Contents and Abstracts
[Theories and Thoughts]
Title: On the Nationalist Perspective in Korean Historiography………………………………………………/2
Author: Zhao Yifeng, Professor, Faculty for the Study of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:Based upon a systematic review of Korean nationalist historiography, this article points out that nationalist perspective, as a Korean ethnocentrism grand narrative, has been an active social ideology in modern Korean history. From Shin Chaeho to Kang Man'gil, Korean nationalist historiography experienced transformation from radical to mild. Recent criticism from some Western scholars revealed the major defects of this Korean nationalist historiography indeed, however, they produced another grand narrative with modernization as an absolute value standard, which actually leads to a re-recognition of Japanese colonialism. Transcendent of nationalist historiography remains a task of all historians over the world. Carlo Ginzburg’s meticulous investigation to grassroots people extended historical perspectives from below and challenged the presupposition of historical elitism. Ginzburg emphasized that the research of grassroots consciousness should go deep into the cultural interpretation of individuals other than stopping on the level of common mentality. Ginzburg rejects quantitative method of historical study while proposed that interpretive narrative based on oral materials is a more effective method in the presentation of popular culture. Rather than pursuing a self-integration as natural science historians should consider how to utilize pluralist research modes and interpretive methods in their work. Slaves played signifi cant roles in the development of Sippar, an Old Babylonian city. Records in cuneiform texts indicate that slave trade is an indispensable business in the economy of Sippar. The source, usage, and prices of slaves and the identity of traders are different between the earlier stage and later stage of Old Babylonian Period. To ensure the effectiveness of contracts and avoid commercial risks, every cuneiform text details the responsibilities and obligations of both parties involved. The business modes and involved factors discussed in this article may help to understand the economic activities and social situation of ancient Mesopotamia. Before the assassination, Ceasar made a plan to establish a Roman colony in Urso in southern Hispania. Lex Coloniae Genetivae Iuliae S. Ursonensis, which is also called “Charter of Urso” by modern English scholars, is the law of administration issued at the very time of founding of this colony. The law including various regulations of civic operations such as political institution, economic behavior, religious custom is an original text important for the study of Roman overseas colonies. In his latest and longest dialogue Laws, Plato proposed politeia and legislated for Magnesia in Crete. His law code infl uenced later generations signifi cantly. Book Nine of Laws focuses on homicide, assaults etc., and endeavors to distinguish voluntary and involuntary homicide. Apart from legal penalties, purifi cation is also interwoven with the judicial judgments. These selected translations of laws with notes should be conducive to appreciate Plato's subtle ideas about penology. Since the late 20th century, the exploration of Liber manualis of Dhuoda has become a new focus in the scholarship of Carolingian history. This document is considered important for its value in Medieval history, Medieval literature, as well as in women’s history of the West. This article introduces the discovery, textual collation and interpretation of this document in the Western academic circle and elaborates the inspirations of the related Western studies for Chinese scholars in this fi eld. The bronze vessel in the collection of Chinese National Musem named by Tian Shuai(田率) as “Kuifu Fu’(夔膚簠) should be renamed “Naofu Hu’(夒膚瑚). The word within the inscriptions which was misinterpreted as “Kui’(夔) should be “Nao’(夒), meaning “You’(鄾) which is the name of an ancient country destroyed by State Chu. Accordingly, this vessel is an important item for the study of ancient State You. The burial ceremony is an important part in Eastern Han funeral rites, especially in the funeral rites for the imperial family and the upper nobilities. With the two thousands dan (石) annual payment level as a dividing line, the burial ceremony for the top level elite was regulated rigorously, while the requirements for the lower level elite were fl exible, which might be adjusted based upon the contributions of the deceased. The funeral rites of the emperor and his parents have complete ceremonial procedures, but those of the offi cials are dependent on their political careers. Following a previous critique to Naito Konan hypothesis by the same author, this article further argues that Naito misjudged the Tang Civil Service Examination System by ignoring the effect of this system for the commoner background scholars to enter the bureaucrat. Moreover, Naito overstressed the function of Wang Anshi (王安石) reform in the area of Civil Service Examination. Naito’s judgment about the different nature of the Tang and Song faction struggles are groundless and his explanation about the post Song faction struggles is not logical. The Yuan government played an improved role in resolving marital confl icts by enhanced legislation. In practice, the Yuan government would not get involved in marital confl icts unilaterally. People facing marital confl icts might seek for court sentences voluntarily. To reduce the number of lawsuits, the Yuan government made efforts to improve the public knowledge of law and encouraged non-offi cial meditation to resolve marital problems. In dealing with marriage related lawsuits, the Yuan government often take practical situation under consideration. Liangguang Yanli Shu (两广盐利疏) is a memorial sent to the emperor in 1516. Its author was not Huang Zuo (黄佐) as commonly known but Chen Jin (陈金) who was then the Governor-general of Guangdong & Guangxi provinces. The original title of this memorial is Fu Jiugui Yiyi Junxiang Shu (复旧规以益军饷疏). The appeal of this memorial is to increase the tax revenue of salt for the Governorgeneral controlled military expenditure. The document was ratifi ed by the emperor and taken into effect for nearly one year. Although it was abolished soon for its possibility of jeopardizing the central governmental income, the policy idea of this document was actually carried out in disguise in no later than WanLi period. When European Jesuit Ferdinad Verbiest’s appointment to the head of the Bureau of Astronomy in the eighth year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign, Christianity was still interdicted in China. The court Jesuits strived to pursue imperial toleration towards their religion, and after two years, in 1671, the Emperor decreed that those missionaries who were expelled to Guangdong in the Calendar Case were allowed to return to their own churches. This paper, based on Chinese and European sources, discusses Court Jesuits’role in lifting the ban on Guangdong missionaries, uncovers not only Jesuits’ strenuous interactions with the Emperor, Manchu princes, Chinese superior offi cials, and others for the sake of Christianity but also the other party’s attitude and reaction. English Contents and s………….……………………………………………………………………/110
Key words: Korea; historiography; Nationalism; modernization; Colonialism
Title: On the Theoretical References of Carlo Ginzburg’s Microhistory……………………………………/13
Author: Li Gen, Lecturer, Institute for Translation of Foreign Historical Documents, School of History and Culture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130032, China.
Key words: Carlo Ginzburg; Microhistory; theoretical references
[Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations]
Title: On the Slave Trade in Sippar of the Old Babylonian Dynasty…………………………………………/23
Author: Huo Wenyong, Associate Professor, School of History and Culture, Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an, 710062, China.
Key words: Old Babylon; Sippar; slave trade
Title: A Selective Translation and Commentary of Lex Coloniae Genetivae Iuliae S. Ursonensis……………/35
Author: Xiao Li, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Key words: Lex; colony; Ceasar; Urso
Title: Selected Laws on Penology from Plato’s Laws with Translation and Notes…………………………/41
Author: Shi Xueliang, Lecturer, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations; Postdoctoral Fellow, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Key words: Plato, Laws, Penology, Translation and Notes
[Byzantine and the European Middle Ages]
Title: A Unique Document: the Inspiration of Western Researches on Liber manualis by Dhuoda………/46
Author: Liu Ying, Ph. D. Candidate, Center for History of World Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Wang Jinxin, Professor, Center for History of World Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Key words: Dhuoda; Carolingian Period; Liber manualis
[History of Pre-Qin China]
Title: Reinterpretation of the Inscriptions on Naofu Hu……………………………………………………/56
Author: Li Chuntao, Associate Professor, Institute of Ancient Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.
Key words: Kui; Nao; Fu; Hu; State You
[Imperial China]
Title: A Factual Study of the Burial Ceremony in the Eastern Han Funeral Rites…………………………/59
Author: Zhang Hequan, Professor, School of History and Culture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130032, China & Concurrent Professor, Centre for the Study of Chinese Ritual Systems, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 200234, China.
Key words: Eastern Han; funeral; burial ceremony
Title: The Civil Service Examination and Faction Struggle: A Factual Critique of Naito Konan’s Hypothesis of “Modern China Beginning from the Song Period”….….….….….….….…….………/71
Author: Huang Yan, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China & Lecturer, School of History and Culture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130031, China.
Key words: Naito Konan; Hypothesis; Civil Service Examination; Faction struggle
Title: Offi cials, Civilians and Law: The Divorce Legislation and Its Practice during the Yuan Dynasty…/78
Author: Zheng Peng, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, 430072, China.
Key words: Yuan Dynasty; divorce legislation; Unlawful marriage; YiJue; Legal Practice
Title: A Textual Study of Liangguang Yanli Shu………………………………………………………………/91
Author: Liu Liping, Professor, School of West River History and Culture, Zhaoqing University, Guangdong, Zhaoqing, 526061, China & Postdoctoral Fellow, Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China.
Key words: Liangguang Yanli Shu; Huang Zuo; Chen Jin; textual study
Title: On Jesuits’ Pursuit of Imperial Toleration in the Court of Emperor Kangxi (1669-1671) …………/102
Author: Chen Yufang, Ph. D. Candidate, University of Macau, China.
Key words: Emperor Kangxi; Court Jesuits; Interdiction of Christianity in 1669; “Returning to Churches with the Imperial Decree”
Comprehensive Table of Contents of 2015…………………………………………………...………………/113
Editor’s Notes…………………….…….……………….…………………….….….………………/cover page 2
Call for Papers…………….…………..….……………………………………….…..……….……/cover page 3