
2015-04-09 13:25byAdamHogueMaldives
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年12期

by Adam Hogue Maldives 译


Why Are We Obsessed with Superheroes?

by Adam Hogue Maldives 译


超级英雄们的崛起和风靡显然与时代脱不了干系:20世纪30年代的第二次世界大战造就了超人;21世纪初的“9 ·11”事件造就了美国队长;2008年华尔街金融危机以及近几年邪恶势力和极端组织的猖獗造就了蝙蝠侠、钢铁侠、X战警……也许对于部分美国人来说,他们早就成为了上帝一般的存在。然而,让超级英雄长盛不衰的因素难道就只有动荡不安的时代吗?

For decades, we have found comfort, even hope, in superheroes. On the last day of planet Earth’s existence, people might think about Superman, blue tights and all. Superheroes over the years have1)morphed to ft our social needs of the time. Now they are the kings (and queens) of the box offce. Avengers: Age of Ultron made over 1 billion dollars in 24 days, So why are we so obsessed? What explains their enduring appeal?


1) morph [mɒf] v. 改变

Everything is changing and everything is dying. Every idea, every living thing, every culture, every language, every thought is in a continuous, nonstop march towards an inevitable change and an inevitable death.

Nothing gold can stay, but nothing bad can stay either. We just continue to grow, reshape and die as long as the Earth keeps spinning and, it too, eventually dies.

Depressing, I know.

But, it is through this process that we begin to create myths to keep something about us immortal and what better way to do that than through superheroes? Deep within the history of 20th century pop-culture, America has always had a fascination with our caped crusaders. Even if you do not call yourself a “comic book fan,” the influence of superheroes on our culture is undeniable. Just their names alone (Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America and Iron Man to name a few) bring with them an instant image of who they are and what they stand for.





2) strike a chord 打动心弦

Despite the ever-changing status we fnd ourselves in, superheroes are the exception to the rule. They are static, developmentally-arrested, and selfess, and we love it.

When I was young, I got into comic books in a big way, specifically my man Captain America. I don’t remember the initial reason why, but in the obsessive mind of kid (or adult); there is always one that2)strikes a chord.

Each month I would anxiously wait for the newest issue of Captain America to hit my mailbox and I would try as hard as I could to savor ever moment of the comic. Fast-forward years later and I have just wrapped up Ed Brubaker’s monumental Death of Captain America and Captain America: Reborn story arch. While reading through the last few pages of the comic I noticed something: The Captain America narrative has never changed.




Sure, there were some slightly different nuances here and there, but for the most part, he was the same man. I knew who he was, I knew he was going to win at the end of the day and I knew he wasn’t going to be dead forever. That’s how comics work. In comics the hero never changes. He is predictable, unchanging and static in time. There is no aging, no permanent dying, they are never losing for long and all comics end with the showdown of good verses evil and good will eventually, even if it takes some time, win. The superhero is someone we deeply trust.

The superhero narratives are the modern American mythology.

All cultures that have been3)around the block before have them, ancient characters like4)Odysseus or5)Beowulf that embark on their grand journeys, there and, inevitably, back again overcoming adversity on the way.

America, being the young and developing culture that it is, has turned to superheroes (largely of the Marvel and DC) as our continuing epics. The heroes don’t change, they don’t age, they always stand for the same things and even with slight6)deviations, they remain on a path ultimately towards selfessness and good.

There is comfort in the static even if society tells us otherwise.






With a continually changing landscape of events and morals, the comic book epics are a way to speak beyond generations and space. Someone who read Spiderman 40 years ago and a kid reading Spiderman today would both know the same hero. They would both know the same origin, they would know what he stands for and they both know that, no matter what, he will win; even if it takes a few7)issues.

With constant change comes a need to see some things stay completely the same.

An article that ran in Vanity Fair, points to America’s embrace of the superhero culture as a need to complete our own incompleteness as a culture. To see a superhero succeed despite any hardships they have overcome brings closure, and that, we can only count on them to do.

Robin Roseberg goes further in his article for Smithsonian Magazine to write that we are obsessed with the origin story of superheroes above all else. The origin stories show ways to emulate the hero. It is essentially a blueprint with near universal approval.

In the predictability of our superheroes we find a stability and comfort that will keep them forever relevant. Whether one admits it or not, superheroes create a necessary American mythology that we all look to when everything seems to be spinning out of control.

At the end of the day, they always win.







3) around the block <俚>在某方面有经验

4) Odysseus 奥德修斯,古希腊著名英雄,荷马史诗《奥德赛》中的主人公,曾指挥特洛伊战争,献木马计,使希腊获胜

5) Beowulf 贝奥武夫,北欧神话中的英雄,相继斩了三大怪兽,获得了北欧英雄的不朽荣耀

6) deviation [diːvɪ'eɪʃən] n. 偏差,背离

7) issue ['ɪsjuː] n. 一期,期刊的单行本

Captain Marvel 惊奇队长
克里斯·埃文斯 论队长的独一无二