Six Under—the—radar Spots You Should See in Your Lifetime“遗愿清单”上六个人迹罕至的景点

2015-05-30 06:56
新东方英语·中学版 2015年6期

The term "bucket list destination" can be misunderstood, because it implies that there are certain select places in the world that everyone needs to see before they die. But what if you don't want to see the hordes of tourists at the Grand Canyon, Machu Picchu2) or the Roman Colosseum3)? You can make your own list. Here are six such incredible places that you may not have heard about but might still be important or even sacred to the locals and could inspire you to take the road less travelled.


Caves of Crystal, Mexico墨西哥的巨型水晶洞

This one is not for tourists, unless you're well-connected to scientists who work here. That's because the Naica Cave, 300 metres below the surface of Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico, is as dangerous as it is gorgeous.

The selenite4) crystals, which were only discovered in 2000, are among the largest in the world and reach 12 metres in length while weighing up to 55 tonnes5). They've been heated by a giant pool of magma6) right underneath, which is what also makes the place so unbearably hot: temperatures are reported at 58 degrees here with up to 99 per cent humidity. Anybody who enters for more than a few minutes has to wear a special cooling suit and mask.



Ciudad Perdida, Colombia哥伦比亚的佩尔迪达城

If Machu Picchu has become too touristy for you, you can visit the mountain home of a lost civilisation that's 650 years older and has only recently been on the travel radar.

Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) is a network of villages believed to have been founded in 800 A.D. by the local Tairona tribe. It was lost to history and reclaimed7) by the jungle for about 1000 years until treasure looters8) rediscovered the place in 1972.

Only a fraction9) of the city has been excavated, but the haunting10) remains include stone terraces11) and plazas12) that you'll have to climb 1263 steep steps over several days to reach, past beautiful waterfalls and streams. The round-trip journey lasts about 43 kilometres.




Thor's13) Well, Oregon, America美国俄勒冈州的雷神之井

Is this the end of the world? The ocean consuming itself? Hardly. Thor's Well, off the coast of Cape Perpetua, is something of an optical illusion14). The apparent hole in the ocean is really just a hole in rock, and not a very deep one at about 7 metres.

Still, the effect created during high tide is magnificent and worthy of a trip to the Oregon coast. But bring a zoom lens15), because you don't want to get too close—getting swept into the hole would be deadly.


Red Seabeach, Panjin, China


The world's largest wetland area seems like it belongs to another world entirely. The grass here may look like it's been dyed, but this is totally natural and a result of alkaline16) soil.

Located in Dawa County, the delicate reed17) marsh18) is a protected reserve, but tourists can see it up close via a wooden walkway. You can also admire the estimated 236 species of birds that are found here. Go during September, when the grass is mature and at its brightest.



Fall Canyon, Death Valley, California, America


People are more likely to equate Death Valley with sand dunes19) or the record-low elevation20) of Badwater Basin21), but Fall Canyon is an underrated22) geological marvel that impresses in different ways. Walking through the wash in this ravine23), prone to24) epic floods, with its towering25) and kaleidoscopic26) layered rocks, will make you feel wonderfully small.

Soon into the canyon's entrance, you'll reach a dry waterfall that you'll want to climb up and see before walking through beautifully polished narrows in the mid-Canyon.



Baalbek, Lebanon


You might not expect to find one of the greatest examples of Roman architecture in a Lebanese valley, but Baalbek certainly qualifies—and its importance as a sacred site dates well before that empire. The site is like a layer cake of civilizations who worshipped here, including the Phoenicians27) before the Romans, when the city was known as Heliopolis—all told, the site's history may go back 5000 years.

I walked through these stone ruins in 2008, and I was left in awe28)—the remaining 20-metre Corinthian29) columns tower over the surrounding area and the Roman temples are majestic30), but even the small carvings littered all over the place impressed me. You'll enjoy playing archaeologist on these grounds. It's no wonder the place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.




1. under-the-radar: 不引人注目的;不为人所知的

2. Machu Picchu: 马丘比丘,印加帝国古遗址,建于15世纪中期,位于秘鲁中部偏南。

3. Colosseum [?k?l?'s??m] n. 古罗马斗兽场

4. selenite ['sel??na?t] n. 亚硒酸盐

5. tonne [t?n] n. 公吨(等于1000千克)

6. magma [?m?ɡm?] n. 岩浆

7. reclaim [r??kle?m] vt. 重新变成(沙漠、森林、海洋)

8. looter [?lu?t?(r)] n. 抢劫者

9. fraction [?fr?k?n] n. 一小部分

10. haunting [?h??nt??] adj. 不易忘怀的,萦绕于心头的;给人以强烈感受的

11. terrace [?ter?s] n. 梯田

12. plaza [?plɑ?z?] n. (城市中的)露天广场

13. Thor: 托尔,北欧神话中负责掌管战争与农业的神,负责保护诸神国度的安全与在人间巡视农作。相传每当雷雨交加时,就是托尔乘坐马车出来巡视了,因此北欧人称托尔为“雷神”。

14. optical illusion: 视错觉。optical [??pt?kl] adj. 光学的;眼睛的,视觉的

15. zoom lens: 变焦镜头

16. alkaline [??lk?la?n] adj. 碱性的,碱的

17. reed [ri?d] n. 芦苇

18. marsh [mɑ??] n. 沼泽;湿地

19. dune [dju?n] n. (由风吹积而成的)沙丘

20. elevation [?el??ve??n] n. 海拔

21. Badwater Basin: 恶水盆地,海拔高度为-86米,为北美洲的最低点。该内流盆地的水盐度过高,不能饮用,故称“恶水”。

22. underrated [??nd?'re?t?d] adj. 被低估了的;被看轻了的

23. ravine [r??vi?n] n. 沟壑,山涧;峡谷

24. prone to: 易于遭受……的

25. towering [?ta??r??] adj. 高耸的;参天的;屹立的

26. kaleidoscopic [k??la?d??sk?p?k] adj. (色彩、图案、形状等)千变万化的

27. Phoenician [f??ni??n] n. 腓尼基人

28. in awe: 敬畏的

29. Corinthian [k??r?nθi?n] adj. 科林斯式的

30. majestic [m??d?est?k] adj. 庄严的;宏伟的

毕业一起去旅行 我们终将在路上释怀:徒步去马丘比丘,看天空之城