
2014-10-30 19:51周建涛秦炳山等
河北经贸大学学报 2014年6期

周建涛 秦炳山等



中图分类号:D90 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2101(2014)06-0138-05


自保险业诞生之日起,保险欺诈(Insurance Fraud)随之而来。美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)“政府档案交流中心”(Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse,TRAC)统计,2011年1-8月美国发生903起健康险欺诈诉讼,相比2010年、2006年、1991年分别增加85%、157%和822%;美国保险研究委员会(Insurance Research Council,IRC)发现,2007年美国汽车人身伤害保险欺诈造成保险公司多支出48亿美元~68亿美元;英国保险人协会(Association of British Insurers,ABI)估计,保险欺诈每年给保险业带来20亿英镑损失,未能识别的欺诈金额每年高达19亿英镑,每个投保人每年额外支付约44英镑。广东省是我国经济、保险发达地区,索赔欺诈相对严重:东莞,2010年财产险赔付支出21.79亿元,其中约4亿元属于欺诈索赔;深圳,2008年各保险机构车险赔案,疑似骗赔案件976起,涉案金额超过2 000万元,某些险种欺诈导致的赔款支出最高达到保费收入的5倍。














欺诈总额,从79.48元~399 138.7元不等,均值29 121.08元,不同案件欺诈金额差异很大。135例欺诈案件中,意外伤害住院医疗保险(63例)欺诈数量最多,其次为疾病住院医疗保险(35例)和伤残保险(33例)。从子项欺诈金额看,疾病身故保险(1例)与意外伤害身故保险(25例)欺诈均值最高,分别为80 000元和68 267.09元;其次是伤残保险(33例)和重大疾病保险(1例),分别为30 901.44元和10 000元;疾病医疗保险(1例)最低,均值499.5元。


为避免多重共线性,本文筛选出的各变量容忍度(Tolerance)均大于0.2,方差膨胀因子(Variance inflation factor,VIF)均小于5,Logistic回归结果见表4。

表4显示,极大似然估计值为195.624,Nagelkerke R2为0.615,说明模型拟合度较好;从P-value看,年龄41~50岁、年龄51~60岁、工人、北京市区、北京郊区县、高保险金额、健康险、长期保险、摔扭伤、交通事故机动车司机伤害、被保险人索赔、非律师参与的回归系数在5%置信度水平下显著不为零,年龄41~50岁、年龄51~60岁、工人、北京市区、北京郊区县、高保险金额、健康险、长期保险、摔扭伤、交通事故机动车司机伤害、被保险人索赔、非律师参与是欺诈概率识别的关键要素。


高保险金额回归系数为1.352,高保险金额比低保险金额欺诈对数发生比平均高1.352倍,欺诈和保险金额正相关,高保险金额更会诱致欺诈,例如疾病身故保险欺诈金额80 000元,意外伤害身故保险欺诈金额68 267.09元。长期保险回归系数为-1.198,长保险期间比短保险期间欺诈对数发生比平均低1.198倍,欺诈与保险期间负相关,短期保险更易导致欺诈,例如意外伤害住院医疗保险欺诈63例,可能为弥补保费和免赔额而欺诈。健康险回归系数为2.811,健康险比意外险欺诈对数发生比平均高2.811倍,可能是健康险承保常免于体检,便于被保险人隐瞒所患疾病。




1. 年龄41~50岁、年龄51~60岁欺诈概率甚于其他年龄组,其中年龄41~50岁欺诈频次最多,年龄51~60岁欺诈概率最大。工人欺诈概率甚于其他职业。北京欺诈概率甚于外地,北京郊区县欺诈概率甚于北京市区。建议保险公司理赔时,重点审查年龄41~50岁、年龄51~60岁、工人、北京、北京郊区县等投保方特征。

2. 保险金额与欺诈概率正相关,身故保险金额较高,欺诈概率远甚于其他保险。保险期间与欺诈概率负相关,意外伤害住院医疗保险期限较短,欺诈概率远甚于其他保险。健康险欺诈概率甚于意外险。建议保险公司理赔时,高度关注高保险金额、短期保险、健康保险等保单信息。

3. 摔扭伤欺诈概率甚于其他伤害,交通事故机动车司机伤害欺诈概率甚于交通事故非机动车伤害。被保险人索赔欺诈概率甚于投保人索赔,非律师参与欺诈概率甚于律师参与。建议保险公司理赔时,重视保险事故类型(摔扭伤、交通事故机动车司机伤害)、索赔人类型(被保险人索赔)、律师是否参与(非律师参与)等案件情况。


[1]M. Artís,M. Ayuso,M. Guillén. Detection of Automobile Insurance Fraud with Discrete Choice Models and Misclassified Claims. The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2002,(69):325-340.

[2]S.B. Caudill,M. Ayuso,M. Guillén. Fraud Detection Using a Multinomial Logit Model With Missing Information. The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2005,(72):539-550.

[3]J.Ai,P. Brockett,and L. Golden. Assessing Consumer Fraud Risk in Insurance Claims with Discrete and Continuous Data. North American Actuarial Journal,2009,(13):438-458.

[4]J.P. Boucher,M. Denuit,M. Guillen. Number of Accidents or Number of Claims? An Approach with Zero-Inflated Poisson Models for Panel Data,The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2009,(76):821-846.

[5]H.J. Smoluk. Long-Term Disability Claims Rates and the Consumption-to-Wealth Ratio. The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2009,(76):109-131.



Abstract: The insurance claim process is often accompanied by the claimant exaggerated claims. This article regresses the 258 accident and health insurance sample data of claiming litigations between 2000 and 2011 with descriptive statistics and Logistic model, finding that the 41-50 and 51-60 year-old is worse than the other year-old, and the 41-50 with the highest fraud frequency and the 51-60 with the highest fraud probability; the worker' fraud is worse than the others'; Beijing is worse than other areas, and Beijing suburb worse than Beijing city; fraud is significantly positive with insurance amount, the death insurance from illness with the largest fraud amounts, fraud is significantly negative with insurance term, casualty hospitalization insurance with the highest fraud frequency, health insurance worse than accident; strain/sprain fraud is worse than trauma, troublemaker in a traffic accident worse than the injured, the insured fraud worse than the insurant, fraud with non-lawyer worse than that with lawyer.

Key words: fraud probability, the insured characteristics, policy information, the case circumstances, health insurance, statistical analysis, insurance amount, lawyer

[5]H.J. Smoluk. Long-Term Disability Claims Rates and the Consumption-to-Wealth Ratio. The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2009,(76):109-131.



Abstract: The insurance claim process is often accompanied by the claimant exaggerated claims. This article regresses the 258 accident and health insurance sample data of claiming litigations between 2000 and 2011 with descriptive statistics and Logistic model, finding that the 41-50 and 51-60 year-old is worse than the other year-old, and the 41-50 with the highest fraud frequency and the 51-60 with the highest fraud probability; the worker' fraud is worse than the others'; Beijing is worse than other areas, and Beijing suburb worse than Beijing city; fraud is significantly positive with insurance amount, the death insurance from illness with the largest fraud amounts, fraud is significantly negative with insurance term, casualty hospitalization insurance with the highest fraud frequency, health insurance worse than accident; strain/sprain fraud is worse than trauma, troublemaker in a traffic accident worse than the injured, the insured fraud worse than the insurant, fraud with non-lawyer worse than that with lawyer.

Key words: fraud probability, the insured characteristics, policy information, the case circumstances, health insurance, statistical analysis, insurance amount, lawyer

[5]H.J. Smoluk. Long-Term Disability Claims Rates and the Consumption-to-Wealth Ratio. The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2009,(76):109-131.



Abstract: The insurance claim process is often accompanied by the claimant exaggerated claims. This article regresses the 258 accident and health insurance sample data of claiming litigations between 2000 and 2011 with descriptive statistics and Logistic model, finding that the 41-50 and 51-60 year-old is worse than the other year-old, and the 41-50 with the highest fraud frequency and the 51-60 with the highest fraud probability; the worker' fraud is worse than the others'; Beijing is worse than other areas, and Beijing suburb worse than Beijing city; fraud is significantly positive with insurance amount, the death insurance from illness with the largest fraud amounts, fraud is significantly negative with insurance term, casualty hospitalization insurance with the highest fraud frequency, health insurance worse than accident; strain/sprain fraud is worse than trauma, troublemaker in a traffic accident worse than the injured, the insured fraud worse than the insurant, fraud with non-lawyer worse than that with lawyer.

Key words: fraud probability, the insured characteristics, policy information, the case circumstances, health insurance, statistical analysis, insurance amount, lawyer

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