Were a nation—a globe, in fact—obsessed with our hair. For devotees of an underground beauty movement, the secret lies in ditching the shampoo, in fact all the hair products, for good.
The “no-poo” method, which involves using natural substitutes or just water in place of shampoo and conditioner, has credibility within several circles.
Beauty insiders, including writers for womens magazines and professional hairdressers, rave about how hair becomes thicker, fuller and more lustrous. And thrifty environmentalists rejoice at the lack of chemicals in and on their bodies—not to mention the impact on their budgets.
Tempted to go “no-poo”? Heres your essential checklist:
1. A bristle brush 一把毛刷
Bristles stimulate the scalp and distribute sebum all the way down the hair shaft.
2. A hat or headscarf 帽子或头巾
It can be used when it all gets too much.
3. Apple cider vinegar 苹果醋
A popular alternative to conditioner, which works with the bicarbonate to restore the natural pH of the hair.
4. Sodium bicarbonate 小苏打
The traditional alternative to shampoo, which cleans the scalp without stripping it of natural oils.
5. Willpower 毅力
Brace yourself for a few difficult weeks—it is said that it takes up to three months for particularly difficult hair types to adjust. You will have healthy, glossy, lustrous hair as long as you have willpower.