【摘要】目的 研究探讨健康教育在促进学生体质中的作用,为制定增强学生体质的健康促进策略提供有效的依据。方法 随机抽取在校学生360名为研究对象。并将其随机分成对照组和观察组,每组180名。观察组学生实施为期一年的社区运动与知识传播、健康教育于体育、学生参与、部门配合的综合健康促进活动,对照组学生未采取任何的措施。比较两组学生体质的变化情况。结果 观察组学生的身体素质不仅有效提高,同时男女喜爱运动、自我效能以及有氧运动人数均显著高于对照组,数据符合统计学差异(P<0.05)。并且两组男女学生的肺活量、爆发力、腰腹力、耐力灯都有显著差异,数据符合统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 健康教育于体育改革相结合的综合干预对学生体质具有积极的作用。
Health Education in Promoting Students' Physical Fitness Function
HUANG Jinping Health Inspection Institute of Qing'an County of Suihua City in Heilongjiang Province,Suihua 152400,China
Objective To study the effects of health education in promoting students' physical fitness function, provide the effective basis to promote the strategy of strengthening students' physique health. Methods 360 students were randomly selected as the research object. And it will be randomly divided into control group and observation group, each group of 180. The observation group students implementation of community sports and the dissemination of knowledge, a year of health education in comprehensive health sports, student participation, coordination between departments in the promotion activities, the students in the control group did not take any measures. The changes were compared between the two groups of students constitution. Results The group of students' physical quality not only improves, while men and women love sports, self-efficacy and aerobic exercise numbers were higher than the control group, the data in accordance with the statistical difference (P<0.05). And the two group of male and female students vital capacity, the explosive force, waist and abdomen force endurance lamps, there are significant differences, consistent with the data statistical difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The comprehensive intervention of health education on sports reform combined has a positive effect on students' physique.
【Key words】Health education,Student physique,Effect
通过对学生体质监测了解到,学生心扉机能、力量素质、柔韧、耐力素质在生活谁水平有所改善的情况下逐渐下降。从目前学生的生活和学习状况了解,学生的大部分时间都处于静态生活中。其中初三和高三、大四学生的运动不足逐渐升高 [1]。本文随机抽取在校学生360名为研究对象。研究探讨健康教育在促进学生体质中的作用,为制定增强学生体质的健康促进策略提供有效的依据。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
在开展健康教育活动的过程中,应当争取校领导、家长以及教师对学生体质的重视。学校下发相应的文件,通过文件明确学生参加锻炼的时间、内容、手段、方法以及要求,保证学生在课外锻炼1小时 [2]。
1.3 统计学分析
对实验中的所有数据都采用了SPSS 17.0 进行统计学处理。计量资料比运用t的检验原理,计数资料主要采用χ 2进行检验,以P<0.05则表示差异具有统计学的意义。
2 结果
3 讨论