………………HE Gang,ZHU Yan-na,YANG Jun,et al.(9)
The impact of the agglomeration of logistics industry on manufacturing industry in Anhui ——analysis based on municipal panel data ………………………………………………CAO Rui-zhang ,WU Yun-liang (14)
Ji Xianlin’s understanding and thinking of Hu Shi and his thoughts ……………………ZHOU Liang-fa(22)
On historical features of Guo Yu ……………………………………………………………QI Qing-yong(27)
Research on the guise of words in Caozi department in The Book of Songs and its notes……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Dao-sheng,ZHANG-jie(31)
Study on the characteristics and origin of the twice burial custom in Southwest Anhui by way of the character -words of dialect ……………………………………………………………………………………LV Yan(36)
On the Evaluative Function of English Connectives ……………………………………WANG Hui-ping (43)
On the identity construction of the host from the social pragmatic perspective:a case study of Talk Show Programs………………………………………………………………………………………………XIA Yu-qiong(48)
A bibliometric analysis of the transformation studies of college English in China……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Sheng-bai,LIU Ming-dong(52)
On the times and the heroes ——Robinson Crusoe and An Out-post of Progress …………SHANG Rui(56)
The ethical crisis in unreliable narration——on John Cheever’s The Ocean ………………ZHOU Ning(60)
Comedy of The Hairy Ape and tragedy of modern man——an interpretation of The Hairy Ape from the perspective of ecological Marxism …………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Ling(66)
On the cosmological significance of stone deity image in Shandong southwestern portraits in the Han Dynasty……………………………………………………………………………………………LI Qun-xi (70)
A classic case of Nationalism of literature:the Modern Chinalization of Lin Shu’s translation of Haggard’s novels……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Li-you(79)
Two-dimensional filtration and creative treason in cross-cultural translation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Wan-hong,LI Jian-jun(86)
On the long-term mechanism of learning & service-type innovative Party organization construction…………………………………………………………………………………………………XIE Zhen-an(92)
Study on the intensified methods for sifting university students from poor families……………………………………………………………………………………………………TIAN Zhong-liang,ZHANG Na(95)
Analysis of the causes of patent transform difficulties in colleges and universities and the construction research of patent technology transfer center …………………SHEN Yu-zhe,DAI Qun-qun,WANG Chen-jun(98)
Research on the difficulties in and the coping meausres for the fostering of CPC Members among contract Staff in locally funded institutions of higher learning——a case study of College C …………………WANG Hui(101)
Research on honest and clean cultural construction in secondary schools of colleges and universities……………………………………………………………………………………………………TONG Jia-fei(105)
Literary families in Huaihe-Yinghe River Basin in Wei Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties………………………………………………………………………………………………………FANG Sheng(1)
The railroad and the development of Huainan city in modern times (1912—1952)… ……………LI Qiang(5)
Anti-Japanese War in Anhui-to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II…………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Yong-sheng(13)
A patriotic scholar’s reflection on the defeat of France in World War II- a study on Marc Bloch’s Strange Defeat ……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hui(17)
Learn Marx ……………………………………………………………………………………WANG Hong(22)
On the cultivation mechanism of individuals’ecological personality ……………………WANG Da-xian(25)
Adhering to and embodying the status of people as main body in the course of ruling the country by law………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Gui-chun (31)
Economic development capacity and advantage comparison of cities along Yangtze river in Anhui province- pan
el data analysis based on STATA …………………HE Ye-rong,MENG Xiang-rui ,LUO Wen-ke(34)
Research on the disparity of regional economic development in Anhui province and possible solutions- an empirical analysis based on factor analysis and cluster analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Chang-yun,XUN Shou-kui,MOU Yong(42)
Path analysis and scale efficiency of institutions of higher learning in the development of regional economy…………………………………………………………………………CHEN Ya-shu,Rong Pan-pan (50)
On“Language Cancer”:Cautionary rather than Frightening ………………………………DING Da-qin(57)
A comparative study of the advertising slogans in China and western countries from a cultural perspective…………………………………………………………………………………………………WEI Mi-na(61)
Route analysis of the hot topics in only child research in China in the past decade……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHENG Peng-fei (65)
Analysis of the“dumbbell phenomenon”and“non linear”growth rate of population ……LIAO Hai-ya(70)
Meditation on the reform of logistics in college and universities ………………………HONG Jiang-ru (78)
Innovation of and reflection on the ideological and political work on young teachers in institutions of higher learning-a case study of the Union of Young Teachers in Anhui University of Science and Technology……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Ning,PENG Jing(82)
To strengthen and improve the self-construction of trade unions in educational institutions -a study on the construction of trade unions in institutions of higher learning and affiliated hospitals in the north of Anhui…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZI Yuan-yuan(86)
Review of and reflections on the studies on public opinions in the last 30 years (1985 -2014)-an anlysis based on 24780 journal papers ……………………………………………………………………JIAO De-wu(91)
Bibliometric analysis of researches on scientific and technological journals from 2005 to 2015………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yan-li (98)
On the predicaments and sustainable development of the journals in colleges and universities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Feng-xia(105)