
2015-03-26 15:25
电力自动化设备 2015年12期

(第35卷 第1~12期)





基于分岔理论研究励磁饱和环节对系统电压稳定的影响………………………………李国庆,张 浩,李 江,等(3,1)



微电网技术在主动配电网中的应用………………………………李 鹏,窦鹏冲,李雨薇,等(4,8)

微电网改进负荷功率分配策略与并网稳定性分析……………………………郑连清,庄 琛,马世强,等(4,17)

基于α约束支配排序混合进化算法的微电网多目标优化运行……………………………彭春华,黄 戡,袁义生,等(4,24)

计及微电网中可再生能源间歇性影响的配电网可靠性评估…………………………………王 韶,谭 文,黄 晗(4,31)

一种适用于微电网混合储能系统的功率分配策略……………………………蒋 玮,周 赣,王晓东,等(4,38)

微电网储能系统中基于PWM加双重移相控制的双向DC/DC变换器研究……………………晏 坤,王 辉,漆文龙,等(4,44)

一种适用于低压微电网的改进型下垂控制器……………………………张宸宇,梅 军,郑建勇,等(4,53)

考虑与电动汽车换电站互动的微电网经济调度……………………………陈 思,张 焰,薛贵挺,等(4,60)

含风电孤立中压微电网暂态电压稳定协同控制策略……………………………赵卓立,杨 苹,蔡泽祥,等(10,1)


含微电网中压系统的PQ-同伦全局潮流计算方法……………………………王 晶,骆旭伟,陈骏宇,等(10,15)

包含可控负荷的微电网经济调度……………………………童小娇,尹 昆,刘亚娟,等(10,21)


独立型水光储微电网系统容量优化配置……………………………杨 清,袁 越,王 敏,等(10,37)

改进的配电网反时限过电流保护……………………………郭煜华,姜 军,范春菊,等(10,45)

交直流混合微电网协同控制策略……………………………周 稳,戴瑜兴,毕大强,等(10,51)



充换电服务网络动力电池配送最优路径建模方法……………………………刘晓胜,张 芮,朱宏林,等(6,10)


基于电流源型PWM整流器的高效电池充电系统设计……………………………郭 强,刘和平,彭东林,等(6,23)


基于信息融合的智能一体化电站新型并网控制策略……………………………楚皓翔,解 大,娄宇成,等(6,37)

基于因子回归分析和分层雷达图法的电动汽车运行状态评估……………………………蒲松林,周念成,郭 胤,等(6,44)

电动汽车充电机对电能计量的影响……………………………朱学贵,覃 阳,苏向丰,等(6,52)


双馈风电变流器IGBT模块功率循环能力评估………………………………李 辉,秦 星,刘盛权,等(1,6)

模块化多电平换流器模块冗余优化配置方法…………………………………王宝安,谭风雷,商 姣(1,13)

采用不同子模块的MMC-HVDC阀损耗通用计算方法……………………………薛英林,徐 政,张哲任,等(1,20)

桥臂交替导通型多电平换流器的晶闸管换向方法……………………………郭 捷,胡鹏飞,周月宾,等(1,30)

大规模多节点模块化多电平柔性直流输电换流阀控制周期优化设计方法………………………韩 坤,吴金龙,刘欣和,等(1,36)

不平衡工况下链式STATCOM的运行极限分析…………………………………谭树龙,杨 耕,耿 华(1,44)

基于无源性理论的H桥级联STATCOM非线性控制策略……………………………徐 榕,于 泳,杨荣峰,等(1,50)


伪连续导电模式单电感双输出反激变换器……………………………周 群,何莹莹,许建平,等(1,65)

高效的LLC谐振变换器变模式控制策略……………………………潘海燕,贺 超,蒋友明,等(1,71)


过移相和欠移相对12脉波整流系统的影响及抑制措施……………………………高 蕾,孟凡刚,杨世彦,等(1,85)


考虑运行功率变化影响的风电变流器可靠性评估………………………………李 辉,季海婷,秦 星,等(5,1)

基于移相空间矢量调制的多通道三相变流器………………………………陈 万,谢少军,朱 哲,等(5,9)

H桥级联STATCOM直流侧电容电压平衡控制方法……………………………徐 榕,于 泳,杨荣峰,等(5,15)

级联DSTATCOM补偿不平衡负载分相控制策略…………………………………王 跃,杨 昆,陈国柱(5,23)

±200Mvar静止同步补偿器的电网电压控制策略…………………………………刘锦宁,刘 洋,何伟斌(5,29)


应用于双馈风力发电机的LCL型滤波器……………………………许 斌,张志强,李程昊,等(5,44)


基于VSC的DCIPC阻尼系统功率振荡及限制短路电流研究…………………………………李 娟,严宇昕,聂 鹏(5,58)

临界连续模式单电感双输出Buck功率因数校正变换器…………………………………刘雪山,许建平,王 楠(5,64)

ZVS隔离型高增益DC/DC变换器…………………………………邾玢鑫,程 杉,谭 超(5,70)

基于状态反馈线性化的矩阵变换器非线性控制……………………………潘月斗,郭 凯,陈继义,等(5,77)

MMC控制系统时序逻辑与子模块故障监测……………………………罗 程,赵成勇,张宝顺,等(5,83)


用于大规模集中式风电并网的VSC-HVDC频率控制方法……………………………潘 伟,李 勇,曹一家,等(5,94)


±800kV云广特高压直流线路合成电场仿真计算与测试分析……………………………邓 军,肖 遥,楚金伟,等(2,138)

特高压电网社会效益分析及评价方法……………………………田书欣,程浩忠,常 浩,等(2,145)

多馈入直流系统的特高压直流接入方式优选方法……………………………徐 箭,张华坤,孙 涛,等(6,58)

1000kV特高压交流输电线路直升机平台法带电作业侵入路径……………………………刘 超,阮江军,廖才波,等(6,64)

±800kV/500 kV交直流混联输电线路反击耐雷水平…………………………李瑞芳,曹晓斌,张先怡,等(10,101)


基于分裂层次半监督谱聚类算法的风电场机群划分方法……………………………………………林 俐,潘险险(2,8)

考虑柔性负荷补偿/激励机制的风电供需侧一体化随机调度方法……………………………杨 楠,刘涤尘,董开松,等(2,15)

混合风电场中PMSG协助感应发电机低电压穿越……………………………李生虎,安 锐,许志峰,等(2,21)

风电接入后考虑抽蓄-需求响应的多场景联合安全经济调度模型……………………………李 丹,刘俊勇,刘友波,等(2,28)

基于实证数据和模糊控制的多时间尺度风储耦合实时滚动平抑波动…………………………………刘春燕,晁 勤,魏丽丽(2,35)


含高渗透率风电配网中电池储能系统和开关的协调规划………………………………颜 伟,吕 冰,赵 霞,等(3,6)



基于子空间方法的风机齿轮箱故障预测算法……………………………赵洪山,郭 伟,邵 玲,等(3,27)

定子双绕组风力感应发电机优化设计方法……………………………韩 力,罗张尧,金 钊,等(3,33)

光伏并网抑制由直流输电引起的次同步振荡的可行性分析……………………………李 宽,李兴源,陈 实,等(3,41)

基于负荷-光伏等效负荷曲线动态分段的配电线路联络开关优化配 置……………………………陈 禹,唐 巍,陈昕玥,等(3,47)

基于混合储能的大型风电场优化控制……………………………陈 谦,陈霄逸,金宇清,等(4,70)

需求侧资源促进可再生能源消纳贡献度综合评价体系…………………………………孙盛鹏,刘凤良,薛 松(4,77)

计及风速相关性的电网静态安全风险评估……………………………张 里,刘俊勇,刘友波,等(4,84)

基于实测数据的风电功率曲线建模及不确定估计……………………………林 鹏,赵书强,谢宇琪,等(4,90)

含大型风电场的弱同步电网协调控制策略……………………………李 超,王洪涛,韦仲康,等(4,96)

计及污染气体排放风险的多目标随机动态环境经济调度模型……………………………文 旭,王俊梅,郭 琳,等(5,131)

基于不同优化准则的风电功率预测……………………………张 露,卢继平,梅亦蕾,等(5,139)

光伏电站弱电源特性对送出线路继电保护的影响……………………………瞿继平,吴兴全,闫 凯,等(5,146)


计及风电不确定性的省级电网月度购电风险管理模型………………………………文 旭,王俊梅,郭 琳(7,106)

考虑输入饱和的直驱式永磁同步风力发电系统最大功率跟踪控制……………………………王天钰,魏 星,徐家俊,等(7,113)


平抑风能波动的储能电池SOC与滤波协调控制策略…………………………雷 珽,欧阳曾恺,李 征,等(7,126)


考虑源网协调的风电场动态无功补偿装置控制策略……………………………赵亚清,刘 青,谢 欢,等(8,118)

基于三质量块模型的失速型风机小信号建模和模态分析……………………………娄宇成,解 大,冯俊淇,等(8,124)

基于离散Hopfield模式识别样本的GRNN非线性组合短期风速预测模型…………………………陈 烨,高亚静,张建成(8,131)

光伏组件参数拟合及输出特性研究……………………………韩 伟,王宏华,陈 凌,等(9,100)

改进的光伏组件工程数学模型建模方法…………………………………………李善寿,张 兴(9,108)

基于自适应分支系数的并网光伏电站接地距离保护……………………………张 尧,晁 勤,王厚军,等(9,113)

配置储热的热电厂与风电场的调峰定价机制……………………………吕 泉,李 玲,王海霞,等(9,118)

风电场风机测量风速缺损值的组合填充模型……………………………杜 杰,彭丽霞,刘玉宝,等(9,125)


含经VSC-HVDC并网海上风电场的交直流系统概率最优潮流……………………………李逸驰,孙国强,杨 义,等(9,136)


基于K-均值聚类多场景时序特性分析的分布式电源多目标规划………………………………彭春华,于 蓉,孙惠娟(10,58)


电网故障下风电机组轴系扭振抑制方法……………………………贾 锋,王瑞明,李 征,等(10,74)

含大规模风电的电网AVC研究与应用……………………………于 汀,蒲天骄,刘广一,等(10,81)

考虑风速相关性的多目标电网规划……………………………刘 学,李 晖,周 明,等(10,87)

基于电压稳定极限曲面法向量的风电接入配电网随机无功优化……………………………文立斌,李 俊,邓大上,等(10,95)

基于温度特征量的风电机组关键部件劣化渐变概率分析……………………………李 辉,胡姚刚,李 洋,等(11,1)


含风电孤立中压微电网静态电压稳定性分析及改善策略……………………………赵卓立,杨 苹,蔡泽祥,等(11,13)

基于荷电状态动态调整的储能电站容量规划……………………………张 熙,张 峰,巩乃奇,等(11,20)

并网AWS波浪发电场等效建模……………………………秦 川,管维亚,鞠 平,等(11,25)

考虑风电相关性的电力系统随机无功备用优化……………………………方斯顿,程浩忠,宋 越,等(11,32)


间歇性分布式电源在主动配电网中的优化配置……………………………张沈习,李 珂,程浩忠,等(11,45)


双馈风电机组次同步振荡阻尼特性与抑制策略……………………………高本锋,李 忍,杨大业,等(12,11)




计及储能容量优化的含风光储配电网可靠性评估……………………………涂 炼,刘涤尘,廖清芬,等(12,40)


基于有限交叠多分区的站域后备保护方案……………………………马 静,史宇欣,马 伟,等(1,101)

输电线路瞬时性故障的恢复电压直流偏移特性研究……………………………罗勋华,黄 纯,戴永梁,等(1,107)

基于负荷区域划分的配电变电站规划模型………………………………彭 文,杜晓东,石 敏(1,112)

广域环境下基于Q型因子学习方法的电网节点聚合规律……………………………郝广涛,韩学山,梁 军,等(1,118)


基于改进的Benders分解与透视割平面的机组组合算法……………………………郑海艳,简金宝,全 然,等(1,133)

直流配电网拓扑结构及控制策略……………………………杜 翼,江道灼,尹 瑞,等(1,139)

一种引入熵函数进行组合赋权的直流落点选择方法……………………………陈晶腾,林 韩,蔡金锭,等(1,146)

基于多目标模块度的多层次电压控制分区方法……………………………宋 越,程浩忠,张 健,等(1,153)

含多微源的微电网离网运行小信号稳定性分析……………………………李 洋,张 辉,苏 冰,等(1,159)

基于千安级冲击电流的回路电阻测量系统……………………………周 蠡,鲁铁成,罗容波,等(1,165)


利用基波电流相量变化率识别行波保护中雷击干扰……………………………刘兴茂,林 圣,李小鹏,等(2,55)


互联电网静态电压稳定预防控制模型及其算法…………………………………户秀琼,颜 伟,余 娟(2,68)

角形链式SVG零序环流推导及电流指令获取……………………………熊桥坡,罗 安,何志兴,等(2,75)

基于射影定理分层控制的次同步阻尼控制器设计……………………………李 宽,李兴源,李保宏,等(2,80)



面向用户并考虑紧迫性的配电网运行风险评估…………………………………刘 健,韩 磊,张志华(2,97)

一种考虑变电站内部的电力系统可靠性分析……………………………陈 晨,刘俊勇,刘友波,等(2,103)


基于DSP在线实现特定谐波消除技术的2种方法………………………………蔡 鸿,叶满园,李 宋(2,114)

基于电压不平衡度正反馈的孤岛检测新方法………………………………孙 博,郑建勇,梅 军(2,121)


强风雨荷载冲击下的输电线路可靠性建模方法……………………………杨 清,魏亚楠,赵 渊,等(2,133)

基于自适应加权预测-校正内点法的含VSC-HVDC电力系统最优潮流………………………孙国强,任 宾,卫志农,等(3,54)

N-k故障下影响电力系统脆弱性的关键线路研究…………………………………………李 扬,苏慧玲(3,60)

电力系统停电风险评估指标及方法……………………………卢 恩,鲁晓军,龙 霏,等(3,68)

基于WAMS的后备距离保护方案…………………………………康小宁,刘 琳,王 琦(3,75)

城轨车辆牵引过程对配电网电能质量的影响分析……………………………王小君,巩 超,和敬涵,等(3,81)

基于合作博弈和云模型的变压器状态评估方法…………………………………………徐 岩,陈 昕(3,88)

基于Goertzel滤波器的两相静止坐标系下的增强型锁相环…………………………………李 伟,吴凤江,孙 力(3,94)

基于FCS-MPC的电压跟踪调制方法…………………………………………吴德会,李 钷(3,101)

矩阵式双向变流器改进型换流策略……………………………刘 钊,叶曙光,张 倩,等(3,108)


基于综合评价的交、直流输电适用范围研究……………………………夏俊丽,毛 荀,柯德平,等(3,120)

一种改进的配电变压器短路电抗在线检测方法……………………………王明林,陈民铀,赖 伟,等(3,127)

考虑集肤效应与邻近效应的变压器谐波损耗模型………………………………刘书铭,施 红,冯 蕾(3,133)

消除负频率影响的低频间谐波快速检测方法……………………………王 泽,杨洪耕,王佳兴,等(3,140)



HVDC换相失败暂态特性及其对差动保护的影响分析和对策………………………………申洪明,黄少锋,费 彬(4,109)



基于Dijkstra算法的最优解列断面快速搜索方法……………………………王乙斐,唐 飞,刘涤尘,等(4,126)

考虑元件综合重要度的电网安全性风险评估方法……………………………刘沛清,李华强,赵 阳,等(4,132)


单相并网逆变器的直流分量抑制策略……………………………杨 亮,苏 剑,刘海涛,等(4,145)


阻性负载下低压故障电弧特性分析………………………………王晓远,高 淼,赵玉双(5,106)

基于灵敏度分析的限流方案优化决策方法………………………………杨 冬,周勤勇,刘玉田(5,111)


供电可靠性提升措施优选的量化评价方法……………………………吴 涵,陈 彬,管 霖,等(5,126)

多级检修模式下电网计划检修周期协调优化……………………………赵 渊,张 煦,王 洁,等(6,71)

测量阻抗的振荡轨迹识别……黄少锋,申洪明,赵 远,等(6,82)

基于下垂控制的孤岛检测方法及其改进策略…………………………………贺 超,王 冕,陈国柱(6,87)

一种适用于多直流馈入系统的限流措施优化配置方法…………………………………杨 冬,周勤勇,刘玉田(6,93)

分布式电源出力与负荷相关性对配电网可靠性的影响分析……………………………王昌照,汪隆君,王 钢,等(6,99)

基于负荷无功电压响应的切负荷控制决策优化…………………………………………李 晔,张保会(6,106)



基于改进K-means聚类算法的供电块划分方法……………………………韩 俊,谈 健,黄 河,等(6,123)

双凸极电励磁发电机系统非奇异终端滑模控制器的设计与仿真……………………………戴卫力,丁 骏,田 浩,等(6,130)


基于Blackman自卷积窗及三谱线插值修正的介质损失角计算方法………………………………王永强,谢 军,律方成(6,143)

基于改进型主成分分析的电力变压器潜伏性故障诊断……………………………杨廷方,张 航,黄立滨,等(6,149)

基于招投标策略的地区电网无功优化控制………………………………陈星莺,史豪杰,刘 健,等(7,1)

基于向量序优化的多目标机组组合………………………………谢 敏,闫圆圆,诸言涵,等(7,7)



混合整数线性规划形式的抗差状态估计方法…………………………………陈艳波,马 进,陈 茜(7,26)

基于全数字锁相环的电力系统高精度同步时钟……………………………李泽文,舒 磊,邓 丰,等(7,32)


正序电压极化阻抗继电器的保护失效边界模型…………………………………………姜爱华,薛 晨(7,43)


开口三角绕组任意连接的电压互感器断线闭锁新方法……………………………黄少锋,李 欧,费 彬,等(7,59)




基于函数型非参数回归模型的中长期日负荷曲线预测……………………………许 梁,孙 涛,徐 箭,等(7,89)

基于并行模式的多预想故障静态电压稳定辅助决策……………………………段 慧,鲍颜红,王 超,等(7,95)

基于距离保护契合因子的区域后备保护方法…………………………………马 静,郭雅蓉,王增平(8,1)

同塔双回线接地距离保护零序电流补偿系数分析及整定方法改进………………………………姜宪国,刘 宇,周泽昕,等(8,9)

交直流互联系统对距离保护的影响分析及对策…………………………………费 彬,黄少锋,申洪明(8,15)




基于电网中枢点识别的无功电压控制分区方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………成 煜,杭乃善(8,45)


基于LCC的配电网供电电压质量改善措施的优化………………………………………………………………………………………杨金涛,乐 健,刘开培,等(8,59)






基于改进滑模观测器的永磁同步电机无位置传感器I/F起动方法………………………………………………………………………………………肖烨然,刘 刚,宋欣达,等(8,95)

基于主元分析的牵引变电所互感器二次量异常故障在线识别方法………………………………………………………………………………………李朝阳,杨健维,王 玘,等(8,103)

基于极化电流行波方向继电器的行波方向比较式纵联保护技术及其在750 kV线路上的应用………………………董新洲,罗澍忻,施慎行,等(9,1)


大停电后电力系统黑启动分区的两步策略………………………………………………………………………………………孙 磊,张 璨,林振智,等(9,14)


同塔四回线路单相接地故障距离保护………………………………………………………………………………………张 旭,徐振宇,贺 健,等(9,30)

非恒定磁链幅值给定的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制………………………………………………………………………………………唐 校,杨向宇,赵世伟,等(9,37)


一种高铁供电事故气象因素关联模型的分析方法………………………………………………………………………………………程宏波,何正友,王 玘,等(9,49)

面向综合经济效益最大化的全厂负荷分配………………………………………………………………………………………王 伟,常 浩,石永锋,等(9,54)

基于数据融合与拓扑分析的多阶段月度网损计算………………………………………………………………………………………王 峥,刘创华,刘怡然,等(9,61)

基于伪谱法的电力系统暂态稳定紧急控制………………………………………………………………………………………冯军基,耿光超,王 云,等(9,68)


基于冒泡原理的模块化多电平换流器快速电压均衡控制策略………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………喻 锋,王西田(9,81)

基于自抗扰控制原理的MMC-HVDC控制策略………………………………………………………………………………………刘 炜,王朝亮,赵成勇,等(9,87)

针对电压慢恢复现象的电机负荷建模方法………………………………………………………………………………………华嘉成,方 陈,柳劲松,等(9,94)

基于方向权重的广域后备保护跳闸策略………………………………………………………………………………马 静,裴 迅,马 伟,等(10,107)

参与AVC调节的STATCOM电压控制策略设计与仿真………………………………………………………………………………徐 箭,袁志昌,汪龙龙,等(10,115)

倍压Boost-APFC变换器的改进型单周期控制………………………………………………………………………………………………蔡逢煌,王 武,陈浩龙(10,121)

一种改进型感应滤波高压直流输电系统及其谐波传递特性分析………………………………………………………………………………王 灿,罗隆福,陈跃辉,等(10,127)


感应电机直接转矩控制系统的转矩脉动极小化方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张兴华,石 万(10,140)

原子分解快速算法在电能质量扰动分析中的应用………………………………………………………………………………………………曲正伟,郝婉茹,王 宁(10,145)


Y/△接线变压器三角形侧环流计算新方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………凌 光,姚文熙(10,157)

基于波形时域特征聚类法的谐振接地系统故障选线………………………………………………………………………………………郭谋发,严 敏,陈 彬,等(11,59)

配电网单相接地故障选线典型方法实验研究………………………………………………………………………………………………姜 博,董新洲,施慎行(11,67)


考虑响应不确定性的可中断负荷参与系统备用配置的协调优化………………………………………………………………………………………王蓓蓓,李义荣,李 扬,等(11,82)

基于改进虚拟支路法的高速铁路牵引网串联谐振分析………………………………………………………………………………………王 斌,邱忠才,韩旭东,等(11,90)

高压直流输电系统开路电压的研究………………………………………………………………………………………………张 烁,李永丽,李博通(11,95)



多端柔性直流下垂控制的功率参考值修正方法………………………………………………………………………………………………喻 锋,王西田,解 大(11,117)


基于电容阵列的磁共振式无线电能传输系统的优化调谐………………………………………………………………………………蒋 燕,周 洪,胡文山,等(11,129)

计及电网拓扑优化的电压支撑决策模型………………………………………………………………………………………………孙东磊,韩学山,张 波(11,137)

考虑电网承载结构的连锁故障模拟与防御策略………………………………………………………………………………刁 塑,刘俊勇,刘友波,等(11,143)

基于补偿法的预防性静态安全控制………………………………………………………………………………………………阳育德,冯彦维,韦 化(12,47)


DGA中三比值缺码研究初探………………………………………………………………………………………宋 斌,刘志雄,李恩文,等(12,60)


动态搜索调节调制波偏置的SPWM三电平逆变器中点电压平衡控制方法 ………………………………………………………………………吕建国,吴馥云,胡文斌,等(12,73)

基于投旁通对策略的组合式C-MMC单元投退控制………………………………………………………………………………………薛英林,赵 峥,葛风雷,等(12,80)

考虑晶闸管导通特性的TCSC基频阻抗特性分析………………………………………………………………………………………杨 毅,姚 伟,孙海顺,等(12,89)

参数失谐对基于滤波器的高压直流输电系统直流侧谐波电压测量的影 响………………………………………………………………毛 涛,乐 健,黄银龙,等(12,95)

考虑核电接入的大电网严重故障下孤网高频问题及协调控制措施………………………………………………………………………………王 梦,丁 剑,吴国旸,等(12,101)


基于综合脆性关联度的连锁故障预测与冲击辨识………………………………………………………………………………吕歆瑶,李华强,郑 国,等(12,116)



面向10 kV馈线自动化系统的单子载波OFDMA电力线通信方法………………………………………………………………………………………胡正伟,谢志远,郭以贺,等(2,160)


智能用电条件下用户用能管理与服务平台………………………………………………………………………………………葛磊蛟,王守相,张 明,等(3,152)

基于嗅探空闲状态的智能变电站断路器远程试验方法………………………………………………………………………………………………宋亮亮,袁宇波,高 磊(3,157)

数据源端维护技术在继电保护信息系统中的应用………………………………………………………………………………………笃 峻,胡绍谦,滕井玉,等(3,162)

基于虚拟局域网的智能变电站热备份通信………………………………………………………………………………………刘晓胜,海天翔,郑 检,等(7,132)

开断速度对电磁斥力高速开断器介质恢复特性的影响………………………………………………………………………………………袁志方,庄劲武,陈 倩,等(7,140)




油浸式变压器三维电磁-流体-温度场耦合分析方法………………………………………………………………………………………廖才波,阮江军,刘 超,等(9,150)

基于CIM/G的电网潮流图自动生成关键技术研究及应用………………………………………………………………………………………赵家庆,张 亮,钱科军,等(9,156)

发电机组涉网保护与限制配合的自动校核………………………………………………………………………………………宋 玮,刘桂林,吴国旸,等(9,163)

基于误差修正的短期负荷预测方法………………………………………………………………………………………………张 贲,邵常宁,赵 燃(11,152)







一种双端驱动静电振膜式电压互感器………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………邹 阳,徐启峰(4,156)

火电厂辅机变频器低电压穿越电源………………………………………………………………………………………王晓宇,张 涛,刘 树,等(5,152)


智能变电站SCD文件可视化管理和分析决策系统的设计与实现………………………………………………………………………………………熊华强,万 勇,桂小智,等(5,166)

基于电快速脉冲群发生器主电路的建模和设计………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………朱 武,吴仕兵(6,154)

智能电网用空间电能集能转换器………………………………………………………………………………………邹 亮,黄金鑫,刘梦琦,等(6,159)

基于无源性控制的变压器低频加热电源………………………………………………………………………………………朱小帆,查晓明,秦 亮,等(6,166)

应用于无线电能传送系统的测控系统设计与开发………………………………………………………………………………………邓其军,刘姜涛,周 洪,等(7,147)

基于预测函数与线性多变量反馈控制的同步发电机励磁控制………………………………………………………………………………………………肖健梅,张 科,王锡淮(7,153)


复杂同塔线路继电保护动作特性仿真分析软件的设计与开发………………………………………………………………………………………安然然,何茂慧,王 奕,等(8,156)

避免线路保护定值频繁修改的方法及其实现………………………………………………………………………………………任建文,谷雨峰,张 猛,等(8,163)

基于电磁斥力开断器的直流限流熔断器设计方法与限流特性………………………………………………………………………………张 超,王 晨,庄劲武,等(10,163)

基于二维码的智能变电站光缆标签系统设计和实现………………………………………………………………………………高 磊,刘 玙,袁宇波,等(10,169)


基于电阻取样法测量变压器中性点直流电流的传感器设计与应用………………………………………………………………………………童 歆,全江涛,徐 菁,等(11,169)


基于故障电流控制的新型UPFC设计………………………………………………………………………………陈 峰,江道灼,周 洋,等(12,145)


基于储能技术提高风电机组低电压穿越能力的分析和展望………………………………………………………………………………杨 堤,程浩忠,马紫峰,等(12,1)


汽轮机阀门控制方式切换引发低频振荡的实例及其机理分析………………………………………………………………………………………徐衍会,马 骢,邓小文,等(3,170)


多次同步异频法测量地网接地电阻………………………………………………………………………………………………贾 超,胡志坚,方佳丞(4,167)

PTN业务随机时延对差动保护同步性能的影响分析………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………高会生,汪 洋(7,165)


基于定子绕组改接的三相感应电动机轻载高效运行分析与试验………………………………………………………………………………………………从 敏,王秀和,杨玉波(9,168)


直流起励过程中绝缘监测系统对转子接地保护的影响及对策………………………………………………………………………………………李华忠,陈 俊,张琦雪,等(1,170)

Electric Power Automation Equipment

(Vol.35 No.1~No.12 2015)



Closed-loop control of power system transient stability(6):control location selection……ZHANG Baohui,WANG Huaiyuan,YANG Songhao(1,12)

Closed-loop control of power system transient stability(7):implementation scheme and control effect…………ZHANG Baohui,WANG Huaiyuan,YANG Songhao(2,7)


Influence of excitation saturation element on power system voltage stability based on bifurcation theory………………… LI Guoqing,ZHANG Hao,LI Jiang,et al.(3,46)

Multi-objective bi-level real-time charging/discharging dispatch with coordination of BSS and grid…………………CAO Yijia,LIU Yizhu,QUE Lingyan,et al.(4,7)


Application of microgrid technology in active distribution network……………LI Peng,DOU Pengchong,LI Yuwei,et al.(4,16)

Improved load power allocation strategy for microgrid and grid-connection stability analysis……ZHENG Lianqing,ZHUANG Chen,MA Shiqiang,et al.(4,23)

Microgrid operation multi-objective optimization based on hybrid evolution algorithm with α-constraint dominant sorting……PENG Chunhua,HUANG Kan,YUAN Yisheng,et al.(4,37)

Distribution system reliability evaluation considering influence of intermittent renewable energy sources for microgrid……………………WANG Shao,TAN Wen,HUANG Han(4,37)

Power allocation strategy of hybrid energy storage system for microgrid…………JIANG Wei,ZHOU Gan,WANG Xiaodong,et al.(4,52)

Bidirectional DC/DC converter based on PWM plus dual phase-shift control for microgrid storage system…………………YAN Kun,WANG Hui,QI Wenlong,et al.(4,52)

Improved droop controller for low-voltage microgrid………ZHANG Chenyu,MEI Jun,ZHENG Jianyong,et al.(4,59)

Microgrid economic dispatch considering interaction with EV BSS………………CHEN Si,ZHANG Yan,XUE Guiting,et al.(4,69)

Cooperative control of transient voltage stability for islanded medium-voltage microgrid with wind power……………ZHAO Zhuoli,YANG Ping,CAI Zexiang,et al.(10,9)

Global stabilization based on feedback linearization for DC microgrid……YANG Zhonglin,ZHA Xiaoming,SUN Jianjun,et al.(10,14)

PQ-homotopy method for calculating global power flow of MV system with microgrids……WANG Jing,LUO Xuwei,CHEN Junyu,et al.(10,20)

Economic dispatch for microgrid with controllable loads……………TONG Xiaojiao,YIN Kun,LIU Yajuan,et al.(10,36)

Economic dispatch model considering battery lifetime for microgrid…………LIU Chunyang,WANG Xiuli,LIU Shimin,et al.(10,36)

Optimal capacity configuration of standalone hydro-photovoltaic-storage microgrid…………YANG Qing,YUAN Yue,WANG Min,et al.(10,44)

Improved inverse-time over-current protection for distribution network……………GUO Yuhua,JIANG Jun,FAN Chunju,et al.(10,50)

Coordinative control strategy for hybrid AC-DC microgrid……………ZHOU Wen,DAI Yuxing,BI Daqiang,et al.(10,57)


Impact of electric vehicle charging on power system and relevant countermeasures……………………GUO Jianlong,WEN Fushuan(6,30)

Modeling method for battery distribution path optimization of EV charging and swapping service network…………LIU Xiaosheng,ZHANG Rui,ZHU Honglin,et al.(6,16)

Orderly charging control based on peak-valley electricity tariffs for household electric vehicles of residential quarter…………………………………SU Haifeng,LIANG Zhirui(6,22)

High-efficient battery charging system based on current-source PWM rectifiers…………GUO Qiang,LIU Heping,PENG Donglin,et al.(6,30)

Charging optimization of massive electric vehicles in distribution network………………YANG Xiuju,BAI Xiaoqing,LI Peijie,et al.(6,36)

Grid-connection control based on information fusion for intelligent integrated power station……………CHU Haoxiang,XIE Da,LOU Yucheng,et al.(6,43)

Electric vehicle operational status evaluation based on factor regression analysis and layered radar map method……………PU Songlin,ZHOU Niancheng,GUO Yin,et al.(6,51)

Impact of electric vehicle charger on electric energy metering………………ZHU Xuegui,QIN Yang,SU Xiangfeng,et al.(6,57)


Assessment of power cycling capability for converter IGBT module of DFIG system……………LI Hui,QIN Xing,LIU Shengquan,et al.(1,12)

Optimal configuration of modular redundancy for MMC…………………WANG Baoan,TAN Fenglei,SHANG Jiao(1,19)

General method of valve loss calculation for MMC-HVDC with different submodules……XUE Yinglin,XU Zheng,ZHANG Zheren,et al.(1,29)

Thyristor-switch strategy of alternate-arm multilevel converter………………GUO Jie,HU Pengfei,ZHOU Yuebin,et al.(1,35)

Optimized design of converter valve control period for large-scale multi-node MMC-based HVDC-flexible…………………HAN Kun,WU Jinlong,LIU Xinhe,et al.(1,43)

Analysis of operating limit for cascaded STATCOM in unbalanced condition………………TAN Shulong,YANG Geng,GENG Hua(1,78)

Strategy based on passivity theory for nonlinear control of STATCOM with cascaded H-bridges……………… XU Rong,YU Yong,YANG Rongfeng,et al.(1,57)

Digital synchronous rectification control of sensorless hybrid LLC circuit…………………LIU Heping,LI Jinlong,MIAO Yiru,et al.(1,64)

Single-inductor dual-output flyback converter of pseudo continuous conduction mod e…ZHOU Qun,HE Yingying,XU Jianping,et al.(1,70)

Efficient variant mode control of LLC resonant converter……………PAN Haiyan,HE Chao,JIANG Youming,et al.(1,78)

Optimal design of resonant circuit parameters for CLL resonant converter……………WU Jianxue,XU Jianping,CHEN Zhangyong(1,152)

Influence of over/under phase-shift on 12-pulse rectifier system and its countermeasures…………GAO Lei,MENG Fangang,YANG Shiyan,et al.(1,93)

Feedforward-feedback control strategy based on detection of power current and load current for three-phase four-wire APF………LIANG Yingyu,LIU Jianzheng,XU Xingtao,et al.(1,100)

Reliability evaluation considering operational active power variation of wind power converter……………………LI Hui,JI Haiting,QIN Xing,et al.(5,8)

Multi-channel three-phase converter based on phase-shift space vector modulation…………CHEN Wan,XIE Shaojun,ZHU Zhe,et al.(5,14)

DC capacitor voltage balance control of H-bridge cascaded STATCOM………………XU Rong,YU Yong,YANG Rongfeng,et al.(5,22)

Individual phase control of cascaded DSTATCOM for unbalanced load compensation…………WANG Yue,YANG Kun,CHEN Guozhu(5,50)

Grid voltage control of±200 Mvar STATCOM…………………………LIU Jinning,LIU Yang,HE Weibin(5,35)

Hybrid active filter control based on output voltage correction…………………………………XU Yonghai,WEN Congxi(5,43)

LCL filters applied in doubly fed induction generator……………XU Bin,ZHANG Zhiqiang,LI Chenghao,et al.(5,50)

Reactive and harmonic compensation based on interleaved flyback type photovoltaic micro-inverter………………CHEN Chuanrui,MU Longhua,ZHU Guofeng(5,57)

Power oscillation damping and short circuit current limiting by VSC-based DCIPC……………………………LI Juan,YAN Yuxin,NIE Peng(5,63)

SIDO Buck PFC converter operating in critical continuous conduction mode……………………LIU Xueshan,XU Jianping,WANG Nan(5,82)

ZVS isolated high step-up DC/DC converter……………………ZHU Binxin,CHENG Shan,TAN Chao(5,76)

Nonlinear control of matrix converter based on state feedback linearization…………………PAN Yuedou,GUO Kai,CHEN Jiyi,et al.(5,82)

Sequential logic and sub-module fault detection of MMC control system……LUO Cheng,ZHAO Chengyong,ZHANG Baoshun,et al.(5,88)

Fault-tolerant three-phase inverter……HE Hucheng,ZHANG Yufeng,WANG Yongbin,et al.(5,93)

Frequency control of grid-connection system based on VSC-HVDC for large-scale centralized wind farm………………………PAN Wei,LI Yong,CAO Yijia,et al.(5,99)


Simulative calculation and measurement analysis of total electric field for±800 kV Yunnan-Guangzhou UHVDC transmission lines………………DENG Jun,XIAO Yao,CHU Jinwei,et al.(2,144)

Analysis and evaluation of social benefit from UHV power grid……TIAN Shuxin,CHENG Haozhong,CHANG Hao,et al.(2,153)

Optimal selection of UHVDC connection mode to multi-infeed HVDC system………………XU Jian,ZHANG Huakun,SUN Tao,et al.(6,92)

Approaching paths of helicopter live-line work platform to 1000 kV UHV AC transmission lines……………LIU Chao,RUAN Jiangjun,LIAO Caibo,et al.(6,70)

Back-flashover resistance level of±800 kV/500 kV AC-DC hybrid transmission lines………LI Ruifang,CAO Xiaobin,ZHANG Xianyi,et al.(10,114)


Wind turbine grouping based on semi-supervised split-hierarchical spectral clustering algorithm for wind farm………LIN Li,PAN Xianxian(2,14)

Integrated random scheduling for supply and demand sides of wind power system considering flexible load compensation/incentive…………… YANG Nan,LIU Dichen,DONG Kaisong,et al.(2,27)

Coordinated LVRT of IG and PMSG in hybrid wind farm……………………LI Shenghu,AN Rui,XU Zhifeng,et al.(2,27)

Joint secure&economic dispatch considering wind power,pumped storage and demand response…LI Dan,LIU Junyong,LIU Youbo,et al.(2,41)

Wind-storage coupling based on actual data and fuzzy control in multiple time scales for real-time rolling smoothing of fluctuation……………………… LIU Chunyan,CHAO Qin,WEI Lili(2,41)

Control of offshore DFIG-based wind farm with hybrid HVDC transmission…………ZHAI Dongling,HAN Minxiao,YAN Wenli,et al.(2,48)

Coordinated allocation of BESS and controllable switches in distribution system with high penetration of wind power……………………YAN Wei,LÜ Bing,ZHAO Xia,et al.(3,11)

Real-time market dispatch based on ultra-short-term forecast error of wind power………………………………JIANG Yuewen,WEN Buying(3,17)

Multi-objective unit commitment optimization model including hybrid wind-storage system and its solution……XIE Yingzhao,LU Jiping(3,26)

Gearbox fault prediction algorithm based on subspace method for wind turbine…………ZHAO Hongshan,GUO Wei,SHAO Ling,et al.(3,32)

Optimal design of dual stator-winding induction generator for wind power…………………HAN Li,LUO Zhangyao,JIN Zhao,et al.(3,40)

Analysis on feasibility of damping HVDC-induced subsynchronous oscillation by photovoltaic grid-connection…………………LI Kuan,LI Xingyuan,CHEN Shi,et al.(3,46)

Tie switch allocation optimization based on dynamic segment of equivalent load-PV curve……CHEN Yu,TANG Wei,CHEN Xinyue,et al.(3,53)

Optimal control of large-scale wind farm based on hybrid energy storage……………CHEN Qian,CHEN Xiaoyi,JIN Yuqing,et al.(4,76)

Comprehensive evaluation system for contribution degree of demand-side resources to renewable energy source integration………………SUN Shengpeng,LIU Fengliang,XUE Song(4,83)

Static security risk assessment of power system considering wind speed correlation…………ZHANG Li,LIU Junyong,LIU Youbo,et al.(4,89)

Wind power curve modeling based on measured data and uncertainty estimation…………LIN Peng,ZHAO Shuqiang,XIE Yuqi,et al.(4,95)

Coordinated control of weakly-synchronized grid containing large wind farm s………LI Chao,WANG Hongtao,WEI Zhongkang,et al.(4,103)

Multi-objective stochastic and dynamic model of environmental and economic dispatch considering gas pollution emission risk…………………WEN Xu,WANG Junmei,GUO Lin,et al(5,138)

Wind power forecasting based on different optimization criterions…………………ZHANG Lu,LU Jiping,MEI Yilei,et al.(5,145)

Influence of PV station weak power feature on relay protection of outgoing transmission line………………QU Jiping,WU Xingquan,YAN Kai,et al.(5,151)

Short-term solar radiation intensity forecasting based on fuzzy-random theory…………ZHAO Shuqiang,XIE Yuqi,LIU Dazheng,et al.(7,105)

Risk management model considering wind power uncertainty for monthly power purchasing of provincial grid………………………WEN Xu,WANG Junmei,GUO Lin(7,112)

MPPT control considering input saturation for D-PMSG system………………WANG Tianyu,WEI Xing,XU Jiajun,et al.(7,119)

Power source flexibility evaluation considering renewable energy generation uncertainty…………………………………………………………………XIAO Dingyao,WANG Chengmin,ZENG Pingliang,et al.(7,139)

Coordinated control of battery SOC maintaining and filtering for wind power fluctuation smoothing……………LEI Ting,OUYANG Zengkai,LI Zheng,et al.(7,131)

Analysis of dynamic optimal power flow for distribution network with wind power and energy storage…………………SUN Donglei,HAN Xueshan,LI Wenbo(8,117)

Dynamic reactive power compensator control considering source-grid coordination for wind farm………………ZHAO Yaqing,LIU Qing,XIE Huan,et al.(8,123)

Small-signal modeling and modal analysis based on three-mass shaft model for stall wind turbine………………LOU Yucheng,XIE Da,FENG Junqi,et al.(8,130)

GRNN nonlinear combination model for short-term wind speed forecasting based on discrete Hopfield pattern recognition………………CHEN Ye,GAO Yajing,ZHANG Jiancheng(8,136)

Research on parameter fitting and output characteristics of PV module…………HAN Wei,WANG Honghua,CHEN Ling,et al.(9,107)

Improved method to build mathematic engineering model of photovoltaic module………………………………LI Shanshou,ZHANG Xing(9,112)

Grounding distance protection based on adaptive branch coefficient for grid-connected PV power station…………ZHANG Yao,CHAO Qin,WANG Houjun,et al.(9,117)

Peak regulation pricing mechanism between CHP-plant with heat accumulator and wind farm……………LÜ Quan,LI Ling,WANG Houjun,et al.(9,124)

Combined interpolation model for wind speed measurement missing of wind farm………………DU Jie,PENG Lixia,LIU Yubao,et al.(9,129)

Wind power accommodation capability evaluation based on bus voltage strength index identification………MOU Xiaoming,LI Weixing(9,135)

Probabilistic optimal power flow of AC/DC system with offshore wind farm connected to grid via VSC-HVDC………………LI Yichi,SUN Guoqiang,YANG Yi,et al.(9,142)

DG planning based on chance constraint of distribution network static voltage quality for renewable energies……………ZHOU Xinnan,KE Deping,SUN Yuanzhang(9,149)

Multi-objective DG planning based on K-means clustering and multi-scenario timing characteristics analysis………………PENG Chunhua,YU Rong,SUN Huijuan(10,65)

Probabilistic voltage stability analysis based on polynomial normal transformation and maximum entropy estimation for power system containing wind power………………XIE Yingzhao,LU Jiping(10,73)

Torsional vibration suppression of DFIG drive-chain under grid fault………………JIA Feng,WANG Ruiming,LI Zheng,et al.(10,86)

AVC research and application for grid with large-scale wind power………………YU Ting,PU Tianjiao,LIU Guangyi,et al.(10,86)

Multiple-objective power grid planning considering wind speed correlation……………………LIU Xue,LI Hui,ZHOU Ming,et al.(10,94)

Stochastic reactive power optimization based on normal vector of voltage stability limit surface for distribution network with wind power………………WEN Libin,LI Jun,DENG Dashang,et al.(10,100)

Gradual deterioration probability analysis based on temperature characteristic parameters for critical components of wind turbine generator system…………LI Hui,HU Yaogang,LI Yang,et al.(11,19)

Wind-power capacity credibility assessment considering power output correlation of multiple wind farms………WU Yaowu,ZHANG Lianbang,LI Haiying,et al.(11,12)

Analysis and improvement of steady-state voltage stability for isolated medium-voltage microgrid with wind power…………ZHAO Zhuoli,YANG Ping,CAI Zexiang,et al.(11,19)

BESS capacity planning based on dynamic SOC adjustment…………ZHANG Xi,ZHANG Feng,GONG Naiqi,et al.(11,25)

Equivalent modeling of AWS-based wave farm………………QIN Chuan,GUAN Weiya,JU Ping,et al.(11,31)

Stochastic reactive power reserve optimization considering wind power correlation………FANG Sidun,CHENG Haozhong,SONG Yue,et al.(11,38)

Optimal active power dispatch based on slack tie-line power for bi-level power system with wind farm………………LI Hongmei,LI Haifeng,CUI Hantao,et al.(11,51)

Optimal allocation of intermittent distributed generator in active distribution network…………ZHANG Shenxi,LI Ke,CHENG Haozhong,et al.(11,51)

Optimal dispatch of wind-gas-coal power generation system with large-scale wind farm……NIU Linhua,GONG Qingwu,HUANG Bingxiang,et al.(11,58)

Damping characteristics and countermeasure of DFIG sub-synchronous oscillation………GAO Benfeng,LI Ren,YANG Daye,et al.(12,20)

Modeling and application of statistical indicators for wind farm cluster…BIAN Haihong,ZHENG Weigao,LIN Zhangsui,et al.(12,27)

Low voltage ride-through of doubly-fed induction generator based on rotor series resistor…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wenjuan,MA Haomiao,ZHANG Guokai,et al.(12,33)

FESS-based comprehensive control of grid-connecting wind power…………LIU Shilin,WEN Jinyu,GAO Wengen,et al.(12,39)

Reliability evaluation considering storage capacity optimization for distribution system with wind-PV-storage…………TU Lian,LIU Dichen,LIAO Qingfen,et al.(12,46)


Substation backup protection scheme based on multiple limitedly overlapped division………MA Jing,SHI Yuxin,MA Wei,et al.(1,106)

DC offset characteristics of recovery voltage for transient transmission line fault………LUO Xunhua,HUANG Chun,DAI Yongliang,et al.(1,111)

Distribution substation planning model based on load region division………………………PENG Wen,DU Xiaodong,SHI Min(1,117)

Grid node aggregation law based on Q-factor learning in wide-area environment……… HAO Guangtao,HAN Xueshan,LIANG Jun,et al.(1,127)

Comprehensive power quality evaluation based on weighted rank sum ration method……………………FU Xueqian,CHEN Haoyong(1,132)

Unit commitment algorithm based on improved Benders decomposition and perspective cut…………ZHENG Haiyan,JIAN Jinbao,QUAN Ran,et al.(1,138)

Topological structure and control strategy of DC distribution network…………………DU Yi,JIANG Daozhuo,YIN Rui,et al.(1,145)

DC-link location selection by combination weighting based on entropy function…………CHEN Jingteng,LIN Han,CAI Jinding,et al.(1,152)

Multi-level voltage control partitioning based on multi-objective modularity……SONG Yue,CHENG Haozhong,ZHANG Jian,et al.(1,164)

Small-signal stability analysis of islanded microgrid with microsources……………………LI Yang,ZHANG Hui,SU Bing,et al.(1,164)

Loop resistance measuring system based on kA-level impact current……………ZHOU Li,LU Tiecheng,LUO Rongbo,et al.(1,174)

Unified model cloud and application service system for smart distribution network…………WANG Shouxiang,ZHANG Weitao,GE Leijiao(2,54)

Apply fundamental current phasor change rate to identify lightning disturbance to travelling wave protection………………LIU Xingmao,LIN Sheng,LI Xiaopeng,et al.(2,61)

Relative efficiency of extended black-start restoration plans based on super efficiency data envelopment analysis model…………………WANG Dajiang,GU Xueping,JIA Jinghua(2,67)

Preventive control model of static voltage stability and its algorithm for interconnected power grid……HU Xiuqiong,YAN Wei,YU Juan(2,74)

Derivation of zero-sequence circulating current and detection of reference current for cascaded SVG with delta configuration………………XIONG Qiaopo,LUO An,HE Zhixing,et al.(2,96)

Design of supplementary subsynchronous damping controller based on projective theorem for hierarchical control…………………LI Kuan,LI Xingyuan,LI Baohong,et al.(2,84)

Improvement scheme for DC link voltage and compensation capacity of co-phase traction power supply system……………HUANG Xiaohong,LI Qunzhan,XIE Shaofeng(2,90)

Positive and negative sequence phasor extraction by particle swarm optimization algorithm for induction motor stator fault detection…………………………………WANG Panpan,SHI Liping(2,96)

Customer-oriented distribution network operational risk assessment considering urgency………LIU Jian,HAN Lei,ZHANG Zhihua(2,109)

Power system reliability analysis considering substation interior……………CHEN Chen,LIU Junyong,LIU Youbo,et al.(2,109)

Method and realization of real-time single-phase voltage sag detection……………YANG Daliang,LU Ziguang,HANG Naishan(2,113)

Two DSP-based methods of online specific harmonic elimination…………………………CAI Hong,YE Manyuan,LI Song(2,120)

Islanding detection based on positive feedback of voltage unbalance factor………………………SUN Bo,ZHENG Jianyong,MEI Jun(2,125)

Online forced oscillation detection and identification based on wide area measurement system and CELL theory………JIANG Changjiang,LIU Junyong,LIU Youbo,et al.(2,132)

Reliability model of transmission lines under impact of strong wind and rain………………YANG Qing,WEI Yanan,ZHAO Yuan,et al.(2,137)

Optimal power flow of power system with VSC-HVDC based on AWPC-IPM………SUN Guoqiang,REN Bin,WEI Zhinong,et al.(3,67)

Critical line affecting power system vulnerability under N-k contingency condition……………………………………LI Yang,SU Huiling(3,67)

Indexes and method of power system outage risk assessment………………………LU En,LU Xiaojun,LONG Fei,et al.(3,74)

Backup distance protection scheme based on WAMS………………………KANG Xiaoning,LIU Lin,WANG Qi(3,80)

Analysis on impact of urban rail vehicle traction on distribution network power quality……WANG Xiaojun,GONG Chao,HE Jinghan,et al.(3,87)

Transformer status assessment based on cooperative game and cloud model………………………………………XU Yan,CHEN Xin(3,93)

Two-phase stationary frame enhanced PLL based on Goertzel filter……………………………LI Wei,WU Fengjiang,SUN Li(3,100)

Voltage tracking modulation method using FCS-MPC…………………………………………WU Dehui,LI Po(3,107)

Improved commutation strategy for bidirectional converter based on matrix converter………LIU Zhao,YE Shuguang,ZHANG Qian,et al.(3,113)

Bus load forecasting model selection and variable weights combination forecasting based on forecasting effectiveness and Markov chain-cloud model………………YIN Xinglu,XIAO Xianyong,SUN Xiaolu(3,119)

Applicable scope of AC and DC power transmission based on comprehensive evaluation…………………XIA Junli,MAO Xun,KE Deping,et al.(3,139)

Improved method of online measuring for distribution transformer short circuit reactance…………WANG Minglin,CHEN Minyou,LAI Wei,et al.(3,132)

Transformer harmonic loss model considering skin effect and proximity effect………………………LIU Shuming,SHI Hong,FENG Lei(3,139)

Rapid low-frequency interharmonic detection with negative-frequency elimination………WANG Ze,YANG Honggeng,WANG Jiaxing,et al.(3,156)

Generator leading phase capability model based on relevance vector machine………ZHAI Xuefeng,WEI Zhinong,FAN Lixin,et al.(3,151)

Islanding detection method based on voltage positive feedback in unbalance condition………………WANG Xiaogang,XIAO Liye(4,108)

Transient characteristic of HVDC system during commutation failure,its effect on differential protection and countermeasures………………………………SHEN Hongming,HUANG Shaofeng,FEI Bin(4,120)

Criterion of HVDC line differential protection blocking based on spectrum comparison………………………………LI Aimin,CAI Zexiang,SUN Qizhen,et al.(4,120)

Single-phase grounding fault location algorithm based on dual terminal variables for line with series compensation………………………………………………ZHANG Jinhu,XU Zhenyu,YANG Qixun(4,125)

Quick search of optimal splitting surface based on Dijkstra algorithm………………………………………WANG Yifei,TANG Fei,LIU Dichen,et al.(4,131)

Power grid security risk assessment considering comprehensive element importance index………………………………………LIU Peiqing,LI Huaqiang,ZHAO Yang,et al.(4,144)

Resonance suppression based on wave-trap high-pass filter for high-speed railway………………………………………………ZHAO Yuanzhe,LI Qunzhan,ZHOU Fulin(4,144)

DC component suppression strategy for single-phase grid-connected inverter………………………………………………YANG Liang,SU Jian,LIU Haitao,et al.(4,150)

Reactive voltage control model and method considering partitioned dynamic reactive power reserve………………………………………ZHAO Jinquan,JU Lijie,LUO Weihua,et al.(5,105)

Characteristic analysis of low-voltage arc fault in resistive load conditions………………………………WANG Xiaoyuan,GAO Miao,ZHAO Yushuang(5,118)

Short circuit current limiting strategy optimization based on sensitivity analysis………………………………………YANG Dong,ZHOU Qinyong,LIU Yutian(5,118)

Dynamic strategy based on entropy weight theory for parallel restoration of generators………………………LIANG Bomiao,LIN Zhenzhi,WEN Fushuan,et al.(5,159)

Quantitative evaluation and optimized selection of power supply reliability enhancement measures………………………………………………………WU Han,CHEN Bin,GUAN Lin,et al.(5,130)

Coordination and optimization of power-grid preventive maintenance cycle in multi-level maintenance mode………………………………………………ZHAO Yuan,ZHANG Xu,WANG Jie,et al.(6,81)

Recognition of oscillation trajectory for measured impedance………HUANG Shaofeng,SHEN Hongming,ZHAO Yuan,et al.(6,86)

Islanding detection based on droop control and its improvement strategy………………………………………………………………HE Chao,WANG Mian,CHEN Guozhu(6,92)

Optimal configuration of current-limiting measures for multiple DC infeed system………………………………………………YANG Dong,ZHOU Qinyong,LIU Yutian(6,129)

Impact of distributed generation output and load correlation on distribution network reliability………WANG Changzhao,WANG Longjun,WANG Gang,et al.(6,105)

Load shedding scheme optimization based on load voltage and reactive power………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Ye,ZHANG Baohui(6,111)

Distribution network reliability assessment based on Bayesian network and blind number………………………CHEN Jiqun,ZHAO Shuqiang,MA Yanfeng,et al.(6,116)

Complex uncertainty detection and synthesized cloud correction model for abnormal bus load data………………………………………………YIN Xinglu,XIAO Xianyong,SUN Xiaolu(6,122)

Power-supplying block partition based on improved K-means clustering algorithm………………………………………………HAN Jun,TAN Jian,HUANG He,et al.(6,129)

Design and simulation of nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for doubly salient electromagnetic generator system………………………………………………………DAI Weili,DING Jun,TIAN Hao,et al.(6,135)

Transient recovery voltage of circuit breaker at small-capacity generator outlet during three-phase short circuit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Yugen,MI Hongwei(6,142)

Dielectric loss angle calculation based on Blackman self-convolution window and triple-spectrum-line interpolation……………………………………………… WANG Yongqiang,XIE Jun,LÜ Fangcheng(6,148)

Incipient fault diagnosis based on improved principal component analysis for power transformer………………YANG Tingfang,ZHANG Hang,HUANG Libin,et al.(6,165)

Optimal reactive power control based on bidding strategy in district power grid………………………………………………………CHEN Xingying,SHI Haojie,LIU Jian,et al.(7,6)

Multi-objective unit commitment based on vector ordinal optimization………………………………………XIE Min,YAN Yuanyuan,ZHU Yanhan,et al.(7,14)

Establishment and application of EMI indicator system orienting to massive industrial data mining………………………XU Qingshan,WANG Wendi,LIN Zhangsui,et al.(7,21)

Fault location based on fault current amplitude comparison for active distribution network.………………………………………………GAO Mengyou,XU Bingyin,ZHANG Xinhui(7,25)

Robust state estimation in form of mixed integer linear programming………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Yanbo,MA Jin,CHEN Qian(7,49)

Wholly DPLL-based synchronous clock with high precision for electric power system………………………………………LI Zewen,SHU Lei,DENG Feng,et al.(7,36)

Vulnerable line identification and its transmission section search for power system………………………………………………………………………………REN Jianwen,WEI Junjiao(7,42)

Protection failure boundary model of impedance relay with positive-sequence voltage polarization………………………………………………………………JIANG Aihua,XUE Chen(7,49)

Power quality disturbance identification based on clustering-modified S-transform and direct support vector machine………………………………………………XU Zhichao,YANG Lingjun,LI Xiaoming(7,73)

Wire-break blocking for PT connected arbitrarily with open delta winding………………………………………………………HUANG Shaofeng,LI Ou,FEI Bin,et al.(7,64)

Power system state space identification based on multi-innovation coupling least square algorithm………………………………………………SUO Jianglei,HU Zhijian,LIU Yukai,et al.(7,73)

Single-winding regulating mode and harmonic current optimization of controllable reactor of transformer type………………………………………………………LIU Yibin,TIAN Mingxing,YIN Jianning(7,82)

Minimum frequency prediction based on v-SVR for post-disturbance power system………………………………………………………………BO Qibin,WANG Xiaoru,LIU Ketian(7,88)

Mid-and long-term daily load curve forecasting based on functional nonparametric regression model………………………………………………………………………XU Liang,SUN Tao,XU Jian,et al.(7,100)

Auxiliary decision-making based on parallel mode multi-contingency for static voltage stability………………………………DUAN Hui,BAO Yanhong,WANG Chao,et al.(7,100)

Regional backup protection algorithm based on fitting factor of distance protection………………MA Jing,GUO Yarong,WANG Zengping(8,8)

Analysis of zero-sequence current compensation coefficient and improvement of setting method for grounding distance protection of dual-loop lines on same tower………………JIANG Xianguo,LIU Yu,ZHOU Zexin,et al.(8,30)

Impact of AC-DC interconnected system on distance protection and countermeasure……FEI Bin,HUANG Shaofeng,SHEN Hongming(8,21)

Three-phase time-domain simulation of distribution network with distributed generation s…XU Qingshan,LIU Zhongze,CHEN Xiaopeng,et al.(8,30)

Influence of inverter-interfaced distributed generator with low-voltage ride-through capability on short circuit current of distribution network…………TAN Huizheng,LI Yongli,CHEN Xiaolong,et al.(8,52)

Probabilistic load flow method based on Nataf transformation and quasi Monte Carlo simulation……FANG Sidun,CHENG Haozhong,XU Guodong,et al.(8,44)

Reactive voltage control partitioning based on power network pilot node identification………………………CHENG Yu,HANG Naishan(8,52)

Islanding surface selection based on“searching+optimization”…………………WANG Yifei,LIU Dichen,LIAO Qingfen(8,58)

Improvement measure optimization based on LCC for voltage quality of distribution network…………………YANG Jintao,LE Jian,LIU Kaipei,et al.(8,64)

Allocation optimization based on fuzzy control model for voltage-sag monitors……………TANG Yadi,XU Yonghai,HONG Wangsong(8,71)

Mathematical model of LCFBS and simulation………WANG Yaguang,WANG Qiuyuan,LU Jiming,et al.(8,78)

Optimal installation location selection based on eigenvector analysis for battery energy storage device…………DU Bingxin,WANG Delin(8,89)

Switching loss optimization based on model predictive control for gridconnected inverter………YANG Xingwu,JI Hongchao,GAN Wei(8,89)

Rapid fault transient simulation of electric elements with converter for relay protection…SHEN Quanyu,SONG Guobing,WANG Chenqing,et al.(8,130)

Sensorless I/F startup based on modified sliding mode observer for PMSM……………XIAO Yeran,LIU Gang,SONG Xinda,et al.(8,102)

Online identification of secondary measurement abnormality based on PCA for instrument transformers of traction substation……………LI Zhaoyang,YANG Jianwei,WANG Qi,et al.(8,109)

PCTDR-based directional comparison pilot protection technology and its application in 750 kV transmission lines………DONG Xinzhou,LUO Shuxin,SHI Shenxing,et al.(9,5)

Load restoration based on multi-objective optimization and grey incidence decision-making………………GU Xueping,ZHAO Baobin,LIU Wenxuan(9,13)

Two-step strategy for black-start zone partitioning of power system after blackou t……………SUN Lei,ZHANG Can,LIN Zhenzhi,et al.(9,21)

Quasi single-stage flyback PFC converter with low output voltage ripple…………YAN Tiesheng,XU Jianping,GAO Jianlong,et al.(9,29)

Distance protection for single-phase grounding fault of four-loop transmission lines on same tower…………………ZHANG Xu,XU Zhenyu,HE Jian,et al.(9,42)

Direct torque control with inconstant flux amplitude reference for permanent magnet synchronous motor………TANG Xiao,YANG Xiangyu,ZHAO Shiwei,et al.(9,42)

Disturbance source locating for three-phase imbalance……WANG Tongxun,LIU Yingying,SUN Yuanyuan,et al.(9,48)

Analysis method for meteorological factor associated accident model of high-speed railway…………CHENG Hongbo,HE Zhengyou,WANG Qi,et al.(9,67)

Power plant load distribution for optimal comprehensive economic benefit…………WANG Wei,CHANG Hao,SHI Yongfeng,et al.(9,60)

Multi-stage monthly transmission loss calculation based on data fusion and topology analysis…………WANG Zheng,LIU Chuanghua,LIU Yiran,et al.(9,67)

Transient stability constrained emergency control based on pseudo-spectral method for power system………FENG Junji,GENG Guangchao,WANG Yun,et al.(9,173)

MMC based on single-clamp sub-module and improved topology schemes…………………………………………………………………WANG Chaoliang,XU Jianzhong,ZHAO Chengyong,et al.(9,80)

Fast voltage balancing control based on bubbling principle for modular multilevel converter……………………YU Feng,WANG Xitian(9,86)

ADRC-based controller for MMC-HVDC……LIU Wei,WANG Chaoliang,ZHAO Chengyong,et al.(9,93)

Motor load modeling for voltage recovery delay phenomenon…………HUA Jiacheng,FANG Chen,LIU Jinsong,et al.(9,99)

Tripping strategy based on directional weight for wide-area backup protection…………………MA Jing,PEI Xun,MA Wei,et al.(10,114)

Design and simulation of voltage control strategies for STATCOM participating in AVC……XU Jian,YUAN Zhichang,WANG Longlong,et al.(10,120)

Improved single-cycle control of double-voltage Boost-APFC converter……………CAI Fenghuang,WANG Wu,CHEN Haolong(10,126)

Improved HVDC system based on inductive filtering and its harmonic transfer characteristics…………WANG Can,LUO Longfu,CHEN Yuehui,et al.(10,132)

Fault locating based on longitudinal impedance according to dual-terminal variables…XIA Jingde,ZHANG Xiangcong,HUANG Xinbo,et al.(10,139)

Torque ripple minimization of direct torque control system for induction motor………………………………ZHANG Xinghua,SHI Wan(10,150)

Application of atomic rapid decomposition algorithm in power quality disturbance analysis………………QU Zhengwei,HAO Wanru,WANG Ning(10,150)

Quantitative assessment index and method of transient voltage stability………HOU Jianlan,LIU Yuquan,XIE Xiaorong,et al.(10,156)

Circulating current calculation for delta windings of transformer with Y/△ connection……………………LING Guang,YAO Wenxi(10,162)

Faulty line selection based on waveform feature clustering in time domain for resonance grounding system…………………GUO Moufa,YAN Min,CHEN Bin,et al.(11,81)

Experimental research on typical single-phase grounding line selection methods of distribution network………………JIANG Bo,DONG Xinzhou,SHI Shenxing(11,74)

Interpretative structural model of influencing factors for distribution network of new-type town……………WANG Shouxiang,ZHANG Yifan,GE Leijiao(11,81)

Optimal coordination between system reserve and interruptible loads with response uncertainty…WANG Beibei,LI Yirong,LI Yang,et al.(11,89)

Series resonance analysis based on improved dummy branch method for high-speed railway traction network…………WANG Bin,QIU Zhongcai,HAN Xudong,et al.(11,95)

Open line voltage of HVDC transmission system……………………ZHANG Shuo,LI Yongli,LI Botong(11,102)

Control strategy of MMC-HVDC…………ZHANG Jianpo,TIAN Xincheng,YIN Xiuyan(11,108)

Impact of switching frequency on dynamic behavior of SPWM inverter……ZHANG Jinke,WU Xiaojie,ZHAO Minglong,et al.(11,116)

Power reference correction method for droop control of VSC-MTDC system………………………YU Feng,WANG Xitian,XIE Da(11,122)

Online parameter identification for reactive power compensation capacitor branch………NIU Shengsuo,LIANG Zhirui,SU Haifeng,et al.(11,128)

Optimal parameter matching based on capacitor array for magnetically-resonant wireless power transfer system…………JIANG Yan,ZHOU Hong,HU Wenshan,et al.(11,136)

Voltage-support decision-making model considering power network topology optimization…………SUN Donglei,HAN Xueshan,ZHANG Bo(11,151)

Cascading failure simulation and defense strategy considering grid carrying structure……………DIAO Su,LIU Junyong,LIU Youbo,et al.(11,151)

Preventive static security control based on compensation method………………YANG Yude,FENG Yanwei,WEI Hua(12,54)

GIC reactive power loss calculation based on U-I curve for single-phase autotransformer…………LIU Lianguang,QIN Xiaopei,GE Xiaoning(12,65)

Preliminary study of undefined three-ratio code in DGA……………SONG Bin,LIU Zhixiong,LI Enwen,et al.(12,65)

Synchronous motor parameter identification based on LMD…………………………………………………………………HUANG Chuanjin,CHEN Tiejun,Zhang Guozhi,et al.(12,72)

Modulation wave offset adjustment by dynamic search to balance neutral-point voltage of three-level SPWM inverter…………LÜ Jianguo,WU Fuyun,HU Wenbin,et al.(12,79)

Converter unit on/off control based on bypass pairs for combined C-MMC system……… XUE Yinglin,ZHAO Zheng,GE Fenglei,et al.(12,88)

Analysis of TCSC fundamental-frequency impedance characteristic considering thyristor conduction property…………YANG Yi,YAO Wei,SUN Haishun,et al.(12,115)

Influence of parameter mismatch on filter-based harmonic voltage measuring for DC side of HVDC transmission system…………MAO Tao,LE Jian,HUANG Yinlong,et al.(12,100)

High-frequency problem and corresponding coordinative control of islanded grid with nuclear units in large-scale power grid with serious fault………WANG Meng,DING Jian,WU Guoyang,et al.(12,107)

Cascaded STATCOM control to enhance its operating performance in asymmetrical fault condition…LIN Jianxi,YUAN Zhichang,YANG Yinguo,et al.(12,115)

Cascading failure forecast and impact identification based on comprehensive brittleness relevance………LÜ Xinyao,LI Huaqiang,ZHENG Guo,et al.(12,125)


Comparison of sympathetic inrush transfer characteristics between electromagnetic and electronic current transformers……SUN Xiangfei,SHU Hongchun,ZHOU Jianping,et al.(2,159)

OFDMA-based power line communication in single-subcarrier communication mode for 10 kV feeder automation system……………HU Zhengwei,XIE Zhiyuan,GUO Yihe,et al.(2,167)

LMD-based full vector envelope technique and its application in TRT vibration fault diagnosis……HUANG Chuanjin,WU Xiangwei,CAO Wensi,et al.(2,174)

Power usage management&service platform in smart electricity utilization condition……GE Leijiao,WANG Shouxiang,ZHANG Ming,et al.(3,156)

Remote test method based on sniffing idle state for smart substation breaker………………SONG Liangliang,YUAN Yubo,GAO Lei(3,161)

Application of data source maintenance technology in relay protection information system………………DU Jun,HU Shaoqian,TENG Jingyu,et al.(3,169)

Hot-standby communication of VLAN-based smart substation………LIU Xiaosheng,HAI Tianxiang,ZHENG Jian,et al.(7,139)

Influence of breaking speed on dielectric recovery characteristic of high-speed electro-magnetic repulsion isolator……YUAN Zhifang,ZHUANG Jinwu,CHEN Qian,et al.(7,146)

Modelling and optimization of VLAN for smart substation communication network………………………………………………………………………ZOU Junxiong,HUANG Chengqiao,ZHANG Yanxu,et al.(8,142)

Network sampling synchronization method for smart substation…………………………………………ZHANG Yancang(8,155)

Research of enterprise-class quasi-real-time grid resource center based on CIM&ESB and its application…………LI Jiyuan,ZHONG Yijun,WANG Dongju,et al.(8,155)

Comprehensive analysis of 3-D electromagnetic-fluid-thermal fields of oil-immersed transformer……………LIAO Caibo,RUAN Jiangjun,LIU Chao,et al.(9,155)

Key technologies of automatic power flow chart generation based on CIM/G and its application………ZHAO Jiaqing,ZHANG Liang,QIAN Kejun,et al.(9,162)

Automatic check of coordination between grid-related unit protection and limiter……………SONG Wei,LIU Guilin,WU Guoyang,et al.(9,167)

Short-term load forecasting based on deviation correction……………ZHANG Ben,SHAO Changning,ZHAO Ran(11,157)

Synchronous data acquisition from hybrid sources for smart substation protections……LIU Yiqing,GAO Weicong,GAO Houlei,et al.(11,164)

Analysis of mechanical characteristics of transformer iron core with DC bias……………………LI Changyun,LIU Yakui(12,125)

Effect of DC bias on transient transferring characteristics of current transformer………………………GUO Yifei,GAO Houlei(12,144)

Electrical characteristic of cable traction network for electrified railway……GUO Xinxin,LI Qunzhan,XIE Shaofeng,et al.(12,137)


Design of compensation device for metal shield circulating current of power cable……MA Hongzhong,LI Chaoqun,XU Gaojun,et al.(4,155)

Dual-end electrostatic film vibration voltage transformer…………………………………ZOU Yang,XU Qifeng(4,161)

Power source with low-voltage ride-through capability for auxiliary equipment inverter of thermal power plant……………WANG Xiaoyu,ZHANG Tao,LIU Shu,et al.(5,159)

Design of power supply for pole-mounted circuit breaker with permanent magnetic actuator…HUANG Xinbo,WANG Yanmei,ZHU Yongcan,et al.(5,165)

Design and implementation of visual management and analytical decision system for smart substation SCD files………XIONG Huaqiang,WAN Yong,GUI Xiaozhi,et al.(5,171)

Modeling and design of main circuit for electrical fast transient pulse/burst generator……………………ZHU Wu,WU Shibing(6,158)

Spatial electric field energy scavenging converter used for smart grid…………ZOU Liang,HUANG Jinxin,LIU Mengqi,et al.(6,165)

Low-frequency transformer heating source based on passivity control…………ZHU Xiaofan,ZHA Xiaoming,QIN Liang,et al.(6,171)

Design and development of measuring&control system for wireless power transfer system…………DENG Qijun,LIU Jiangtao,ZHOU Hong,et al.(7,159)

Excitation control based on predictive function control and linear multi-variable feedback control for synchronous generator……………XIAO Jianmei,ZHANG Ke,WANG Xihuai(7,159)

Online remote lightning stroke shooting system for power system………JIANG Anfeng,FU Zhengcai,GU Chengyu,et al.(7,164)

Design and development of operational characteristics simulation&analysis software for relay protections of complex transmission lines on same tower………AN Ranran,HE Maohui,WANG Yi,et al.(8,162)

Method to avoid frequent modification of line protection settings and its implementation…………REN Jianwen,GU Yufeng,ZHANG Meng,et al.(8,167)

Design method and current-limiting characteristics of DC-limiting fuse based on electromagnetic repulsion isolator……ZHANG Chao,WANG Chen,ZHUANG Jinwu,et al.(10,168)

Design and implementation of optical cable label system based on QR code for smart substation…………………GAO Lei,LIU Yu,YUAN Yubo,et al.(10,173)

Design and realization of power quality monitoring system with online editable geographical wiring information of power grid………QU Guanglong,YANG Honggeng,XIONG Xiaoyi(11,174)

Design and application of DC sensor based on resistance sampling for measuring neutral DC current of transformer……………TONG Xin,QUAN Jiangtao,XU Jing,et al.(11,174)

Overall design of integrated analysis centre for physically-distributed and logically-integrated dispatch system…………………………………………………………………FENG Shuhai,YAO Jianguo,YANG Shengchun,et al.(12,144)

Design of UPFC-FCL…CHEN Feng,JIANG Daozhuo,ZHOU Yang,et al.(12,150)


Analysis and prospect of LVRT improvement based on energy storage technology for wind turbine generator system…… YANG Di,CHENG Haozhong,MA Zifeng,et al.(12,20)


Case of low-frequency oscillation induced by steam turbine valve control mode switchover and its mechanism analysis……………XU Yanhui,MA Cong,DENG Xiaowen,et al.(3,174)

Improved principle of LC detuning protection for static blocking filter……………ZHANG Qixue,XU Baoli,CAO Tianzhi,et al.(4,172)

Repeated synchronous non-power-frequency method for measuring grounding resistance of grounding grid……………………JIA Chao,HU Zhijian,FANG Jiacheng(4,172)

Effect of PTN service random delay on synchronization performance of current differential protection……GAO Huisheng,WANG Yang(7,171)

Parameter identification for equivalent circuit of transformer oil-paper insulation and effect of insulation condition on parameter……………ZHENG Junliang,JIANG Xiubo,CAI Jinding(8,172)

Analysis and experiment of light-load and high-efficiency operation based on stator winding connection mode change for three-phase induction motor………CONG Min,WANG Xiuhe,YANG Yubo(9,173)


Influences of insulation monitoring system on rotor grounding protection during DC excitation process and countermeasures…………LI Huazhong,CHEN Jun,ZHANG Qixue,et al.(1,174)

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