Some bad habits are just too hard to break on your own—thats where Pavlok comes in.
The Pavlok wristband is a “personal coach on your wrist” that helps the wearer break bad habits, while wasting too much time on the Internet or hitting the alarm clock buttons too many times in the morning.
Any time the wearer does something they want to stop doing, the wristband punishes them by giving them an electric shock!
“By adding a shock while you eat, you train your brain to associate the act of eating (or the type of food) with the shock and it can help limit the drive for mindless eating that you normally have,” said Pavloks creator Maneesh Sethi.
Three apps called ‘Wake Up, which serves as an alarm clock; ‘Fit, a fitness tracking app; and ‘Productive, which follows your online surfing habits, come with the Pavlok. The wearer can control how big of a shock the bracelet gives when they do something they arent supposed to.
It can even be used with an online platform that can give out shocks for failing to keep plans with friends or if a wearer who is trying to lose weight walks into a McDonalds.
“Change isnt impossible. Choose your daily action, and Pavlok will help you make sure long-time success,” said Sethi.
The wristbands makers have raised over $250,000, more than five times their goal, to put it into production. It becomes available in early 2015 and can be pre-ordered for $199.
wristband n. 腕帶
associate v. 与……联系在一起
platform n. 平台
Do you think it is a good way to help change bad habits? Why or why not?