摘要:评价湖北省灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)群体抗药性水平,为防治灰霉病提供理论依据,评估了源于湖北省的96个灰葡萄孢菌株对4种杀菌剂的抗性。结果表明,大部分菌株对多菌灵、农利灵和菌核净敏感,抗性菌株出现的频率分别为5%、2%和3%;所有供试菌株均对环酰菌胺敏感,EC50为0.004~0.200 μg/mL;对Bc-hch基因序列扩增和酶解谱带分析结果进一步证实了供试菌株对环酰菌胺敏感。抗性菌株抗药相关基因β-微管蛋白和组氨酸激酶基因的氨基酸序列比对结果显示,部分位点的突变是抗药性形成的可能机制之一,另外也发现了新的突变位点。
关键词:灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea);多菌灵;农利灵;菌核净;环酰菌胺;抗药性;湖北省
中图分类号:S481.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)12-2800-06
Monitoring Fungicide Resistance of Botrytis cinerea from Hubei Province and Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance
LI Ruo-chen,ZHANG Jing,LI Guo-qing
(State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology,Huazhong Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Plant Pathology of Hubei Province,Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract: Resistance of 96 B.cinerea strains from Hubei Province to four fungicides were studied. Most strains were sensitive to carbendazim,vinclozolin and dimethachlon with the frequency of resistant strains of 5%,2% and 3%, respectively. All B.cinerea strains investigated were susceptible to fenhexamid with the EC50 values ranging from 0.004 μg/mL to 0.2 μg/mL.The sensitivity to fenhexamid was proved from the results of analyzing the genotype at the Bc-hch locus. Partial amino acid sequences of β-tubulin and histidine kinase gene showed that point mutation was found to be associated with resistance to these fungicides. The fungicide resistance in populations of B.cinerea in Hubei Province was reported firstly.
Key words: Botrytis cinerea; carbendazim; vinclozolin; dimethachlon; fenhexamid; fungicide resistance
灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)是一类世界分布的重要植物病原菌,可以危害大田作物、观赏植物、蔬菜和水果等400多种寄主植物[1],引发灰霉病,也常称为灰霉菌。化学防治是目前防治灰霉病发生的主要方法,国内使用的杀菌剂主要有苯并咪唑类、二甲酰亚胺类等;但灰葡萄孢变异大,极易对杀菌剂产生抗药性[2,3]。1971年荷兰在温室中的仙客来上发现了抗多菌灵的灰霉菌菌株[4],国内于1987年由周明国等[5]首次报道了抗多菌灵的灰霉菌菌株。二甲酰亚胺类抗性菌株出现于20世纪80年代,在瑞典、加拿大等地都有报道[6,7]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.1.1 供试菌株 共96株灰葡萄孢菌株,其中36株是湖北省不同地区不同寄主的灰葡萄孢单孢分离物,另外对武汉一油菜田块进行连续2年的采样收集60株菌株。菌株具体情况见表1。endprint
1.1.2 供试药剂 选用4种杀菌剂,分别为多菌灵(25% WP,上海升联化工有限公司)、农利灵(50% WG,德国巴斯夫股份有限公司)、菌核净(70% WP,美国巨邦农资国际贸易公司)和环酰菌胺(99.5%原药,Dr.Ehrenstorfer GmbH)。
1.2 试验方法
1.2.1 菌株对杀菌剂抗药性分析 采用测量菌落直径的方法进行抗药性测定。设定6个浓度梯度,每个浓度5个重复,用无菌水将多菌灵、农利灵和菌核净分别稀释成0.50、0.50、8.00 mg/mL(有效成分量,下同)的母液,用无水乙醇将环酰菌胺稀释成0.05 mg/mL母液,将各药剂母液按一定的比例加入到培养基中(药剂在培养基灭菌后,温度降到40 ℃左右时加入),制成不同浓度的含药培养基平板,含药培养基平板的最终含药量见表2,以不加药剂的培养基为对照。将待测的菌株在PDA培养基上20 ℃培养2 d,用直径6 mm灭菌打孔器打取菌落边缘菌饼移植到含药PDA平板上,20 ℃的恒温箱中黑暗培养48 h,十字交叉法测量菌落直径,根据菌落直径的平均值计算药剂对菌丝生长的抑制率。
1.2.2 β-微管蛋白和组氨酸激酶基因克隆及序列分析 克隆β-微管蛋白基因PCR引物参考Ziogas等[15]的方法,引物 BctubF/BctubR,在NCBI上下载组氨酸激酶基因序列5 752 bp(Accession No.AF396827),使用引物设计软件Primer 5.0 设计引物 Bos2-F/Bos2-R对组氨酸激酶的部分区域进行扩增。引物序列见表4。
进行PCR扩增。β-微管蛋白基因和组氨酸激酶基因的PCR反应程序为:94 ℃变性5 min;94 ℃ 30 s,55 ℃ 30 s,72 ℃ 90 s,35个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。对于PCR产物使用回收试剂盒AxyPrepTM DNA Gel Extraction Kit (Axygen Scientific,Inc. Union City,USA)进行回收纯化,将PCR产物连接到pMD18-T载体(TaKaRa Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,Dalian,China)上,转入大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli DH5α)细胞。挑选抗性平板上阳性克隆并检测插入片段的大小。每个菌株的β-微管蛋白基因和组氨酸激酶基因分别挑选3个阳性克隆送奥科公司(Bei-jing AuGCT Biotechnol.Co.,Ltd.,Beijing,China)测序。对代表菌株的序列使用DNAMAN 软件(version 5.2.2, Lynnon Corporation,Vaudreuil,Quebec,Canada)进行拼接处理。
1.2.3 Bc-hch序列扩增和酶解 扩增Bc-hch基因1 171 bp,引物序列见表4。Bc-hch基因的PCR反应程序为:94 ℃变性5 min;94 ℃ 30 s,50 ℃ 30 s,72 ℃ 90 s,35个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。取10 μL PCR扩增产物进行1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,将胶置于EB染色液中染色10 min,在紫外光下观察扩增结果。40 μL PCR产物加入0.5 μL限制性内切酶HhaⅠ(Promega,USA),37 °C酶切过夜。终止反应,取10 μL酶切产物进行2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,将胶置于EB染色液中染色10 min,在紫外光下观察酶切结果。
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同菌株抗药性水平
96个菌株对4种杀菌剂的EC50测定结果(表5)表明,大部分菌株为多菌灵、农利灵和菌核净敏感菌株,抗性菌株出现的频率分别为5%、2%和3%。其中菌株08NE35、09NE37、GBC-2和GjBC-1抗其中2种或2种以上杀菌剂。在多菌灵抗性试验中,敏感性菌株的EC50为0.035~0.133 μg/mL,高抗性菌株的EC50为792.7~1 456.9 μg/mL,高抗性菌株09NE37、08NE35、GBC-2、RosaBC-3和GjBC-1的抗性是敏感性菌株的5 960~36 423倍。在农利灵抗性试验中,敏感性菌株的EC50为0.104~0.244 μg/mL,中抗性菌株GBC-2的EC50为0.747 μg/mL,抗性是最敏感性菌株的7倍左右。高抗性菌株GjBC-1的EC50为4.520 μg/mL,抗性是敏感性菌株的19~43倍。在菌核净抗性试验中,敏感性菌株的EC50为0.188~1.601 μg/mL,中抗性菌株GBC-2的EC50为2.988 μg/mL,其抗性是敏感性菌株的2~16倍,高抗性菌株08NE35和09NE37的EC50为15.50 μg/mL和17.60 μg/mL,抗性是敏感菌株的10~82倍和11~94倍。在环酰菌胺抗性试验中,96株供试菌株均对环酰菌胺敏感,EC50为0.004~0.204 μg/mL。
2.2 菌株的抗性机制
对抗多菌灵的灰霉菌株(08NE35、09NE37、GBC-2、GjBC-1和RosaBC-3)的β-微管蛋白基因检测,得到部分β-微管蛋白基因741 bp,其翻译产物共246个氨基酸,有2个突变位点:菌株08NE35、09NE37、GBC-2、GjBC-1和RosaBC-3在128位的E(谷氨酸)突变为A(丙氨酸),菌株GBC-2在63位的F(苯丙氨酸)突变为L(亮氨酸)(图1)。endprint
对抗二甲酰亚胺类杀菌剂(农利灵或菌核净)的灰葡萄孢菌株(GjBC-1、GBC-2、08NE35和09NE37)的组氨酸激酶基因检测,得到部分组氨酸激酶基因849 bp,翻译产物共282个氨基酸,有4个位点突变。菌株GjBC-1有2个位点突变,在82位和86位并分别由原来的Q(谷氨酰胺)和N(天冬酰胺)变异为P(脯氨酸)和S(丝氨酸)。菌株GBC-2有一个位点突变在78位并由原来的I(异亮氨酸)变异为N(天冬酰胺)。菌株09NE37有一个位点突变在274位,由原来的E(谷氨酸)突变为G(甘氨酸),菌株08NE35在所扩增的区域没有发现突变位点(图2)。
在酰胺类杀菌剂(环酰菌胺)的试验中,96株灰葡萄孢菌株的Bc-hch 基因进行扩增并得到1 171 bp的片段。使用限制性内切酶 Hha I 酶切Bc-hch 基因片段,酶切后的片段大小为517 bp和367 bp,说明这些菌株均对环酰菌胺敏感,与毒力测定结果(表5)一致。
3 小结与讨论
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[10] ALBERONI G,COLLINA M,LANEN C,et al.Field strains of Stemphylium vesicarium with a resistance to dicarboximide fungicides correlated with changes in a two-component histidine kinase[J].European Journal of Plant Pathology,2010,128(2):171-184.
[11] BILLARD A,FILLINGER S,LEROUX P,et al.Strong resistance to the fungicide fenhexamid entails a fitness cost in Botrytis cinerea,as shown by comparisons of isogenic strains[J].Pest Management Science,2012,68(5):684-691.
[12] KIM J,MIN J Y,BAE Y S,et al. Molecular analysis of Botrytis cinerea causing ginseng grey mold resistant to carbendazim and the mixture of carbendazim plus diethofencarb[J].Plant Pathology Journal,2009,25(4):322-327.
[13] 冯 丹,孙学鹏,姜丽英,等.浙江衢州地区柑橘绿霉病菌对抑霉唑和多菌灵的抗性水平及其分子机制[J].农药学学报,2011,13(4):341-346.
[14] FOURNIER E,LEVIS C,FORTINI D,et al.Characterization of BC-HCH,the Botrytis cinerea homolog of the Neurospora crassahet vegetative incompatibility locus,and its use as a population marker[J].Mycologia,2003,95(2):251-261.
[15] ZIOGAS B N,NIKOU D,MARKOGLOU A N.Identification of a novel point mutation in the β-tubulin gene of Botrytis cinerea and detection of benzimidazole resistance by a diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay[J].European Journal Plant Pathology,2009,125:97-107.
[16] KOENRAADT H,SOMERVILLE S C,JONES A L.Characterization of mutations in the beta-tubulin gene of benomyl-resistant field strains of Venturia inaequalis and other plant pathogenic fungi[J].Molecular Plant Pathology,1992,82:1348-1354.
[17] YARDEN O ,KATAN T.Mutation leading to substitutions at amino acids 198 and 200 of beta-tubulin that correlated with benomyl-resistance phenotypes of field strains of Botrytis cinerea[J].Phytopathology,1993,83:1478-1483.
[18] OSHIMA M,BANNO S,OKADA K.Survey of mutations of a histidine kinase gene BcOS1 in dicarboximide-resistant field isolates of Botrytis cinerea[J]. General Plant Pathology,2006,72:65-73.endprint
[9] 陈夕军,曹敏娟,孔维文,等.油菜菌核病菌抗腐霉利菌株的生理生化特性及抗药机制初步分析[J].中国油料作物学报,2010,32(4):534-539.
[10] ALBERONI G,COLLINA M,LANEN C,et al.Field strains of Stemphylium vesicarium with a resistance to dicarboximide fungicides correlated with changes in a two-component histidine kinase[J].European Journal of Plant Pathology,2010,128(2):171-184.
[11] BILLARD A,FILLINGER S,LEROUX P,et al.Strong resistance to the fungicide fenhexamid entails a fitness cost in Botrytis cinerea,as shown by comparisons of isogenic strains[J].Pest Management Science,2012,68(5):684-691.
[12] KIM J,MIN J Y,BAE Y S,et al. Molecular analysis of Botrytis cinerea causing ginseng grey mold resistant to carbendazim and the mixture of carbendazim plus diethofencarb[J].Plant Pathology Journal,2009,25(4):322-327.
[13] 冯 丹,孙学鹏,姜丽英,等.浙江衢州地区柑橘绿霉病菌对抑霉唑和多菌灵的抗性水平及其分子机制[J].农药学学报,2011,13(4):341-346.
[14] FOURNIER E,LEVIS C,FORTINI D,et al.Characterization of BC-HCH,the Botrytis cinerea homolog of the Neurospora crassahet vegetative incompatibility locus,and its use as a population marker[J].Mycologia,2003,95(2):251-261.
[15] ZIOGAS B N,NIKOU D,MARKOGLOU A N.Identification of a novel point mutation in the β-tubulin gene of Botrytis cinerea and detection of benzimidazole resistance by a diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay[J].European Journal Plant Pathology,2009,125:97-107.
[16] KOENRAADT H,SOMERVILLE S C,JONES A L.Characterization of mutations in the beta-tubulin gene of benomyl-resistant field strains of Venturia inaequalis and other plant pathogenic fungi[J].Molecular Plant Pathology,1992,82:1348-1354.
[17] YARDEN O ,KATAN T.Mutation leading to substitutions at amino acids 198 and 200 of beta-tubulin that correlated with benomyl-resistance phenotypes of field strains of Botrytis cinerea[J].Phytopathology,1993,83:1478-1483.
[18] OSHIMA M,BANNO S,OKADA K.Survey of mutations of a histidine kinase gene BcOS1 in dicarboximide-resistant field isolates of Botrytis cinerea[J]. General Plant Pathology,2006,72:65-73.endprint