
2015-05-30 07:36郑禄娟张锐
校园英语·上旬 2015年8期

郑禄娟 张锐

【Abstract】Prototype is the cognitive reference point that human beings use to categorize the world.It is the best and most typical member in the category while the other members of the category are centered on it.Guided by prototype theory,this paper will discuss some implications to English vocabulary teaching.

【Key words】prototype theory; basic level; vocabulary teaching

ⅠThe Prototype Theory

Prototype theory is developed from the classical theory of categories.In the classical theory of categories,features are binary and are not graded; the boundary of a category is clear-cut.Categorization is our advanced cognitive ability,by which we can find similarities from differences,then we can classify on this basis.The mental process of classification is now called categorization,and its products are cognitive categories.Lakoff once compared category to abstract containers.It means that category is like a container.In this container,the member which has the features of this category is in this container while the one which does not isnt in this container.

In the 50s of 20th century,Wittgenstein made a research on “game”.From this research he discussed the uncertainty of the category boundary and the difference between the core and the edge.So he proposed the famous “family resemblances”.He compared category to a family in which members are similar with each other but not the same or consistent with each other.Psychologist E.Rosch made research on colors.But she used “prototype” instead of “focus”.The prototype of colors is the focal color and it is in the most important position in the category and it is the best sample in the category.She extended her research from the colors to bird,fruit,furniture etc.As a result,she put forward the prototype theory and prototype effects theory.The prototype theory suggests that category is created dependent on prototype features rather than concept structure dependent on a set of necessary and sufficient conditions.Members in the category are typical or non-typical.In short,a prototype is a typical instance of a category.

ⅡThe Implication of Prototype Theory to Vocabulary Teaching

There are prototype categories in linguistic.The vocabulary can divided into several basic categories: noun,verb,adjective,preposition etc.So in all part of speeches,there are prototype and prototype effect.

2.1 Pay Attention to Teaching The Basic Level Vocabulary

According to the prototype theory,category can be divided into superordinate level,basic level and subordinate level.For example,furniture is the superordinate level; chair is the basic level and armchair is the subordinate level.The basic level can reflects the family resemblances to a great degree in the category.In linguistics,the basic level forms the basic level vocabulary.The words in the basic level are simple in its structure,powerful word formation ability and easily to be remembered.Therefore,learning vocabulary is better to follow the cognitive process that is from the basic level vocabulary to the non-basic level vocabulary.To master the meaning,usage and function of the basic level vocabulary has a positive effect on students oral,speaking,listening and writing ability.

So in the classroom,teachers can consciously teach students the basic level words and lead them to remember them in a effective way.For example,in the 7th textbook of Go for it,the unit 3 of the second term,it talks about zoo animals.In this situation,the zoo animal is the superordinate level word.But there are some other words of animal which are belonging to the basic level.In this unit,“tiger”,“elephant”,“koala”,“dolphin”,“panda”,“lion”,“penguin” and “giraffe” are the key words that students need to know.So the teacher can start with a question “what animal do you like?”.The students may answer “dog”,“cat” ect.After that the teacher may further ask to describe the features that most animals have,for instance,“four legs”,“eating grass” etc.Then teach students the new animal words one by one.In this way of teaching,it is also beneficial for their long-term study.

2.2 Pay Attention to The teaching of The Subordinate Level vocabulary

However,we cannot ignore the subordinate level vocabulary.It is based on the basic level and rely on the basic level.Take the word “cry” for example,there are some other words for different “cry”.They are bowl,howl,squall,mewl,sob,sniffle etc.Another example is the verb “walk”,the subordinate words of it include limp,hobble,stroll,wander,strut,stamp etc.Thus if teachers teach students to learn and use these words,the students will increase their vocabulary greatly.The subordinate level vocabulary can not only occur with just one word but also a compound word.For example “apple juice”,both apple and juice are the from the basic level.Raincoat is another example in this situation.

Teachers can lead students to understand the compound words in this is beneficial for them to strengthen their understanding to the basic level vocabulary and increase their vocabulary.

2.3 Pay Attention to Teaching Polysemy

Polysemy is a term in semantics to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings(Crystal 1980:274).According to prototype theory,among all meanings of a word only one meaning can be more central and more core.It becomes the resource of the other meanings.For instance,the word “break”,the basic meaning of “break” is to smash,cut or split something.But there are some other usage of it,such as “break the silence”,“break ones heart”,Which are not the central meaning usage of it.For a language learner,vocabulary is hard to master.A look at any English dictionary will give you an idea of how frequent polysemy.Take the word “hand” for example.There are dozens of meanings in the dictionary as follows: (1)the part of the body at the end of the arm,including the fingers and thumb 手; (2)[sing]help in doing something 帮助,协助; (3)[sing]the part or role that somebody or something plays in a particular situation; somebodys influence in a situation角色,作用; (4)Worker,a person who does physical work on a farm or in a factory体力劳动; (5)Sailor,a sailor on a ship船员; (6)A unit for measuring the height of a horse,equal to 4inches or 10.16 centimeters.一掌之宽

From the above example,we can see that the central meaning of “hand” is the first one.The other meanings of the word are all derived from the central meaning.Teachers need to pay attention to the teaching of the prototype meaning of the words and consciously lead students to find out the relation between the prototype meaning and the others.In this way,the students can understand and master the word meaning easily and increase their vocabulary.


From the prototype theory,we can get the implication that teachers must pay more attention to the teaching of basic level vocabulary.Moreover,teachers does not only focus on the prototype but also they can consciously focus on the superordinate and subordinate level vocabulary.In addition,the teaching of polysemy is important as well.



[2]F.Ungerer,H.J Schmid.An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008.




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