2012年6月-2014年6月收治新生儿病理性黄疸患者98例,男53例,女45例,包括足月儿92例,早产儿6例;日龄1~24 d,平均19 d;出生体重:<1 000 g 1例,1 000~1 500 g 10例,1 500~2 500 g 22例,2 500~4 000 g 53例,>4 000 g 12例;出生后至出现黄疸时间<7 d 88例,≥7 d 10例。
诊断标准[3]:本组患儿均符合以下诊断标准:足月儿血清胆红素>221 μmol/L,黄疸持续时间>2周;早产儿>257 μmol/L,黄疸持续时间>4周。血清结合胆红素>34 μmol/L。
治疗:治疗原发病,针对病因进行对症支持治疗,在给予药物治疗的同时进行光照治疗。采用蓝光疗法治疗间接胆红素异常升高的病理性黄疸患儿,采用波长420~470 nm蓝光将未结合胆红素通过光氧化分解为直接胆红素,随之产生的胆绿素等物质水溶性很好,可随尿液和胆汁排出体外,实现退黄的治疗目的。每天给予8~12 h的间断光疗,治疗时保护好生殖器和双眼,出现青铜症停止光疗。药物治疗时使用苯巴比妥等肝酶诱导剂诱导肝酶活力,促进胆红素代谢;应用丙种球蛋白阻断网状内皮系统Fc受体和致敏红细胞结合,进而有效阻断溶血过程,减少胆红素产生;使用茵栀黄口服液进行退黄保肝治疗。
疗效评价标准:①治愈:皮肤黏膜黄染明显消退,血清胆红素<85 μmol/L;②有效:黄染有所减轻,血清胆红素85~221 μmol/L,未出现其他并发症;③无效:黄染无变化或再次出现,血清胆红素无变化。
本组患儿的病因分析结果:本组因围生期因素所引发的新生儿病理性黄疸有 31例(31.63%);母乳因素 26例(26.53%);感染因素24例(24.49%);溶血12例(12.24%);其他因素5例(5.10%)。
Analysis the causes of neonatal pathological jaundice and its countermeasures
Feng Zhiying
Department of Pediatrics,the People's Hospital of Zhao County,Shijiazhuang City of Hebei Province 051530
Objective:To investigate the etiology of neonatal pathological jaundice and its diagnosis and treatment measures. Methods:100 cases of neonatal pathological jaundice were selected from June 2012 to June 2014,then we analyzed and summarized their etiology and treatment in patients with pathologic jaundice.Results:Among those 98 cases of neonatal pathological jaundice,there were 31 cases caused by perinatal factors(31.63%),26 cases caused by breast factors(26.53%),24 cases caused by infection factor(24.49%),12 cases caused by hemolysis(12.24%),while 5 cases with other factors(5.10%).There were 74 cases of pathologic jaundice caused by increased indirect bilirubin,and the treatment effective rate was 94.59%;24 cases caused by increased direct bilirubin,and the treatment effective rate was 79.17%.59 cases were cured;30 cases were improved;the total efficiency was 90.82%.Conclusion:The mainly causes of neonatal pathological jaundice including perinatal factors,breast factors,infection factors,hemolytic disease of newborn and other factors.It should be given symptomatic and supportive treatment based on the active treatment of primary disease,and also should be strengthened the early observation at the same time,in order to prevent the occurrence of brain bilirubin encephalopathy.
Pathological jaundice of newborn;Etiology;Treatment