Discussions and Recommendations for Supervision of Vegetable Quality and Safety in Miyun County

2015-12-15 17:56ShengjunYUANLinwuZHANG
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年12期

Shengjun YUAN,Linwu ZHANG

Miyun County Agriculture Service Center,Beijing 101500,China

Discussions and Recommendations for Supervision of Vegetable Quality and Safety in Miyun County

Shengjun YUAN,Linwu ZHANG*

Miyun County Agriculture Service Center,Beijing 101500,China

Vegetable is a pillar industry of agriculture in Miyun County.Improving vegetable quality and ensuring consumers rest assured in consumption are essential for promoting increase of agricultural efficiency and farmers’income,and also the necessity for promoting sustainable development of vegetable industry.This paper elaborated current situations of vegetable production and quality and safety in Miyun County,summarized practice and exploration in supervision of vegetable quality and safety,and came up with recommendations for reinforcing supervision of vegetable quality and safety in view of weak points.

Vegetable;Quality and safety;Supervision;Recommendations

V egetable is fresh agro-product and also necessity of daily life. Vegetable quality and safety concern national health,stable development of vegetable industry and constant increase of farmers’income. Therefore,it has become a hot issue. Vegetable is a pillar industry of agriculture in Miyun County and also major source for increase of local farmers’income.Formany years,Miyun County always takes ensuring vegetable quality and safety as important measure forpromoting sustainable development of vegetable industry.It has actively explored and practiced series of supervision and managementmeasures,madeoutstanding achievements,and effectively guaranteed vegetable quality and safety of Miyun County.If there is vegetable quality and safety traceable system,it will be able to rapidly locate problem vegetable,narrow the range of problem vegetable,and reduce losses.For example,Yongnian Garlic accident makes us realize necessity and urgency for establishing vegetable quality and safety traceable system.Since China’s entry to WTO,developed countries raised standard for testing residues of pesticides in vegetable and there is a rising trend of return of exported vegetable.

In 2002,Japan limited import of vegetable from China in excuse of excess of pesticide residue.China is facing with many problems in effective vegetable quality and safety production,such as decentralized vegetable production and difficult extension of standardized production tech nologies[1-3].Here,we discussed current situations of vegetable production and quality and safety in Miyun County,in the hope of providing theoretical guidance for supervision of vegetable quality and safety.

Current Situations of Vegetable Production and Quality and Safety in Miyun County

Vegetable industry is an important industry of Beijing’s agriculture.“Vegetable basket”project,modern seed industry,ruraltourism,and leisure agriculture are three largest types of agriculture in Beijing,while pollution-free,organic coarse grain,and flower are characteristic planting products of Miyun County.Developing facility vegetable industry is a majordirection of Miyun County for present and future for a long time.

Basic situations of Miyun County

Miyun County is located in the northeast of Beijing and is 67 km away from Beijing downtown.It covers a total area of 2 227.4 km2.Miyun Reservoir is located in central area of the county,covering a water area of 188 km2.Its farmland area is about 22 000 hectare.Miyun Reservoir runs through the central area of the county and is the base of drinking water source for the capital Beijing.There are many mountains but little farmland,with altitude in the range of 45-800 m.Miyun County is also named “Eight parts mountain,one part water,and one part farmland”,and it is short of land resources.As to climate,four seasons are distinct and sunshine is sufficient in Miyun County,the annual mean temperature is 2-4℃lower than Beijing downtown.In summer,mountain areas to the north of Miyun Reservoir are cool and day-and-night temperature difference is large.Situated in Chao-Bai River alluvial plain,Miyun County mainly has sandy soil and loam soil.The soil is porous and soil fertility is moderate.Water source is plentiful and total water volume is more than one billion m3[4].In view of natural resources,Miyun County is suitable for developing labor intensive vegetable industry.

Basic situations of vegetable industry

There is 2 400 hectare vegetable(including 980 hectare facility vegetable)in Miyun County.The annual vegetable yield reaches 280 million kg,total vegetable output value is up to 580 million yuan,and about 13 000 farmer households are engaged in vegetable planting in Miyun County[1]. There are 10 types and more than 200 varieties of vegetable planted in Miyun County,and vegetable is available throughout the year.

Currentsituations ofvegetable quality and safety

In 2002,Miyun County won the special honor of the first top 100 pollution-free vegetable production demonstration base.Its vegetable quality and safety keep high level all the time and the annual pass rate of selective samples is higher than 99.8%.

Qualification certification The“three brands and one identification”(green,organic and pollution-free and geographic identification)is a public brand for safe and high quality agroproducts built up by agricultural department[2].In line with the principle of“certification as much as possible”,Miyun County energetically popularizes the certification of pollution-free vegetable,encourages production entities to apply for green certification and organic certification,and provides 20 000 yuan award for production entities winning the quality certification for the first time.By the end of 2014,there are 46 pollution-free vegetable production bases,9 green vegetable production bases,5 organic vegetable production bases,and one geographical identification product in Miyun County.The certification area of pollution-free vegetable is up to 1 060.78 hectare with annual approved yield up to 56 505 tons,and the certification area of green vegetable is up to 386.5 hectare with annual approved yield up to 18 610 tons.

Construction of standardized vegetable base Establishing large-scale standardized vegetable production base and guiding bases to conduct standardized vegetable production are important ways of promoting unified vegetable production quality and effective approach of ensuring safety of agro-products[2].Since 2002,in order to promote construction of safety system for agro-products in an all-round way,Miyun County has been energetically popularizing standardized agricultural production technologies and establishing and improving corporate standard system.Now,already 20 facility vegetable production bases have obtained certification of standardized agricultural production demonstration base of Beijing,and 55 facility vegetable production bases have passed inspection and acceptance of standardized agriculturalproduction of Miyun County.In 2011,Miyun County started promoting dynamic management and long-term supervision mechanism of standardized production bases,implementing dynamic supervision of county-wide standardized agricultural production bases,and divided all vegetable production bases into excellent,good,and acceptable levels.The standardized vegetable production bases up to excellent level will receive 100 000 yuan award.For a consecutive 5 years,27 bases have won the honor of excellent level of standardized vegetable production bases for vegetable basket product of Beijing.

Exploration ofWays of Vegetable Quality and Safety Supervision

Established county,town,and village levels of vegetable quality and safety supervision system

Firstly,Miyun County Agricultural Service Center established vegetable quality and safety management leading group,established corresponding workteam and workmechanism,made definite supervision responsibilities of safety department of agro-products,plant protection station,agricultural technology extension station,and station of quality agro-products,to ensure implementation of vegetable quality and safety supervision.Secondly,through increasing brands,arranging personnel,providing equipment,and allocating funds on the basis oftownship agriculturalservice centers(or stations),Miyun County ensured that there are organizations performing supervision responsibilities,personnel undertaking supervision tasks,equipment conducting supervision services,and stable input ensuring work progress.In 2012,all 17 agricultural towns in Miyun County established town level agro-product quality and safety managementstations. Thirdly,Miyun County arranged one village level general agronomic technician for each of 328 agricultural administrative villages,to take charge of supervision and guidance of vegetable quality and safety and reporting and issuing of related information,and carry out supervision and guidance of input ofvegetable production bases. Fourthly,the county finance hired 100 vegetable quality and safety assistant managers from town,village and base levels,to take charge of selling agricultural means of production of local towns,villages,and bases,guiding bases to safety use agricultural input products.In sum,Miyun County has basically established vegetable quality and safety supervision system withjoint effort and unified charge and joint administration.

lmproved vegetable safe production and management system

Rigorously implementing environmental management of vegetable production place If environmental quality is not up to standard or not high,it is difficult to establish high quality and standard bases,and ensuring product quality and safety will become an idle talk[3].Miyun County agricultural service center has established agricultural environmental protection center and established farmland environment supervision office,to make supervision and inspection of vegetable and other crop planting environment,guide bases to carry out environmental construction,and periodically collect air,soil and irrigation water source sample to test,and guarantee vegetable base environment to meet requirement of pollution-free agro-products.

Strictly controlling the quality of“source products”for vegetable inputs Miyun County has established one agricultural means of production service head store and 26 agricultural means of production chain stores.The head store is responsible for providing unified delivery services of agricultural means of production for chain stores. All chain stores are provided with special counters for pollution-free and green vegetable.Vegetable farmers can buy seeds,fertilizers,and pesticides from local agricultural means of production chain stores.The county governmentencourages vegetable farmers to use biological pesticides and provide 90%subsidies for farmers using biological pesticides.

Rigorously implementing production management of vegetable production bases Miyun County has established vegetable production base managementfileandimplemented“one file for one household”management.It requires vegetable production bases to make detailed records of production and management,including field production records,warehouse entry and exit records for agricultural means of production and pesticide,quality test records,and vegetable sales records (or picking and harvesting records).Every base is provided with a specialized technician for technical guidance and supervision.

Strictly reinforcing the production standard Firstly,Miyun County actively promoted standardized vegetable production,and all bases have established corresponding technical standards,production standards,and management standards,to guide production behavior of vegetable farmers using standards and rules according to their quality certification situation. Secondly,Miyun County actively extended key technologies such as physical and chemical trap,biological prevention and control,ecological regulation,and scientific drug administration.Especially,it energetically explores function of trichogramma,ladybugs,lacewings,and Encarsia in preventing and controlling pests of vegetable.

lmproved vegetable quality and safety testing system

In recent years,Miyun County focused on construction of vegetable quality testing system,reinforced sampling inspection of vegetable residual pesticide,strictly enforced treatment of unacceptable vegetable,and forbad unacceptable products to flow to market,to ensure 100%vegetable on market is acceptable.

Gradually improving construction of county,town,and base levels of agro-productquality and safety testing system In 2014,Miyun County invested more than 5 million yuan in building integrated quality inspection station for agro-products covering an area of 600 m2,purchased basic testing equipment,and assigned 9 specialized technicians to take charge of quality test.Through participating in skill matches with Beijing and the Ministry of Agriculture,operation skills of testing workers become more proficient.Besides,it increased input in grass-roots testing hardware,fitted out complete set of pesticide residue rapid testing equipment and reagent for 17 town level and 10 bases of pesticide residue test office,regularly provided skill training for grass-roots inspectors,and basically completed pesticide residue testing task of local towns or bases.

Focusing on reinforcing sampling inspection of vegetable pesticide residue In view of new situations and problems of vegetable quality and safety in recent years,Miyun County organized sampling inspection of vegetable pesticide residue,properly arranged sampling proportion of“three brands and one identification”certification base,standardization base and non-certification base,and non-standardized base,and took vegetable of folklore tourist households as one of key sampling inspection.It strengthened pre-marketing test of vegetable production base and carried out fixed point test for key vegetable production bases,to resolutely put an end to unacceptable vegetable flowing to market.

Strictly implemented punishment of unacceptablevegetable Miyun County reinforced joint inspection and attack,strictly implemented pollutionfree disposal of unacceptable vegetable in sampling inspection,and punished relevant responding person,and circulated a notice of criticism and warning.

Explored vegetable quality and safety traceable system

Combining regional vegetable production characteristics, Miyun County actively explored characteristic vegetable quality tracing method and has preliminarily established vegetable quality and safety traceable system.

Exploring “realname” branded vegetablesales Miyun County made sales cards for vegetable planting households.Each card contains information of photo,name,ID number,and family address of planting households,production origin,and production type. This not only strengthens responsibility and selfdiscipline awareness of sellers,but also raises consumption confidence of consumers,realized excellent propaganda of vegetable production place,and promoted production of high quality and safe vegetable.By the end of June,2015,Miyun County has made 7 000 real name sales cards for vegetable planting households.

Exploring bar code sales of vegetable Leading production bases such as Nantaoli,Gelezhaoxia,and Jixiangtongshan collected vegetable produced by the bases or surrounding areas.After affixing identification information including name ofplanting households,production origin,and contact method,they delivered to Bei-jing Tian’an Agricultural Sales Company.Companies and consumers can search the safety information of vegetable through the identification code. Once there is quality and safety problem,consumers can safeguard their right on the identification code,so as to strengthen legal awareness of vegetable producers,make them regulate production behavior,and ensure vegetable quality and safety.

Strengthening coordination and cooperation between departments,to establish perfect quality supervision chain From pre-production,production and post-production,supervision of vegetable quality and safety is a systematic project.It involves agricultural,quality test,industry and commerce,and food and drug departments.In order to practically ensure vegetable quality and safety,Miyun County has established joint meeting system,to raise awareness,conduct cooperation,and strengthen supervision of production place and market through joint enforcement of laws,urge agricultural means of production enterprises and vegetable production bases to implement certificate and note demanding system,and establish and improve quality traceable system,to promote implementation of various supervision measures.


Strengthening policy supportof vegetable quality and safety supervision

At the working conference of central government in 2014,President,Xi Jinping,raised the important requirement of“taking well control of production”for quality and safety of agroproducts.At present,Miyun County government has input lots of financial,human and material resources in output of vegetable,which effectively promotes development of vegetable industry in Miyun County.However,in the management of vegetable industry,for example,in sampling method of vegetable quality,Miyun County still stays at primitive stage.There is still no scientific data and analysis system. As a result,it leads to low sampling coverage and the qualification rate is not representative;for example,since the cost for pesticide test is high,many town level test laboratories and base test laboratories perform practically no function.In view of current situations,we came up with following recommendations.Firstly,it is recommended to study proper sampling system,and establish vegetable production base database,to facilitate scientific sampling and increase coverage of sampling bases.Secondly,it is recommended to set up special fund for pesticide residue testing at county or town level,to bring into play supervision of town and base levels of testing laboratories.Thirdly,it is recommended to formulate Miyun County vegetable industry support policy,implement one vote veto mechanism for vegetable quality and safety,and cancel subsidy and reward for those bases failure to pass the sampling inspection or not cooperating with competent authorities to make quality inspection.

Strengthening vegetable quality certification management and promoting vegetable brand development

Certification is manifestation of courage of producers for their product quality and safety and also the basis of tracing the product source.Strengthening product certification managementand energetically promoting brand construction are effective measures for improving vegetable quality and safety[4].In Miyun County,there is still a large space for coverage of vegetable quality and safety certification. Firstly,it is recommended to encourage vegetable production entities to actively apply for“three brands and one identification” certification and raise the level and market popularity of vegetable in line with the principle of“certification as much as possible”. Secondly,itis recommended to strengthen supervision of certified vegetable bases and brands,and improve public trust of“three brands and one identification”.Thirdly,it is recommended to build up Miyun Farmer vegetable brands,support Miyun County vegetable farmers from quality assurance of local bases and external bases and enterprise condition construction and ability construction,and strengthen and expand consumer groups through inviting very important customers to come to production basesto know vegetable planting methods,plantdiseasesand pest control measures,and in-site picking and tasting and otherexperience methods,and expand market recognition,to gradually set up brand image of on-line sales of Miyun Farmer.In addition,with the aid of Miyun Farmer brand,it is recommended to expand sales market of certified vegetable,ensure stable supply of Miyun Farmer vegetable,and return high profit of the brand to production bases in various forms,to realize win-win of vegetable farmers and enterprises.

Strengthening construction of testing ability to improve testing level

Miyun County Quality Inspection Station for Agro-product Quality and Safety is a newly established inspection organization.Its hardware conditions meet county level inspection laboratory standardsrequired by the state.However,due to no“double certification”,inspection data of the laboratory does not have legal validity. Therefore,Miyun County Quality Inspection Station should make further improvement in management system,environmental conditions,instrument and equipment,and inspection work,to make various constructions conform to operating requirements of the system and pass the“metrological certification”and“certification of agro-product quality and safety inspection organizations”.Besides,it is recommended to regularly organize inspection personnel at county,town,and base levels to carry out training and experience exchange meetings,to help inspection personnel promptly learn development situation,new technologies and new methods,so as to better adapt to inspection demands.

Expanding prevention and control fields of biological natural enemies and deeply studying the function of biological natural enemies in prevention and control of vegetable pests

Miyun County has 37 years of rich experience in preventing and control agricultural and forestry pests through breeding natural enemies.The annual yield of trichogramma is up to 30 billion pieces,thetrichogrammabreeding machinery and technology have reached international advanced level,and it has realized standardized and made-to-order production of naturalenemies.Nevertheless,there are problems of single variety of natural enemy and weak research and development of biological prevention and control for facility agriculture.It is recommended to take advantage of existing advanced equipment and technology,introduce and research and develop new natural enemy varieties,and make effort to make more breakthroughs in biological prevention and control of common pests such as aphid and red spider.This not only can raise competitive power of biological prevention and control,but also can provide more technological guarantees for vegetable quality and safety of Miyun County.

Strengthening propaganda effort and creating favorable social environment

In the first place,it is recommended to take full advantage of mass media such as special column,television,and mobile phone text message,to disseminate vegetable quality and safety knowledge,improve people’s quality and safety awareness,and create favorable social environment for supervision of vegetable quality and safety.In the second place,it is recommended to organize teams to propagate relevant laws and regulations,including Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China,Food Safety Regulations of Beijing,and Regulations on Pesticide Administration in villages,markets,and production bases,to improve safe production awareness and responsibility awareness of vegetable planting households[5-9].Finally,it is recommended to reinforce technologicaltraining ofpollution-free agroproducts,green foods,and organic agro-products,popularize basic knowledge of vegetable quality and safety,and improve scientific and technological quality and production skills of vegetable farmers, to accurately grasp production skills and operating rules ofpollution-free and green agro-products.

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Responsible editor:Huadong GUO

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU







*Corresponding author.E-mail:zhlw69083708@126.com

Received:September 6,2015 Accepted:November 10,2015

修回日期 2015-11-10

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