徐新朋, 周 卫*, 梁国庆, 孙静文, 王秀斌,何 萍, 徐芳森, 余喜初
(1中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081; 2 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,湖北武汉 430070; 3 江西省红壤研究所, 江西进贤 331717)
徐新朋1, 周 卫1*, 梁国庆1, 孙静文1, 王秀斌1,何 萍1, 徐芳森2, 余喜初3
(1中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081; 2 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,湖北武汉 430070; 3 江西省红壤研究所, 江西进贤 331717)
【目的】高量化肥投入不仅不能使作物产量进一步增加,相反还会造成肥料资源的浪费并威胁到生态环境安全,同时导致肥料吸收利用率、农学效率等不断降低。为了明确氮肥用量和移栽密度的相互作用,在田间试验条件下研究了不同氮肥用量和移栽密度组合对江西双季稻产量、产量构成要素及氮肥利用率的影响,以期为双季稻的高产高效栽培技术提供理论基础。【方法】采用裂区试验设计,以氮肥施用量为主区,密度为副区,设4个施氮水平(N 0、135、180和225 kg/hm2,以N0、N135、N180和N225表示)和4种移栽密度(21×104、27×104、33×104、39×104hole/hm2,以D21、D27、D33和D39表示)组合,在水稻成熟期对产量以及产量构成要素进行测定,并分析其吸氮量和氮肥利用率、氮收获指数等指标。【结果】施氮水平和移栽密度对水稻产量具有显著影响;增加移栽密度有助于提高单位面积水稻的有效穗数、稻谷产量和地上部吸氮量;在高施氮量下,水稻氮素积累总量增加,而氮素吸收利用率(REN)、氮素偏生产力(PFPN)、氮素生理利用率(PEN)、氮素内在养分效率(IEN)和氮素收获指数(NHI)降低;氮素农学效率(AEN)则是先升高后降低,而产量并未增加。与其它处理组合相比,施氮量为180 kg/hm2和39×104hole/hm2密度的组合产量最高,早稻和晚稻分别为9823.0和11354.7 kg/hm2,此时早稻和晚稻的氮素吸收率分别为42.4%和47.5%。当施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时产量则不再增加,但产量随着移栽密度的增加而显著增加。【结论】合理氮肥用量和移栽密度可以显著增加水稻单位面积的有效穗数和氮累积量,进而增加水稻产量和氮肥利用率,建议在江西双季稻栽培中采用施氮量为N 180 kg/hm2,栽培密度39×104hole/hm2的组合。
水稻; 氮肥用量; 移栽密度; 产量; 氮肥利用率
1.1 试验设计
试验于2013年在江西省南昌市进贤县张公镇江西省红壤研究所试验基地的红壤性水稻田块上进行(东经116°20′24″,北纬28°15′30″)。供试土壤为水稻土,耕层土壤(0—20 cm)有机质含量22.82 g/kg、全氮1.50 g/kg、全磷0.63 g/kg、全钾16.80 g/kg、有效磷 15.96 mg/kg、速效钾 167.73 mg/kg、pH 5.15。供试的早稻品种为赣早籼54号,晚稻品种为正成456,试验采用裂区设计,以施氮量为主区(面积120 m2),密度为副区(面积为30 m2),早稻和晚稻施氮量和密度设置相同,施氮量设N0、135、180和225 kg/hm24个水平,以N0、N135、N180和N225表示。移栽密度设每公项21×104穴(20 cm × 23.8 cm)、27×104穴(20 cm × 18.5 cm)、33×104穴(20 cm × 15.2 cm)和39×104穴(20 cm × 12.8 cm)4种,以D21、D27、D33和D39表示。每处理3次重复,随机区组排列。
早稻于3月28日播种,4月25日移栽,7月16日收获;晚稻6月25日播种, 7月26日移栽, 10月27日收获。 氮肥用尿素(含N 46%),分基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥3次施用,基肥 ∶分蘖肥 ∶穗肥为4 ∶3 ∶3。磷肥用钙镁磷肥(含P2O512.5%),全部作基肥;钾肥用氯化钾(含K2O 60%),基肥 ∶穗肥为5 ∶5。各处理磷肥施用量为450 kg/hm2,钾肥用量225 kg/hm2。试验小区间作埂隔离,并用塑料膜覆盖埂体,以保证各小区单独排灌并防止水肥渗出。
图1 不同处理对产量的影响Fig.1 Effects of different treatments on grain yields of rice[注(Note): N—氮肥 N fertilizer;D—种植密度 Planting density;柱上不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Different letters above the bars for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level.]
1.2 测定项目及方法
氮素吸收利用率(N recovery efficiency,REN)=(施氮区植株地上部氮累积量-空白区地上部植株氮累积量)/施氮量×100%;
氮素农学利用率(agronomic efficiency of applied N,AEN)=(施氮区产量-空白区产量)/施氮量;
氮素偏生产力(partial factor productivity of applied N,PFPN)=施氮区产量/施氮量;
氮素生理利用率(physiological efficiency of applied N,PEN)=(施氮区产量-空白区产量)/(施氮区地上部氮累积量-空白区地上部氮累积量);
氮素内在养分效率(internal efficiency of applied N,IEN)=施氮区产量/施氮区地上部氮累积量;
氮素收获指数(N harvest index,NHI) = 子粒氮累积量/植株地上部氮累积量。
试验数据采用Excel 2007 和SAS进行处理和分析。
2.1 氮肥和密度对水稻产量的影响
试验结果表明,氮肥用量及移栽密度对水稻产量具有显著的影响(图1)。无论是早稻还是晚稻均以N180D39处理组合的产量最高,分别为9823.0和11354.7 kg/hm2(表1和表2)。从密度看,增加水稻的移栽密度可以显著增加水稻产量,所有处理中都以D39的产量最高,N180与N0、N135 和N225相比,早稻产量分别提高了40.0%、15.6%和4.1%,晚稻产量分别提高了57.3%、5.3%和6.5%。而从施氮水平看,在施氮水平达到180 kg/hm2时,早稻和晚稻的产量达到最大,施氮量与水稻产量呈抛物线关系,移栽密度与水稻产量在本试验设置中呈线性关系。
施氮水平和移栽密度对一些产量构成要素的影响达到了显著水平。施氮水平和移栽密度对早稻和晚稻穗粒数的影响达到了显著水平,而氮肥水平对晚稻结实率的影响也达到了显著水平,而对早稻的结实率则无影响。在同一施氮水平下有效穗数随着移栽密度的增加而增加,均以D39的有效穗数最高,而单个穗子的穗粒数却相反,穗粒数与施氮量间呈抛物线关系,在相同氮水平中均以D21的穗粒数最多,在本研究中当施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时,穗粒数则开始降低。因此,增加施氮量和移栽密度主要通过增加有效分蘖而提高水稻有效穗数及总穗粒数增加水稻产量。除此之外,施氮对水稻的株高和穗长具有显著影响。移栽密度对早稻穗长的影响达到了显著水平,同施氮量水平下早稻穗长随移栽密度增加而降低。
2.2 氮肥和密度对水稻氮素利用效率的影响
表1 不同处理下早稻产量及其构成因子
注(Note): N—N fertilizer; D—Planting density. 数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level. ns 表示不显著Indicates no significant; *和**分别表示达到5%和1%显著水平 Mean significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
表2 不同处理下晚稻产量及其构成因子
注(Note): N—N fertilizer; D—Planting density. 数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level. ns 表示不显著Indicates no significant; *和**分别表示达到5%和1%显著水平 Mean significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
表3 早稻不同处理的氮素利用效率
注(Note): N—N fertilizer; D—Planting density. REN—N recovery efficiency; AEN—Agronomic efficiency of applied N; PFP —Partial factor productivity of applied N; PEN—Physiological efficiency of applied N; IEN—Internal efficiency of applied N; NHI—N harvest index. 数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level. ns 表示不显著Indicates no significant; *和**分别表示达到5%和1%显著水平 Mean significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
图2 不同处理对氮素累积的影响Fig.2 Effects of different treatments on N accumulation[注(Note): N—氮肥 N fertilizer; D—种植密度 Planting density. 柱上不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Different letters above the bars for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level.]
注(Note): N—N fertilizer; D—Planting density. REN—N recovery efficiency; AEN—Agronomic efficiency of applied N; PFP —Partial factor productivity of applied N; PEN—Physiological efficiency of applied N; IEN—Internal efficiency of applied N; NHI—N harvest index. 数值后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters for different treatments are significantly different at the 5% probability level. ns 表示不显著Indicates no significant; *和**分别表示达到5%和1%显著水平 Mean significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
3.1 施氮水平和移栽密度与水稻产量的关系
3.2 施氮水平和移栽密度与氮素利用效率的关系
3.3 氮肥用量和密度的协同优化
移栽密度和氮肥施用量对水稻的群体动态和产量构成具有显著的影响[29],同时影响水稻的叶面积指数、净光合速率及叶绿素含量等[30],进而影响水稻产量。在本研究中,早稻N180D39处理组合具有最高的产量、氮素吸收率和农学效率,对于晚稻而言, N180D39处理组合的氮素吸收率(47.5%)略低于N135D39处理组合(50.8%)且无显著差异,但前者具有较高的产量,增加了5.3%。在水稻栽培中不能一味地追求高氮素吸收率,同时要考虑产量及经济效益等因素。施氮有助于提高产量和养分吸收,增加移栽密度通过提高有效分蘖数而提高产量,但也增加了叶片和茎鞘中的氮累积量,当施氮量达到一定水平时(本试验条件下为180 kg/hm2),虽然能够继续促进作物对氮素的吸收,但并不利于氮素向子粒中转移。因此,协调施氮量和移栽密度是实现高产及高氮肥利用率的关键。统计分析结果表明,本研究设计中N180D39组合产量最高,并具有较高的氮素农学效率、氮素吸收率、氮素内在养分效率等,因此是适宜当地的施氮量和移栽密度。但在合理的氮肥用量下使用更高的移栽密度(大于39×104hole/hm2)是否能够进一步增加本研究区域的水稻产量还有待进一步研究。
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Effects of nitrogen and density interactions on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of double-rice systems
XU Xin-peng1, ZHOU Wei1*, LIANG Guo-qing1, SUN Jing-wen1, WANG Xiu-bin1,HE Ping1, XU Fang-sen2, YU Xi-chu3
【Objectives】 Over-fertilization by farmers driven by desire for higher yields does not always contribute to increase yield, however, the over-fertilization causes fertilizer waste and negative effects on environment, meanwhile leads to low nutrient recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency. In order to determine effects of nitrogen(N) application and transplanting density(D) on double-rice systems, a field experiment was conducted to study yield, yield components and nitrogen use efficiency of double-rice in Jiangxi province. 【Methods】 A split-plot experimental design was used with different nitrogen application amounts in the main plots and transplanting density in the sub-plots to study grain yield and N use efficiency under four N rates(N 0, 135, 180 and 225 kg/hm2, and express as N0, N135, N180 and N225) and four transplanting densities(21×104, 27×104, 33×104and 39×104hole/hm2, and express as D21, D27, D33 and D39) for double-rice systems, the grain yield and its components were measured, and N uptake, N use efficiency and N harvest index were analyzed at rice maturity. 【Results】 The results show that there are significant effects of the N levels and planting density on the rice yield separately. The high transplanting density contributes to increase effective panicle number per unit area, grain yield and total N uptake of shoot. The high N rate increases total N accumulation of rice, but decreases the N recovery efficiency, N partial factor productivity, N internal efficiency, N physiological efficiency and N harvest index. The agronomic efficiency of N is increased with increasing of N application rate at first and decreased after N application rate exceeding 180 kg/hm2. Compared to other treatments, there are the highest yields under the 180 kg/hm2and 39×104hole/hm2treatment combination, the yields are 9823.0 and 11354.7 kg/hm2for early and late rice, and the N recovery efficiencies are 42.4% and 47.5% for early rice and late rice, respectively. The grain yield is not increased when N application rate exceeding 180 kg/hm2, while the yield is increased with increasing transplanting density in our study. 【Conclusions】 The rational combination of nitrogen application and transplanting density can indeed significantly increase the effective panicle number per unit area and total N uptake of rice shoot, which further increases the rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency. The N180D39 treatment combination is recommended for double-rice systems in Jiangxi province.
rice; N fertilizer rate; planting density; grain yield; N use efficiency
2014-02-18 接受日期: 2014-07-16
现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-01-31); 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003016); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2013CB127405)资助。
徐新朋(1984—), 男, 河北承德人, 博士研究生, 主要从事高效施肥方面的研究。 E-mail: xinpengxu@163.com * 通信作者 E-mail: wzhou@caas.ac.cn