1. throw-up 呕吐
e.g. I shouldnt have had that last drink. I think Im gonna throw-up…
2. throw down 打一架
To fight
e.g. Say one more word about my momma, and we gonna throw down!
3. throw sb. a party 为某人举办或组织一个派对
Host or organize a party for sb.
e.g. I wanna throw my mom a surprise party for her birthday.
4. throw sth. out there 提供一个建议
Provide an idea, make a suggestion
e.g. Im just gonna throw this out there, but what do you guys think about a whole new strategy.
5. throw the game 故意输掉比赛
Lose on purpose
e.g. The Chicago White Sox were accused of gambling and throwing the World Series in 1918.