耿建平,衣 伟,,刘 成,朱加炉
(1. 桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院,广西 桂林 541004;2. 中国科学院国家天文台,北京 100012)
CN 53-1189/P ISSN 1672-7673
耿建平1,衣 伟1,2,刘 成2,朱加炉2
(1. 桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院,广西 桂林 541004;2. 中国科学院国家天文台,北京 100012)
而在实际观测中,接收机只能精确测出不足一周的小数部分δφ(t),整数部分包括初始历元整周模糊度N(t0)(本文不讨论此问题)和由计数器获得的从初始历元t0至实时历元t时相位的累积整周数N(t-t0)[1]。在接收机跟踪卫星过程中,由于卫星信号被遮挡,或当卫星信号信噪比过低、受无线电干扰时,会发生短时间失锁[2-3],导致整周计数器无法连续计数,从而引起相位观测值的整周数发生跳变,这种现象称为周跳(cycle slip)[4-5]。
对于已知的一组不断增长的从t1时刻到tn时刻(或其中一段)的数据序列,例如:(x1,t1), (x2,t2), …, (xi,ti), …,(xn,tn)根据其先验数据的变化规律与趋势,欲求tn+1时刻的xn+1值,这一问题可以将这组数据通过广义延拓逼近法进行外推处理。与一般的拟合逼近模型不同,广义延拓外推将最新几个测量数据平均值做为插值点锁住,能够充分提高外推值的稳定性,从而达到外推稳定度较高的拟合逼近效果(图1)。
2.1 先验数据区域空间的构建
表1 先验数据区域空间的构建
Table 1 Construction of prior data for a single data point to be extrapolated to
历元测量值外推值n-4ϕn-4无n-3ϕn-3无………nϕn无n+1ϕn+1ϕ n+1………
图1 数据外推示意图
Fig.1 Illustration of data extrapolation based on the method of Generalized Extended Interpolation
2.2 广义延拓外推模型的建立及求解
2.3 载波相位数据的更迭
2014年4月17日在北京中国科学院奥运村科学园区用搭载有中科微ATGM332D卫星定位芯片的接收机做定点测试。接收机晶振的短稳大约为5 × 10-10,采样间隔为1s,L1载波的频率为f1=1.575 42 × 109Hz,由晶振的随机误差给相邻L1载波相位的测量值带来约1s× 5 × 10-10× 1.575 42 × 109≈0.78周的影响[16]。由于非差观测值中含有各项误差(如电离层、对流层等),对要求测量数据相对精确的拟合法影响较大,不利于周跳的探测,本实验采取对载波相位单差进行处理,可避免测量时环境条件带来的部分误差影响,提高了周跳探测的精度。
3.1 仿真
表2 模拟周跳数据
图2 广义延拓外推法检验周跳。(a) 无周跳拟合外推结果;(b) 1周周跳拟合外推结果;(c) 10周周跳拟合外推结果;(d) 100周周跳拟合外推结果
Fig.2 Detections of the simulated cycle slips using the data extrapolation based on the method of Generalized Extended Interpolation. The curves are for the differences between the extrapolation results and simulated signals. (a) The case of no cycle slip; (b) The case of a one-week cycle slip; (c) The case of a ten-week cycle slip; (d) The case of a one hundred week cycle slip
由图2(a)、图2(b)可以看出,在1 Hz的采样率下,广义延拓外推法得到的外推数据与真实无周跳的测量数据之差在0.6周之内,能够检测出1周及1周以上的周跳,当有大周跳时(例如本例中的10周-图2(c)、100周-图2(d)),该方法也能准确地检测出来。
3.2 实测数据对比处理分析
表3 两种周跳检测与修复方法对于实测1周跳的处理对比数据
图3 两种周跳检测与修复方法效果对比图
Fig.3 Comparison of effects of the two cycle-slip detection/correction methods
3.3 多项式拟合法与广义延拓外推法外推稳定度对比
图4 多项式拟合法与广义延拓外推法外推稳定度对比图
Fig.4 Comparison of the stabilities of the method of polynomial fitting and the method of data extrapolation based on the Generalized Extended Interpolation
由图4可知,多项式拟合外推值的标准差为σ=0.365 780 437 420 087,广义延拓外推值的标准差为σ=0.175 615 598 311 549,广义延拓外推法外推稳定度要比多项式拟合外推法提高大约52%,故相对于多项式拟合法,广义延拓外推能够较为明显地提高周跳的检测能力和检测精度。
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A New Method for Detection and Correction of Single-FrequencyCycle Slips Using Data Extrapolation Based on the Methodof Generalized Extended Interpolation
Geng Jianping1, Yi Wei1,2, Liu Cheng2, Zhu Jialu2
(1. College of Electronic Engineering and Automation, University of Electronic Technologies of Guilin,Guilin 541004, China, Email: jianpinggeng@guet.edu.cn; 2. National AstronomicalObservatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China)
Detection and correction of cycle slips have always been important issues for measurement of carrier phases in the Global Positioning System (GPS). Although there are many methods to detect and correct cycle slips, methods applicable to positioning with single-frequency coarse codes are scarce. For tackling the problem of detection and correction of cycle slips in positioning as such, we propose a new method by using phase differences between successive epochs and adopting data extrapolation based on the method of Generalized Extended Interpolation (GEI). Our simulations and experimental data show that our method not only is capable of fast detection and correction of short cycle slips of about one week, but also has stabilities on levels about 50% higher than those of the conventional method of polynomial fitting. With its high execution efficiencies, practical applicabilities, and high-level stabilities, our new method is suitable for engineering applications.
Detection and correction of cycle slips;Single-frequency coarse codes; Data extrapolation based on the method of Generalized Extended Interpolation; Phase differences between successive epochs; Extrapolation stability
国家863高技术研究发展计划 (SS2012AA121301) 资助.
2014-08-11;修定日期:2014-09-19 作者简介:耿建平,男,副教授. 研究方向: 测控技术、虚拟仪器、卫星导航、软件. Email: jianpinggeng@guet.edu.cn