The little boy who says "l ll try"
Will climb to the hill-top.
The little boy who says "l can t"
Will at the bottom stop.
"l ll try" does great things every day.
"l can t gets nothing done.
Be sure then that you say "l ll try"
And let "l can t" along
在学习和生活中,你遇到困难时,说的最多的一句话是什么呢?是“我要试试”,还是“我不行”?如果是l爷ll try那么你的未来便是有无限可能:如果是l can爷t,那么别灰心,相信你自己!就像童谣说的一样,试着丢掉l can爷t,让自己的生活中出现越来越多的l爷ll try!比如现在,你就可以试试翻译这首小诗呀Try it!