邹德永, 郭玉龙, 赵 建, 陈修平, 王家骏, 于金平
(中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东青岛 266580)
邹德永, 郭玉龙, 赵 建, 陈修平, 王家骏, 于金平
(中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院,山东青岛 266580)
聚晶金刚石复合片钻头 锥形切削齿 破岩 切削角 锥顶角 切削深度
1.1 试验装置
1.2 试验原理及方法
每次试验时,将表面平整的岩样固定在岩样夹持装置上,通过更换不同角度的小钻头实现切削角的变化,用加压装置给锥形PDC齿施加不同的钻压,然后摇动钻铣床滑枕,带动岩样做直线运动,使锥形PDC齿切削岩样形成沟槽;在切削过程中,利用切向力传感器实时测量锥形PDC齿所受的水平切削力,由数据采集系统记录并显示试验数据,其原理如图3所示。为分析锥形PDC齿的切削角、锥顶角及钻压对破岩效率的影响规律,分别进行了不同切削角(0°,±5°,±10°,±15°,±20°,±25°,±30°,角度如图4所示)、不同锥顶角(86°和78°)和不同钻压(1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5和3.0 kN)的破岩试验。岩样选用玄武岩,其可钻性级值为9.27。
2.1 切削角
2.2 锥顶角
2.3 钻压
1) 锥形PDC齿适合其齿尖指向钻头轴线安装在钻头上,当钻进条件相同时,切削角为25°时的破岩效果最好。结合钻头布齿设计理论、锥形齿的抗冲击性能及不同地层的适应性,切削角推荐选用20°~25°。
2) 锥形PDC齿在小钻压下的破岩效果较差,随着钻压增大,破岩效果迅速得到提高。
3) 文中试验条件下,锥顶角小的锥形PDC齿的破岩效率优于锥顶角大的锥形PDC齿。
4) 文中试验只选用了2种锥顶角和1种岩样,建议后续试验中增加锥形PDC齿的齿型和岩样类型,以进一步探讨锥顶角对破岩效率的影响规律和锥形PDC齿在不同硬地层的破岩规律。
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[编辑 刘文臣]
Experimental Study on Rock Breaking of Conical PDC Cutter
Zou Deyong, Guo Yulong, Zhao Jian, Chen Xiuping, Wang Jiajun, Yu Jinping
In order to optimize the structure of PDC bits and improve their breaking performance in hard formations,this paper analyzed the influences of cutting angle,cone apex angle,weight on bit (WOB) and other factors of rock breaking of conical PDC cutter,through experiment with basalt.The results showed that the conical cutter was better to be installed on the bit with its prong pointing the bit axis.With the increase of the cutting angle,the cutting depth increased first and then decreased-to the maximum when the cutting angle was 25°.The conical PDC cutter with small cone apex angle required smaller force to break the same volume of rock and the cutting depth increased with the WOB exponentially.The experimental results could provide reference for the design of a conical PDC bit.
PDC bit;conical cutter;rock breaking;cutting angle;cone apex angle;cutting depth