Origin: Bengal
Joyce 译
Track 8
Origin: Bengal
Joyce 译
S antanu did not have much in this world.He owned a few items of clothing, a pair of cheap-looking trainers, a few pens, and a book.An1)obsoletebook.
People didn’t own books anymore.The year was 2042 and for the children at Santanu’s school, a book seemed as ancient as a suit of armour or a castle.Everyone had the latest phones and electronic tablets.They owned ibooks, laptops and computers.Santanu did not have any of these things because his family was poor.People didn’t call him because he didn’t have a phone.Nobody emailed him because he didn’t have a computer.His friends thought that he was weird and often teased him for being so out of touch.
But his book was his2)solace.It was a very old book.When he opened it, a funny smell3)waftedup from the pages.It smelled old and damp.
What the book was about was a mystery to Santanu.He mainly used it as a notebook, writing story ideas in the margins, or his friends’ phone numbers and email addresses.Just in case he ever needed them one day.
His best friend Crystal was also very poor.But even she had a mobile phone.She liked Santanu’s book and often wrote stories in it with him.She had nowhere else to keep all of her passwords so she wrote them in Santanu’s book.
One sunny day, the children in the playground were louder than usual, talking all at once with slightly panicked looks on their faces.They had their phones in their hands and all of them were trying to text or call, but it seemed like it wasn’t working.
The headmaster, Mr.Williams, looked nervous as he told the children what had happened.
“Now I know you have all been very worried,” he said,“but we must remain calm.There seems to have been an electrical problem.The Internet has crashed and it is going to be4)trickyfor all of us, but we must stay calm and work out what we are going to do.”
In 2042 almost everything was operated by the Internet.Nothing was tangible.You could not touch information like in Santanu’s book.Everything relied on the Internet: light switches, televisions, mobile phones and computers.And now nothing worked!
1 ) obsolete ['ɒbsəliːt] adj.荒废的,陈旧的
2 ) solace ['sɒləs] n.安慰
3 ) waft [wɑːft] v.吹送,飘荡
4 ) tricky ['trɪkɪ] adj.棘手的
The children grew noisy and unsettled.They were scared.Nothing like this had ever happened before.How would they communicate? What would they do with their free time? What did anybody do before television and computer games and email?
The bell rang and the children were herded into their classrooms, still restless and afraid.The whiteboards didn’t work.The computers didn’t work.The teachers tried to make the children practice their handwriting skills instead but they were all terrible at writing.Nobody used pens anymore!
The days drifted from one to another.Nobody knew when the computers would come back on.The children didn’t know what to do with themselves.They wandered out into the streets but they did not know where their friends lived because they only ever talked to them over the phone or online.
Eventually word got around the school that Santanu had an encyclopedia of information in his little book: names and addresses and phone numbers.One day, an older boy called Kai followed Santanu home and demanded to know his friend’s address which Santanu had5)meticulouslynoted on the inside cover of his book.Santanu agreed to give the boy the address, that is, if he could go with him and play.That is how it started.That is how Santanu met lots of friends and made up new games for them all.He enjoyed playing face to face.He enjoyed the real world instead of computers.
One day, the children were all playing in a deserted part of town when it started raining.They all ran for shelter beside the door to a big orange brick building.One by one they piled against the door to protect themselves from the rain, until there was a terrible creaking sound and the door caved inwards so that the children all fell inside, one on top of the other in a huge bundle.
Santanu was the frst to get to his feet.He rubbed his eyes and looked around.“Books! Look at all these books!”he cried.“What is this place?”
“I don’t know,” replied his friend Crystal.“It’s like an old house.”
There was a large desk in the centre of the room and above the desk there was a sign.It said “Returns and Issuing Desk”.Above that there was an even bigger sign hanging from the ceiling.It said “Public Library”.
None of the children knew what the word “library”meant but it didn’t matter.Santanu could not believe his eyes.He wandered down the aisles touching the spines of all the books.It was like a forbidden palace, a secret place only the children knew about.
As the weeks passed, more and more children arrived at the library after school.They would read to each other or read quietly to themselves curled up under blankets.They would play chase and hide and seek and make up stories of their own.
5 ) meticulous [mɪ'tɪkjʊləs] adj.小心翼翼的
Santanu liked to roam the aisles reading just a few sentences from each book.He read bits ofA History of the World in 100 Objects,A Brief History of Time,20000 Leagues Under the Sea, and evenThomas The Tank Engine.Anything he could get his hands on.
One Saturday, when Santanu arrived at the library late in the morning, he noticed how silent it was.There were no children anywhere.Santanu wondered if they had all been caught by a grown-up and thrown out.Then Crystal emerged6)meeklyfrom behind the “travel”section.
“They’ve fixed the problem,” she said.“The computers and Internet are all working again.Everybody has gone home.”
She asked Santanu for her passwords and then, rather sheepishly, she walked out of the door leaving Santanu alone with all the books.
The young boy stared at the rows of shelves all lined with books.He thought about all of the stories inside the books and felt sad that nobody would ever take the time to read them.But then he smiled to himself, took a book from the nearest shelf and curled up under a blanket in his favorite corner of the library.The book was calledThe Hobbitand Santanu was sure it would be a great read.
6 ) meekly [miːklɪ] adv.温顺地,懦弱地