建筑设计:PEG mbH
St. Carolushaus,Freiburg,Germany,2012
建筑设计:PEG mbH
Architects: PEG mbH
1903年弗莱堡圣文森·冯·保罗慈善修女教会(Orden der Bermherzigen Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul)就为退休老人和圣约瑟夫医院的老年康复者建造了圣卡洛鲁斯老年人之家。为了适应现代护理理念所需的建筑层面,决定新建圣卡洛鲁斯老年人之家,地点在旧址对面,新旧建筑可同时使用。
1 手绘总平面图/Sketch,layout of St. Carolushaus
项目信息Credits and Data
客户/Client: 弗莱堡圣文森·冯·保罗慈善修女教会/Orden der Bermherzigen Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Peter Schmieg
设计团队/Design Team: PEG mbH
承建方/Construction: PEG mbH
工程总造价/Cost: Approx. 22.000.000 EU
材料/Materials: 钢筋混凝土/Reinforced concrete
场地面积/Site Area: Approx. 9270m2
建筑面积/Floor Area: Approx. 7740m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2009
建造时间/Construction Period: 2010
摄影/Photos: Orden der Bamherzigen Schwestern Freiburg/ Peter Schmieg
2 外景/Exterior view
Population growth has become one of the challenges influencing society,economy and politics. Along with the growing life-span of human beings,ageing has an increasingly obvious impact on society and medical security policies. With regard to the elderly who are not able to live alone and who need care because of illnesses,it is an urgent issue to transfer our idea from "home-based care" to "institution-based care",and to improve the life quality for the aged living in nursing institutions. St. Carolushaus,a home for the aged,is redesigned and reconstructed in this context.
In 1903,St. Carolushaus was built for retired old people and old rehabilitees in the Hospital of St.Josefkrankenhaus by Order of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Fribourg (Orden der Bermherzigen Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul). To meet the architectural requirements for the idea of modern nursing,a new St. Carolushaus will be built on a site opposite the old building,and the new and old buildings can be used at the same time.
Design idea
Architects create a new architectural pattern on the basis of the original building and design and build a "fifth-generation" home for the aged. Shapes,colors,materials and lighting are properly adopted to create spaces to meet the needs of residents,staff,relatives and visitors. St. Carolushaus is separated from the traditional concentrated nursing structure and provides a self-sufficient joint habitation mode. The two separate buildings are connected by a connector.
3 屋顶平台/Roof terrace
Limited by the planning for parcels of land in urban design,the new seven-floor St. Carolushaus has to back down in the Habsburger Street and "close up" at the junction of Deutschorden Street with no adjoining buildings,forming a distinct street entrance together with buildings on the opposite side. The main entrance is located in Habsburger Street in the middle of the building.
The first floor includes an administrative area,a multifunctional hall,a public bathroom,a residential area for sisters and related auxiliary functional areas; it is also equipped with accessible entrances and exits. A round prayer room becomes an interchange of the Church of Mutterhaus and the St. Carolushaus.
The Rooms,each having a vestibule and a separate bathroom,are arranged around the central dinning room. Passageways,activity rooms and resident rooms are well oriented spatially by sunlight. All auxiliary spaces and service spaces are located in the connector between the two residential districts.
Idea of joint habitation: living together with solicitude and care
The new St. Carolushaus is funded by Order of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Fribourg. There are 115 full-time nursing beds distributed in 8 small residential units (10~13 residents per unit),of which 15 beds are specially used for persons with brain injuries. The project,from design to construction,is completed by PEG Design. The project's overall usable floor area is 8,515m2,and the overall planned usable floor area is 12,700m2.
Traditional concentration mode is not adopted in the design; instead,the work flow is organized in a decentralized way. The nursed individuals are involved in daily life,and it no longer highlights the nursed people's sense of being cared physically. Small-scale residential units can improve familiarity among residents and comfort of living together.
4 休闲区平台/Roof terrace of leisure area
6 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
5 外观一角/A corner of facade
The core concepts of joint inhabitation are:(1) Principle of normalization - it is used as the core principle for planning of daily life activities and social activities for the elderly,so as to engage the mobility-impaired old people in a series of liferelated activities; (2) Identification degree for the environment - it can improve orientation of objects and auxiliary equipment; each room has a large window area and a separate bathroom. Rooms are arranged around activity rooms to realize a better "home-based" mode. (3) During construction,the lighting,energy-efficient induction lamps and colors are used in design to create a comfortable atmosphere.
The human-oriented design concept is adopted to make the nursed residents accept their inconveniences as possible as they can,which is the different aspect that St. Carolushaus provides for the elderly.
Along with construction of the new St. Carolushaus,it will undertake the new generation nursing task for the elderly.
7 休息区/Resting area
8 祈祷室内景/Interior view of oratory9 祈祷室手绘平面/Sketch plan of oratory
CHENG Xiaoqing: This is a very "professional" design case. Every aspect,be it space organization,flat layout,or even decoration details,shows that the architect has a wealth of practical experience in the field of design for the aged. Moreover,it presents some new explorations of design: by introducing the idea of "joint-habitation",the architect strengthens the respect for the individual; the cluster layout reduces the size of service units and controls each unit's occupant number at a reasonable level,which helps the elders establish a close social relationship among themselves and build a "pension community" in the harmony of individual and group.
10 浴室/Bathroom11 居室/Bedroom
LIU Yulong: With its house community layout,St. Carolushaus keeps consistent with the streetscape. Instead of showing a self-centered egoism,the architecture of St. Carolushaus merges into the urban life with a modest posture. Ordinary as it appears to be,this building is at the same time a perfect metaphor of the life attitude of the elders who live there.
The interior space is also different from the hospital-like layout normally adopted in nursing facilities. A home-like layout with living room and bedroom is adopted to provide better identification and sense of security. Moreover,verandas under the porch and on the rooftop serve as platforms where the elders interact with the urban life. It is not hard to imagine how moving the scene would be when the elders sit on those verandas,watching the sunset of the old city where they grew up and lived.