代佳赟 李长俊 谢 萍
1.西南石油大学 2.中石油管道联合西部分公司
代佳赟1李长俊1谢 萍2
摘要以西二线X80管线钢为对象,采用动电位极化和交流阻抗技术研究了不同质量分数的Cl-和在西二线清管产物模拟溶液中X80钢内腐蚀行为,探讨了西二线管道内腐蚀机理。实验结果表明,X80管线钢在只含不同质量分数的Cl-模拟溶液中的极化曲线都呈明显的活化控制,且随着Cl-质量分数的增大,X80钢的腐蚀电流密度icorr大幅增大,X80钢的腐蚀速率增大;X80在含质量分数为0.05%Cl-、不同质量分数的模拟溶液中的极化曲线同样呈明显的活化控制,但是随着质量分数的增大,X80钢的腐蚀速率呈现先增大后减小的趋势,质量分数为0.50%时,腐蚀电流密度icorr达到最大值,腐蚀最为严重;当模拟溶液中同时含有Cl-和时,X80钢的腐蚀电位与只含Cl-时相比均有所降低,腐蚀电流密度均增大; 当Cl-和共存时,随着质量分数的增加,能快速地吸附在金属表面,阻碍Cl-的吸附,减小了Cl-对金属的腐蚀。
实验钢材为X80钢,化学成分(质量分数)如表1所示。试片加工尺寸为10 mm ×10 mm ×5 mm(长×宽×高),在试样非工作面引出一条Cu导线 ,用环氧树脂封装。封装时会产生缝隙,为防止发生缝隙腐蚀,在试样环氧树脂与工作面之间用专用硅胶涂覆消除缝隙。硅胶涂覆后留下的工作面积约为1 cm2。将试片清洗除油后,用600#到1 500#的砂纸对电极表面打磨至光滑,再用无水乙醇和去离子水清洗,烘干备用。
实验采用Gamry Reference3000电化学工作站进行开路电位、极化曲线和电化学阻抗测量,测试采用三电极体系,X80钢试样为工作电极,石墨为辅助电极,饱和甘汞电极(SCE)为参比电极,动电位极化曲线测试时扫描范围从-0.8 V到0.1 V(参考SCE参比电极),扫描速率为0.5 V/min,采用origin8.0软件,利用Tafel外推原理对极化曲线进行拟合分析,得出腐蚀电流密度icorr,交流阻抗曲线测试的频率范围是10 mHz~100 mkHz,激励电位10 mHz,采用ZsimWin软件对交流阻抗数据进行拟合分析,并对电极腐蚀表面进行观察分析。
表1 X80管线钢化学成分表 Table1 ChemicalcompositionofX80pipelinesteel (w/%) 钢种CSiMnPSNbTiAITMoNiCuCeqPcmX800.050.231.350.0070.0020.
表2 X80钢在不同Cl-质量分数下极化曲线拟合结果Table2 FittingparametersofpolarizationcurvesinstimulatedsolutioncontainingdifferentCl-massfractionw(Cl-)/%Ecorr/mVicorr/(μA·cm-2)0.006-3582.50160.050-3943.45140.200-6055.80850.500-6238.33840.800-62810.2627
表3 X80钢在不同SO2-4质量分数下极化曲线拟合结果Table3 FittingparametersofpolarizationcurvesinstimulatedsolutioncontainingdifferentSO2-4massfractionw(SO2-4)/%Ecorr/mVicorr/(μA·cm-2)0.05-6263.96120.10-6488.58800.50-69012.90121.00-6386.47835.00-6626.1381
表4 X80钢在不同SO2-4质量分数下交流阻抗谱拟合结果Table4FittingparametersofEISinstimulatedsolutioncontainingdifferentSO2-4massfractionw(SO2-4)/%Rt/(Ω·cm-2)Rad/(Ω·cm-2)nQdl/(S-n·cm-2)RP/(Ω·cm-2)0.0538.4933420.64390.00068693380.490.1032.2322650.71700.0012112297.230.5025.0722560.71560.0010242281.071.0020.7123770.72430.000852397.715.008.7526340.66400.00060512642.75
4结 论
参 考 文 献
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Study on internal corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel used in the second West-East Pipeline Project
Dai Jiayun1, Li Changjun1, Xie Ping2
Abstract:Taking the X80 steel used in the second West-East Pipeline Project(WEPPⅡ) as a study object, this paper researched the effects of Cl-and with different concentration(wt%) on internal corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel in stimulated solution for pigging product,discussed the internal corrosion mechanism of WEPPⅡby potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experimental. The results showed that, in the stimulated solution only containing different Cl-mass fraction, the polarization curves of X80 pipeline steel have typical characteristics of active dissolution, the corrosion current density(icorr) and the internal corrosion rate of X80 steel increases along with the increase of Cl-mass fraction; in the stimulated solution containing both 0.05% Cl-and different mass fraction, the polarization curves of X80 pipeline steel also have typical characteristics of active dissolution, but the internal corrosion rate firstly increases and then decreases with the increase of mass fraction. When the mass fraction of is 0.50%, the icorr reaches the maximum value while polarization resistance reaches the minimum value, and the corrosion behavior of X80 steel is the most serious at this time; when the stimulated solution contain both Cl-and ,the corrosion potential of X80 steel decreases while the icorr increases than the stimulated solution only containing Cl-, with the increase of mass fraction; when the stimulated solution contain both Cl-and , with the increase of mass fraction, can adsorb on the metal surface faster than Cl-, which decreases the corrosion aroused by Cl-.
Key words:West-East Pipeline Project(WEPPⅡ), X80 steel, internal corrosion, polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), internal corrosion mechanism