
2015-11-12 01:20:53WANGXiang-rong
风景园林 2015年6期





我的一位博士生曾和我谈起她在美国考察韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)的校友谷(Alumni Valley)的经历。这个设计以生态改造为核心,并荣获了2006年美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)的设计奖。她一路乘地铁换火车,好不容易到了韦尔斯利学院后,开始向路人询问校友谷的具体位置,讽刺的是学校里的老师和学生竟然无一知晓。在谷歌(Google)地图的指示下,她终于走到一处人迹罕至、杂草丛生的林地,从好几个角度去辨别,才依稀认出这就是校友谷,和获奖照片的精致景象相差甚远,反而是这个校园中的其它景观更加打动她。






June is the busiest period for professors at universities. In addition to teaching and research programs, I also have to review the Master Thesis and PhD Thesis as well as the oral defense of graduation design of the graduates. This year, I will have four PhD graduates, and their graduation theses are Study on Planning and Design Strategies of Abandoned Coal Mine Land Landscape Regeneration,Research on near-naturalization of Urban Channelized Rivers, Theory and Practice of Western Urban Ecological Infrastructure Planning and Design and Research on Storm Surge Adaptive Landscape Infrastructure in Light of Resilient Cities. The core of the these theses are related to ecology, for students who participate in my research program and planning and design practice all encounter some problems on the restoration of damaged eco-system and building of a healthy eco-system. All the years, more than half of the Master and PhD theses that I have revised are focused on the research of ecology. Eco-research has become one of the most important topics for theses. Ecology is one of the key words that go through every planning and design practice.

Ecology refers to the living conditions of organism and the interactions among organisms and their environment. Although the concept of Ecology was proposed until the 19th century, the interactions among organisms and their environment have existed since biological phenomenon came into being on the earth. The game-play between human being and nature has never stopped since human being came to the earth. From the dependency and worship of the nature in the primitive society to the adjustment and transformation of nature in the farming society, and then the development and despoil of nature in the industrial age, the history of human being mainly demonstrated on the role change between human being and nature. However, our mother nature is suffering serious environmental issue and we have to face the fact the eco-balance has been destroyed. It is time for us to revise the relationship between human being and nature and to seek a new approach for the harmony existence between human being and nature. Therefore, eco-planning, design and research become the hot spot of the field of landscape architecture.

China is facing extremely severe environmental problems and the importance of ecology cannot be overstated. However, as the concept of ecology is popular today, we should reflect on our understanding of ecology. Has most well-praised and painstaking-built ecology really established the harmony relationship between human being and nature?

One of my PhD students used to tell me the story when she visited the Alumni Valley in Wellesley College in USA. This project was focused on eco-restoration and won the excellence award of general design category of the 2006 ASLA Professional Award. She took subways and trains and finally arrived at Wellesley College. Then she asked passers-by about the location of the Alumni Valley. It was ironical that none of the faculty or the students knew about the Alumni Valley. Thanks to the Google Map, she finally walked to inaccessible grassland that was overgrown with weeds. She tried to identify this grassland from different perspectives and finally found out that it was Alumni Valley. It was quite different from the beautiful and elegant scenery that was described in the photos that were used for the submission of the 2006 ASLA Professional Awards. However, the other landscape on campus seemed to more attractive.

Recently, the Water Squares in Rotterdam is frequently presented in different landscape architecture magazines as an example of urban space that offers urban storm water management functions. It is highly recognized. One of my colleagues who is a visiting scholar in Holland visited this well-known project and shared his thoughts in Wechat, “Although I have learned about this project but the site-condition really gives me a surprise! The material,details and space requires our review.” The six photos he shared in Wechat presented a newly-built small plaza in a dreadful state of dilapidation and there was no one to use this plaza.

One of my students used to investigate a park in the core area of a new district in one city in China. This park won a great number of awards for its Sponge City design concept. But his experience seemed very similar to that of the previous PhD student in Alumni Valley. When he went along the park, the near-by residents asked him why he went there. There was nothing but mosquito and they never went there. He stayed in the park and brushed away the annoying mosquito, in the hope of looking for some users of this park who could help to fill in the questionnaire. Unfortunately, he waited for nobody. It is hard to believe that there is no users for a park built in a residence area and it may require some deep thinking about the reason.

Landscape Architecture deals with the environment that is close to human being. Therefore, social, ecology,cultural, art and economy factors should take into consideration and a most appropriative development approach should be worked out after comprehensive analysis. The value of each piece of land is comprehensive and the problems that designers encounter in a design process are also complex. Only ecological theory or ecology-oriented design is worthy of attention. For an urban public space, if there is no place for kids to play,no chance for the seniors to do physical exercise and no place for citizen's outdoor activity, then the public space has lost its uses and functions ,which means a disconnection between man and human being. Then what is point of the designers' eco-concept for human society?If a piece of land does not consider its uses for human being, then it does not need a landscape architect. Nature itself can be a best designer.

Eco-design should not become an attractive package for landscape design and plan. We should take ecology as the basic requirement for planning and design and should integrate the respect to nature and the nature roles in design to make sure that every project is an ecoplanning and design as well as a social, aesthetic and cultural planning and design. Let us return to the nature of ecology and put human being and human society in nature, so that we can look for an eternal way for landscape planning and design.

WANG Xiang-rong June, 2015

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