by Nikolina Kulidzan德孟 译
A Kiss Deferred by Civil War
by Nikolina Kulidzan德孟 译
M any saw it coming.1)Ethnically charged graffti began appearing on buildings around town. The local newspapers published the locations of bomb shelters. A classmate told me not to sleep in my bedroom because it faced military2)barracks.
But in my 12-year-old mind, our town of3)Mostar was too beautiful and the people too good to one another for there to be a civil war here. Besides, that spring was promising to be the greatest time of my life: I was happily in love for the frst time.
I had noticed Marko at school and was attracted to his4)mischievous eyes and playful smile. One afternoon, while walking home from a piano lesson, I spotted him coming down the hill on his skateboard. He stopped just short of running into me. I don’t remember us saying much. We just stood there and smiled. But that’s all it took to5)seal the deal of our6)mutual affection, and we became inseparable.
还记得那个3岁的叙利亚小难民Aylan Kurdi吗?他的悲剧引起了国际社会的震惊,引起了遥远的和平国家和地区的人们对战争的关注,只因为受害者是个可爱的三岁小男孩。如果不是因为他,世界上很多人不会去关注与自己永远不会有交集的叙利亚内战。时光倒流回二十多年前,在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那也曾爆发了一场历时四年的血腥内战。下面这篇文章的作者以自己的初恋故事讲述了自己亲身经历的战争年代。然而她还算是幸运的,但这种幸运反而彰显了战争的可怕和残酷,以及世界和平的珍贵与幸福。
Marko was Croatian and I was Serbian. Soon, our ethnic groups would fnd themselves on opposing sides of a bloody civil war. But for the moment, none of that mattered. What mattered was how good it felt to be acknowledged by him, to be let in on his secrets and jokes, to take on the same adventures.
The day the war started, Marko and I walked home from school together. He told me that if war broke out, his family would go to7)Split, Croatia. He asked what my family would do.
I had no idea. Right then my plans extended only to 6 p.m., when I was supposed to meet him and the rest of our friends. With that agreement, we parted.
Less than a half-hour later, as I was walking upstairs to our apartment, an explosion shook the building. The blast threw me down the stairs, and the building went dark. All I knew then was that I had to fnd my family. I got up and stumbled outside. People were rushing every which way. Some were crying, some bleeding. I ran to my aunt’s place, where my mother was.
1) ethnical ['eθnɪk(ə)l] adj. 种族(上)的,人种的
2) barrack ['bærək] n. 军营,营房
3) Mostar ['məʊstɑː(r)] n. 莫斯塔尔,波黑第五大城市和文化中心,黑塞哥维那-涅雷特瓦州的首府
4) mischievous ['mɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 顽皮的,淘气的,恶作剧的
5) seal the deal 搞定,签署协议
6) mutual ['mjuːtjʊəl] adj. 共同的,互相的
7) Split [splɪt] n. 斯普利特,克罗地亚第二大城市,历史名城
My plans for the evening were obviously ruined and I suspected it would be a while before I would be free to plan anything else. I had to get in touch with Marko, and tell him I was O.K. That we were O.K.
I snuck out into the hallway to use the telephone. I dialed the number, terrified by having to speak or explain to whom I was calling. Marko’s father answered.8)Lightheaded with anxiety, I asked for Marko. I don’t know what I hoped to hear from him. Maybe that whatever was happening outside had no bearing on us. No ethnic9)squabble or civil war could ruin what we had. At the very least, I thought he would ask if I was O.K.
He didn’t. In fact, Marko barely said a word. We exchanged a few awkward syllables, and then I hung up.
The next day my childhood home was gone, destroyed in the blast. Two weeks later, my brother, cousins and I were sent to another town.
From our exile, I wrote Marko long, never-to-be-sent letters describing the anger, sadness and10)displacement I felt. A few weeks later, when it became clear to my parents that what was happening in and around Mostar was not a minor squabble but a11)full-fledged war, they decided to take what was most important—my brother and me—and leave for good.
8) lightheaded ['laɪt'hedɪd] adj. 神志不清的,头晕目眩的
9) squabble ['skwɒb(ə)l] n. 口角,争吵
10) displacement [dɪs'pleɪsmənt] n. 被迫离开家园,流离失所
11) full-fedged adj. 成熟的,羽毛长全的
12) Belgrade [bel'greɪd] n. 贝尔格莱德,原南斯拉夫的最大城市,现塞尔维亚共和国首都
13) synonymous with 与…同义的
14) obliterate [ə'blɪtəreɪt] v. 消除,使被忘掉
15) spiraling ['spaɪər(ə)lɪŋ] adj. 盘旋上升的,成螺旋形的
We settled in12)Belgrade, Serbia. For years, I continued to think about my Marko, the memory having become13)synonymous with lost innocence and never-again-possible perfection. Those brief days of happiness shone brightly through the tragedy that followed. When I started dating, I jokingly told boys that I had this unfinished relationship and couldn’t fully commit.
Yet the few times I traveled back to my hometown after the war, I didn’t dare look Marko up, though I knew how to get in touch with him.
What if he didn’t even remember me? What if those lost years had14)obliterated all we shared? What if my being a Serb and his being a Croat was more of a barrier now than when we were children? Most of all, though, I feared that nothing would have remained of the bright-eyed boy who followed me home from school on a skateboard and chased me down the15)spiraling stairwells.
So I fled my Marko memories away. Then one morning, 16 years after fleeing my hometown, I opened my email at home in San Jose, Calif., to fnd Marko’s name in the inbox. His message read, “If you are Nikolina from Mostar then I have been your boyfriend since 5th grade. Please16)get back to me, so we can fgure out what to do.”
Those two lines were all it took to dispel my fears. Marko was still the playful boy I had loved.
We spent the next few weeks emailing feverishly, telling each other everything we remembered of our childhood romance. He also told me some things I didn’t know, like how much he had obsessed over wanting to kiss me. He also told me that for years he had beaten himself up for not saying more when I called.
It was a couple of years before I could get back to Mostar. When I did, Marko and I met at the usual spot, at the bottom of the hill where he first approached me on his skateboard.
We would not have recognized each other on the street. Yet we understood something about each other that no one else did or could. Like the frst time, we stood for a long while just smiling.
Marko and I talked for hours, recounting our youth, our shared sense of17)dislocation and the many acts of18)infidelity we had committed against each other over our nearly two decades apart.
Like the19)Ottoman bridge, our lives had been shattered and then put back together. We were still gathering pieces, only now we had one fewer piece to look for.
Marko and I touched hands, leaned in and kissed. For that moment, it was as if nothing had been lost.
16) get back to (常指通过电话)再联系,重新联系
17) dislocation [,dɪslə'keɪʃən] n. 错位,混乱
18) infdelity [ɪnfɪ'delɪtɪ] n. 不忠实,不忠实行为
19) Ottoman bridge 奥斯曼统治时代建的古桥,波黑有很多这种古桥,其中最具代表性的是位于莫斯塔尔市的莫斯塔尔桥(Stari Most),1993年在波黑内战中被炮火摧毁,于2004年被重建