
2015-05-13 23:09:50

You are also"transgenic" product

You will not doubt that you inherited the genes from your parents and your parents' genes are from your grandparents... But scientists at Cambridge University recently discovered that: many animals, including humans, have "foreign gene" in their body.

In this study, the scientists took drosophila, C. elegans, primates (including humans) as samples, and all current data of genes obtained were analyzed. It was found that these samples contain foreign genes in vivo, including humans, who have 145 kinds of foreign genes. Bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms, and even viruses are among the 145 kinds of foreign genes found in human body. Scientists believe that these gene transfer occurred earlier than the common ancestors of human and primates. They have spent many years in the body of our ancestors and us, but for these genes or our own, we all have adapted to each other in the long run.