
2015-11-11 08:13王向荣
风景园林 2015年1期











2014 has been a closure of a historical period for Landscape Architecture. She has been going, under deep concern and love from all of you, strong for a solid 10-years now. Among the 60 and more issues, there have been more than 800 pieces of articles from home and abroad concerning the most cutting-edge and the most sensitive issues in current development of landscape architecture both of China and the world; there also have been 600 and more pieces of inclusions of landscape architecture projects distributed throughout China and the world, most of which are of great ideological and exploratory values in the world’s focused landscape architecture fi elds.

2015 will be a new chapter for Landscape Architecture. There is a throughout revision on the layout going on and there also is the shift from bimonthly to a monthly journal. What remains unchanged is our endeavor to the promotion of leading research fi ndings in the field of landscape architecture as well as the documentation of important events, pioneer ideas and outstanding projects in fields of landscape architecture,urban design, public art, etc., domestically and externally,only that it will be more rapid and timely than ever.

Nowadays, it seems that almost every operation is required to be predicted or evaluated for the achievements and performances acquired or to be acquired. Perhaps the case is the same in our journal. Reviewing the past 10 years is the summarization of the journal’s previous performances; while planning for the future is the prospection for the future performances of the journal. This issue is exactly about performance, the performance of landscape.

Probably every planer designer has experienced that although they would put a detailed description of whatsocial benefits, economic benefits or environmental benefi ts the project may generate, there seems to be little attention being paid on such part. As to whether such prediction is scientifi c or well-founded, there also appears to be little questions raised. Never even knew how many designers would track their own projects and evaluate whether their predicted performances are realized.

In my experience, it is very difficult to predict the performance of landscape. Most designers, despite their glorious wishes, have overestimated the landscape performances of their projects after implementation. Landscape is not constant. Variables are used in the process of design, construction, application and management, and landscape is not operated strictly on presupposed tracks. Therefore, landscape performance is unlikely to realize completely as expected even the prediction is established comprehensively and scientifi cally.

Besides, landscape is a really complicated complex involving society, science, economy, art and many other inseparable and complementary aspects. Landscape depends on the earth, and is linked to its natural and cultural history. It is realizable only under certain economic conditions, and it needs to fulfill its social functions, and it has to conform to natural laws and ecological rules. Landscape also belongs to an category of art. Every landscape project has its focus and its uniqueness. Some landscape architecture projects’performances are outstanding in some aspects, however in other fi elds, they are inevitably weak, or even defi cient. The objectives of landscape planning and design differs in different directions, sometimes it is even contradictory. Take an urban park for example. Whether it should be designed to be a public garden with plentiful space and facilities for exercises, activities and relaxation, or a ecological green space with the abilities for management of stormwater and creation of habitats for animals and plants? The former one, which is of high social benefi ts,has the ability to absorb usage from the public, and yet its ecological benefi ts will be relevantly weaker for the green spaces are relevantly less; while the later one is just the opposite. Moreover, even if the park is of high landscape effect and at the same time is widely welcomed, but it requires expensive maintenance, can we call it a good piece of work?

Moreover, landscape is dynamic, therefore its performances should also be considered as dynamic. For example, some performances may not reveal today, but it doesn’t mean that they do not exist or they won’t be seen in the future; other performances may be outstanding now, but they may not last. So, on which time period or timing should we place our evaluation of the landscape performance?

Landscape is complicated and comprehensive,therefore every project is unique. As far as I can see,researching on landscape performance dose not answer the question of how to design a landscape project. However, it is more important to pose a question than to solve one, and it is more valuable in the process of researching than the outcome of the research itself. Putting forward and researching on the concept of landscape performance would draw more attention of the designers to be paid on the balance among each objective of the landscape, making it an high-quality piece of work with reasonable utilization, valuable ecological and economic benefi ts and favorable artistic standards.

January 18, 2015 WANG Xiang-rong
