
2015-04-09 13:25:28AuthorUnknown德孟译
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年12期

Author Unknown德孟译


Mark Dumas :There’s a Polar Bear in My Pool

Author Unknown德孟译

整日与一只大型野兽相伴是一种怎样的体验?对于驯兽师来说,与猛兽相伴的生活也不一定是提心吊胆、步步惊心的。让我们来看看不吼则已、一吼惊人的重量级野兽北极熊如何成为马克 · 杜马斯的 “最佳萌友”。

Some people dream of swimming with dolphins, while others have nightmares about swimming with sharks. But bear trainer Mark Dumas likes nothing more than to go for dip in a swimming pool where he and a 601)stone predator enjoy a watery cuddle together.

Mark’s unusual best friend is Agee, a full-size adult polar bear who stands at over seven feet when on her hind legs.

And when the wrestling has tired both the animal expert and huge Agee out, they both enjoy a nap together inside Agee’s enclosure and Agee clamp her huge jaws around Mark’s head.

It may seem like bear trainer Mark Dumas is risking his life by living with polar bear Agee, but the two share an incredibly intimate bond. Mark has been in the2)bizarre industry of bear-training for the past 40 years and is an expert at reading Agee’s body language.





1) stone [stəʊn] n. 英石,英国重量单位,等于14磅(6.4公斤)

2) bizarre [bɪ'zɑː(r)] adj. 奇异的,异乎寻常的

3) rear [rɪə(r)] v. 以后腿站立起来

Mark, 60, and wife Dawn, 49, from Abbotsford, British Columbia (BC), Canada, train the polar bear—the world’s largest land predator—to star in high-budget TV adverts. Agee even appeared in movies like Alaska in 1995 when she was just a few weeks old. With their incredibly intimate bond Agee even bear hugs owner Mark as she3)rears up on her hind legs to over seven feet.

“If anyone else tried this they would end up as Agee’s dinner,” said Mark,“The only people in the whole world she likes are me and my wife. I have worked with bears in this way for over 40 years, so I can read Agee’s body language and know how to behave safely around her. But Agee is the boss and it’s her rules that count.”

Mark and Dawn took Agee on when she was just eight weeks old. With links to Hollywood through previous work with animals, Mark was approached by director Fraser Heston—the son of screen legend Charlton—16 years ago. Heston needed a polar bear cub for his forthcoming film Alaska and Mark found Agee—a surplus cub at Kolmarden Zoo, Sweden. Mark and Dawn went through a lengthy application to show they had the facilities to care for her. After being approved they transported the tiny cub—seen here at their old family home in Mission, BC, just after her arrival—to Canada.

“She lived inside our home for the frst few weeks and we hand-reared her,” said Mark, “Eventually a time came when she was so big we had to move her outside into her own enclosure.” Now Agee spends her time living in her new enclosure on rented land near Mark and Dawn’s home in Abbotsford, and on the road working on TV and flm sets.





At home, Mark enjoys “play time” with her. “Earlier in the morning she’s more playful and relaxed and she lets me roll around with her.

“We wrestle for fun and sometimes we fall asleep on her grassy lawn together. It’s a great way to unwind after a bad day. I feel pretty privileged to be able to nap with my head resting on a fully-grown polar bear.”

Later in the day—when they are preparing for flming—Mark “4)works” her, training Agee for the requested script requirements. Agee performs a variety of commands in exchange for her favourite treats—steak, cookies, salmon and chocolates.

On cue from Mark, she rears up on her hind legs and will even pretend she’s roaring when instructed to “smile”.“She doesn’t actually roar but she makes the action,” said animal handler Dawn. “Film crews will later add in the sound of the roar if that’s what they need for their production.”Agee will also lie down, crawl and sit up in return for reward foods.

Agee licks Mark’s face as they play around on the grass. “She loves her work,” said Mark. “They are extremely intelligent animals and you can see she gets enjoyment out of being stimulated through her work. She could never have lived wild so it’s important to us that we keep her active and thinking. That’s why I like swimming with her and playing on the lawn.”






In the evenings Agee is fed on mountains of proteinrich salmon, chicken or other meats, along with carbohydrates she gets from high-quality dog food and vitamin supplements.“In the wild she would be eating seal but we can’t buy that so we have to try and5)replicate a fat-rich diet,” said Mark.“Because they6)scavenge in the summer—when they are off the sea ice and on dry land—they have very adaptable diets.

Amazingly, Agee seems to have favourites between men and women. “She gets very jealous of other women talking to Mark,” said Dawn. “She’s happy with me doing it but if any other women are around she gets very possessive of him.”

This is exactly what it’s like to share your life with a polar bear.




4) work [wзːk] v. 煽动,哄,以甜言密语唆使

5) replicate ['replɪkeɪt] v. 复制,重复

6) scavenge ['skævɪndʒ] v. (动物)以腐肉或废物为食

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