封面介绍:蛟龙号载人潜水器是国家高技术研究发展计划支持下研制的高技术深海调查作业装备,具有当今国际上同类作业型载人潜水器最大工作深度,可以运载科学家和工程专家到最深7000 m的海底执行任务.以中国科学院声学研究所朱敏为首的蛟龙号声学团队研制的声学系统功能完善,综合性能先进,先进的水声数字通信和海底微地形地貌探测能力是蛟龙号的技术亮点.蛟龙号水声通信机首次实现了7000 m级深度的彩色图像、数据、文字和语音的水声通信传输.高分辨率测深侧扫声纳实现了7000 m级深度的海底地形地貌精细探测,成功测绘出了马里亚纳海沟附近的微地形地貌图.1000,3000,5000和7000 m级海上试验和试验性应用航次任务表明,蛟龙号载人潜水器声学系统的功能完善、性能先进、运行稳定可靠.封面图片展示了蛟龙号载人潜水器完成下潜作业后起吊回收过程.详见朱敏等人文(p3462).
为实现通信、导航、定位、探测等功能,蛟龙号载人潜水器的声学系统由9种16部声纳组成.先进的水声数字通信和海底微地形地貌探测能力是蛟龙号4个技术亮点之一.蛟龙号水声通信机首次实现了7000 m级深度的彩色图像、数据、文字和语音的水声通信传输.高分辨率测深侧扫声纳实现了7000 m级深度的海底地形地貌精细探测,成功测绘出了马里亚纳海沟局部的微地形地貌图.蛟龙号载人潜水器于2009年8~10月、2010年5~7月、2011年7~8月和2012年6~7月完成了1000,3000,5000和7000 m级海上试验,最大下潜深度达到了7062 m,并于2013年6~9月开展了长达113天的试验性应用航次任务.试验和应用结果均表明,蛟龙号载人潜水器声学系统的功能完善、性能先进、运行稳定可靠.
来源出版物:科学通报, 2014, 59(35): 3462–3470联系邮箱:张同伟,walternwpu@outlook.com
来源出版物:SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2014, 57(12): 1696–1702联系邮箱:LV FengTing, lvft@iccas.ac.cn
封面介绍:Titanosilicate Ti-ECNU-8 with a FER type sub-zeolite structure was post-synthesized by structural reorganization of layered silicate PLS-3 followed by solid-gas titanation with TiCl4vapor. With an exposed external surface, Ti-ECNU-8 turned out to be an active oxidation catalyst for the epoxidation of cycloalkenes with hydrogen peroxide.
Post-synthesis and catalytic performance of FER type sub-zeolite Ti-ECNU-8
Bo-Ting Yang, Peng Wu
Abstract: A titanosilicate Ti-ECNU-8 with a FER type sub-zeolite structure was developed by pots-synthesis and applied to the epoxdiation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide. A controlled acid treatment on the pure silica layered precursor PLS-3 of FER topology gave rise to a sub-zeolite ECNU-8. Composed of a collection of FER sheets without an ordered stacking manner along layer related [1 0 0] direction, the structure of ECNU-8 was constructed by a reorientation of interlayer hydrogen bond moieties caused by partial removal of interlayer organic structure directing agent. ECNU-8 possessed an external surface area enlarged by ca. 30% in comparison to corresponding three-dimensional FER zeolite. Through a solid–gas reaction with TiCl4vapor, tetrahedral Ti active sites were introduced into the framework. The resultant Ti-ECNU-8 retained the structural properties of ECNU-8, and exhibited an excellent catalytic performance for the epoxidation of cycloalkenes owing to the accessible Ti sites located in open reaction space.
Keywords: Sub-zeolite; ECNU-8; Titanosilicate; Epoxidation
来源出版物:Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014, 25(12): 1511–1514联系邮箱:Peng Wu, pwu@chem.ecnu.edu.cn
Growth Pattern and Its Indication of Spheroidal Nano-Micro Crystal Aggregates of Pyrite in the Baiyunpu Pb-Zn Polymetallic Deposit, Central Hunan
GAO Shang, HUANG Fei, GU Xiangping, et al.
Abstract: The Baiyunpu deposit lies in the southwest plunging Dachengshan anticline in central Hunan, which is a large Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit. The orebodies were surrounded by the Qiziqiao Formation limestone in the Middle Devonian, and its geological occurrence is consistent with the wall rocks. A large number of spheroidal pyrite aggregates are found unevenly distributed in the ores. The spheroidal aggregates are made up of kernels and concentric rings. The kernels are composed of approximately epigranular pyrite nanocrystals, while the rings are composed of accumulated pyrite microcrystals growing along the radial direction. The spheroidal pyrite aggregate and its outer zones can be divided into five areas (A-E). The results of electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) show that from the zone A1 to B, Co/Ni <1, the sum of Co and Ni is 0.08%-0.26%, S/Fe increases from 2.06 to 2.15. While from the zone C to E, Ni cannot be detected and S/Fe decreases from 2.22 to 2.08. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis in the micro zone shows obvious crystalline characteristics in the aggregates. Moving from the inside outwards, the maximum diffraction peak intensity of the (111) and (220) crystal planes of pyrite increases, and the crystallinity improves. The degree of change in the (111) plane is the most prominent. Considering the theory of crystal growth along with the geologic features of the depositional environment where the spheroidal pyrite aggregates developed, we confirm that the spheroidal aggregates are the result of nano-micro crystalline gathering and growth occurring by the following sequence of processes: nano-crystalline nucleation and growth, gathering into a ball, oriented growth of microcrystals, continuous accumulation, and adjustment of grain boundaries. The formation of the spheroidal pyrite aggregates in the late Qiziqiao Formation of the Middle Devonian occurred in a neutral to weak alkaline and reductive sedimentary environment in the normal oxygen-rich shallow-water carbonate platform edge. The variations in the S/Fe ratio and crystallisation characteristics indicate that during pyrite crystal growth, the sulphur fugacity was high locally and rose constantly, the degree of supersaturation decreased locally and the growth environment was stable relatively.
Keywords: Baiyunpu Pb-Zn polymetallic deposit; pyrite; nano-micro crystal; spheroidal aggregates; growth pattern; indication significance
来源出版物:Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2014, 88(6): 1770–1783联系邮箱:HUANG Fei, huangfei@mail.neu.edu.cn
摘要:为研究肝脏MED1对脂质代谢的影响,以肝脏MED1特异性敲除(MED1ΔLiv)小鼠为模型,对其进行基因型鉴定,H&E染色观察肝脏组织学变化,免疫组织化学染色检测肝脏MED1蛋白表达|高脂饲料(脂肪含量为60%)饲喂小鼠,并分别在0、1、2和4周动态检测血浆胆固醇和甘油三酯及血糖水平.结果显示,与MED1fl/fl小鼠相比,MED1ΔLiv小鼠仅肝脏MED1 mRNA表达水平显著降低,其它组织表达无明显变化.高脂饲喂1周和2周,MED1ΔLiv小鼠血浆总胆固醇水平显著升高(P<0.01).普通或高脂饲料饲喂状态下,与MED1fl/fl小鼠相比,MED1ΔLiv小鼠血糖水平均显著降低(P<0.05).短期给予高脂饲料可诱导MED1ΔLiv小鼠呈现高胆固醇血症,提示MED1在胆固醇代谢中发挥重要调控作用.
来源出版物:中国生物化学与分子生物学报, 2014, 30(11): 1113–1118
封面介绍:全球一体化和现代交通方式促进了人群在全世界范围快速流动,也加速了传染病的传播.目前,人们也担忧西非埃博拉病毒病(Ebola Virus Disease,我国称为“埃博拉出血热”)疫情出现全球扩散,因为尼日利亚、美国、西班牙、马里等国已相继出现了埃博拉病毒感染者传入后导致的输入性疫情或本土暴发.中国与西非疫区三国(几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂)人员往来日益频繁,利用国际民用航空客运数据和持续更新的疫情数据,可以定量评估埃博拉病毒病疫情传入我国的风险,为疫情的应对准备与科学防控提供重要的信息,争取早日打赢埃博拉“比赛”的下半场.封面显示了2013年第4季度西非三国离境民航旅客目的地全球分布.详见赖圣杰等人文(p3572).
赖圣杰,Jennifer Miniota,王丽萍,等
摘要:2014年8月8日,世界卫生组织宣布西非埃博拉病毒病疫情为“国际公共卫生紧急事件”.为评估西非埃博拉病毒病传入中国的可能航线和风险,本研究基于2013年10~12月的国际民用航空客运数据,分析疫情最严重的3个西非国家(几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂)来华旅客传入疫情的风险.2013年第4季度从西非三国离境旅客为107113人次,其中3167人(3.0%)将主要通过法国、比利时和阿联酋等8个国家的机场转机后,抵达中国大陆.入境机场分布在北京、广州、上海、杭州、武汉、重庆和大连,目的地城市为北京、广州、武汉、上海、杭州、重庆和温州等.假设2014年第4季度与2013年同期出行方式和人数不变,估计相关机场口岸平均每入境和查验国际旅客2235名就有1名来自疫区的旅客; 预测2014年10~12月可能传入的埃博拉病毒感染者旅客为0.54人次,其中利比里亚0.35人次、塞拉利昂0.16人次、几内亚0.03人次.若疫区发病水平上升或来华旅客人数减少,则传入的感染者人数呈现相应程度地增加或减少.研究表明,埃博拉病毒病疫情通过民航旅客传入我国的可能性是存在的,但风险较低.我国可支持西非疫区国家开展离境病例筛查,及早发现病例,并有针对性地在我国重点入境口岸开展高风险人群的查验,在主要目的地城市加强监测.
来源出版物:科学通报, 2014, 59(36): 3280–3292联系邮箱:余宏杰,yuhj@chinacdc.cn
封面介绍: Novel promoters that confer root-specific expression would be useful for engineering resistance against problems of nutrient and water absorption by roots. To identify and characterize novel root-specific promoters in rice, we mined the microarray datasets and screened for promoters that conferred rootspecific gene expression with a low expression in all other organs under stress or normal conditions, followed by the experimental analysis of the predicted promoter sequences. The activities of the corresponding rRSP1-5 were subsequently examined in transgenic rice using a GUS reporter gene and in transient transformation of Nicotiana benthamiana using Dual-LUC assays. The exclusive root activities of rRSP1, rRSP3, and rRSP5 demonstrated that these promoters may be suitable for driving root-specific expression in transgenic plants and provided useful alternatives for root-specific transformation of rice and other cereals. See pages 1–10 by HUANG et al. for details.
Identification and validation of root-specific promoters in rice
HUANG Li-yu, ZHANG Fan, QIN Qiao, et al.
Abstract: Novel promoters that confer root-specific expression would be useful for engineering resistance against problems of nutrient and water absorption by roots. In this study, the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was used to identify seven genes with root-specific expression in rice. The isolation and characterization of upstream promoter regions of five selected genes rice root-specific promoter (rRSP) 1 to 5 (rRSP1-rRSP5) and A2P (the promoter of OsAct2) revealed that rRSP1, rRSP3, and rRSP5 are particularly important with respect to root-specific activities. Furthermore, rRSP1, rRSP3, and rRSP5 were observed to make different contributions to root activities in various species. These three promoters could be used for root-specific enhancement of target gene(s).
Keywords: rice; root-specific promoters; expression profile
来源出版物: Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 14(1): 1–10联系邮箱: HUANG Li-yu, lyhuang2007@163.com
封面介绍:In recent years, as blade sizes increase, structural strength and failure of wind turbine blades have become more critical. To reduce the risk of blade failure in the main modes associated with local buckling, root transition region failure, and spar cap delamination, IET-Wind have proposed new structural features including a flatback design for the inboard section, thick airfoils for the inboard and mid-span sections, and transversely stepped thickness in the spar caps. These features help improve structural performance of composite blades without compromising their aerodynamic efficiency. On pages 1–8, using finite element analysis and static bending test, Chen Xiao and co-workers describe their detailed and thorough investigation of the structural response and characteristics of their modified wind turbine blades, which have been successfully incorporated and field tested on a 100 kW wind turbine. The research shows that the proposed structural features hold great potential in strengthening large composite wind turbine blades (see the article by CHEN Xiao et al. on page 1).
Numerical analysis and experimental investigation of wind turbine blades with innovative features: Structural response and characteristics
CHEN Xiao, QIN ZhiWen, YANG Ke, et al.
Abstract: Innovative features of wind turbine blades with flatback at inboard region, thick airfoils at inboard as well as mid-span region and transversely stepped thickness in spar caps have been proposed by Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IET-Wind) in order to improve both aerodynamic and structural efficiency of rotor blades. To verify the proposed design concepts, this study first presented numerical analysis using finite element method to clarify the effect of flatback on local buckling strength of the inboard region. Blade models with various loading cases, inboard configurations, and core materials were comparatively studied. Furthermore, a prototype blade incorporated with innovative features was manufactured and tested under static bending loads to investigate itsstructural response and characteristics. It was found that rotor blades with flatback exhibited favorable local buckling strength at the inboard region compared with those with conventional sharp trailing edge when low-density PVC foam was used. The prototype blade showed linear behavior under extreme loads in spar caps, aft panels, shear web and flatback near the maximum chord which is usually susceptible to buckling in the blades according to traditional designs. The inboard region of the blade showed exceptional load-carrying capacity as it survived 420% extreme loads in the experiment. Through this study, potential structural advantages by applying proposed structural features to large composite blades of multi-megawatt wind turbines were addressed.
Keywords: wind energy; rotor blade; flatback; local buckling; extreme loads
来源出版物:SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(1): 1–8联系邮箱:CHEN Xiao, drchenxiao@163.com
来源出版物:科学通报, 2014, 59(33): 3280–3292联系邮箱:刘畅,cliu@imr.ac.cn
摘要:采用电泳沉积法结合化学气相渗透技术制备碳纳米管二次增韧的连续碳纤维增韧碳化硅(CNTs-C/SiC)复合材料.通过改变热解碳(PyC)界面上电泳沉积CNTs的时间,控制C/SiC复合材料中CNTs的含量,通过测试拉伸强度和断裂功,研究了CNTs含量及热处理对复合材料力学性能的影响.结果表明:在C/SiC复合材料PyC界面层上电沉积CNTs,能够大幅提高材料的拉伸强度和韧性.电沉积CNTs时间为5、8和10 min时,CNTs-C/SiC复合材料的拉伸强度和断裂功分别提高了10.7%、39.3%、45.2%和31.1%、35.9%、46.5%.对未电沉积、电沉积8和10 min的CNTs-C/SiC复合材料进行1800℃热处理,发现材料的拉伸强度分别提高了64.4%、39.4%和49.5%.
来源出版物:硅酸盐学报, 2014, 42(12): 1479–1486
来源出版物:化工学报, 2014, 65(12): 4948–4957联系邮箱:陈雪莉,cxl@ecust.edu.cn
A qualitative study on the pulsatile flow phenomenon in a dense fly ash pneumatic conveyor
Wei Chen, Kenneth C. Williams, Isabel Jabs, et al.
Abstract: Understanding of the dynamic particulate flow structures within a dense gas-fly ash pneumatic conveyor must be improved in order to better aid its design guidance. The complex pulsatile movement of the gas-fly ash mixture dominates the flow performance within the pipeline, and historically, non-invasive measurement devices such as the electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) were often used to sufficiently capture the flow dynamics. However, inadequate studies have been conducted on the pulsatile flow phenomenon, which directly relate to the gas-fly ash two-phase flow performance. This paper aims to investigate the pulsatile flows using an ECT device. Initially, pulsatile flow patterns under various experimental conditions were obtained through ECT. Pulses within a flow were then characterised into pulse growth and decay segments, which represent the superficial fluidisation and deaeration processes during conveying. Subsequently, structural and statistical analyses were performed on the pulse growth and decay segments. Results suggested that the increasing air mass flow rate led to the decrease of the superficial fluidisation/deaeration magnitude, however, the increase of the superficial fluidisation/deaeration durations. Also, the air mass flow rate was indicated as the dominant factor in determining the pulsing statistical parameters. This research provides fundamental insights for further modelling the dense fly ash pneumatic flows.
Keywords: Pneumatic conveying; Electrical capacitance tomography; Fly ash; Pulsatile flows; Flow pattern analysis
来源出版物: Particuology, 2014, 17(6): 81–91联系邮箱: CHEN Xueli, W.Chen@newcastle.edu.au
封面介绍:The emergence of multi-drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria strains has threatened the global public health. The cover picture presents a new method to screen antibiotic combinations, which takes advantage of the logic-signal output of genetically engineered drug-resistant E. coli strains expressing different fluorescent proteins. Chloramphenicol and cefotaxime taken as antibiotic combination example were added to the system of the constructed kanamycin-resistant E. coli expressing GFP and ampicillin-resistant E. coli expressing td Tomato fluorescent protein as dual-drug resistant model bacteria. By monitoring the complex logic-signal output patterns of GFP and td Tomato fluorescent proteins, the effective antibiotic combinations were identified in a simple and quantitative manner (See the article by LV FengTing, LIU LiBing & WANG Shu on page 1696–1702).
Logic-signal output of fluorescent proteins for screening antibiotic combinations
LV FengTing, LIU LiBing, WANG Shu
A new method to screen antibiotic combinations is demonstrated, which takes advantage of the logic-signal output of genetically engineered drug-resistant E. coli strains expressing different fluorescent proteins. Thirty-six antibiotic combinations for nine antibiotics were investigated. The operation of different logic gates can reveal the susceptibility, resistance, or synergistic effect of the antibiotic combinations in a rapid (7-8 h versus 24-28 h for typical growth-based assays), simple, quantitative and high-throughput manner. This logic-signal-based output patterns provide the basis for novel and reliable screening of antibiotic combinations and help us to both gain insight into the mechanisms of multi-drug action.
fluorescent proteins, drug-resistance, bacteria, antibiotic screening, logic signal