张利利 郑 静 周 浩 杜晓南 刘田田 路 通 徐 秀 王 艺,3△
张利利1▲郑 静1▲周 浩1杜晓南1刘田田1路 通1徐 秀2王 艺1,3△
(1复旦大学附属儿科医院神经内科,2儿保科 上海 201102;3复旦大学脑科学协同创新中心 上海 200032)
目的 利用社交反应量表(social responsiveness scale,SRS)对门诊癫患儿社交沟通能力的筛查评估,并对筛查评估结果进行相关因素的初步研究。方法选取2013年9月至2014年3月对在复旦大学附属儿科医院癫门诊就诊的4~18岁癫患儿及6~12岁正常在校儿童进行一项病例对照研究。由其父母填写SRS量表,收集癫患儿病史及临床资料,并对癫患儿和正常在校儿童的筛查结果、社交反应特点及相关因素进行比较分析。结果癫组SRS总分及5个维度得分均高于对照组(χ2=11.92,P<0.05)。癫组内SRS筛查阳性患儿在SRS 5个维度得分均明显高于癫组内SRS筛查阴性患儿(P<0.000 1)。癫组各临床特点中,早发癫(癫首发年龄≤2岁,χ2=5.26,P=0.02)和智力低下(χ2=30.04,P<0.000 1)与SRS筛查阳性相关。结论与正常儿童相比,癫患儿存在社交沟通缺陷,提示临床应对癫患儿进行常规的社交沟通能力评估,以加强对小儿癫的综合管理。
癫; 社交能力; 社交反应量表; 儿童
【Abstraet】 Objcetivc Social responsiveness scale(SRS)was used to evaluate social skills in outpatients with epilepsy,and to analyze the related factors. Mcthods A case control study was conducted from Sep.,2013 to Mar.,2014.Epileptic patients between 4 and 18 years from epilepsy center in Children's Hospital,Fudan University and primary students between 6 and 12 years as the control group were enrolled.SRS questionnaires were completed by parents,and clinical history would be collected to do analysis between epileptic patients and primary students,in order to identify the higher risk factors of social difficulties. Rcsults The total score and 5 subscales'score of SRS in epileptic patients were significantly higher than than in the control group(χ2=11.92,P<0.05). Epileptic patients who had positive results in SRS had significantly higher mean score in 5 subscales than the negative ones(P<0.000 1).In clinical characteristics of epilepsy,early onset epilepsy(age of seizureonset≤2 years,χ2=5.26,P=0.02)and intellectual disability(ID,χ2=30.04,P<0.000 1)were associated with SRS positive results. Conelusions Children with epilepsy were more likely to have social difficulties compared with general child population.Routine evaluation for social skills should be performed in children with epilepsy,in order to strengthen the management of pediatric epilepsy.
【Kcy words】 epilepsy; social skills; social responsiveness scale; children
研究对象癫组:2013年9月至2014年3月期间在复旦大学附属儿科医院癫门诊就诊的4~18岁癫患儿,由其父母填写SRS量表,并收集患儿相关临床资料,共回收有效问卷72份。患儿4~16岁,男女比例2.4∶1,平均年龄(8.1+2.9)岁。纳入标准:4~18岁符合国际抗癫联盟(ILAE)关于癫的诊断分类标准的癫患儿[9]。排除标准:合并其他精神类疾病者,如精神分裂症、转换性障碍等。正常对照组:同期对上海市闵行区某普通小学就读的6~12岁正常在校儿童进行问卷调查。学生将问卷带回并由家长填写,次日回收。共收回有效问卷134份,男女比例为1.1∶1,平均年龄(8.2+ 1.9)岁。排除标准:曾被诊断ASD、癫、高热惊厥、智力低下者。两组儿童在年龄构成上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但是在性别构成上差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
研究方法本研究采用SRS,此量表由Constantino和Gruber于2005年编制,适用于4~18岁儿童。量表将社交能力量化,可用来评估儿童社交能力情况,也用于辅助诊断ASD,特别是孤独症症状较轻的ASD。SRS共包含65个条目,分为5个维度,即社交知觉(social awareness)、社交认知(social cognition)、社交沟通(social communication)、社交动机(social motivation)及孤独症行为方式(autistic mannerism)。量表每个项目根据填表者的选定级数评出1~4分不等,分别对应“不符”、“有些”、“经常”、“符合”,各项目得分根据所属的维度用换算公式进行换算,得到各维度总分,相加得到SRS量表总分数,总分≥59.5分为筛查阳性。总分越高,社交障碍程度越重,总分越低,社交能力越好。这样就将被评估者的社交能力各个方面用一个分数表示,量化社交能力,便于评估比较。中文版SRS具有良好的信度和效度[10]。6岁以下儿童采用0~6岁发育筛查测试量表,6岁以上采用韦氏儿童智力量表进行智力评估,智力低下参考智商(IQ<70)及行为进行诊断。
统计学方法用SAS 9.2统计软件对数据进行统计,采用Pearsonχ2、t检验及校正t检验方法进行分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
表1 癫组与对照组SRS筛查阳性率比较Tab 1 Thc serccning rcsults of SRS positivc ratc in easc group and eontrol group
表1 癫组与对照组SRS筛查阳性率比较Tab 1 Thc serccning rcsults of SRS positivc ratc in easc group and eontrol group
GroupSRS positive SRS negative χ2POR95%CI Case22(30.56% )502.943 11.9 <0.05 1.338-6.241 Control15(11.19% )119
表2 癫组与对照组SRS总分及各维度得分比较Tab 2 Thc total seorc and 5 subsealcs'seorc of SRSin easc group and eontrol group(±s)
表2 癫组与对照组SRS总分及各维度得分比较Tab 2 Thc total seorc and 5 subsealcs'seorc of SRSin easc group and eontrol group(±s)
ItemCase group(n=72)Control group(n=134)tPCohen's D valueSocial awareness8.56+3.806.35+3.224.39<0.050.69Social cognition11.08+5.038.17+4.304.35<0.050.68Social communication15.54+9.2610.02+6.004.56<0.050.92Social motivation10.54+4.867.79+4.064.32<0.050.68Autistic mannerism6.92+5.485.04+3.312.65<0.050.57Total score52.64+24.6437.40+17.085.21<0.050.89
表3 癫组SRS筛查阳性与阴性患儿的临床资料相关分析Tab 3 Thc analysis of elinieal data in SRS positivc and ncgativc ehildrcn with cpilcpsy
表3 癫组SRS筛查阳性与阴性患儿的临床资料相关分析Tab 3 Thc analysis of elinieal data in SRS positivc and ncgativc ehildrcn with cpilcpsy
ParametersSRSpositive (n=22)SRSnegative (n=50)χ2PParametersSRSpositive (n=22)SRSnegative (n=50)χ2PGender Course disease(y)Male 1833417 Female1.850.171-5122.32 0.3129 8 >511Yes5No2.074550.15Abortion historyNumber of antiepileptic drug≤140>18102.180.14 Yes511 14 No 17?390.00 Seizure type Abnormal gestationFocal seizure0.951436Deliverymode Generalized seizure 8140.500.481430Cesarean section Vaginal birth 8200.090.77Valid1024Gestational ageInvalid 12260.040.8428 Intelligence level Premature birthDrug effect Full-term birth 20420.61Normal0.43341Birth weight(kg)Mental retardation1719930.04<0.0001 <2.531 192.5-444 0.27 0.87Normal517 2 >4Focal epileptiform310 Electroencephalogram23 1.540.46 7 Birth abnormalities10Multifocal epileptiform 4No8Yes 0.05 42 0.82Normal Cranial imaging(n=39)61518 First-episode age(y)Abnormal105130.000.969 ≤28>21342 0.022 Family convulsion history Yes5.26<147No18430.210.65
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Study for soeial skills in ehildrcn with cpilcpsy and rclatcd faetors
ZHANG Li-li1▲,ZHENG Jing1▲,ZHOU Hao1,DU Xiao-nan1,LIU Tian-tian1,
LU Tong1,XU Xiu2,WANG Yi1,3△
(1Department of Neurology,2Department of Child Healthcare,Children's Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 201102,China;3Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China)
R 748
▲Co-first authors
△Corresponding author E-mail:yiwang@shmu.edu.cn
*This work was supportcd by thc Program of National hcalth and Family Planning Commission of China(201302002).