
2015-04-09 13:17byEowynIvey
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年11期

by Eowyn Ivey

乌芜 译


The Snow Child

by Eowyn Ivey

乌芜 译

S he woke to the breaking of twigs and the flash of fre in the darkness, and for a moment she thought she was home and had nodded off in front of the woodstove. That wasn’t right, though. It was too dark, too cold. Her body ached, and she couldn’t move. Something bound her. It was heavy and smelled familiar. Like home. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement in front of the fre. A fgure bending over, putting something to the fames. Then breaking something over a knee, then more flames. The fgure turned toward her, blocking the light.

“Mabel? Are you awake?”

She couldn’t speak. Her jaw seemed sealed, the muscles stiff. She tried to nod, but it hurt.

Everything hurt.

“Mabel? It’s me—Jack. Can you hear me?” And he was beside her, kneeling, brushing her hair back from her face.

“Are you warmer? I’ve got the fre going good now. You feel it?”

Jack. She could smell him, the scent of cut wood and wool. He reached around her, pressing at her sides like he was tucking a child into bed, and she knew why she felt bound. She was wrapped in blankets. She was confused again. Was she home, in her own bed? But the air was so cold and stirring slightly, and overhead there were branches and beyond them a sky so black and full of stars.

Stars? Where had they all come from, like bits of ice?









《雪孩子》是美国女作家伊玟欧·艾维(Eowyn Ivey)的小说处女作,该书情节设计巧妙,叙事引人入胜,文笔优美,带有自然主义和神秘主义色彩,获得了2013年的普利策小说奖提名。故事背景设置在1920年的阿拉斯加州,讲述了一对老夫妇Mabel与Jack因失去了刚出生的孩子,心里一直带着抹不去的伤痕,多年来一直过着痛苦的生活。为了远离伤心地,他们搬到了荒凉的阿拉斯加州,希望能开启新的生活。但阿拉斯加州的生活远比他们预料的要困难,他们的处境并没有因迁居而有所改善,反而更加艰难。然而,在初雪来临当晚,他们一起堆了一个雪人。第二天雪人消失了,一个神秘的小女孩Faina出现在他们的屋子外面。她的出现给老夫妇的生活注入了新的希望,老夫妇最终也在阿拉斯加这块大陆获得新生,收获了友谊、亲情以及积极的人生态度。


“Jack?” It was only a whisper, but he heard. He had turned his back, to go to the fre, but he returned to her side.

“Jack? Where are we?”

She heard him clear his throat, maybe the beginning of a cough, and then, “It’s all right. This is going to be all right. Let me get that fre bigger, and you’ll warm.”

When he stood, hunched beneath the branches, and moved away from her, his body blocked the light and heat of the fre. Mabel closed her eyes. She’d done something wrong. He was angry with her. It came back to her the way grief does, slowly. She remembered the child, the snow, the night.

“How did you fnd me?”

He was feeding the fre, building it higher and higher until she could see his face and feel its heat.

“I don’t know.”

“Where are we? Are we far from home?”

“I don’t precisely know that either.” He must have expected this to frighten her, because then he said, “It’s going to be fne, Mabel. We’re just going to have to rough it here for a few more hours. Then light’ll come, and we’ll fnd our way.”

His voice faded. Mabel drifted, sank into the warmth, and it was like a childhood fever, dreamlike and nearly comforting.











“Can you sit up?” Jack held a1)canteen. She wondered how long she had slept. Beyond the fire it was still dark.

“I think so.” He grasped her around the shoulders and helped her to sit. When she reached for the canteen, the blanket fell open to reveal her bare arm. She was naked.

“Careful. Don’t let that loose,” he said.

“My clothing? Why on earth…”

He pointed toward the fre where her dress hung from a branch, along with her undergarments.

Closer to the fire, her boots were propped open near the fames.

“There was no other way,” he said, almost as if apologizing.

She tried not to2)gulp the water, but to take small sips.“Thank you.”

“Sometimes I could hear you calling my name,” he said. “I thought I heard you in the brush, but it was just a cow moose and her calf. Then I tripped over the lantern, and I knew you had to be nearby.”

Jack went to the fire. He took down her dress and shook it out.

“It stopped snowing,” he said as he crawled under the tree with her. He groaned softly as he leaned against the trunk and put his arm around her. She thought of his barely mended back.

Mabel leaned her head against his chest. “How does she do it?”













He didn’t answer at frst, and Mabel wondered if he understood her question.

“She’s got something different about her,” he said fnally. “She might not be a snow fairy, but she knows this land. Knows it better than anyone I’ve ever met.”

She3)cringed at the words “snow fairy,” but knew there was no4)malice in it.

“I can’t imagine, spending every night out here. How could you let her…I’m not angry anymore. It’s not that. But why didn’t you worry about her? She’s just a little child.”

He kept his eyes to the campfre. “When she didn’t come back in the spring, I went up to the mountains looking for her. I was sick with worry. I thought I’d made a terrible mistake, and that we’d lost her.”

“I can’t bear the thought of something happening to her,” Mabel said. “She may be lovely and brave and strong, but she’s just a little girl. And with her father dead…she’s out here all alone. If something were to happen to her, we would be to blame, wouldn’t we?”

Jack nodded. He put his arms around her again. “It’s true,” he said.

“I just don’t think I could stand it. Not again. Not after…” She expected Jack to5)shush her, to pull away, to go back to the fre, but he didn’t.

“I’ve always regretted that I didn’t do more,” she said. “Not that we could have saved that one. But that I didn’t do more. That I didn’t have courage enough to hold our baby and see it for what it was.”

She turned to look up into his face.

“Jack. I know it’s been so long. My God, ten years now. But tell me that you said a proper goodbye. Tell me you said a prayer over its grave. Please tell me that.”












1) canteen [kæn'tiːn] n. 水壶

2) gulp [gʌlp] v. 大口吞,狼吞虎咽

3) cringe [krɪndʒ] v. 畏缩,因害怕原因而退缩

4) malice ['mælɪs] n. 恶意,怨恨

5) shush [ʃʌʃ] v. 叫…别出声



“His grave. It was a little boy. And before I laid him in the ground, I named him Joseph Maurice.”

Mabel laughed out loud.

“Joseph Maurice,” she whispered. It was a name of contention, the two names that would have shocked both their families—two great-grandfathers, one on each side, each a black sheep6)in his own right. “Joseph Maurice.”

“Is that all right?”

She nodded.

“Did you say a prayer?”

“Of course,” and he sounded hurt that she had asked.

“What did you say? Do you remember?”

“I prayed for God to take our tiny babe into his arms and cradle him as we would have, to rock him and love him and keep him safe.”

Mabel let out a sob and hugged Jack with her bare arms. He tucked the blanket around her and they held each other.

“A boy? Are you certain?”

“I’m pretty sure, Mabel.”

“Curious, isn’t it? All that time the baby was inside me, tossing and turning, sharing my blood, and I thought it was a girl. But it wasn’t. It was a little boy. Where did you bury him?”

“In the orchard, down by the creek.”

She knew exactly where. It was the place they had frst kissed, had frst held each other as lovers.


















“I should have known. I looked for it because I realized I hadn’t said goodbye.”

“I would have told you.”

“I know. We are fools sometimes, aren’t we?”

Jack got up to feed the fre, and when it was burning well he sat again with Mabel under the tree.

“Are you warm enough?”

“Yes,” she said. “But won’t you come in with me?”

“I’ll only make you cold.”

She insisted, helping him strip out of his damp clothes and opening her blankets to him. He did bring in cold air, at first, and the coarse wool of his long underwear rubbed against her bare skin, but she burrowed more tightly against him. Up and down her body, she felt his leanness, how age had pared back his muscles and left loosening skin and smooth bone, but his hold was still firm. She rested her head on his chest and watched the fre fare and send sparks up into the cold night sky.









6) in one’s own right 凭本身的能力、条件等

正月十六, 平安喜乐
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