Introduction Test of Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties from Abroad in Heilongjiang Province

2015-01-18 04:19EnjianQIUChunjunWANGZhiquanZHAOYongCHENKunyuSHANGPengCHIXinZHONGZunqiangLIKeSONG
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年5期

Enjian QIU,Chunjun WANG,Zhiquan ZHAO,Yong CHEN,Kunyu SHANG,Peng CHI,Xin ZHONG,Zunqiang LI,Ke SONG

1.Mudanjiang Tobacco Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province Tobacco Corporation,Northeast Agricultural Experiment Station,CNTC,Mudanjiang 157011,China;

2.Harbin Tobacco Corporation,Harbin 150000,China;

3.Zhaodong Branch of Harbin Tobacco Corporation,Zhaodong 151100,China

Responsible editor:Nanling WANG Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU

Tobacco leaf is the basis of its industry development,and variety is the basis of tobacco production.At present,although the fluecured tobacco varieties bred and generalized at home had high yield and strong adaptability,there was a relatively small number of breakthrough varieties,especially in the quality,and it still existed a large gap comparing with America and Brazil,etc.Therefore,in order to meet the development needs of Chinese-style cigarette and sustainable development of Chinese tobacco production,we should not only focus on independent innovation,accelerate the breeding of new tobacco varieties with both Chinese and foreign varieties’ merits and fine comprehensive characters,but also carry out introduction.The research showed that tobacco was sensitive to environment,the adaptability of the same variety in different environmental conditions had some differences[1-14].Hence,only organically combining varietal characteristics with local ecological conditions,can give play to the potential productivity of fine varieties[15].In order to solve the problems of ageing and single tobacco variety in Heilongjiang,a comparative trail on introduced flue-cured tobacco varieties from America and Brazil was carried out in 2013 to screen out fine varieties suitable for planting in the ecological environment of Heilongjiang Province,and improve the layout of tobacco varieties in the whole province.

Materials and Methods

The general situation of experimental field

The experiment was carried out in the trial field of Mudanjiang Tobacco Science Research Institute in 2013(the geographical location is 129°06′E and 44°58′ N,the altitude is 230 m).The agrotype is warp soil,and the soil texture is medium loam,the preceding crop is wheat,the ground is flat and the land fertility is moderate,so it is easy for irrigation and drainage.Soil organic matter,available nitrogen(N),available phosphorus (P) and rapidly available potassium(K)contents of the experimental field were 25.3 g/kg,79.6 mg/kg,69.3 mg/kg and 278.6 mg/kg,respectively.

Experimental materials

The testing varieties were PVH2248,PVH2269,PVH2291,PVH2310,NC196,NC-YATAS2,NCYATAS6 and NC89(CK).

Experimental design

There were 10 treatments in the experiment,namely one variety for one treatment,NC89 was taken as check (CK).The experiment was designed by random grouping with 3 repetitions,each plot had four lines and 68 plants,and the line length was 10.2 m,the planting space was 0.6 m×1.1 m,the plot area was 44.88 m2.

Experimental methods

Each tobacco variety had same fertilization and quantity,pure N application was 45 kg/hm2,pure N:P2O5:K2O=1:2:3,thefertilizerswereapplied10 d before transplanting as single base fertilizer.The seeds were sowed on March 14,and tray seedling was carried out;on May 13,the seedlings were transplanted,then carrying out field management according to Comprehensive Standard System of Heilongjiang Fluecured Tobacco.

Measuring items and methods

The investigation and analysis on agronomic traits was carried out based on Chinese Tobacco Industry Criteria YC/T142-1998[16].The morbidity and disease index of each disease should be recorded.According to the plot,harvesting,baking,classifying and calculating the yield,so as to count leaf yield,output value,average price and ratio of first-class tobacco.30 plants of each variety (including CK) in each plot were chosen,and tobacco leaves of central section(the 8th-12thleaf positions down from parietal lobe) were got to appraise appearance quality according to Appraisal of Tobacco Sample Appearance Quality GB2635-92.Excel 2003 and DPS data processing[17]were adopted to carry out statistical analysis on experimental results,Duncan’s new multiple range method was used to carry out multiple comparisons on economic characters,other characters were also compared and analyzed.

Results and Analyses

Growth period

As seen in Table1,fr om transplant to budding,NC-YATAS-6 spent 69 d,which was the longest; PVH-2269,PVH2248 and NC89 (CK) all spent 62.7 d,which was the shortest,and other varieties spent among 63.3-65.7 d.From transplant to heart flowering,NC-YATAS-6 was also the longest,namely 73.3 d,PVH2248 and PVH2269 were shorter,namely 66.3 and 68.7 d,respectively,other varieties were among 69.3-72.0 d.For growth duration after transplant,PVH2310 was the shortest,namely 103.3 d,and NC89 was the longest,namely 110.3 d,other varieties were among 105.7-108.7 d.

Botanical characters

As shown in Table2,the plant shape of check variety NC89 and NCYATAS-2 was tower shape,and leaf colour was dark green;the plant shape of other varieties was barrel-type,and leaf colour was green.The leaf shape of each variety was oblong,the angle of stem leaf was moderate.The main vein of check variety NC89 and NCYATAS-6 was thicker,and that of other varieties was medium.The plant uniformity of PVH2310 was the best,and that of other varieties was neater.From mature characters of each variety,blades of PVH2248 and PVH2291 turned yellow and became mature most quickly,the yellowing area was most concentrated and had no tolerance in mature; blades of PVH2310,NC196 and NC-YATAS-2 turned yellow and became mature more quickly,the yellowing area was more concentrated and also had no tolerance in mature;blades of NC-YATAS-6 turned yellow hierarchically,and the yellowing speed was medium and the matureintolerance degree was also medium;blades of other varieties also turned yellow hierarchically,and the yellowing speed was relatively slow,the matureintolerance degree was good.Growth potential of NC-YATAS-6,NC-YATAS-2 and check variety NC89 at seedling stage was stronger,and that of other varieties was strong; for 25 d after planting,growth potential of NC89 was moderate,that of PVH2269 and PVH2291 was among strongerstrong,and that of other varieties was stronger;for 50 d after planting,growth potential of PVH2269,PVH2310,PVH2291 and NC89 was stronger,and that of other varieties was among strong-stronger.

Economical characters

From Table3,we inferred that plant height of PVH2248 was the highest,namely 108.6 cm,followed byNC-YATAS-6 and NC89,which were 103.8 and 103.6 cm,respectively,that of other varieties was among 95.8-99.6 cm; the number of harvestable leaves of each variety was among 19.1-20.5,and stem girth of each variety was among 9.5-10.3 cm,the differences were smaller.The pitch,length of lumbar leaf and width of lumbar leaf of each testing variety were slightly less than these of NC89.

Table1 Comparison on main growth period of each variety


Natural morbidity

From Table4,for the natural morbidity of the field,every variety had TMV slightly except PVH2269 and PVH2310,the morbidity was among 0.49%-2.94%,the disease index was among 0.25-1.35.For PVY,except NC-YATAS-2,PVH2310,PVH2248 and NC89,the others slightly infected,the morbidity was among 0.49% -6.80%,the disease index was among 0.12-2.57.

Economic characters

YieldAs seen in Table5,tobacco yield of check variety NC89 was 3 099.00 kg/hm2,ranking third in all varieties,but the differences with other testing varieties were not remarkable; tobacco yields of PVH2310 and NC-YATAS-2 were higher,namely 3 266.85 and 3 181.35 kg/hm2,respectively,which separately increased 5.41% and 2.66% than CK; yields of other varieties were among 2 789.10-3 074.55 kg/hm2.

Output valueAs shown in Table5,output value of check variety NC89 was 44 358.75 Yuan/hm2,ranking fourth in all varieties,but the differences with other testing varieties were not remarkable; output values of PVH2310,PVH2248 and NC-YATAS-2 were higher,namely 55 485.30,45 168.45 and 44 645.85 Yuan/hm2,respectively,which separately increased 25.08%,1.82% and 0.65%than CK; output values of other varieties were among 34 957.20-43 692.90 Yuan/hm2.

Average priceFrom Table5,we drew that average price of check variety NC89 was 14.30 Yuan/kg,ranking fourth in all varieties,but the differences with other testing varieties were not remarkable; the top three varieties in order were PVH2310,PVH2248,PVH2291,and the average prices of them were 17.02,15.07,14.37 Yuan/kg,respectively,which separately increased 19.02%,5.38% and 0.48%than CK; average prices of other varieties were among 12.28 -14.21 Yuan/kg.

Table3 Comparison on main economical characters of each variety

Table4 Natural morbidity of each variety

Ratio of first-class tobaccoFrom Table5,we inferred that ratio of firstclass tobacco of check variety NC89 was 10.91%,ranking second in all varieties,and that of PVH2310 was the highest,namely 24.16%,and increased 13.25 percentage point than CK; the differences between CK and other testing varieties were not significant.

Comparison on appearance quality of raw tobacco

From Table6,we can see that tobacco colors of PVH2310 and check variety NC89 were mainly among golden-deep yellow,tobacco color of NC-YATAS-2 was mainly golden,thatof PVH2269 and PVH2248 was mainly yellow,and that of other varieties was mainly among light yellow-yellow,in which NC-YATAS-6 had many variegated blades; each variety had good maturity,and leaf structure was open;the tobacco body of NC196,PVH2291 and PVH2248 was less thin,and that of other varieties was mainly medium;for oil,PVH2310 was better and mainly among oily-rich,NC-YATAS-6 and PVH2291 were low and just less oily,and other varieties were in the grade of oily;color intensity of PVH2310 was mainly strong,and that of NC196 was mainly among weak-moderate,in which moderate level took the most part,other varieties’ color intensity was also moderate.Synthesizing each indicator of appearance quality of each tobacco variety,the appearance quality of PVH2310 was superior to that of CK NC89,and that of NC-YATAS-2 was comparable to CK group,and that of other varieties was inferior to CK group.

Table5 Comparison on main economic characters of each variety

Table6 Identification of appearance characters of raw tobacco


(1)PVH2310 was an early-maturing variety,so its growth duration after transplant was shorter,this feature had vitally important significance for Heilongjiang flue-cured tobacco areas where air temperature was low,frostfree season was short and active accumulated temperature was less.The variety had not infected disease in the field,its yield,output value,ratio of first-class tobacco,average price and appearance quality of raw tobacco were all superior to check variety NC89,moreover,it had merits in many important characters,such as growth period,disease-resistance,main economic characters and appearance quality,etc.,in addition,its comprehensive characters were fine,which were better than check variety NC89,thus it had better adaptation in the ecological condition of Heilongjiang flue-cured tobacco areas; the variety was tested in the second year,and the experimental results in 2012[18]and 2013 were basically same,the general performance was better in the continuous two years,so further experiment and demonstration should be carried out and matching cultivation and modulation technique should be studied.

(2) NC-YATAS-2 had slightly shorter field growth period than check variety NC89,and its yield and output value were slightly higher than CK,average price and ratio of first-class tobacco were slightly lower than CK,disease,main economic characters and appearance quality were comparable to CK,thus it can be further demonstrated and verified in Heilongjiang flue-cured tobacco areas.

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