
2015-10-28 03:07:12建筑设计格德斯克鲁斯建筑事务所
世界建筑 2015年11期



Social Complex in Alcabideche,Cascais,Portugal,2012


Architects: Guedes Cruz Arquitectos

1 鸟瞰/Aerial view









它有光伏电厂的发电系统,以此为住宅的居住区供电。(尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: José Guedes Cruz,César Marques,Marco Martínez Marinho

合作者/Collaborators: Patrícia Maria Matos,Nelson Aranha,João Simões,Isabel Granes

发起人/Promoter: Fundação Social do Quadro Bancário

结构/Structure: PPE

特殊装置/Special Installations: Espaço Energia

景观设计/Landscape Architecture: Paula Botas

联合承建方/Construction Consortium: FDO + JOFEBAR

监理/Supervision: Mace

功能/Program: 老年住宅/Elderly people's residence

场地面积/Site Area: 12,876m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 9956m2

住宅单元面积/Area of Each Housing Unit: 53m2

总住宅面积/Total Area of Housing Units: 2756m2

主楼面积/Area of the Main Building: 地上/Above ground: 2700m2,地下/Below ground: 4500m2,总面积/Total: 7200m2

摄影/Photos: Ricardo Oliveira Alves

2 步行流线与住宅单元能耗图解/Graphical scheme of energetic efficiency of housing units and pedestrian connections of the units to the central building

3 住宅单元之间的通道/Circulation between the housing units

Located in Cascais,in the metropolitan area of Lisbon,the Social Complex of Alcabideche with a total construction area of approximately 10,000m2aims to reconstitute a Mediterranean life style in which the outdoor spaces of streets,plazas and gardens are like an extension of the house itself.

Completed in 2012,the project comprises 52 houses (housing units intended for elderly couples)and a main support building that houses the social areas,a nursing area with individual rooms and an area for bedridden patients.

The connective layout with a modulation of 7.5m has,as in a medina,streets of different widths reserved for pedestrians,who enjoy the shade protection provided by the houses in the daytime and are guided by the house light at night.

In the event of an emergency,users can activate an alarm that alerts the control station located in the central building; the box-shaped roof's light changes,and the large white box turns red.

The final solutions depend on the effectiveness of the architectural form or on the actual efficiency of the selected systems and materials used.

The houses are formed by a nucleus of exposed concrete,with a "rough" formwork of wooden lathes that house the habitable area,living room and kitchen,bedroom and bathroom. The box-shaped roof's Plexiglas material has specific characteristics: reflecting the sun's rays when it is white,impermeable,weather-and fireresistant while allowing the light in when it is translucent.

The stabilization of interior temperature is due to the reflective properties of the white roof box and the thermal efficiency of the air cushion created between the Plexiglas box and the concrete base.

The central building,following the same modelling and principles,contains all of the common services necessary for proper functioning and quality of living. It includes electricity production systems and a photovoltaic plant that supply the habitable areas of the residence.

4 双层住宅单元/Double housing unit

5 带水池的住宅单元/Housing unit with outdoor pool6 中央楼接待厅/Reception hall,central building7 中央楼公共卫生间/Public sanitary facilities,central building8 住宅单元平面、立面、剖面与构造细部/Plan,section,elevation and construction detail,housing unit.



9 中央楼室外休闲区/Outdoor recreation area,central building

10 住宅单元室外夜景/Outdoor night view of housing units

11 中央楼小教堂/Chapel at central building


LIU Yanhui: The small building complex,located in a coastal city of Portugal,interprets the modern community for elderly people in a unique and innovative way. The design explores the modules of interior streets,lanes and residential units,and maintains the former dimensions of the districts so as to arouse old memories in the residents through continuity of traditions. In the sunlight,the coarse concrete pedestals form a sharp contrast to the light,resin glass cover; the serene yet vital atmosphere creates a vigorously poetic space for elderly residents. At night,the soft,white light reflected from the translucent roof provides convenience for residents to go around,whereas in cases of emergency,the light turns red to send out SOS signals.With this approach,functional demands of the user group are fully incorporated into the architectural design. LIU Yulong: The building cluster is composed within a rational grid system and a modernistic form. Streets of various widths are formed by cubic houses which look almost identical. At the center is the nursing building,which is of a larger scale and serves as a core landmark of the entire space. The casting texture of the exposed concrete walls gives people a sense of tactility,while the incised concrete numbers give expression to the rational planning at a design level. The white resinemulsion paint at the upper part of the buildings gives the whole community a sense of suspension. The penchant for a machine aesthetics is especially expressed when a certain building turns red at the resident's emergency call. However,would it not at the same time cause nervousness among the residents of the whole community? Living here,people would probably need to experience all sorts of vicissitudes of life yet still stay calm.

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