Camp Grounded“不插电”夏令营

2015-03-16 18:00
时代英语·高一 2015年1期

每天刷微博、微信,手机、iPad不离手的日子固然方便又有趣,但是不是偶尔会觉得厌倦?有没有偶尔想要回到没有这些电器的时代?在美国,一个名为“Camp Grounded”的夏令营正流行。在营中,没有网络与电子产品,不论工作与年龄,大家一起欢乐地相处,并感受大自然。

There is a special camp in America.

Those who are tired of the social media and want to unplug for a couple of days can consider going to a fast-growing summer camp three hours outside of San Francisco.

Checking into the camp involves handing over your personal electronics to volunteers in white lab coats.

Camp Grounded, now in its second year, offers those relying on line a break from the noise of social media battling for their attention.

The rules of this “digital detox” camp are clear: No business, no alcohol, and most importantly, no phones, computers, tablets or watches.

Co-founder Levi Felix has stressed it is not just an experience for tech workers, although current and former Silicon Valley employees make up a big part of the campers. This year, campers ranged from college grads to retirees, Felix said in an interview.

The “unplugging movement” has been gathering steam, although it has been criticized by the press for stirring “postmodern techno-anxiety” and failing to recognize the positive impacts of technology. Each March, thousands of people unplug from their devices for 24 hours, as part of an event organized by the nonprofit organization Reboot.

Tech-free getaway lifestyles like Camp Grounded are growing in the US. Hotels like the Lake Placid Lodge in New York and Hotel Monaco Chicago are offering “digital detox” or “black-out” services. The “Check-In to Check-Out” package at the Lake Placid Lodge invites guests to leave their electronic devices at the front desk to enjoy the peace and serenity of their environment.

Time to take control!

David Stewart, founder of Social Studio, a company making social media applications, said he was not surprised that the “digital detox” camp was filled with techies. “People designing addictive products are the most aware of the human need to be free from them,” he said.

With no iPhones or computers to distract them, campers at Camp Grounded participate in yoga, laughing contests and writing classes.

But for many of the participants, the most exciting activity is conversation. Campers adopt nicknames and are not allowed talk about work or disclosing their age. One participant said that not being able to discuss work or even reveal their actual names allowed everyone to quickly understand each other on a more personal level.

Life off the grid is not the end goal of the retreat. Its not about not using technology. Its about being in control of using it. Its all about what you do when the devices are gone.




这个名为“Camp Grounded”的夏令营,开营已有两年。那些随时活在网络上的人们可以通过参加这个夏令营与嘈杂的社交媒体短暂告别,不再为怎么出风头而苦恼。




据报道,像“Camp Grounded”这种逃离科技、回归原始的生活方式在美国正被越来越多的人接受。一些酒店,如纽约的普莱西德湖酒店、摩纳哥芝加哥酒店,都推出了“数码排毒”与“熄灯”服务。普莱西德湖酒店更是推出“入住即获解放”服务,顾客可以将自己的电子产品全部寄放在前台,尽情享受宁静的环境。


社交媒体应用程序开发公司Social Studio创始人大卫·斯图尔特表示,对于“数码排毒营”充斥着数码技术人员,他并不觉得惊讶。他说:“设计这些让人沉迷的产品的人明白,人们要偶尔远离这些产品。”

没有了iPhone和电脑的干扰,“Camp Grounded”的营员会参加各种有趣的活动,包括瑜伽、大笑比赛及写作课程。



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