
2014-11-15 22:35苏晓恩等
中外医疗 2014年17期


[摘要] 目的 探讨自然杀伤T细胞(NKT)在髋关节骨关节炎(HO)患者的表达与临床意义。 方法 收集45例HO患者外周血,采用流式细胞术检测其内NKT及其胞内细胞因子γ干扰素(IFN-γ)及白介素4(IL-4)的含量。并与45例类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者进行对比。结果 与健康对照组比较,RA及HO组患者NKT及IFN-γ均显著降低差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在IL-4的比较方面,RA组显著低于对照组,但HO组IL-4与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.098)。治疗后RA及HO组NKT、IFN-γ及IL-4均较治疗前不同程度上升,均以HO回升幅度明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但治疗后RA组IFN-γ频率较前无统计学变化,而HO组较治疗前明显上升,且HO组IFN-γ频率明显高于RA组(P=0.006)。结论 NKT在HO免疫机制当中起到重要作用,其细胞因子IL-10在HO与RA的鉴别起到重要作用,且IFN-γ与疗效密切相关。

[关键词] 骨关节炎;自然杀伤T细胞;细胞因子;γ干扰素

[中图分类号] R684.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2014)06(b)-0025-03

[Abstract] Objective To explore the expression and clinical significance of natural killer T cells (NKT) in patients with hip osteoarthritis(HO). Methods The peripheral blood of 45 patients with HO was collected. Flow cytometry was used to detect the content of NKT and intracellular cytokine gamma interferon(IFN-γ) and interleukin 4(IL-4), and compared with 45 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Results Compared with the healthy controls, NKT and IFN-γ of the patients in RA group and HO group were significantly lower(P<0.05); in terms of IL-4, compared with the control group, the IL-4 of RA group was lower, but the difference in IL-4 between HO group and control group was not statistically significant(P=0.098). After the treatment, the level of NKT, IFN-gamma and IL-4 of RA group and HO group increased at different levels as compared with those before treatment, and those of HO group increased significantly(P<0.05); IFN-gamma frequency of RA group after treatment showed no statistically change as compared with that before treatment, but that of HO group increased significantly compared with that before treatment, and IFN-gamma frequency of HO group was obviously higher than that of RA group(P=0.006). Conclusion The NKT play an important role in the HO immunity mechanism, the cytokine IL-10 plays an important role in differentiating HO and RA, and is closely related to the curative effect of IFN-gamma.

[Key words] Osteoarthritis; Natural killer T cells; Cytokines; Gamma interferon

目前国外研究发现免疫异常是骨关节炎(Osteoarthritis, OA)病情进展的重要机制[1]。国内外研究已发现具有自然杀伤细胞(NK)和T细胞(TC)双重活性的自然杀伤T细胞(NKT)在类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者表达减少,是RA病情加重的重要免疫因素[2]。为探讨自然杀伤T细胞(NKT)在髋关节骨关节炎(HO)患者的表达与临床意义,该研究选取2011年1月—2013年6月该院骨科就诊的45例HO患者为研究对象,推测NKT可能在OA的发病机制起到重要作用。该研究通过流式细胞术观察髋关节骨关节炎(HO) 患者外周血NKT及其胞内细胞因子γ干扰素(IFN-γ)及白介素4(IL-4)的含量,发现其呈一定的特征性变化,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 标本采集与治疗

清晨空腹抽取以上3组的静脉血约5 mL。采用NSAID类抗炎药对HO及RA组患者进行治疗,4周后再次采集外周血[4]。以上标本均抗凝保存于4℃冰箱内待测。

1.3 流式细胞术


1.4 统计方法

计量资料采用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用两独立样本t检验比较两组间的差异,运用配对t检验比较治疗前后的指标变化,计数资料采用χ2分析LSD法进行3组间的两两比较,使用统计软件包SPSS 13.0分析数据。

2 结果

2.1 3组的NKT及其细胞因子比较


2.2 治疗前后NKT及其细胞因子的变化情况


3 讨论






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[3] Bosma A, Abdel-Gadir A, Isenberg DA, et al. Lipid-antigen presentation by CD1d(+) B cells is essential for the maintenance of invariant natural killer T cells[J].. Immunity,2012,36(3):477-490.

[4] Watters RJ, Liu X, Loughran TP Jr.T-cell and natural killer-cell 5large granular lymphocyte leukemia neoplasias[J].Leuk Lymphoma,2011, 52(12):2217-2225.endprint

[5] de Menthon M, Lambert M, Guiard E, et al. Excessive interleukin-15 transpresentation endows NKG2D+CD4+ T cells with innate-like capacity to lyse vascular endothelium in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)[J].Arthritis Rheum,2011,63(7):2116-2126.

[6] Yoshiga Y, Goto D, Segawa S, et al. Activation of natural killer T cells by α-carba-GalCer (RCAI-56), a novel synthetic glycolipid ligand, suppresses murine collagen-induced arthritis[J].Clin Exp Immunol,2011,164(2):236-247.

[7] Liu Y, Shu Q, Gao L, et al. Increased Tim-3 expression on peripheral lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis negatively correlates with disease activity[J].Clin Immunol,2010,137(2):288-295.

[8] Lfgren SE, Delgado-Vega AM, Gallant CJ, et al. A 3'-untranslated region variant is associated with impaired expression of CD226 in T and natural killer T cells and is associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(11):3404-3414.

[9] Jung S, Park YK, Shin JH, et al. The requirement of natural killer T-cells in tolerogenic APCs-mediated suppression of collagen-induced arthritis[J].Exp Mol Med,2010,42(8):547-554.

[10] Tudhope SJ, von Delwig A, Falconer J, et al. Profound invariant natural killer T-cell deficiency in inflammatory arthritis[J].Ann Rheum Dis,2010,69(10):1873-1879.

[11] Jacques P, Venken K, Van Beneden K, et al. Invariant natural killer T cells are natural regulators of murine spondylarthritis[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(4):988-999.

[12] Miellot-Gafsou A, Biton J, Bourgeois E, et al. Early activation of invariant natural killer T cells in a rheumatoid arthritis model and application to disease treatment[J].Immunology,2010,130(2):296-306.


[5] de Menthon M, Lambert M, Guiard E, et al. Excessive interleukin-15 transpresentation endows NKG2D+CD4+ T cells with innate-like capacity to lyse vascular endothelium in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)[J].Arthritis Rheum,2011,63(7):2116-2126.

[6] Yoshiga Y, Goto D, Segawa S, et al. Activation of natural killer T cells by α-carba-GalCer (RCAI-56), a novel synthetic glycolipid ligand, suppresses murine collagen-induced arthritis[J].Clin Exp Immunol,2011,164(2):236-247.

[7] Liu Y, Shu Q, Gao L, et al. Increased Tim-3 expression on peripheral lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis negatively correlates with disease activity[J].Clin Immunol,2010,137(2):288-295.

[8] Lfgren SE, Delgado-Vega AM, Gallant CJ, et al. A 3'-untranslated region variant is associated with impaired expression of CD226 in T and natural killer T cells and is associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(11):3404-3414.

[9] Jung S, Park YK, Shin JH, et al. The requirement of natural killer T-cells in tolerogenic APCs-mediated suppression of collagen-induced arthritis[J].Exp Mol Med,2010,42(8):547-554.

[10] Tudhope SJ, von Delwig A, Falconer J, et al. Profound invariant natural killer T-cell deficiency in inflammatory arthritis[J].Ann Rheum Dis,2010,69(10):1873-1879.

[11] Jacques P, Venken K, Van Beneden K, et al. Invariant natural killer T cells are natural regulators of murine spondylarthritis[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(4):988-999.

[12] Miellot-Gafsou A, Biton J, Bourgeois E, et al. Early activation of invariant natural killer T cells in a rheumatoid arthritis model and application to disease treatment[J].Immunology,2010,130(2):296-306.


[5] de Menthon M, Lambert M, Guiard E, et al. Excessive interleukin-15 transpresentation endows NKG2D+CD4+ T cells with innate-like capacity to lyse vascular endothelium in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)[J].Arthritis Rheum,2011,63(7):2116-2126.

[6] Yoshiga Y, Goto D, Segawa S, et al. Activation of natural killer T cells by α-carba-GalCer (RCAI-56), a novel synthetic glycolipid ligand, suppresses murine collagen-induced arthritis[J].Clin Exp Immunol,2011,164(2):236-247.

[7] Liu Y, Shu Q, Gao L, et al. Increased Tim-3 expression on peripheral lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis negatively correlates with disease activity[J].Clin Immunol,2010,137(2):288-295.

[8] Lfgren SE, Delgado-Vega AM, Gallant CJ, et al. A 3'-untranslated region variant is associated with impaired expression of CD226 in T and natural killer T cells and is associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(11):3404-3414.

[9] Jung S, Park YK, Shin JH, et al. The requirement of natural killer T-cells in tolerogenic APCs-mediated suppression of collagen-induced arthritis[J].Exp Mol Med,2010,42(8):547-554.

[10] Tudhope SJ, von Delwig A, Falconer J, et al. Profound invariant natural killer T-cell deficiency in inflammatory arthritis[J].Ann Rheum Dis,2010,69(10):1873-1879.

[11] Jacques P, Venken K, Van Beneden K, et al. Invariant natural killer T cells are natural regulators of murine spondylarthritis[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(4):988-999.

[12] Miellot-Gafsou A, Biton J, Bourgeois E, et al. Early activation of invariant natural killer T cells in a rheumatoid arthritis model and application to disease treatment[J].Immunology,2010,130(2):296-306.

