
2015-04-16 15:23:33WrittenbyMingHanLi
风景园林 2015年1期

(Written by Ming-Han Li)


承蒙林博士的邀请让我有此机会组织论文以反映目前美国景观绩效的研究概貌和进展,并邀请在景观绩效科研已经有显著贡献与成果的作者撰文。我初始的想法包含景观绩效系列(LPS)概述和在景观绩效理论框架下3个主要效益的量化,即环境、 经济和社会效益。在阅读过作者群的论文之后,当初的想法已然被大幅超越和提升。在此值得为读者介绍专题特刊的作者阵容如下(以英文姓氏排序)。


克里斯托弗·D·埃利斯是马里兰大学的副教授、风景园林教育委员会景观绩效主题的共同负责人之一,他也是2011年风景园林基金会(LAF)CSI 项目的研究学者。

李明翰(撰文者)是德克萨斯州农工大学的教授、2012年-2014年风景园林教育委员会科研副主席,同时他也是2012年风景园林基金会(LAF)CSI 项目的研究学者。

罗毅是德克萨斯州科技大学助理教授。她也是2012年风景园林基金会(LAF)CSI 项目的研究助理。








Life is full of unexpected. The formation of this special issue on the recent popular landscape performance topic is such example. Writing this editorial brings me back to recall the occasion when Dr. Guangsi Lin attended the 2014 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)annual conference in Baltimore. I was the CELA Vice President for Research (VPR) in charge of the abstract review process for the conference. Under my tenure as VPR, “landscape performance”became one of the CELA standard tracks and was introduced the first time at a CELA annual conference. As there were several presentations in the landscape performance track at that conference,Dr. Lin, later I knew, was drawn to sit in several of them and decided that a special issue on landscape performance in the near future issue of “Landscape Architecture” will be appealing to China readers because of its forward-thinking and potential impact on the discipline and profession in China.I was honored to be asked by Dr. Lin to layout the composition of the topics reflecting current status in the US and invite authors who have had signifi cant involvements in landscape performance research. My idea of this special issue was to provide an overview of the Landscape Performance Series and encompass the quantifi cation of all three benefi t aspects under the theoretical framework of landscape performance, including environmental,economic and social. Now reading the published articles, my original idea was surpassed and elevated by the rich and innovative studies contributed by the suite of authors who are worth of mentioning.

Elen Deming is professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She was a renowned editor ofLandscape Journal.

Barbara Deutsch is the Executive Director of Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF), the major driver of Landscape Performance Series.

Christopher Ellis is associate professor at Maryland University and track co-chair of landscape performance for the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. He was a research fellow in 2011 CSI Program by LAF.

Ming-Han Li (myself) is professor at Texas A & M University. He was VPR of CELA from 2012-14 and a research fellow in 2012 CSI Program by LAF.

Yi Luo is assistant professor at Texas Tech University. She was a research assistant in 2012 CSI Program by LAF.

Forster Ndubisi is professor and head of landscape architecture and urban planning department at Texas A & M University who chairs the LAF’s research committee that initiated the Landscape Performance Series.

TanerOzdil is associate professor at University of Texas at Arlington. He was a research fellow in 2013 CSI Program by LAF.

Heather Whitlow is the manager of Case Study Investigation (CSI) Program at LAF.

Bo Yang is assistant professor at Utah State University. He was a research fellow in 2011, 2012 and 2013 CSI Programs by LAF.

Besides, Dr. Daixin Dai, associate professor of Tongji University, China and I submitted a manuscript entitled “Research Development of Landscape Performance Assessment in America.”This paper is included in this special issue as well.

Landscape performance research is still new.Although such research has been initiated since 2010, the experience and method in quantifying performance in the environmental, economic and social aspects are limited. The landscape architecture discipline and profession should continue the path of evidence-based design approach. The direction of what landscape performance research can lead us to appears to be a promising one. I welcome you to join the adventure.

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