Chen Yong was born in Shandong Province in 1962 and graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Taishan University in 1985. Then he took advanced study in the senior class of landscape paintings in China National Academy of Painting in 2009 and was instructed by famous masters including Long Rui, Li Xiaoke, Liu Mu, etc. Now he is a member of Shandong Artists Association, Director of Shandong Arts and Crafts Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Laiwu Arts and Crafts Association, etc. He has participated in various exhibitions at home and abroad and won grand prizes.
陈勇,嵬石山人。1962年生于山东,现居北京。自幼酷好绘画,擅长山水及花鸟。1985年毕业于泰山学院美术系,2009年入国家画院山水高研班,幸得著名画家龙瑞、李小可、邢少臣、梅墨生、刘牧、曾来德等大家赐教。现任刘牧艺术工作室画家,山东省美术家协会会员,北京墨许斋画会艺术总监, 鲁王工坊画院院长,山东工艺美术协会理事,山东书画学会莱芜分会会长、莱芜市美协理事、莱芜工艺美协副秘书长。