◎鸡西市第九中学 赫贵祥
◎鸡西市第九中学 赫贵祥
1.信息数量。中考英语试卷中的阅读短文(图表)有4~5篇,短文的信息量都比较充足,长度大约在150~250词左右,要求阅读速度平均为40~50 Wpm(word per minute)左右。
Young Mao Zedong A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)Itis one ofthe bestchildren’s cartoons.Itnotonly can make the chil dren laugh,but also teach them how to be a great man. Channel(频道):CCTV-6 Time:9:00a.m.on Saturday Hey!Old Man(嘿!老头)It’s about a moving(感人的)TV play oflove—the love for the old and the family. You can enjoy the wonderful performances(表演)of Li Xuejian,Huang Lei and Song Jia. Channel:CCTV-1 Time:8:00p.m.from Monday to Friday It’s a documentary on Chinese dishes.It can help people in the world enjoy the beauty of Chinese dishes and learn Chinese cultures. Channel:CCTV-9 Time:10:00p.m.on Friday Where Are We Going,Dad? It is about how modern Chinese parents look after and get a long with theirkids. Channel:Hunan TV Time:10:00p.m.on Friday
58.What’sthe theme(主题)of Hey!Old Man?(2015年绥化市)
A.Love. B.Food. C.Famous persons.
A。第三幅图的标题是“Hey!Old Man”,根据该图中
的第一个句子“It’s abouta moving(感人的)TV play of love—the love for the old and the family.”足可以说明,这是介绍一部关于爱情主题电视剧的海报。
②You want to know about my staying in America, right?Well,to tellyou the truth,itis really an eye-opening experience.
Ididn’tknow how differenttextbook English could be from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Connecticut.When I first studied English,I was told to say“I am fine”when people say“How are you?”.But in the US,Ifound thatpeople say“Iam good”or“I’m tired”.One day,someone greeted me with“What’s up?”.It made me confused.I thought for a momentand then smiled because I didn’tknowwhatto say.
From thatmomenton,Ihave discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US cultures.
To my surprise,US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to geta tan(晒黑).However,in China,girls try every possible way to gettheirskin paleror“whiter”.
I am also surprised by how hard-working US students are.In China,schoolwork is almost everything,so we study hard and that’s it.But here,a“good”student gets good grades,does a lot for the public and plays sports or music. The kids here are so talented.I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano when Iwas a child and that Ihave neverthoughtaboutsports.
45.The passage is mainly about__________.(2014年大庆市)
A.my own travelin the US
B.my staying in the US
C.my opinion aboutthe US
D.my friends in the US
③People play Latin music at home or when they visit their friends.Sometimes fans play cards in the afternoon or at nighton weekends orholidays while they listen to Latin music.Some people bring guitars and play them when they sing. They listen to the music while they eat.
F。这是一道对主旨大意进行概括归纳的考题,即为主旨句的压缩表达。这里主要根据原句中的几个关键语句visit their friends,in the afternoon,at night,when they sing,while they eat足可以说明,其表达的是“演奏或收听拉丁音乐的时间”。
2.事实细节题。查找短文(图表)中主要的事实和特定的细节问题,考查答题者对关键词句、具体事实、特定情节或真实数字等是否注意和理解,命题内容一般涉及我们平常所说的五个“W(who,where,what,when, why)”和一个“H(How)”。这类题目有时可在原材料中直接找到与答案相关的内容,但有时也对原句中的细微之处稍做变化,或截取原材料中的词语或结构进行改造,所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是非常关键的。例如:
①Some time ago,an old businessman had a large store in Boston.He wanted a boy to work for him,and he put an advertisement in the newspaper.The next morning,many boys came to the old man’s office,asking forthe job.
There was a post(柱子)by his desk,and there was a nail(钉子)in it.He took a walking stick and said,“Everyone has three chances.Ifanyone can hitthe nailon the head with this stick more than once,I willgive him the job.”The boys thought it was easy.They all tried,but nobody could make it.So the old man said,“I’m sorry Ican’ttake any of you.”And they left.
He kept the advertisement in the paper,and the next morning many more boys came,and among them he saw a thin boy who had been there the day before.The boy hit the nail successfully for three times.The old man felt surprised and asked how he did that.“Yes,”said the boy,“I failed yesterday,but I thought that if I kept on trying a while,I could do it.So Iwent home and practiced hitting a nailwith a stick till Icould do it,and Igotup very early this morning, and tried again.”
The old man said,“You are the boy for me.”And he gave him the job.Whatever the boy had to do,he tried to do his best.Itwas notvery long before he became the bestclerk in the store.
76.Whatcould theyusetohitthenail?(2015年鸡西市)
Awalking stick/Astick。根据第二自然段就可以知道,他们可以使用手杖来撞击柱子上的这个钉子。
Instruction This medicine is for colds. Adults should take 2 pills each time,three times a day. Chil dren should take 1 pill each time,three times a day. Sale T-shirts for teenagers,cut off by 10%each one;sports shoes,cut offby 30%each pair. Call at 3796174 for more informatio n.
69.Alice wants to buy sports shoes forherself.the price is 100 yuan.she should only pay_______yuan for them.(2015年黑河市)
A.thirty B.sixty C.seventy
C。根据“Sale”栏中的内容“sports shoes,cutoffby 30%each one”可知,运动鞋削价30%出售。原价100元的鞋,花70元就可以买到了。
③Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.I’m here today to share(分享)a good lesson with you.Itis a true story about an overseas studentliving in Germany.
Afteryears ofhard work,this studentgraduated with amazing achievements.Everyone thoughthe was going to get a good job easily and have a bright future.But to his disappointment,he was noteven given the chance ofan interview! The third time he was refused,he couldn’thelp telephoning the company to ask why they didn’t want him.The answer was simple,“We don’t offer jobs to dishonest people in Germany.”
What was wrong,you might ask?The truth is,shortly after he arrived in Germany,this clever studentfound thatit was easy to skip(跳过)buying subway tickets.So in orderto save money,he often took the subway without a ticket.As a result,he had been caught without a ticket in the subway fourtimes.
From this story,we learn that we may get short term benefits in dishonestways,butthe truth willcome outsooner orlater(迟早)and the costis high.So remember:honesty is the bestrule.
That’s allformy speech.Thank you!
62.After he didn’t get any chance of an interview,he felt_________.(2014年牡丹江市)
A.happy B.scared C.disappointed
C。这是根据原文句子“Butto disappointment,he was noteven given the chance ofan interview!”改造而来的题目,只要理解该句的意思就可以确认正确答案为disappointed了。
①Tom was a college student.He often made excuses not to attend classes.Also,he spent much of his free time playing computer games.He never went to the library to study.
How time flew!At the end of the term,there was one important event that he was afraid of—the final exam.“What should I do?”Tom walked up and down in the room the day before the exam.He was keyed up.Suddenly,he thoughtofan idea.
The next morning,Tom went into the exam room very early.He found a young man who looked so confident and took a seatnextto him.“Hey you!”Tom greeted.“What?”The young man asked.
“Can you do me a favor?”Tom begged(恳求),“Please letme copy yourpaper(试卷)during the exam.Ihave to depend on you!”When hearing his word,the young man just smiled butsaid nothing.
When the bell rang,the young man stood up immediately and came to the front,saying,“Now Iwillhand out(分发)the papers to all of you and collect them in one hour.”Tom satthere with his mouth wide open.
31.The underlined word“keyed up”most probably means______.(2015年哈尔滨市)
A.satisfied B.nervous C.brave
B。根据原文中语境和句子“Atthe end ofthe term, there was one importanteventthathe was afraid of—the finalexam.”可猜测出,在考试之前Tom的心情一定是“紧张不安的”。
①Foreign books and soap operas are good,but Chinese writers and actors are just as good.As for holidays,Christmas is nice,but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has,and the West has nothing to com-
pare with Mid-Autumn Festival.And let’s not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best:its friendliness.Not all countries are as warm as China.
61.The Spring Festivalis more meaningfulfor Chinese people.(2015年龙东地区)
T。原文第二自然段中提到了“As for holidays, Christmas is nice,but it can never have the meaning of for Chinese that Spring Festivalhas...”。根据这些叙述判断,“对于中国人来说,春节更有意义。”的说法是成立的。
The Information about Some Great Inventions
InventionAppearing Time Inventor Inventor’s Nationality Early Main Material Wheel Afewthousand years ago Telephone In1876 Lightbulb In1879 Paper Around2,000yearsago Unknown Alexander Bell Thomas Edison CaiLun Unknown Wood American Chinese American Plastic and metal Used for communicating overdistances Glass and metal Main Use Making travelling faster Giving light Cotton orflax Used for recording information
Word Box:lightbulb灯泡;unknown未知的;flax亚麻
40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above?(2015年哈尔滨市)
A.Three ofthe inventions were made ofmetal.
B.Neither Alexander Bellnor Thomas Edison is Ameri can.
C.Two ofthe inventions appeared in the 19th century.
5.观点态度题。作者的观点、态度题就是指针对作者的写作意图、看法、思路和对事件的评价设置的阅读理解题目。作者在文章中不仅客观地进行叙述和说明,往往还持有某种主张、某种倾向,如对某一观点或赞同或反对,或肯定或批评等。作者的观点和态度除了原文中直接表达外,还经常在短文中间接地表达出来,此时题干中往往含有according to the writer,feel,attitude,opinion,believe,consider,regard,suggest,think等词或短语。例如:
Ivy:Well.It’s just a waste of time.Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on itthatthey can notfocus on(专注于)their study.
65.Ivy thinks teenagers shouldn’t spend much time playing this game.(2010年绥化市)
Once a farmer’s daughter began to think and plan while she was carrying her pail(桶)of milk from the field to the farmhouse.“Iwillsellthis milk”,she said to herself,“and with the money I can surely buy three hundred eggs.I will put these eggs under hens.And surly two hundred and fifty of them will hatch(孵化).I will feed these chickens,and make them fat.And I will take them to the marketwhen chickens are dear.Iwillsellthem atthe market,and with the money,Iwillbuy a newdress.In this dress, Iwillgo to the fair.Ishalllook so fine thatallthe young men will ask me to marry them.But I will toss my head,and say NOto them all.”As she said this,she really tossed her head. Down fell the pail,and the milk spilled all over the ground. Thatwas the end ofallherfine plans.
The moralofthis story is:Don’tcountyour chickens before they are hatched.
A farmer’s daughter was once carrying her pailofmilk on the farm(71)she began to think and plan.She planned to sell the milk and buy a new dress.She thought thatshe must(72)the men who fellin love with herwhen she(73)the new dress to the fair.(74)ofthis,she tossed herhead and the milk spilled allover the ground.Her fine plans were(75).
72.refuse。根据句子“...and say NOto them all.”可以得到答案,因为refuse可以用英语解释为say no。
73.wore。“...she wore the newdress to the fair.”是“in this dress”的同义句。
74.Thinking。think of意思是“想到这些”,与“As she said this”意思相近。