Teaching at Dao Tian Middle School

2015-10-21 19:41Sunny
第二课堂(课外活动版) 2015年3期

I came to China to teach for many reasons. First and foremost, I wanted to explore teaching, but I also wanted to explore new cultures, travel and see what else the world had to offer outside of the U.S. During high school, I wrote a research paper on the differences between Chinese and American education systems and wanted to see for myself how Chinese students were like. As I said my tearful good-byes to my parents and I stepped through the airport security alone, not knowing what to expect. As a college sophomore, I was leaving behind my family, my friends and my education; travelling to a foreign country alone for the first time. As I write this article, it has been less than two months since I arrived in China and everything has been somewhat of a whirlwind. I do not speak the language and I am not very familiar with the culture. What I do have is a passion to learn and thus far I think my teaching has been more of an effort to share that passion with my students, rather than spoon-feed them the English language.

I remember the first day walking into Dao Tian Middle School. I was both terrified and excited to meet my students for the first time. Terrified that the students would write me off as an imposter. As soon as I walked into the classroom, the students started whispering to each other in Chinese. They were probably asking the same question, “Who is this Chinese girl and why is she teaching our class?” The school had promised them a real-life English teacher from America and they had anxiously been expecting someone to fit their perceived notion of the Western stereotype—tall, Caucasian and knowledgeable about all things concerning American football. As I explained to the class, my complicated mixed ethnic background, I was anxious that the students would mock me. The reactions from the students were exactly opposite of my expectations. My first day of teaching proved to be successful.

Teaching English in China has proven to be difficult. Teaching is especially challenging with an enormous language barrier. This working experience thus far has taught me to face challenges head on. I know I will never understand my students completely, but I can make them understand me through teaching. I have many more English classes to teach, many more dishes to try, many more people, places and things to visit and experience. When my alarm goes off now, there is no need for the snooze button because I wake up every day excited about the new possibilities. I am grateful to the wonderful teachers, students and staff at Dao Tian Middle School for helping me adapt to life in China. I also hope I can continue to learn and grow as a future educator and an individual at Dao Tian Middle School.




