I am a freshman majoring in medical science, and very much enjoy reading English-language magazines. I first came across China Today in my university library, and have been a devoted reader ever since. Its articles are rich in content and enhanced by excellent pictures. I especially like the two columns Society/Life and Culture for the insights they give on Chinese life.
I would suggest that the magazine publish travelogues from around the world that share the colorful experiences and anecdotes of Chinese travelers. Readers like me would relish such articles and accompanying photos. Art is another topic I would recommend, as it transcends all national boundaries. Thank you again for this edifying and engrossing publication!
Wuhan, China
I am a PhD student at the University of Würzburg. I have been doing online searches on “crowdfunding in China” as published in China Today May issue. This to me is a particularly fascinating topic because Chinas economic trend is the focus of my thesis! I consequently felt extraordinarily lucky after emailing China Today to be able to contact the author Hu Yue and have a face-to-face conversation with her in China. Thank you so much for your help. You can be sure that I will continue to keep a close eye on Chinas rapid development.
Andrea Funk
Würzburg University, Germany
I took a trip to China last year, and found your magazine at the Beijing Foreign Languages Bookstore on Wangfujing Street. Its colorful, compelling content, especially Society/Life and Culture, caught my eye. These sections are especially interesting to people who are contemplating a visit to China, to travel and see the changes that have taken place in this modernized country of such a long history. I hope to have the opportunity to return to China before long and continue my fascinating journeys.
Jacqueline Prat,
Brussels, Belgium
Thank you for your feedback on my email. I love being able to keep up with the latest Chinese news through China Today, even though I live far away from your country and people. I very much like “Characteristic Chinese” at the end of the magazine, because it explains the links of this distinctive language with Chinese culture. I hope soon to return to China and make further progress with my Chinese language learning.
Dakar, Senegalendprint