
2015-02-14 09:04GuillaumeBurghouwt
重庆与世界 2015年6期

□ 文/Guillaume Burghouwt

●(Guillaume Burghouwt博士、荷兰SEO经济研究所、航空经济部主管)





图1 互联互通的良性循环





尽管这篇短短的文章没法给出详尽的互联互通分析,但是根据国际机场协会欧洲分会(ACI Europe)与SEO联合发表的《机场行业互联互通报告》,欧洲机场与亚洲之间的航空互联互通——以及与北美的互联互通考虑到了大多数的欧洲机场的洲际连接。此外,与世界其他区域相比,亚洲与欧洲机场的互联互通正在不断提高(见图2)。亚洲与欧洲机场相互连通,不仅带来了最高的绝对增长数字(欧洲机场服务的所有区域中),同时反映了这两大区域在贸易和旅游方面经济联系越来越紧密。从2004年到2014年,亚欧航空总体互联互通——所有直飞航班和需在中间枢纽机场转机的中转联程总数,各联程根据质量进行加权——几乎翻了一番(见图2)。直联增加了50%,中转联程(大部分)增长了90%。

图2 2004年至2014年,亚欧总体航空互联互通显著增加














Connectivity by Air is Key to Competitiveness

Connectivity by air is key in today’s globalized economy.For Europe and Asia to benefit from each other’s growth potential,frequent,reliable and convenient air links between the economic centers in both regions are important.Good connectivity by air is an essential element for the competitive position cities and regions in both Asia and Europe.

Not surprisingly,connectivity is an increasingly important topic in policy discussions,on the regional,national and international level.For example,connectivity to emerging markets (for example in Asia) is a central theme in the debate around an additional runway at one of the London airports.But also the European Commission explicitly states that ‘connectivity is key to competitiveness’in its widely discussed paper Communication on the EU’s external aviation policy.As such,the ASEM Industry Dialogue in Chongqing reflects the growing importance of “connectivity excellence”in economic development and regional integration,but at the same time contributes to enhancing connectivity.ASEM serves as a platform for governments,companies,scholars and other stakeholders from both European and Asia with the aim to enhance connectivity between the two regions for “economic prosperity and sustainable development and to promoting free and seamless movement of people,trade,investment,energy,information,knowledge and ideas,and greater institutional linkages”.

A growing body of literature supports the value of connectivity and therefore the relevance of the ASEM dialogue.Many studies have shown that air connectivity improvements translate in economic welfare gains and a better business climate in the airport region.Air connectivity growth results in considerable welfare gains for consumers and businesses as a well-connected region minimizes travel costs in both time and money (air fares/ freight rates).Researchers of the University of Barcelona2 found that a 10% growth in intercontinental destinations in European cities (including to destinations in Asia) results in a 4% growth in the number of company headquarters,all other things being equal.According to a recent study on the economic impact of European airports3 ,a 10% connectivity growth generates a 0.5% growth in GDP.But there is also increasing evidence that better air connectivity improves productivity of employees,generates international trade,attracts foreign direct investments and stimulates inbound tourism.

The Virtuous Circle of Connectivity Growth

The relationship between connectivity growth and economic growth is a synergetic one.The regional economic and trade gains resulting from better air connectivity again generate more demand for air services.This is because the improved connectivity of a region allows for greater throughput of passengers with commensurate increase in local economic activity,as well as higher service levels to the benefit of the local travelling community.The increase in number of flights and destinations may in itself again represent a better connectivity performance.This is what we call the virtuous circle of connectivity.Connectivity by air facilitates economic growth but can also act as its catalyst.As such,connectivity can be a central element in any airport’s or government’s strategy to demonstrate its license to grow.

Figure1 The virtuous circle of connectivity Source: ACI Europe & SEO (2014).Airport industry connectivity report.

Figure2 Total connectivity by air between Europe and Asia has increased considerably between 2004 and 2014

Development of Connectivity by Air in the Europe to Asia Market

ASEM aims to increase cooperation between its Asian and European members as to enhance connectivity,regional integration and economic prosperity.So where do we stand in terms of the connectivity by air between Europe and Asia?

Although a full connectivity analysis is beyond the scope of this short contribution,according to the Airport industry connectivity report4 by ACI Europe and SEO,connectivity by air from European airports to Asia takes account —together with the connectivity to North America- of the majority of intercontinental connections from European airports.In addition,Asia is closingin terms of the connectivity provided to European airports compared to other world regions (figure 2).Connectivity between Europe and Asian airports showed the highest absolute growth figures of all world regions served by European airports,reflecting the growing economic linkages between both regions in terms of trade but also tourism.Between 2004 and 2014,total Europe-Asia connectivity —the sum of all direct flights and indirect connections with a transfer at an intermediate hub airport,weighted for the quality of each connection- almost doubled (figure 2).Direct connectivity increased by about 50%,whereas indirect connectivity (the lion’s share) increased by 90%.

Instruments to Achieve Connectivity Excellence

Air connectivity growth is crucial for further strengthening of the economic and social relationships between Asia and Europe.The good news is that connectivity by air has grown considerably during the past decade.At the same time,we notice that many opportunities for connectivity growth exist.

Which role can governments and industry stakeholders play to achieve connectivity excellence in the Europe to Asia market? We highlight four of them.

Opening up of aviation markets

The opening up of aviation markets is the first and most important instrument to achieve connectivity growth.And governments are in the lead as far as air service agreements are concerned.Opening up aviation markets —ranging from less tight bilateral restrictions to fully liberalised bilateral or multilateral agreements- stimulates air service growth (frequencies,new destinations) and airline competition.More passengers will travel at lower fares.Airline cost efficiency increases.More opportunities are created for cooperation between European and Asian carriers,for example through codeshare agreements and alliances.Connectivity in liberalised markets will grow.

Strong hub carriers

The European network carriers such as Air France-KLM,Lufthansa and British Airways are crucial of the direct flight connections between Europe and Asia,besides the services of their Asian counterparts.The hub networks these carriers operate allow them to achieve sufficient passenger density (combined transfer and local demand) to operate direct services between Asia en Europe,which would not be profitable based on local demand alone.Yet,the European network carriers are under strong pressure from competition from within Europe (low-cost carriers such as easyJet and Ryanair) and from outside Europe (mainly carriers from the Gulf States and Turkey).European hub carriers themselves are first and foremost responsible for improving their competitive position,by reducing unit costs and by searching for further synergies through mergers and take-overs.

Competitive visit costs,airport capacity and level playing field

Besides,governments need to acknowledge the role played by network carriers in the connectivity performance of large metropolitan areas and ensure the right conditions -within the boundaries of their own legal systems- for these carriers to compete effectively.This means amongst other things the availability of sufficient airport capacity,competitive cost levels (e.g.airport charges) and efficient airspace design.Also safeguarding fair competition in aviation markets —so that carriers compete according to the same set of rules- is crucial for a strong and healthy Asian and European airline industry,and thus eventually for the connectivity between both regions.

Identify the “white spots ”on the map

Connectivity has grown considerably between Europe and Asia during the last decade.But what are the “white spots”? In other words,what are the routes that already have enough traffic potential for a direct service,but are currently not directly served? In which markets are restrictions in bilateral agreements or airport congestion bottlenecks for enhancing connectivity by air? Which potential new routes between Asia and Europe are at the brink of having enough demand and could be unleashed with the right incentives? Which potential new routes may have enough demand in a few years time? And,which new air services between Asia and Europe would business communities in both regions appreciate?


Connectivity by air is key to strengthening the economic and social relationships between Europe and Asia to the mutual benefit of both regions.The ASEM dialogue rightly recognizes the economic value of connectivity.Connectivity by air between Asia and Europe,both direct and indirect,has increased significantly during the past ten years.Nevertheless,many opportunities exist for improving connectivity levels.Opening up of aviation agreements,identification of white spots’,competitive cost levels and sufficient airport capacity are among the important avenues governments and industry stakeholders may have to explore further.
